Momo’s Rules or Momo Rules!

Hold Still
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Song Vibes:

Rainy Seasons by Mamamoo

Be Calm by Hwasa

Honey cover by WheeIn by Kehlani







“So she’s yours, is that what you're telling me?"

Momo placed her spoon down. Silence enveloped them.


Sana thought Momo was done. Oh, she was wrong.


“Momo that’s not what I meant..” Sana faced the girl sat behind her arms raised ready to explain.


“Yeah? So my best friend who I've shared from the beginning how I am crushing on my roommate is telling me that she ing likes that said roommate who she would not have met if not for me introducing them? 


Hm? Is that what you’re trying to say Sattang?


Do you remember denying time and time again when I ask if you did?

Cause I do” 



Momo was … on a roll and


… on point. 




Sana’s hands were trembling. But she was honest then, every time Momo asked, she was sure of her lack of feelings. It was absurd even then.


So what happened...


Her eyes were trained on the floor. When she saw teardrops on the floor beside her feet. She realized her tears betrayed her.


Momo was waiting for a reply. This was long time coming.


Sana slowly reached out for Momo’s hands on the table. She was so afraid that she would not let her hold them. But thankfully, she did.


“Momo. I didn’t mean to. I swear. I tried to stop my feelings but ...” 


Sana paused to catch her breath. She can’t even look Momo in the eyes.

Have you ever been in  such a dilemma? Like air became so scarce and... 


“... the more I tried to stop it. The more it grew and grew until I was helpless. I wanted to tell you but I just got so afraid. I hope you can-“ 


Momo let go of her hand, stood and took her leave. 






Sana closed her eyes as another wave of tears broke free. Stupid, stupid Sana, she chanted in her head.













...there were these familiar arms around her. They were heavy and tight.


“Here’s a tissue. Wipe your snot Sattang."

A sigh.











"Finally, you were honest.”

Momo came back after grabbing some tissue and began to wipe Sana's tears.






Sana cried harder.






Sana stared hard at Momo reading her eyes. She briefly thought if the tissue Momo just handed was laced with poison. Because Sana thinks she deserves that.

She was getting caught off guard that she was this scared regarding the matter.




“You are not mad?”


Sana frowned as Momo had the knack to laugh.


“, please. I lost my silly crush a long time ago. You though…” Momo was looking so smug wiggling her eyebrows at her. Eyes toying with Sana’s swollen face.


"Momo! That's so..." Sana was very bothered upon Momo's trickery.  And was troubled upon knowing what had her feelings for Dahyun had become.


Maybe that little confrontation was Momo’s way to get back at her best friend for stealing the pale girl away. A bit evil, she knows. Momo was a little minx but she didn’t expect Sana to cry a river though.


Well, yeah, not that she was ever Momo’s. Not that Dahyun is an object  to be owned, okay? She is just such a baby one could not help to pamper. Momo was not an exception.


“Okay! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just can't pass up the chance to make you talk." Momo expressed her defense with amusement on her face.


"I didn't know you would cry though, big baby." She continued as she wrapped the girl in a bear hug.



Sana was quietly wiping her leftover tears. 


Momo waited for her to compose herself. She didn't really anticipate that Sana was that afraid.






"Are we good?" Momo asked as she planted her chin on the girl's shoulder.


Sniff, sniff.



"I don't  know" Sana mumbled.




Momo frowned. Maybe, she did went overboard.  "Sattang-"




"I mean are you sure, you're not hurt?" Sana clarified looking at the tissue then at Momo's eyes.





"Well.." But Momo couldn't help herself from scaring the poor girl.



Sana was dreading Momo who's letting her words hang in the air.




"Momo, just please tell me if..." And Momo was laughing again as Sana burst in a few more tears.




Sana finally got her friend's antics.



She slapped the laughing girl in the arm. " you! It's not funny! I'm terrified here!"






" Sattang. You're so easy right now, all just because of my baby Dahyunnie" Momo provoked further.



"Shut up! Be serious for once" Sana glared at her. Not yours, she wanted to say but she supposed its not the time.



"Excuse you. At least I'm apparent with my feelings unlike some people" Momo quipped grabbing a glass of water before Sana attacked her again.



"I seriously hate you right now" Sana groaned checking how swollen her face is  on her phone mirror.




"Nye, nye." Momo mocked.


"At least I didn't steal your crush from you"  She let out after placing the glass for Sana. Then was quick to distance herself from Sana's reach.



"Oh my gosh, you're not gonna let me live this through." Sana agonized holding her forehead upon the realization that the future would now consist of Momo tormenting her for this.



"Why would I? Tofu stealer." Momo sneered then Sana has had it and bolted out of her chair to strangle her friend.



"Momoring comeback here!" Sana's shout can be heard as Momo ran out the room, not before grabbing her phone. 











Sana opened the door, ready to pounce on Momo.


"Woah? What did I do?" Dahyun  stepped back when the door revealed Sana who was about to beat her up.


"Oh, no. Sorry! I thought you're Momo" Sana explained quickly embarrassed. She moved inside letting Dahyun enter.


"What did she do?" Dahyun was amused.




"Nothing. Just being an ." Sana answered while they went into Dahyun's room. The rain seemed to be dying down. But the windows were misted a little.



"Okay. I bought pizza, you want?" Dahyun offered as she looked at the girl sat on her bed. She raised the pizza box. 


Sana shook her head. "Still full. Thank you though" Dahyun nodded.








Dahyun was eating her second slice while watching  a drama on her phone. She was quietly humming to her self as she laughs or comments every now and then with what  she was watching.


Then something was seemingly unusual, that's when she noticed how silent Sana was for quite a while. 


"Hey, um where did Momo go?" She asked and Sana laid her head against the pillow after being seated for a long while.


"I don't know. She didn't say anything" Sana proceeded to message the said girl of her whereabouts.





Dahyun was quick to finish  her pizza and  proceed  to the kitchen. Then she went to brush her teeth.



"Are you sleeping over?" Dahyun asked  stood by the bathroom door. But the question was left hanging.





The door opened and here comes Momo.


"Hello world!" She broadcasted.


"There's pizza on the kitchen, unnie" Dahyun stated making the girl fake gasp.


"For me?" She was quick to engulf the girl and plant kisses on her hair and cheeks. Dahyun was fruitless in swatting her away.


"Yay! Is Sattang still here?" Momo asked as she checked Dahyun's room. Dahyun nodded.




"Oh. Hey, you're still here" Momo innocently greeted the girl on the bed. Sana who was on her phone and heard the commotion, flipped Momo the bird.


"Dahyunah! Sana is being mean!" Momo complained as she secretly flipped Sana back with both of her middle fingers.



Dahyun was busy on checking and writing some notes in the mini sofa. "Guys, please behave," She calmly spoke.




After a while,

"Come join me Sattang" Momo shouted  from the kitchen. She usually dislikes eating alone. She also believes the food would taste 30% better when she has a companion to eat it with. Preferably, a hungry one. Dahyun was obviously busy and probably ate already.



Silence. Seems like Sana was ignoring her. Momo wanted to check. She snickered.




"Dahyunnie! Did you know that Sana a while ago, she was sayimmfff-" Momo began to shout which was quick to prompt Sana to ran back to the kitchen.




"What is it unnie?" Dahyun replied while preoccupied. 




"Nothing!"  Sana was the one to answer. Momo was cackling watching Sana forced to join her. Secretly, she was also hungry again.



"You sure?"




"Yes, baby. Focus on your notes now." Momo replied satisfied that she was eating her favourite flavor of pizza.


Dahyun and her have the same taste in junk foods, too bad the connection just seemed to end there. Oh well, at least her crush from three floors down said 'Hi' to her a while ago. She chewed happily with that in mind.


Sana was eyeing the smile on Momo's features as she ate her first slice of the pizza. With caution.



"I'm sorry Momoring, please stop teasing especially when she's around" She began to say a little bit too gentle. She knows not to provoke her now.



"Sana, I'm not mad. I'm just enjoying you all this worked up. Let me have this" Momo replied making pretty eyes while Sana whined.



It was time to wash the dishes and Sana and Momo usually play rock, paper, scissor when neither wishes to do so.


Momo was paper. Sana was scissors.


Sana smirked and made a mini victory dance. Swaying her bottoms as she left Momo to do the dishes.


But you see,



"Dahyunnah, just wanna share what Sana told me a while ago that you are sfgdshff-" Sana was back in the kitchen covering Momo's mouth.


Dahyun also then went into the kitchen. She found the two silently bickering.


"What is it unnie?"



"Just you see, Sana here would like to ask if, if  she can sleep over?" That was the best Momo could come up with.


Sana exhaled in relief while Momo went and left the two there.



"Um, why would you have to ask? You know you're always welcome here, right?" Dahyun was confused and bothered that Sana felt the need to ask that. Is it because of a while ago?



"I know and thank you. Its nothing though, go back to your notes" Sana replied with a smile. She began to wash the dishes.


"You sure?"



"Yup. Don't worry" But still Dahyun was a little worried as she went away.








Dahyun was copying the notes she borrowed from Tzuyu a while ago. She was grateful that Tzuyu still lets her borrow them even if she often scolds her for not listening much in that certain class. She had to bribe her with some bread. Expensive fluffy ones.


Sana was lounging back on Dahyun's bed. She changed into one of her spare clothes that she left on Momo's cabinet. She was resting her feet that felt a little sore.


After, a few minutes. Dahyun began to  organized her scattered notes, pen and highlighters. Then she went back to her room.



"You done?" Sana asked not looking away from the game she was playing.




"Good. You can rest now" Sana answered.


While Dahyun went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Momo also left her room and found Dahyun there.


"What is it you were trying to say a while ago?" Dahyun tried to pry giving space for Momo to have some water.


Momo laughed and patted Dahyun's cheeks. "Nothing important, Dahyunnie"



Dahyun placed the glass on the sink.





Momo had an epiphany. She cleared .



"Well, we were just joking around. Sana kind of thought you'd still be an inexperienced kisser while I said in defense, you would be a good one because look at those cute lips of y

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 2: Looking for cuddle buddy now ☺️
festinger #3
Chapter 2: Omg that's soooo warm....
maygoddess #4
Chapter 1: this is so warm and cuteee
Van1212 #5
I keep coming back to this fic, It is just so comforting.
Asianfanficreader1 #6
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i love this
Chapter 2: Momo the troll queen! I loved this!
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Dahye_39 #10
Chapter 2: 100000/10