
I know some blonde people...very blonde people

“Today you mean today!!” Deirdre said harshly glaring at Bailey. Yongguk shot up from his chair.

“Don’t answer it! Everyone get dressed hurry” Yongguk commanded, making everyone hurry for their rooms. Soon everyone was standing next to the door fully dressed waiting for Yongguk to open the door. Yongguk slowly opened the door to see his twin standing there with a relieved face.

“Geez I thought you weren’t home” Yongguk’s brother said as he gave Yongguk a hug.

“Yeah sorry about that” Yongguk said stumbling over his words slightly.

“Wow so clean…last time I was here it was like a train wreck…oh! You got maids, did they do this??” he asked pointing to Bailey and Deirdre.

“…Yeah! There our maids!” Jongup bursted out of nowhere earning glares from the two.

“Ooo Americans! Nice…do you…ya know” His brother said wiggling his eyebrows, nudging Yongguk.

“Just like Yongguk” Deirdre mumbled shaking her head.

“ohh Yongnam this is Deirdre and Bailey” Yongguk introduced.

“hey ladies” Yongnam said with a smile, “Oh Yongguk do you mind if I stay for the week?” he asked turning to Yongguk.

“I’m not cleaning after him” Bailey mumbled, Deirdre elbowed her to quiet down.

“But you’re the maid” Yongnam said

“Yeah for B.A.P not yo-ow!” Bailey rubbed her side where Deirdre elbowed her again.

“What’s your problem?” She yelled at Deirdre.

“Don’t be rude” Deirdre said through her teeth.

“Don’t be rude” Bailey mocked rolling her eyes.

“I swear I’m-“Deirdre was cut off by Yongnam.

“Oh! Cat fight!”

“They do this all the time” Zelo commented.

“fine…I don’t care if he stays, but…he has to leave all his in his car or somewhere else because I don’t want to find any more under Zelo’s bed” Bailey gave Zelo a pointed look.

“Uhm shutdown sorry!” Zelo fell to the ground.

“Yah! Don’t play that game with me!” Bailey said nudging zelo with her foot. Everyone looked at the two as Bailey yelled at Zelo.

“So you’re staying for the week?” Deirdre asked looking at Yongguk then at Yongnam.

“Why yes I am” Yongnam said wiggling his eyebrows yet again. Deirdre shook her head and went to her room, he tried to follow her but Yongguk held him back.

“Oh c’mon she wanted me” Yongnam said looking up asYongguk who just shook his head at him. Bailey looked up from Zelo,

“Where did Deirdre go?” she asked looking around.

“Upstairs…” Himchan said pointing to the stairs, Bailey nodded heading that way.

“Deirdre! I just remembered something~” Bailey bellowed as she went up the stairs,”you have to take me to toddler zone and I would like to now!!” Bailey finished finally reaching the door.

“Fine I’ll take you” Deirdre said making Bailey look at her in confusion.



Yay!” Bailey squealed doing a little dance as they went back downstairs.

“You two going somewhere?” Youngjae asked as he watched Bailey dance around in excitement.

“She’s finally taking me to toddler zone” Bailey said happily.

“Seriously?” Yongguk said looking at the two

“Unfortunately…” Deirdre sighed.

“I have to see this?” Daehyun said, ”mind if I join you two?”

“Yeah, gives me someone to talk to” Deirdre said as she waited for Bailey to finish putting her shoes on.

“We’ll come too, I don’t think you’ll bring Bailey back” Youngjae said.

“All of us?” Himchan asked earning a glare from Youngjae, “ok…where all going then” he quickly said going to put his shoes on.

“Yay! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Bailey ran out of the apartment.

“Hey no running! Slow down you’re going to get hurt! Watch out for cars!” Deirdre started as the got out of the building running after her.

“How old is she?” Yongnam asked.

“I have no clue” Yongguk looked over at Youngjae, “How old is she?”

“She’s just a couple month’s younger than me” Bailey ran towards Youngjae and grabbed his arm tugging him the direction she wanted to go.

“Come on!” they decided to walk to toddler zone.

“Do any of you know which way we need to go?” Bailey asked turning and looking at the group.

“You mean you don’t know?” Deirdre asked.

“You are very correct sir” Bailey said saluting Deirdre.

“Sir? Wh-“ Deirdre started.

“I have directions here” Youngjae said looking down at his phone.

“Yay!” Bailey yelled out in excitement, “Let’s go!” Bailey ran off.

“It’s the other way!” Youngjae yelled Bailey turned around and went the other way.

“What did I say about running?” Deirdre yelled. Bailey stopped and put her head down.

“You said not to…” She mumbled.

“Then don’t do it if you can’t be good we will go home” Deirdre said sternly.

“No! I’ll be good promise” Bailey stuck out her pinky.

“No” Deirdre said shaking her head; Bailey hooked her pinky with Deirdre’s pinky.

“It counts”

“If you say so” Deirdre said catching up with everyone, the 25 minute walk to toddler zone was filled with talking and Bailey asking that dreaded question.

“Are we there yet?” Bailey whined.

“Shut up!” Daehyun said surprising everyone.

“Geez my bad” Bailey murmured, they walked a little further, “are we-“

“Yes!” Youngjae said cutting Bailey off.

“Really?” Bailey said with big smile. No one bothered to answer her and walked into the tall building. Daehyun walked over to the Building map.

“Toddler Zone is on the 6th floor” He read out loud, “and the elevator are…” he scanned the map” That way” he pointed to his right. The elevators were glass and you could look outside as you rode them.

“Umm I’m sure we can find something else to do on the first floor I mean-“Bailey blubbered on but was cut off by Deirdre pushing her into the elevator. The whole way up to the 6th floor Bailey had a steel grip on Youngjae the whole way up while Deirdre was up against the glass looking out in awe.

“I hope you fall out” Bailey mumbled. The bell dinged and as soon as the door was open Bailey ran out of the elevator with her eyes still closed.

“I’m taking the stairs down when were done” Bailey yelled out when she finally opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the sign that said ‘Toddler Zone’ in big bold letters. Bailey squealed and raced into the place.

“Now what have I told her about running” Deirdre sighed shaking her head. The others laughed and walked calmly behind Deirdre, when they got inside the saw Bailey looking around in awe and bouncing around in excitement. She couldn’t decide what to do first, there where so many options. The others watched in amusement as Bailey went around playing she was having more fun than the children. Suddenly Bailey rounded the corner and grabbed Youngjae’s hand dragging him to a room in the back while the others looked at  the two in bewilderment, when the two came out Bailey was in giant yellow tiger animal pajamas and Youngjae, following a little reluctantly, was wearing cow pajamas. Everyone laughed at Youngjae while they were so busy laughing Bailey pulled poor Jongup in the same room. A couple minutes later he came out dressed in the penguin pajamas. Everyone proceeded to laugh even harder as Jongup waddled around like a penguin.

“Oh Oh! Me next!” Zelo said jumping around pulling Bailey to the back room. He came out dressed as a kangaroo.

“Your next pinky!” Bailey yelled out motioning for Himchan to follow her.

“But...” Himchan started.

“Now” Bailey sternly said. Himchan slowly followed Bailey to the room, about five minutes later he came out dressed as a flying squirrel.

“This isn’t funny!” Himchan said flapping his arms up and down. All they did was laugh and snort. Bailey pointed to Daehyun and motioned him to come. Daehyun looked at her, shaking his head slowly backing away from her. Bailey rushed over and grabbed him by the ear pulling him her way. Minutes later he walked out dressed in the monkey pajamas. Deirdre jogged in happily throwing her arms up in excitement, soon enough she came out dresses as a dinosaur with matching slippers and everything waving her tail around happily. Yongnam on the other hand was slightly harder than everyone else but eventually he gave up and came out dressed as a frog. Yongguk was the biggest struggle. It took the other members, his brother, and the girls to get him in there. He was kicking and screaming, from the crashes and yelling coming from the room it was apparent to everyone it wasn’t going any better for Bailey in that room. Finally after 10 minutes Yongguk came out dressed as a yellow duckie. His arms where crossed and there was a pout on his face.

“Oh stop pouting we all had to do it” Yongnam told him.

“I don’t pout” he grumbled back. Bailey skipped over and honked Yongguk's nose while making a quacking sound then skipping over to Youngjae and started to play with his hand since she couldn’t reach his hair. Soon enough she went and continued to play.

“She…is so….weird” Yongnam said.

“I know” Youngjae smiled like an idiot and went to catch up with Bailey to make sure she didn’t get hurt or hurt anyone else. Yongguk continued to ‘not pout’ for several minutes before Deirdre said something.

“Its ok buttercup you’re still pretty” Deirdre patted Yongguk's back and walked away leaving him stunned. Several hours later everyone was trying to get Bailey out of the building.

“But I don’t wanna!” Bailey yelled kicking and screaming while Deirdre was dragging her away by the feet. Deirdre stopped pulling and crouched down to Bailey.

“If you go nicely and quietly Youngjae will give you a piggyback ride” Deirdre told her in an unnaturally sweet tone. Bailey popped up in excitement and went and stood on a bench with her arms outstretched waiting for Youngjae to come over. He sighed and made his way over to her standing so his back was facing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck then hopped onto his back. He grabbed onto her thighs and adjusted her.

“Tally ho!” Bailey yelled out in English pointing towards the exit. The boys all looked at Deirdre in confusion hoping she would translate but she just shook her head. It was late when they got home Bailey had fallen asleep on Youngjae’s shoulder at some point and everyone else was dead on their heels.

“I’m going to take her to the room” Youngjae said softly as he went up the stairs.

“So where is your bro sleeping?” Himchan asked.

“he can sleep in my room” Yongguk said.

“Or…” Yongnam started moving closer to Deirdre.

“No” Both Deirdre and Yongguk said. Yongnam sighed and slowly made his way toward Yongguk's room with a big frown on his face.

“Night everyone” Yongnam sighed; everyone gave him some sort of acknowledgement then started going their own ways. Deirdre gave Zelo a hug then turned to Yongguk.

“Goodnight Quackers” Deirdre said.

“Its Mr. Quackers to you” Yongguk said waddling off making Deirdre laugh before she went to her room.

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Bailey keeps causing trouble I love her for that (:
Oh bailey...
New reader here.. This story is so interesting! <3 keep it up. Can't wait till next update!
i love this story(:
sooo cute ... hahaha
poor Bang :( Update again soon, love the story!
Youngjae and bailey are sooo cute together
Awe, so kute. love how they missunderstand the whole situation, so funny! pleasse update again soon.
Awe its cool I'm pretty crazy too.. Haha bailey and youngjae got left behind hahahaha
Omygosh Bailey is just as embarrassing as most of my friends!