pink camellias


Seulgi tells her about Seungwan. Her eyes curve into crescent moons, smile so bright Joohyun can’t help but smile back.  It helps, somewhat, to swallow down words of regret, teeth clenched shut afraid they let out the anger that, over the years, simmered down to hurt. 

“She met a girl.” Seulgi jovially shares, hands scrolling down her phone and when she sees what she’s been searching for, immediately bounds to Joohyun, shoving the screen in front of her face. 

Joohyun calmly takes the gadget from her overexcited friend, swallows down a bitter laugh when a picture of a girl she’s never heard of greets her line of sight. She scrolls down further and sees images of ballet shoes, sunsets, and a silhouette dancing in a dimly lit room.

“Her instagram feed is pretty right?”

Joohyun unceremoniously exists the app when she reads a comment with the little blue heart emoji at the end. There’s a numbing pain that pulses right on her false ribs and Joohyun closes her eyes, exhaling slowly.

“Wanie’s bringing Mina with her this weekend.” Seulgi noncommittally airs out a name Joohyun’s unfamiliar with before plopping down next to her, hands reaching for the phone and opening the app again. She hums a happy tune, double tapping a pic of them and leaves a series of emojis in the comment section. 

“I think she’s her soulmate.


yes this is a soulmate au because i love writing that trope what about it and yes we're pushing for this minaxwendy ship because who's gonna check me

will be updating this fic before 2020 ends 

i know i said i'd update this fic before 2020 ends but all women do is lie so *shrugs*
also, let's see where this fic goes lol


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: This fic seems interesting.
But Its been a year of the last update :(
Max_macdonald #2
Chapter 1: This story has great promise. Keep it up
_fazlin #3
Chapter 1: Wow, interesting 😍
ReVeLuvyyy #4
Chapter 1: Wow. So not many people will be able to see the number right?
Chapter 1: Ohhh nice start. Can't wait for Joohyun to meet Seungwan.
jn2_2n #6
Wait is this like an unrequited soulmate love ? :( the angst just from the foreword already has me 💔
but nonetheless very interested in this story Author ✍️
Favebolous 12 streak #7
cszasss #8
Just read the other fic you wrote and I’m looking forward for this one so much rn!!
Is this angst? ahh I feel sorry for Joohyun already