The Cafe

Always, have been and will forever be.

The smell of coffee and pastries made Sejeong and Hana smile - although Sejeong was still unhappy about coming here just to see a group of boys. She continued frowning after a few more steps into the cafe. The sight was unbelievable. The cafe wasn't that crowded but it was pretty noisy. 

Girls were crowding over a group of boys and she could hear different variations of flirtatious and high pitched voices well from afar. She never thought this could be worse than when Hana was acting all cute and making her cringe. This was just plain chalk screeching on a black board. 

Trying to see the positive side of this, Sejeong took in the environment of the cafe. The two best friends often came here to hang out during  their free time because it was pretty close to home. She looked at the staff and smiled at the familiar faces she saw- a girl who looked about the same age as them and that one tall dude who makes the drinks. They've met quite a few times because they usually took the day shifts and that was the time the two best friends usually came, if not Sejeong alone. 

Despite the noise of the girls squealing here and there over twelve boys that crowd the cafe, Hana was still trembling with excitement. She slowly dragged her best friend to an empty table nearby. Not enjoying the atmosphere of the cafe, Sejeong just quietly followed after Hana. This was the first time she'd seen this cafe so packed and noisy. 

While trying to distract herself from the noise, one of the conversations caught her attention.

" Chanyeol, how are you so good looking? " Sejeong turned to find the source of that question. What made her chuckle was that she could see that the boy did not expect such a question. He raised a brow in confusion. He looked as if he didn't know whether to answer honestly or thank her for the compliment.

The boy answers, face still confused. " I'm born like this? " Sejeong snorted at his answer, making Hana turn to look at what she was laughing at. His voice was deep in contrast to his baby face and that did surprise her for a moment. Though, that answer was still funny to her. 

Shortly after settling down, Sejeong looked around whilst eyeing the boys that were scattered throughout the cafe. After a minute, she gave Hana a bored look. " So, these are the twelve EXO boys you were talking about? " Immediately, she squealed, " Obviously! Can't you see how dreamy and attractive they look?! " 

" No? Well, maybe-- " she took a second look at the boys and her eyes landed on a boy sitting by the corner, drinking his coffee. " That one, maybe? " she pointed to the boy, giving a uncertain look. He looks like my type- unproblematic.

There were a few girls surrounding him but he did seem pretty unbothered, scrolling through his phone and drinking his coffee as if he was alone. Don't the girls have a sense of shame knowing that someone's not interested? 

Sejeong stared at him, analysing his appearance. Neatly styled hair parted to his left, casually dressed yet there were no wrinkles in his clothes. He was someone that took care of his appearance well, for sure. 

For a second, Hana looked taken aback at her choice but then she quickly smiled wryly. " Huh? Oh, that one? Hmm, as nice as he seems, he's actually somewhat arrogant. " This made Sejeong give a confused look. Is there something...? 

Shaking her head, Hana giggled, " Oh well, it doesn't matter. He's quite handsome, right? " Sejeong nodded almost livelessly, " Yeah, I guess. "

After a few moments of observing- more like staring - without a word, Hana gave a suspicious smile before turning to ask a question, " By the way, Sejeong ah, " she poked her shoulder. 

" What? " she gave a suspicious look. " Do you love me? " she looked at her, batting her eyelashes.

The girl squinted at her but answered, " Of course, why? "

Continuing her question, she slowly smiled, " Then, can we go here everyday? " 

Sejeong immediately frowned, unsure as to why she even asked the question. " We go here almost everyday, why do you have to ask-- Oh. " she facepalmed herself at the realisation of what she meant.

The girl shook her shoulders, trying to act cute, " Aww, won't you do a favor for me, my lovely and beautiful best friend? " she pouted.

" Plea-- " Hana continued, only to be cut by Sejeong's sigh of defeat, " Okay! Seriously.. " This made Hana lunge at her, engulfing her in a bear hug.

" Yay! I love you, Sejeong ah! " the girl gave her a look but still responded, " I love you too, Hana. Now, can we go order something? " she sighs again, exasperated. How many times have I sighed today since I stepped into this cafe?

As if finally realising that they've been sitting and watching like some creeps, Hana stood up, giving an embarassed smile. 

" Sure. Usual Americano, right? " She walked off, leaving her alone without waiting for her response. Sejeong gave a smile at her, pleased that she knew what she wanted. Despite the random stuff they argue about or have disagreements on, they always end up solving it or getting over it naturally by the next day. And that's why Sejeong treasured their friendship a lot. 

She took out her phone, unlocking it to check the time. Pretty sure she wasn't the only one who kept unlocking her phone just to check the time or stare at the wallpaper. This time, she did both. Her lock screen was a picture of her and her mother taken a year ago on her birthday. 

The longer she stared, the more she felt the emotions building up in her. If only I protected her. That damned man, running away with those bills unpaid.. Sejeong clenched her fist, anger rising in her. He isn't worthy to be called my father.  She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself with happy thoughts of her mother.



I'm finally updating this story again, this time with better descriptions of the environment, etc ( I'm trying my best pls don't hit me ) Also, for those of you who've read this story in it's 1st person original form, I hope you like this version just as much. These past few days I've been watching busted and shipping Sese duo like no one's business. I'm honestly really happy and I can't wait for season 3! That aside, I hope the next few chapters are enjoyable because I know these few chapters are pretty dull, there's not much romance happening yet, but do wait for it!


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Chapter 3: but how could she forget the face like that though? xD
Hueh69 #3