Chapter 1

Play Time

It was a sunny day when Youngjae first met Daehyun. Neither could probably remember, but they had started on the wrong foot.

Youngjae was a very, very chubby baby back then, while Daehyun was nearly half his size. In Daehyun's little mind, Youngjae was far too intimidating with his big cheeks, big hands, big feet, big everything. Maybe Daehyun was afraid Youngjae could eat him if he was too close. Maybe Daehyun was afraid Youngjae could punch him, hurt him somehow with his non-existened strenght as a ten months old baby. Whatever it was, Daehyun always started crying whenever he was placed near him, their mothers separating them unwillingly. 

When Daehyun started walking, everything was better. He was tall enough (and fast enough to run if necessary) to not be intimidated by little Youngjae. He started playing with his friend, not minding the fact that Youngjae couldn't move around with him. It was fun watching the baby playing with his toys and throwing them away when Daehyun wasn't paying attention to him. 

Sometimes, when Youngjae cried (it happened far too often) Daehyun would craddle the baby in his arms, honestly not capable of doing much, but he figured that if he hugged the baby, he would eventually stop. If he didn't, Mrs. Yoo would come and get Youngjae, and Daehyun would be left alone, pouting and smacking himself for he was unable to help his little friend. 


Soon, Daehyun learned his first words. He would always giggle when he spoke and everyone would coo around him. Some words like 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' were to be expected, but he learned some other interesting words as well...

"Seesecake! Seesecake!" Daehyun yelled at the sight of his favourite sweet food. 

"Daehyun dear, this is a present for your friend. Youngjae has his birthday tomorrow, so you can't eat the cheesecake yet, okay?" his mom scolded him playfully while placing the cheesecake in the fridge. 

"Younae!", he repeated. 

"Yes, Youngjae! Do you want to see him today?" 

He yelled something unrecognisable while flailing his arms around; both enough to express his excitment at seeing his friend. 

​​One phone call later, Daehyun was going down the stairs to Youngjae's family's apartment (holding his mother's hand of course. They didn't want to repeat the accident when he fell down the stairs from his hardly concealed excitement. He cried almost as much as Youngjae at the time, but he forgot about it quickly).

Hyeri, Youngjae's mother, was already waiting by the door when they arrived, with little Youngjae in her arms. The boy smiled widely when he saw Daehyun and his mother had to hold him tighter so that he would not fall from his sudden wild movements. It nearly happened twice.

Daehyun rushed forward and dragged his mother along. "Younae!"

Both women laughed at their children's anticts and greeted each other as well. 

A few moments later, everyone was settled. The women in the kitchen and the boys at Youngjae's room.

Daehyun sat on a chair besides Youngjae's crib and he started reading outloud from his book (courtesy of his mother so that he will learn to read before going to kindergarden). "He..." he skipped many hard words, "I..." he skipped some more hard words, "Mom...", after he skipped a whole page he decided that this was enough for today. He closed his book eagerly and turned his attention to the younger boy. 

Youngjae was curiously watching Daehyun throughout his reading practice, wondering just how his friend managed to make such strange sounds. He tried to mimick his friend but it was too hard, so he opted on mouthing whatever he would think of. 

Daehyun grinned at his friend and started to voice whatever words he knew, eager to teach the younger despite him being unable to talk just yet. 

"Seesecake. Mom. Dad. Younae. Younae mom. Daehun. Daehun mom", he hadn't learned his name yet and his parents always tried to correct him whenever he would say it outloud, so he stopped saying it. But in front of Youngjae it was okay. 

Youngjae listened intently and mumbled the first thing that caught his attention. "Dae"

Daehyun froze and looked at his friend. Did he just speak? Youngjae was smiling at him as if nothing happened. Was it his imagination? 

Just when Daehyun decided to shrug the incident off, Youngjae said it again. "Dae"

Daehyun looked back at him with wide eyes and stood up instantly. "Mom!" he yelled while he ran outside. "Mom!Mom!" 

"What is it Daehyun?" both mothers stood up in alarm. 

"Younae! Younae!" he made vague moves with his hands but no one understood what had happened. 

Both women rushed inside, fearing the worst. When they saw Youngjae safe and sound in his crib, they looked back at Daehyun in confusion.

"What happened Daehyun? Youngjae is fine" his mother, Nahyun, said. 

"Dae! Younae" he pointed at the baby in the crib but no one understood his implications.


Just then, a little voice spoke, "Dae". It was Youngjae, who beamed at Daehyun as he said it.

"Youngjae talked?!" Hyeri asked and rushed to her child's side as if to confirm the fact. "Youngjae, did you say Dae?"

The baby didn't make any sound as if everyone imagined what they heard.

His mother picked him up and as soon as Youngjae saw Daehyun he said it again. "Dae"

While the women yelled, excited at Youngjae's first word, Youngjae beamed at Daehyun, his friend smiling widely.





Found motivation to write this! 

Originally, this was supposed to be an one shot, but with the many things I wanted to write I would never finish it. So I'm posting it as chapters! (The chapters will be small though, sorry about this. I at getting motivation to write, so if I want to make them larger it would take much, much more time for me to update.)

Tell me your thoughts~   


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frenetic #2
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload! Youngjae's first word is not Daddy but Dae! :D