My time

My time

Yunho prepared for his turn to compete, when Wooyoung approached him.

"What's up Yun?"

"I'm a little nervous but other than that I'm okay." He smiled a nervous smile.

"He's here again." Wooyoung said.

He didn't say who was here, and he didn't have to cause Yunho knew exactly who he was talking about. He did show up to every competition they had, along with Wooyoung's boyfriend. But the first time Yunho saw him wasn't at a competition, but at a dance studio. He was walking back from practice and happened to pass near the studio their college had. There was really loud music coming from the room and the door was opened so Yunho peaked in. What he saw blew his mind. A tall figure was dancing gracefully and smoothly, yet hitting every single beat. Yunho was left there gaping at the figure. When he saw his face in the mirror he almost choked. His facial expression matched the song which was really slow and sensual. As he heard the song come to an end, he escaped fast before the boy noticed him. Ever since Wooyoung found out about Yunho's crush on the tall boy, he kept trying to convince him to ask the boy out. But Yunho couldn't risk it. He didn't know if the boy liked him and asking him out could make him uncomfortable and he might stop coming to their competitions. So Yunho was left admiring the boy from afar, sometimes seeing him practicing with San outside. 

However, today was the day he decided to face his crush. He told himself that if he wins this match that means faith wants them to be together and it's a sign to go ask him out.

"Yeah, I saw." He told Wooyoung. "How have you and your boyfriend been?" He ask wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't think I've ever loved someone so much." Wooyoung answered with a fond smile. 

"Yeah I realized that when I saw you two chewing each other in the locker room." Yunho said with half a smirk.

Wooyoung didn't seem effected at all by what he said. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I gotta show my boyfriend that I love him." He said matter of factly.

"Woo I love you, but gross. I don't wanna know about that." Wooyoung laughed.

"So do you plan on making a move today?" Wooyoung asked.

"Mm we'll see." Yunho smirked a little.

"What do you me-"

Before Wooyoung got to finish his sentence, there was a loud voice requesting all the swimmers to get in positions. Yunho took his place. He then felt someone intensely staring at him. When he turned towards the crowd, he saw San's friend. His eyes were glued to Yunho. When he saw that Yunho was looking back at him, he smiled a small smile and showed two thumbs up. Yunho smiled at the cute gesture, nodding at the boy who's smile became two times bigger. Two seconds later, the whistle was heard and all the swimmers jumped into the pool.


When Yunho won, he wasn't even surprised. He had a very strong feeling he'd win just so he'd get the push he needed to talk to the boy. But as he turned to search for him, he found him standing right in front of him.

"O-oh, hello." He said awkwardly.

This close, the boy was even more attractive than from afar. His hair was soft and he had purple and blue highlights. When Yunho locked eyes with him, he noticed that he had puppy like eyes that had a playful glint to them. What surprised Yunho, was that the boy had a small tattoo of a bird right under his left ear. that's kinda hot, Yunho thought to himself. He didn't even notice he was staring until the boy spoke.

"You like what you see?" The boy asked shamelessly.

Yunho looked at him shocked for a few seconds, but then his shocked expression turned into a playful one and he smirked.

"Bold of you to assume I didn't catch you staring at me before." Mingi said.

"Yeah, and what about it?" Yunho said, the playful glint in his eyes making them sparkle.

Mingi looked a little taken back. Like he didn't expect Yunho to be this bold. He blushed slightly.

"O-oh thank you." He said with a shy smile.

"Im-Im sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. It's just that you're really beautiful and attractive and...and I wasn't supposed to tell you that." Yunho facepalmed while Mingi giggled cutely.

"Well isn't this going well." Wooyoung said, he and San had been watching the entire thing.

"Can you go away please? Like now? Before someone will regret annoying me?" Yunho asked looking directly at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung received the message loud and clear.

"Let's go babe, they need some alone time." Wooyoung said pulling San away.

They both waved at Yunho and Mingi and left for the locker room. Yunho made a mental note not to go there in the next hour or so. He turned back to Mingi and caught him shamelessly checking his chest. The smirked appeared on Yunho's lips again.

"It seems to me like you like what you see."

Mingi didn't seem too fazed about that comment and simply stepped closer to Yunho, putting a finger on his chest.

"Well you're not wrong." A tiny smirk appeared on Mingi's face.

Yunho put one hand around Mingi's waist, pulling him closer.

"I'm glad you find me as attractive as I find you." Mingi giggled at that. "Would you tell me your name now?"

"Of course! I'm Mingi, I'm San's best friend." He said smiling so widely his eyes disappeared. 

"Haha really?? I didn't know that." Yunho asked in mock surprise.

When he saw Mingi was pouting he chuckled, tightening the arm around him.

"You're so cute when you pout." Yunho said, his eyes glued to Mingi's lips. "But you're gonna have to stop it right now before I'll lose it."

Mingi looked up at him, to see Yunho intensely staring at his lips. He smirked the playfulness returning. He slowly let his tongue out, swiping it over his upper lip. Yunho stopped breathing at this point and all he could focus on was Mingi's lips. When Mingi gently bit his lips, Yunho suddenly pulled him closer. They were now standing with no space between them, their noses almost touching.

"Aren't you a little tease." Yunho said, his voice low.

"Mm sometimes, if it's a person I'm really into." Mingi said rubbing their noses together once and stepping away.

Yunho let him back away, but kept his arm loosely around his waist. Mingi didn't seem to mind, he liked having Yunho's hand around him. 

"So, um, me Woo and San were going for a club later if you wanna join? You don't have to, but I just thought it'd be nice, you know, to get to know each other better. But if you have somewhere else in mind that's also fine." Yunho rambled awkwardly.

Mingi looked at him awkwardly stumbling over his words and giggled. When Yunho heard the sound he smiled widely and stopped rambling.

"You're cute." Mingi said covering his mouth with his hand as he laughed.

"No nearly as cute as you though." Yunho said, a little playful smirk appearing on his lips.

Mingi gently hit his arm.

"Smooth talker, that was too cheesy." But his smile and the slight blush gave away that he really liked it. "But I did think of going somewhere just the two of us. So we could get to know each other better." He said looking at the floor.

"Of course, wherever you wanna go." Yunho said with a comforting smile.

"W-well my friend Yeosang, is a chicken lover so he knows all the best spots to have fried chicken. I-if you want we can go have some fried chicken?"

"Yes I love fried chicken! Just let me change real quick and I'll come okay?"

Mingi looked at Yunho's bare chest with big eyes one more time and nodded, eyes still glued to Yunho's t.chest. Yunho saw this and smirked, feeling his ego growing since Mingi couldn't tear his eyes from him.

"Um baby," Yunho said drawing Minigi's attention to his face. "You're gonna have to let go." 

Mingi looked confused until he realized he had a hand around Yunho's waist. He looked embarrassed until he realized another thing.

"Well if you wanna go, babe, you're gonna have to let go as well." Mingi said pointing to Yunho's hand that was still around his waist. 

Yunho almost whined, reluctant to let go, but he did drop his hand to his side. When Mingi raised his eyes to look at Yunho, also a little sad that Yunho had to let go, he saw him pouting. He smiled softly and without any warning, took one step closer to Yunho and kissed the corner of his mouth. Yunho was completely frozen as Mingi perched the corner of his mouth with his soft lips. It was a torture really, Mingi kissing him so close to his mouth yet their lips weren't touching. When Mingi pulled apart, he had a soft blush that covered his cheeks. Yunho thought that the cutest he's ever seen in his life. Even cuter than that pink goat he and Wooyoung accidentally bought one time cause they were drunk. 

"Y-you should go change now." Mingi said, no longer able to look at Yunho in the eye.

"Yeah you're right. I'll be back and we can go." Yunho said turning to leave.

He made two steps forward and stopped. He knew Mingi wasn't looking at him,  probably still slightly embarrassed. He made a decision and turned back around, getting to Mingi in one large step. Mingi who was surprised at the figure suddenly in front of him fell forward, straight into Yunho's arms.

"I think you fell for me." Yunho whispered just before he connected their lips together.

He held Mingi's waist strongly but delicately in his arms, pulling him closer while Mingi threw his hands around Yunho's neck. They kissed feverishly, enjoying their bodies being so close, their hands roaming all over. Yunho lowered his hands to Mingi's squeezing it lightly and making Mingi gasp softly while he ran his hands over Yunho's bare chest. Yunho used that opportunity to slide his tongue to Mingi's mouth and deepen the kiss. They were so focused on themselves and the moment they were having, that they didn't hear Wooyoung and San get out of the locker rooms with hands intertwined. The two smirked at each other, before they decided to leave the couple alone, since they seemed pretty busy. They seemed to understand that Yunho and Mingi won't be joining them to the club that night. So they just smiled and left. And as the sun set and the ray of sunshine cleared their place for the stars and moon's gentle light, Mingi and Yunho left for his place where they'll order chicken and cuddle until the sun came out again.


**the end°3°

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18 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was soo cute I’m glad I waited to rest this cause I got more familiar with all the members since “my lucky charm”
Chapter 1: YUNGI SHIP HAS SAILED Y'ALL! I LOVED THIS! It was a cute sequel to My Lucky Charm.
Yungi are so cute! ♡♡♡