Only You [All]

We Fell in Love [a collection of oneshots]

Bang Yongguk (Mr. Not So Tough)

The color flushed from his face as soon as you finished your sentence; he clearly found your idea to be quite unsettling.

"Come on Gukkie! You can do it!" you cheered.

Shaking his head vigorously, he scooted even further into the corner of the bed.

"A no, is a no ______-ah"

You huffed, "come on, for me, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee~"

"Do I have to?"

You shot him your best puppy look.

Groaning, Yongguk slowly retreated from the corner, inching towards the arachnid in the middle of the room before chucking a book at it.

"VICTORY!!!!!" he shouted, turning towards you with a look of total satisfaction.

You hugged him. "I told you, you could do it baby. Now why don't you discard of it while I go get some water." 

He nodded, still smiling at you, fear now dispelled; Yongguk was triumphant. 

Or not.

You ran back to the bedroom as soon as you heard him scream, a quite girly shriek to be honest. 

He was back in the corner, shakily pointing at the wriggling lump.

"It moved" he whispered in fear. 

'Back to square one' you thought as you shook your head.

"For a badass leader from the undergound, you're a wimp you know!"

"Shuttup!" he whimpered.

"If only the fans knew..."


Kim Himchan (Oh Please, I'm Fab-)

"They're just joking Chan-ah" 

"No! They're right" he pouted, "I'm an embarassment"

Taking a break from his normally naggy self, his voice dropped to barely above a whisper, "I'm useless"

You reached out to grab at his hand, lacing your fingers together. 

"You're not useless, not at all"

He opened his mouth, ready to drag himself down again. 

"You're amazingly talented, they just haven't utilized your skills right yet"

"That's because I don't have an-"

"But more importantly, you have personality, you make people laugh, you make people smile, you make people happy; you make me happy, so explain to me, Kim Himchan, how on earth you could ever be useless"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he leaned in to give you a soft kiss. 

"I am pretty fabulous huh?" he chirped happily.

You nodded, snuggling into his chest. 

A few minutes passed in silence before Himchan spoke again, "only when I'm without you" 

"Hmm?' you questioned, looking up at him in confusion. 

"The only time I'm useless is when I'm without you. So promise me you'll stay."

You pecked his lips.



Jung Daehyun (Fatty Hubby)

"Yah, Jung Daehyun!" 

"Mwoh?" he looked at you, still happily chewing on his food while poor little Jongup stared at his, or what once was his burger but now is Daehyun's, disappeared bite by bit. 

"It's okay _______ noona, I'm not that hungry anyways" the boy smiled. 

"Are you sure Jonguppie?" 

"Mhmm" he nodded before leaving the room. 


He shrugged, making his way to the fridge, "Jonguppie wasn't even hungry" 

"We both know that wasn't true!" 

Daehyun chuckled as he pulled out a slice of cheesecake. 

"Jung Daehyun, this isn't funny"

Ignoring your comment, he continued to laugh, "we're like an old married couple" 

"Why would I want to marry you," you retorted, "I'd starve to death, just like Jongup" 

"I wouldn't let you starve, I'd share all my food with you and fatten you up because I love you" 

You scoffed, everyone and their mothers knew that Jung Daehyun didn't share food, "prove it" 

He passed the plate of cheesecake over to you.

"So does this mean you'll marry me?" 


Yoo Youngjae (In Which Brainyjae is a Babojae)

"You're not human, really. You have like, alien smartness." 

He looked at you, clutching at his chest, "ouch" he shouted, playfully feigning hurt, "I can't believe you don't even consider me human." 

You rolled your eyes, not amused (ok maybe you were a tiny bit amused by his cute antics but shhhhh, youngae can't know that!) 

"Stop being annoying and just help me!" 

"I did help you, you're the one who disturbed our lesson with that comment of yours"

You shot him a glare; you had a test tomorrow and Youngjae's knowledge was your only saviour. 

"Fine, fine, fine, gosh," he pouted.

"Ok so, the axiomatic set theory, what is it?"

"OH I KNOW THIS ONE! It says that two sets are equal if they have the same elements!" you responded brightly, quite proud that your studying had gotten you somewhere.  

"Well aren't you a smart cookie" he said, his tone dripping with mockery. 

"Shuttup, not everyone has a brain the size of mojo jojo's" 

"And that's why I'm the genius, and you're the...well...loser" 


And so hours passed with Youngjae going over every possible concept and the two of you constantly partaking in pointless banter.

"Ok, last one, and you better get this one! What's an empty set?"

"Easy!" you smiled, "It's a unique set that has no elements"

"Tsk tsk, wronggggggg" he sing songed. 

You frowned, really believing that you had the right answer. 

"It's when I'm without you~" he said, before wrapping you in a warm hug. 

You pressed yourself further into his embrace, "yoo youngjae you babo" you chuckled. 


Moon Jongup (Lost)

Moon Jongup is lost, and he knows it.

It's not that he's stupid, or just in his own little world; Moon Jongup is lost because he can no longer find the divide between publicity and reality.

It wasn't a problem in the beginning, Jongup liked smiling, he didn't mind it at all, especially if it made the fans happy.

But things spiral out of control and soon, Jongup knows nothing else but smiles; it's just second nature, and he can't find his way back to reality.

"You don't have to hide them all Jongup"

He looks up at you, a smile on his face, "what do you mean?"

"You can tell me, your feelings that is, you don't always have to smile"

He shakes his head, smile still on his face, "but I want to, I'm always happy" 

You nod, knowing you don't have to say anymore, he's already playing your words on repeat in his head.

So when you feel strong arms encircling your waist and something warm trickling down the junction between your shoulder and your neck, you know he's found his way home, he's found himself. 

Moon Jongup is unhappy; his hyung stole his hamburger, he screwed up a dance move today, and a part of his brain is yelling at him for repressing everything, but as contradictory as it is, he could never be happier, he's not lost anymore. 

You feel his lips curving into a smile as he continues to cry silently and turn to face him. 

"You're smiling," you whisper.

He leans in to kiss you softly.

"Don't worry, it's real this time"

It seems almost unreal, Jongup thinks, that he's been lost all this time, when home was always right by his side.


Choi Junhong (The Truth About the Tomatoes)

He has a sour expression on his face and you can tell he's not pleased.

"How can you eat these? They're disgusting" he says, cringing as you put yet another cherry tomato in your mouth.

You shrug, "they're my favorite, deal with it"


"Don't you dare forget me Choi Junhong!" 

"Who are you again?"



You stare at the picture between your fingers.

You're smiling brightly as his face is contorted in pure disgust.

Laughing at the memory, it replays in your head: the two of you are about to take a selca upon your request when you shock him by shoving a cherry tomato in his mouth, quickly snapping the picture. 

How you wish you could relive this, but that was years ago; it was nothing but a distant memory.


He probably doesn't remember, doesn't remember you.

You understand, but it hurts none the less. 

So imagine your surprise when you hear's some little robot on the television exclaim

"cherry tomato, naekkoya!"






A/N: just some short stuff~

ty for reading/subscribing/commenting!

enjoy! ^^ 

edit: I'm sorry a spider had to be harmed in the fic ): I have a crazy fear of bugs and yongguks story was based on an adventure I had a few days ago at midnight when a bug landed on my face...

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sorry that I haven't updated in forever ): please wait just a bit longer!


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Chapter 20: Omg it's so awkward being called noona when I'm way younger than zelo XD LOL
Chapter 47: What, how' you can't end it like that!

NOOOOOOO! Jongup!! I'm bawling my eyes out now!

You've killed me.

I am dead now.
Chapter 6: SO AMAZING!!! *o* It really made me feel like I was a part of the story!!!
Chapter 2: You are an amazing writer. Looking forward to now reading the rest :)
Chapter 47: What is the last line suppose to mean?? They die without each other or something?
Chapter 47: /SOBS JONGUP T^T
Also :"he feels a bit sad for harming Himchan's face, mostly because he paid good money to get a poster sized version of it" AHAHA YESSS <3