

Seungcheol was a dying man. He abandoned his family for almost four years in hopes that he could get cured from his bone marrow cancer. 


He was uncertain if he was going to make it out alive after his treatments and surgeries. He thought it was better to endure everything by himself. No need to drag his husband and their daughters in misery. 


For three years he was left stuck in the hospital. He didn't tell anyone about his sickness. He wanted to carry it alone. But it was a huge mistake.


When he was finally discharged from the hospital, he went to see his family right away. He went to Mingyu's restaurant. It was their favorite place. 


The sight that he saw broke his heart. Jeonghan and their daughters were eating happily with another man. He looked handsome, and it seems like he loves them. He could see the adoration in his yes.


Even though it hurts, Seungcheol decided to let them go. 


Instead he settled for stolen times with his children. He tagged along with Mingyu when he would take care of Sua and Suji. They grew so much in the 3 years that he was away, and he couldn't blame them for not remembering him. 


He asked Mingyu not to tell the girls his identity, and to hide his secret from Jeonghan. He told him everything. His reason for leaving, his current state, why he was afraid to show himself to Jeonghan. 


He later found out through Mingyu that the guy he saw in the restaurant was indeed Jeonghan's new lover, Joshua. The guy was an interior designer, and the twins loved him. 


Seungcheol's heart was broken, but who was he to judge Jeonghan? He left without a single word, he can't expect that the younger will welcome him once again. 




A year of stolen moments later, Seungcheol received a news. His cancer came back and it was more aggressive. His doctor gave him only eight months to live. 


He was desperate, selfish, tired. He just wanted to be happy. He needed some time to be with his family. So he filed for shared custody. 


He wanted just a fraction of time with the twins and Jeonghan. He didn't want to disturb them, but he selfishly wanted to be with them. 



When he saw Jeonghan up close again, he was struck by how beautiful and handsome the younger was. He wore a well fitted suit, his hair was shorter, and Joshua was right by his side. 


They looked so good together. 


Jeonghan was angry. His anger could probably smite Seungcheol. Joshua asked their lawyers to reschedule the hearing because Jeonghan was too heated up. 


But Jeonghan wanted to settle everything immediately. He asked Joshua to go home to the twins. When Joshua was gone, they went to a nearby cafe.


He explained why he had to leave, turns out Jeonghan already knew everything. Jeonghan is Jeonghan. He was too good to be true, no one could keep him in the dark for too long. 


Mingyu told him everything and his husband waited a whole year for him to admit the truth. What surprised him even more was the fact that Joshua is Jeonghan's cousin. 


Jeonghan defended Mingyu's actions, but it doesn't matter. Seungcheol was too elated that Jeonghan welcomed him back in their lives. And that after all these years, his husband still loves him.




The first thing Seungcheol did when they reached home was engulf their twins in his warm embrace. They hugged each other for a long time, shedding tears they didn't know they were holding. The girls kept calling Seungcheol dad, and Jeonghan's heart couldn't help but cry at the sight. 


This was his dream. Seungcheol came back to complete their family again. But it was going to be short-lived. Seungcheol was still dying, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. 


Jeonghan knelt down beside his children and joined the hug. He didn't know how much time they have left, but he wants to treasure every single one of them. 


The girls got tired from all the crying. Seungcheol tucked them in their room, and Joshua bid them farewell. 


Seungcheol stood behind the younger and wrapped his arms around Jeonghan. They watched their daughters sleep peacefully. 


Jeonghan leaned on Seungcheol to feel the warmth that he missed. It made him feel protected, and he realized thag he missed his husband terribly. 


Joshua asked him before how he could forgive so easily, but he had a year to think about Seungcheol's reason. At first, he was angry. Angry that he didn't trust him enough to share his pains. He wanted to spit their vows at him.


"In sickness and in health" that was the promise they made, yet he never had the chance to even hold the older's hands through his pains. He was never there to cook for him, or hold him tight at night. 


When the days were cold, he wondered how the older stayed warm? When he was so exhausted, who took care of him? When Seungcheol wanted to cry, was anyone there to comfort him?


All of these questions plagued his mind. It was supposed to be him, but he couldn't. Seungcheol left him in the dark to endure all the aches by himself. 


That's what hurts the most. Not the sleepless nights taking care of the twins by himself. Not the missed meals to use his lunch break to make sure he finished work on time. Not even the relentless hours of work he had to endure to make sure he could provide for his girls. 


What hurts was knowing that while he was angry and cursing Seungcheol's name for leaving them without a single word, the older was suffering by himself. Battling cancer on his own. 


Jeonghan's thought was interrupted by Seungcheol's tightening hold on him. It brought him back to the room of their children, tears flowing from his eyes. 


Seungcheol silently wiped them away, kissing his temples to bring him comfort. Jeonghan faced the older, and traced his face with his fingertips. How he missed him. 


He had so many questions but they didn't matter anymore. Not when his husband's time is running out. Not when he could shower him with love instead of the pain they've endured the past few years. He was hurt, but that hurt was nothing compared to the joy he felt having Seungcheol back in their lives. 


"I missed you so much." Jeonghan softly whispered.


"I'm home." Seungcheol answered back before meeting the younger's lips. 


Their first night back together was spent sharing sweet kisses that turned passionate, hoping it would be enough to express their longing for one another. Heated skin against each other, their love consuming them as they reached their . 




The days after Seungcheol came back were filled with bliss. They made sure to make up for all the years that have gone to waste. The weekdays were spent helping the kids with their homework, while they went on family outings every weekend. 


Sometimes it was just an entire afternoon in the park, others were spent at amusement parks. Some were spent on long drives to visit Seungcheol's hometown, or spent in the comfort of their home. 


Those weekends were the most fun for them. They built pillow fortresses for the twins, and Seungcheol would act like the dragon that needs to be slain to protect the princesses, and Jeonghan, well he said he was the sleeping handsome king. 


Jeonghan would pretend to sleep, but he would giggle everytime the twins would shower him with their affection. The girls were supposed to attack Seungcheol because he was the dragon, but they constantly gave him with love instead.


Seungcheol never questioned it, thinking his daughters probably didn't want to hurt him. But one day he got curious so he asked them.


"Sua, Suji, can dad ask you something?" Seungcheol and the girls were laying on their pillow fort while Jeonghan was busy making their snack in the kitchen. 


"Yes dad" the girls answered in chorus, giggling as they peppered him in kisses. 


"How come you never hurt the dragon? Is it because it's dad?" He asked once they calmed down a bit.


The twins shared a look. Seungcheol noticed that they have a special connection no one could comprehend. They held conversations and shared secrets as if they share the same mind. Jeonghan called it the 'twin thing'. 


"Appa said that we shouldn't hurt others. That sometimes, others just need more love." Sua, being the more vocal of the twins, answered Seungcheol proudly.


"Appa said that even the scary dragon needs love." Suji added. 


Seungcheol's heart swelled at that. Jeonghan raised them right, and he felt so proud. He watched Jeonghan bring the snacks for them. 


Once the girls were safely tucked in their bed, probably running around in colorful castles or riding a newly found friendly dragon in their dreams; he would spend the nights with Jeonghan in his arms, showering the man in soft kisses, whispering sweet nothings. Seungcheol wished it would never end.


He was lucky, that much he knew. But he was also greedy. He wanted more time. The past three months went like a blur. His 8 months were almost up.


He was terrified. Why did he have to be so selfish? The kids could have lived their lives without knowing him. Jeonghan could have continued hating him. But he couldn't bring himself to regret his decision. His family is his everything. Coming back home was and still is the best decision he has ever made in his life. 


Waking up next to the man he swore his lifetime to, and spending his remaining days watching his daughters grow, were his life's greatest moments. He didn't want to waste them lingering in regrets. He just prayed that he could have more time. Just a little bit more. 


The answer to his prayers came 5 months after he returned. He felt different, stronger. He was more energized than he ever felt since he got sick. 


He visited his doctor one sunny afternoon. He asked Jeonghan to come along, which the yoj.ger happily agreed on. 


They left the kids with Joshua and Mingyu, who have complained that Seungcheol was hogging the kids, and pushed them out the door quickly. 


They sat in the doctor's office, waiting for the results. They did a series of test on Seungcheol a week prior, and his doctor asked him to come back for the results. 


Jeonghan held Seungcheol's clammy hands tightly. They were both nervous, but one of them had to be braver. They almost jumped up when the doctor came in. 


He was a man of small stature, yet his presence alone reassured the couple that whatever it is, he'll be there with them. They sat back down, and watch the doctor flip through Seungcheol's chart. 


His doctor, Lee Jihoon, has been with him every step of the way. He was there when he got diagnosed with his cancer, he was the oncologist that helped him through his treatments, and he was the one who broke the news that Seungcheol's timw was running out. He became a great friend of his, and he was the person that gave him the courage to meet his family again.


"So" Jihoon began, his eyes scanning the papers one more time before looking at the couple. "How are you feeling." He continued. 


"Nervouse but other than that, I'm great. Even better if you can cut to the chase." Seungcheol answered back.


"Well, I don't know what you have been doing these past few months but you're inproving." Jihoon told his patient. 


Seungcheol's face showed disbelief. How was it possible? He was dying. He only had 8 months to live. Confused, Seungcheol just kept staring at his friend, as his gripped on Jeonghan's hand became unbearable. 


Jeonghan whimpered, bringing Seungcheol back to reality. He kissed his husband's hand, making sure he didn't get hurt. 


Jihoon cleared his throat to get the couple's attention.


"I'm going to repeat this again to let it sink in. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. Seungcheol, you're results are absolutely amazing. It's like your cancer is going away on it's own. There's no concrete explanation to this, but it's a miracle." Jihoon couldn't conceal the happiness in his voice. 


He was a man of science, but he also believed in miracles, the same way he believed in the power of medicine and the doctors he worked with. And the results before him showed him that. A chance to save Seungcheol's life.


"I'll need to monitor you once a week. Keep taking your medicine, and think about the treatment I told you about a week ago." Jihoon added. 





The couple was in shock. They remained quiet even when they left the clinic. They couldn't process the news, as if it was a fleeting dream that they were bound to wake up from if they address it. 


Their feet brought them to a nearby park. Hands joined tightly, tears streaming down their faces. A miracle. They were given a miracle and they couldn't waste a single bit of it. 


Seungcheol immediately said yes to the treatment his doctor mentioned. It was going to be rough but he won't have to go through it by himself anymore.


Seungcheol had a hard time sleeping that night. After enduring the years of endless treatments and misery being away from his family, he can finally see a glimmer of hope. He closed his eyes thanking the gods, the universe, whoever it was that heard his prayers and plea. 





The next few weeks after that were rough to say the least. Some days, Seungcheol was left in a weakened state and could only sleep the entire day. Some days, he was strong enough to play with his twins. 


There were nights when the pain became unbearable. This nights were spent with Jeonghan's arms around him, holding him tightly. But days when he felt like he could run a marathon would come as he neared the end of his treatment.


'A good sign.' At least that's what Jihoon said when he told his doctor how he felt. 





Two months went by quickly. Seungcheol had to stay in the hospital for three days to go through the last stage of his treatment. 


He changed out of his hospital gown and waited for his results. Whether it was good or bad, he could finally go home. He hoped the results would be the former. 


Seungcheol felt great that day despite finishing his last round of treatments. His daughters were coming over, and Jeonghan was there beside him. They make him stronger.


He admits that the battle was tough. He wanted to give up too many times to count on his fingers. But when he saw his twins, he knew all the pain was worth it. 


He wants to see them grow. He wants to be that overprotective father that would scare the boys away. He wants to be there to walk them down the aisle, to see them start their own family and take care of his future grandchildren. 


He wants to do it all beside Jeonghan. He wants to see their faces lined with years of endless love, and hair grayed by the test of times. 


'Please. Please give this to me' Seungcheol sent another plea to whoever might listen his prayer. 





The room was small, his husband holding his hand, Sua and Suji sitting between Mingyu and Joshua.


Jihoon had an unreadable expression on his face. Seungcheol almost wished the kids weren't there to hear the news.


Almost. They are a family and he knew they can't just share the good times. They have to withstand the bad ones together too.


"Seungcheol I'll cut to the chase. Your blood results came out normal. Your latest scans are clean. In other words, you are officially in complete remission!!" Jihoon tried to keep his tone professional but he was too happy for his friend. He was almost yelling by the end of his sentence. 


"I still need to see you regularly so I can monitor you. If you feel something different, or something hurts, schedule an appointment ri-" Jihoon couldn't finish his speech when the older ran to hug him. 


"Thank you Ji, thank you so much." Seungcheol sobbed in his friend's shoulder. 


"Don't thank me. Thank yourself for never giving up. I'm so happy for you Cheol." Jihoon replied willing the tears away before letting the older go. 


Seungcheol came back to his husband's side as they shared a quick kiss, tears falling completely. Jihoon excused himself to give the family some privacy. He'll just visit them later to celebrate. 


The twins were confused by their parents tears that it made them cry. The couple immediately went to their daughters, worried that they misunderstood the situation.


"I'm sorry Sua, Suji. Appa and dad are just so happy. Dad's healthy now babies." Jeonghan tried to comfort their kids, but it made them cry even harder. 


Seungcheol was in a panic. He didn't know how to explain the good news to his daughters. Even he was overwhelmed by the news. 


"Sua, Suji, listen to appa okay?" Jeonghan began calmly. He continued after the twins nodded. 


"Appa said that dad is healthy now. Do you know what thag means?" He tried to keep his voice light. He knew his daughters well. They are smart children and they pay attention to everything when an adult speaks to them.


"Dad's not going up to heaven anymore?" Sua answered questioningly, her sobbing beginning to ease up. 


"That's right baby. Dad is going to stay here with you for a very long time okay." Seungcheol knelt down to meet his daughters eyes. 


"Appa won't cry anymore?" This time it was Suji who asked them, as she wiped Jeonghan's tears away. 


"Appa won't cry anymore." Jeonghan reassured his daughters as he flashed them a gentle smile. His nose was so red that it made the twins laugh. 


"Appa your nose is so red." They giggled in chorus, tears still falling on their faces. 


"You look just like me." Jeonghan whined, but he couldn't contain his smile. 


He wiped the tears away from their eyes before enveloping his daughters in a warm hug.


Seungcheol's heart melted. He was too lucky, too fortunate and he promised himself to never take a single moment of it for granted. 


Mingyu and Joshua exchanged looks, before leaving the room to let the family have some time alone. 


They walked down the hallway, with their hands linked together. 






3 months later~

Seungcheol's health kept improving after he finished his treatment. He began hitting the gym to regain his strength and Jeonghan would get dragged in his husband's shenanigans.


But it was a price he was willing to pay to make sure that his husband will always be healthy. 



The twins were so excited to celebrate their dad's birthday. They bugged Jeonghan to make sure to throw the best birthday party. 


"Appa, we need to get balloons and ice cream." Suji said as he pulled Jeonghan's left hand. 


"Appa, dad wants chocolate cake right?" Sua chimed, tugging his right hand. 


Going to the store with his twins alone is a nightmare. How did he manage being a single father all these years? He couldn't remember what it was like when Seungcheol wasn't around, and fortunately, he didn't have to worry that it will happen again soon. 


Except that very moment. Because his beautiful angels were running around demanding the best for their dad and he was alone. 


'I will never take these two grocery shopping by myself ever again.' Jeonghan promised himself.




They managed to get everything, and they drove to Mingyu's restaurant. The younger was kind enough to close early for their surprise party for Seungcheol. All of their friends were coming over, and they needed as much space as possible.


Joshua was busy decorating the place when they entered the restaurant. Mingyu was supposed to be cooking but he looked a bit busy with the older. 


Jeonghan thought that the two were a little too close, and he wonders if he should get it out of his cousin or his best friend. 


'Mingyu it is.' Jeonghan whispered quietly. 


Sua held the balloons while Suji carried the flowers. Jeonghan gently put the box of cake on the table before handing the tub of ice cream to Mingyu. He heaved a sigh of relief when he got the chance to sit down, the twins doing exactly the same. 


"Like father, like daughters." Mingyu bravely commented under his breath when he came back from the kitchen. 


"I heard you Kim Mingyu." Jeonghan warned. He made sure the twins weren't looking at him before he flipped off the taller man.


Joshua laughed at his cousin's antics, making sure that the balloons and flowers were in place.


Their friends came over one by one. Wonwoo came with his newborn son and wife, Soonyoung brought meat to grill. Seungkwan flew from Jeju, where he ran his family's business. The younger introduced his boyfriend, Vernon, to the rest of their friends. 


Jun surprised the twins with his cotton candy maker. The twins were to excited to try it out. The cotton candies came a bit small, making all three of them dejected.


Minghao arrived with at least five bottles of wine, and the sight of his fiance perked Jun up. Joshua was happy to see the wine. 


Jeonghan laughed when the twins run to surround Seokmin, who brought a portable karaoke machine.


"Seokmin what is this?" Jeonghan asked as their friends argued on who will use the machine first. 


"Hyung, we're going to party. And the kids love to sing." Seokmin replied brightly. 


Chan arrived not too long after, clad in his perfectly fitted suit. 


"Make way for the future of Kpop!!!" Soonyoung announced.


"Hyung stop embarrassing me." Chan whined, but an undeniable smile is playing on his lips. 


"Sorry I couldn't drop by anywhere to get anything." Chan was apologetic, but Jeonghan wouldn't be Jeonghan if he didn't tease his friend. 


"What can we do, you're too famous now." Jeonghan grinned as Chan turned red. "Why are you embarrassed. You are literally the top seller in the country right now." He added but it only made Chan's cheeks burn brighter. 


"Guys they're here!" Mingyu signaled, interrupting the teasing. 


They all quickly went to place and looked towards the door. When Seungcheol walked through, they all screamed out "SURPRISE!!!" as they popped their party confetti poppers.


Seungcheol's eyes were wide, his mouth forming an 'o' shape. He looked around the room, surprised to see the whole gang together. In the middle of the room, his beautiful daughters, dressed in the softest pink and blue, were smiling at him. 


They immediately ran to give him a big hug, and he welcomed them wholeheartedly. Jeonghan followed closely.


"I hope it was a good surprise." Jeonghan said with a smile. Lips meeting, and the whole room groaned. 


Jeonghan noticed Jihoon standing outside the door awkwardly. He asked the doctor's help for the surprise. 


"Hoonie, come in here don't be a stranger. They don't bite. Except Soonyoung. He has this weird tiger agenda going on." Jeonghan added.


The doctor was stunned. The room had too much people, but he became so close to Seungcheol's family that he couldn't just leave. He allowed the older to drag him inside.


Surprisingly, he fit perfectly fine with them. 




The party was spent in good spirits. The twins made everyone adore them even more when they sang Dino's single 'Home'. 


They erupted in laughter when Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Seungkwan performed Orange Caramel's 'Catallena'. 


Vernon cheeks were adorned by a scarlet hue as he watched Seungkwan lovingly. Jihoon felt like he belonged in the group almost instantly. 


Joshua and Mingyu were almkst joined at the hip. Finally, Joshua had enough of the stares so he grabbed everyone's attention. 


"Okay so, there's something that I have to tell you guys and I don't know when we'll gather again since everyone is so busy but.." Joshua paused for a second looking at Mingyu for support. 


The younger held his hand and gave it an enouraging squeeze. That looked interesting to Jeonghan. 


"Anyway, Mingyu and I are getting married." He announced taking everyone by surprise. 


"What??" The entire room bombarded the two with so many questions. 


Meanwhile, Jeonghan's attention went to his husband, who was enjoying the scene unfolding. Jeonghan watched his daughters eat their ice cream in peace beside Seungcheol. 


Jeonghan met his husband's gaze, joining them in devouring the ice cream. 


"You don't looked surprised." Jeonghan commented at his husband. 


"I caught them kissing one time when they took care of the twins. I was sleeping all day and they didn't realize that I woke up." Seungcheol said nonchalantly. 


"And you didn't tell me?" Jeonghan questioned. 


"I figured you already knew about it. Plus I was drowsy then." Seungcheol kissed his husband's pout away.

"Thank you for the surprise." Seungcheol added. 


"Don't thank me, the twins did everything." Jeonghan looked at Sua and Suji who were too engrossed at the sight of their uncles yelling. 


Seungcheol smiled at his husband. And softly whispered to himself,

"Thank you for loving me..."




30 years later...



Seungcheol's dream came true. He was there for his daughters' many firsts. First dates, first heartbreaks, even the stress of their weddings. 


He was there to take care of all of his grandchildren, and Jeonghan was with him. They were old and gray, but their love was still burning in their chests. 


Miracles do happen, and Seungcheol was glad that he gets live it everyday...


The end...


A/N:  I hope that was decent enough. Thank you so much for reading.

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