(Cliche but it happened)

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"Hyebin, I have to do something." "Come on, Sana. Go with me at the cafeteria." A classmate, Lee Hyebin, said as she tried to pull Sana with her. "Eh. I'm busy." Sana whined. "Aw, come on. You're just drawing. You could do that later." "Just drawing?" Sana scoffed dramatically. "That's just a random erm, Anime character." Sana faked a hurtful expression. "A random Anime character could be better than some stupid human being-ow, okay fine fine. I'm gonna buy ice cream then." Sana glared but begrudgingly agreed after Hyebin pinched her softly. The two went outside the room (Hyebin pulled another classmate, which is Miyawaki Sakura) and walked until they arrived at the open area of cafeteria, where people from the waiting area can buy. Students flocked the place, leaving no space as Sana went in line. Good thing one of the cafeteria attendants served her first than the other people. (Which made Sana feel bad though.) "Ooh, people can be scary sometimes." Sana shivered as she finally squeezed out from the horde of students, holding a vanilla ice cream with her left hand as she stuffed her other hand on her jacket's pocket. You know those people that doesn't really or slurp the whole ice cream, only to focus on one certain side? Sana's one of those people. So while waiting for her classmates, she busied herself with the said ice cream as she stood on the pavement. You could imagine Sana choking when Mina literally just walked to her and smiled, holding a cup
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14 streak #1
Chapter 13: Me thinking that it’ll be a happy ending- :)
Me realizing it’s not- :’)
Chapter 13: No poor Sana... She must be so heartbroken...
Chapter 12: Ahhhhh omg! Sana must be dead haha
Chapter 11: Awwww poor mina, Sana is about to fight the judges! Since Sana loves Mina, it's time to step up get game and get her girl.
Chapter 11: Awwww poor mina, Sana is about to fight the judges! Since Sana loves Mina, it's time to step up get game and get her girl.
14 streak #6
Chapter 11: It’s been awhile since I last read a Misana fic. I’m glad I stumbled across this one!
aglaonema #7
Chapter 11: Nice
Chapter 9: Woot nice one Sana!
Chapter 8: The time is now Sana!
Chapter 7: Thank for this cute story <3