Where’d you go?

Without you
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“I’ll let you think about. We already talked to her and she approved it. We’re only waiting for your decision.”



The manager left and exited the door. Four of five Red velvet members were left in the meeting room at their company contemplating their next move.



“I’m surprised they even asked us,” Yeri rolled her eyes. “I mean we all know they’re gonna push for a comeback with or without Wendy unnie.”



“But we can’t just push through without Wendy. Majority of our fans expects us to comeback with her,” Seulgi said.



“And we know she’s the backbone all of our songs, backgrounds included. That’s a fact. How do they expect us to come out with an album as four without the damn main vocalist,” Joy stood up and face her friends.



“We all know that. The entire KPOP community knows that. But we have to be professional. We can’t just put our careers on hold for too long or the general public will forget about Red Velvet.” Yeri knows she was being harsh but she knows it’s inevitable if they want to keep the public interested.



“How could you say that?” Joy was fuming. “Would you want to be left out if you were—“



“Stop it,” Irene finally broke her silence. She has been quiet the entire meeting. All the members know the weight of her vote will mostly be the conclusion. She knows her decision will define the future for Red Velvet at the coming months.



“I talked to Wendy. We already had this conversation before.” Irene said. It was Irene who brought it up. She remembered the conversation very well.



“Seungwan-ah, I know this isn’t the right time but in the next few weeks, I feel the management will ask us for a comeback and..” Irene trailed. Wendy was quiet.



“Unnie, I think you have to do it.” Wendy said while they were over looking the skyline of Seoul. Wendy was in her wheelchair while Irene was at her back.



Irene didn’t know what to feel. She doesn’t want a comeback without Wendy but she also has to consider her members and of course the management.



“Look, unnie,” Wendy grabbed her hand and pulled her down to face her.



“Unnie, I’m not getting any better at the moment and we’ve been in hiatus for so long. Even I want some Red velvet content, even if it doesn’t involve me,” she smiled like she was the one who just proposed a comeback without her.



Irene regretted bringing up the topic.



“Alright, unnie, how about this. You go on with your unit debut with Seulgi. Joy is up with a lot of projects and Yeri has her new show right? If your schedules do well, then you’ll get your answer,” Wendy proposed.



“We all know you can do well without me,” she smiled sadly.




And they did. Their unit debut was successful so far, Joy has been featured more times than before and Yeri’s show had been feeding Reveluvs full. Its only a matter of time that a proposal for a new comeback is in the works. Irene thinks they will do well and Wendy already gave her blessing.



“At the most we have to be strong as a team. We have shown them we could still be Red Velvet without Wendy. And it’s only this comeback. We can still have her when she’s fully recovered and be back with us soon.” Irene said.



Joy was appalled. She can’t believe of all people, it would be their Irene unnie.



“They gave us time. We should finish all our schedules then we do this,” Irene said it with finality.



Joy feels defeated. She just quietly sat down next to Seulgi. Seulgi felt down but she has to stay strong for the sake of her group and her bestfriend supporting her in the background.



“I just don’t want a comeback without her,” Joy piped. She doesn’t like it at all. Pushing for a unit debut was weird enough, doing a comeback without her best unnie does not stand well with her.













They left the meeting room and decided to eat as they were cleared of schedules for the day. They want something close to home because the sky seemed to be brewing up a storm. Yeri proposed a new restaurant that opened near their dorm as she surfed the web. When they did arrive, they noticed it was open but empty of customers.



“You didn’t have to book the entire restaurant Yeri-mah. It looks like your show has been doing well,” Irene said as they scurried in as the rain fell down.



“I didn’t, unnie. Maybe it’s not that popular yet,” Yeri said as she pulled a chair.



“I’m just hoping for a decent meal. I don’t care if its not popular,” Joy said already looking at the menu.



Seulgi called out that they want to order and a handsome waiter with orange highlights in his hair went to their table.



“Oh, I think I’m gonna be a regular here,” Joy batted her eyelashes at the cute waiter.



“Oh please,” Yeri rolled her eyes and went to place her order.



“Would you like a complimentary beef soup from our chef? Its free as you’ve been our first customers for the day,” he said, his eye smile gleamed.



“Oh yes, please!” Seulgi piped. Free food is good food.



The waiter nodded and he went back to the kitchen.



“This place is a little odd don’t you think? Lots of little symbols and stuff,” Irene noticed. The place looked classy but what made it stand out was the little statues at the side and the symbols she mentioned.



“What do you mean? Its like a set in our music videos. I feel right at home,” Joy said a matter-of factly.



Irene glared. She doesn’t like everything in their music videos. Leave it for the company to place a scared little rabbit like her in a group whose concept range from killing to witchcraft.



Their order finally arrived. Seulgi have to say, everything looks delicious.



“And here is your soup,” their waiter smiled at them. “Complements from our chef. She’s a big fan of Red Velvet,” his eyes looked at each member. Weird.



“She hopes you enjoy.” He said a few moments later then turned around and left.



“Your crushes are always the weird ones,” Yeri turns to Joy.



“Just shut up and eat,” Joy fired back.



The food was delicious, especially the beef soup. Such a hearty meal in cold weather and under the pouring rain.



They paid and left for their dorm happily. They decided to turn in early as they have a schedule early in morning.















Irene was the first to wake up. It’s no contest. She prepared breakfast quickly and went to shower. Yeri and Joy went to eat breakfast at the table.



Seulgi was the the last to get up. She did not however wake up in her usual bed but the sleepy bear proceeded to the dining table to eat breakfast.



“Hurry up, our manager will be here any minute,” Irene instructed, showered and dressed, getting her own stack of pancakes.



They all proceeded to their rooms. Seulgi went to her closet-of-a-room and opened a room full of brooms and unused supplies.



“Yah!”she shouted. She proceeded to knock on their maknaes door. Yeri was brushing her teeth when she opened the door. “Did you pull this? Do you know how exhausting it is decorating my room?” A disheveled bear was fuming outside her room.



“Unnie, whaf are you talfking afout,” she said through a mouth full of foam.



“My room is a utility closet,” Seulgi pouted.



Joy came out with a towel on her shoulder. “We already know that, so what are yapping about unnie?” Joy answered in passing to get to the bathroom.



“You turned my utility closet of a room into a utility closet for real!” Seulgi was pouting. She does not have time for this. She has a comeback stage with Irene in a few hours and she does not need this from the Satans.



“I didn’t do anything to your room, ask Yeri,” Joy said.



“Hey! I hafent eifer!” Yeri communicated.



“What’s going on? Seulgi why are you still in your pajamas. We have a comeback stage—“



“Unnie, my room!” Seulgi stomped. She pointed to her room like a toddler, then pointed at the maknaes.



She sighed. She looked at the duo.



“What did you do?”



“Nothing!” Both the maknaes answered. Irene decided to go to Seulgi’s room and finally end this mess.



When she opened the door, it was indeed a utility closet.



How did they even pull this off?



She looked at the maknaes accusingly.



Both Joy and Yeri, who followed them, had their mouths agape, foam leaking from Yeri’s open mouth. Gross.



“Yah, Yeri-mah, how’d you do it?” Joy poked Yeri.



“I swear! How the would I have the time to make this great masterpiece?!” The unnie line frowned.



“Language,” Irene piped.



“Where’s my stuff??” Seulgi was in panic. She just bought that new piece of decoration—



“But you didn’t complain yesterday didn’t you?” Yeri said, finally rinsed .



“Because I still have a decent room yesterday.” Seulgi said.



“So, you woke up to this?” Irene asked.



“I-I woke up to a bed but- but I was out of it earlier. I rushed out of my room to have breakfast,” she blushed.



. . . .



“That’s impossible.” Irene is puzzled. If this happened after they had breakfast, its utterly impossible.



“My stuff,” Seulgi pouted. She bought that box full of Pringles for nothing.



“If this has nothing to do with you, we’ll just have to tell our manager. I’m-I’m not so sure if he’ll believe it but we have to move now.” Irene snapping everybody out of their daze.



“Fine. As much as this is a good mystery, we’re too busy to be Nancy Drew at the moment. Unnie come on, you’re the closest size to me. You’re going to have to wear my clothes,” Joy walked back to her room with a sulking Seulgi leaving Irene and Yeri.



“Are you sure—“



“No, unnie. I would have proudly raised my hand if I did.” Yeri looked impressed.



Irene is doubtful.



What happened to Seulgi’s stuff?











They made their way to their car and entered. Their manager briefed them that they have a meeting at the company.



“Oppa, aren’t we supposed to have a comeback stage today?” Irene was beginning to feel irritated. After their morning fiasco, a change of schedule is the last thing she wanted. The members seemed to think so too. She can hear a low growl from a bear in

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It's still the same story guys. I just un-drafted it hahaha Okay I'll stop procrastinating anymore. Bye2!


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Favebolous 11 streak #1
Chapter 2: Good
Favebolous 11 streak #2
So i reread again
I love how red velvet has this fic as a perspective that is connected to this is not happening. But please finish that fic authornim!
Chapter 2: lmao, the cat and yeon joo is hilarious 😭
chchcn #6
Chapter 2: I just found it, authornim where are you..
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 2: But I'm glad it ended happily
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 1: I'm reading this to hurt myself