their blue sky

a breath of fresh air

Alarms have never woken them up easily, and yet this morning Joohyun finds herself the last to use their dorm bathroom despite always being the earliest to rise. Yerim's already putting on her shoes, ponytail bouncing as she bops her head along to some song playing in her earphones. Seulgi's fully dressed, scrambling around the kitchen to put together a breakfast pack for all of them - which probably means something like sandwiches and fruit and random snacks she finds lying around. Sooyoung's perfecting her makeup as she offers (more like instructs) Seulgi what to take, which leaves Joohyun a bit flustered.


Sooyoung looks at Joohyun and cackles. "You look lost."


"I didn't expect you all to wake up at the first alarm."


"Well, actually," Yerim pops out an earbud, "I didn't sleep, so technically-"


"You didn't sleep?" Seulgi pauses her kitchen raid to frown at Yerim. "That's not right."


Yerim waves her concern away. "I'll crash later, it's fine. Right, Joohyun-unnie?"


"I mean, to be fair, I also just fell asleep half an hour before the alarm rang," Joohyun admits, shrugging. Sooyoung and Seulgi grin; they understand all too well how Joohyun feels.


"Well?" Yerim taps her foot impatiently. "Are we going, or are we going?"




Joohyun nibbles her lips as the four of them sit in the waiting area of the hospital. It smells a bit like disinfectant, sounds a bit like white noise she can't entirely block out. The flourescent lights seem a bit too bright for daytime and the number of doctors and nurses rushing past them in scrubs are too many to count. As discomfiting as it is, it's also become something akin to home ground for Joohyun these past months. Some of the hospital staff recognise her as they pass by and give her a quick wave, a reassuring smile. They've long stopped seeing her as the star-studded visual leader Irene, choosing to remember her as the concerned, motherly Joohyun who flushes a bit too much when she needs to ask for extra bedding and asks after daily meals and allowed snacks.


Seulgi fiddles with the bouquet they procured on the way. Sunshine daffodils, pristine gardenias, blooming morning glory. Affection, gentleness, rebirth. "Do you think she'll like it?"


Yerim stretches and pats Seulgi's back. "She'll love anything you give her, you know that."


Seulgi blushes. "It's not just from me! It's from all of us," she emphasises. "Joohyun-unnie, do you think she'll like it?"


"Yerim's right. She'll love it."


Seulgi beams at the assurance and fusses with the flowers, arranging and rearranging them until she's satisfied. To her left, Yerim is fiddling with her phone, playing random games to keep her mind occupied. To Joohyun's right, Sooyoung twiddles her thumbs, constantly checking her reflection in her phone to make sure she looks as perfect as she can be. Joohyun places a hand on Sooyoung's thigh, pats it. Sooyoung takes Joohyun's hand and plays with her fingers.


They're all nervous.


"Wow, look at you all!" A cheery voice breaks through the silence. "Hey, are those flowers?"


Sooyoung's the first one to shoot up from her seat, sprinting in the direction of the voice. Yerim tucks her phone away into a pocket and slowly stands up, fighting the urge to follow Sooyoung's footsteps, trying her best to be calm. Seulgi glances at Joohyun. Joohyun stares back. Yerim tugs Seulgi to her feet, leaving Joohyun frozen in her seat. It takes her time to gather the strength to stand up, to turn around, to face her greatest fear, her greatest desire.


Joohyun sees her, hair longer than before, in her everyday clothes for the first time in forever, leaning against the wall as Sooyoung sobs into her shoulder. Yerim is animatedly talking a million miles a second, while Seulgi shyly explains her bouquet. The love of her life cranes her neck to look over Yerim's shoulder. The hand gently patting Sooyoung's back raises in greeting. "Hey there, gorgeous."


Joohyun feels a familiar smirk creep onto her face. "Hey, you dork."


Son Seungwan laughs heartily; the sound echoes around the hospital and fills Joohyun's heart with overwhelming warmth. Joohyun wants nothing more than to take Seungwan into her arms right then and there, to hug her and kiss her and hold her forever and ever and ever.


"Aren't you coming closer?" Seungwan asks teasingly.


"I would, but there seems to be a few obstacles in my way," Joohyun points out.


Sooyoung sniffles and pulls away, taking the tissue Seungwan offers. Wiping her tears and snot away, Sooyoung pouts. "Damn, and I put on all this makeup to look nice for you," she complains.


Seungwan pats Sooyoung's head affectionately. "Smudged makeup or not, you'll always be beautiful, Sooyoung."


"I know I am," Sooyoung mumbles through her tears.


"How about me?" Yerim gestures at herself.


"Um, your prince is back in action, Your Highness," Seungwan attempts to do a sweeping bow from where she's propped up against the wall. "And I love all the songs you sent me. You've worked really hard, so take some time to rest too," she advises, using her thumb to rub at the dark shadows under Yerim's eyes. Yerim's lower lip trembles at her touch, and she has to scamper away before she too bursts into tears.


Seulgi's already crying as she hands the bouquet to Seungwan. "I missed you," Seulgi says, simple, straight from the heart.


"I missed you too." Seungwan wraps Seulgi in a warm embrace before wiping away her tears. "Goodness me, you crybaby, look at you. Hey, look at me." Seungwan tips Seulgi's head up until she meets her eyes. "We're okay. We're here, and we're okay. Okay?" Seungwan holds up a pinky finger.


Seulgi wipes away her tears with the back of her hand and links her pinky with Seungwan's. "Okay."


That just leaves Joohyun. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Seungwan asks.


"You" - Joohyun takes a step closer - "stupid" - another step - "idiot" - and now she's running - "Seungwan!"


With all the power in her weakened body Seungwan catches Joohyun as she flies towards her, holding her tight, face buried in Joohyun's shoulder. "My God," Seungwan murmurs, "Bae Joohyun."


The way Seungwan says her name sends shivers down her spine. Joohyun grips the back of Seungwan's shirt tightly, breathing in Seungwan's cinnamon scent. Her eyes are shut tight as she savours the feeling of Seungwan's body, the way they fit so well together, the way Seungwan whispers calming words into her ear. "I love you, Son Seungwan," she breathes. "I love you."


"I love you too."


The sky has never been clearer on their journey home - this time, as five.

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hangryeats #1
Chapter 1: hey now we are okay
Chapter 1: yeaah she's back T_T i dont know how i missed her so much until i saw her on that video T___T
Oblivion_rose #3
Chapter 1: She’s back :))
ReVeLuvyyy #4
Chapter 1: We're okay now :)
poplarbear #5
We'll be okay :')
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: I'm T_T