Chapter one :: Preparation

Trick or Trip

Jisoo stuffs her nth pair of training suits and oversize hoodie into her suitcase, while glancing at her wardrobe to see if she needs to pack more clothes for her 30-day trip. Jennie helps to film while Lisa keeps Dalgom, Jisoo's dog out of the way because the smart dog is slowing things down by pulling clothes out of her carrier.

"Clothes, makeup?" Jennie asks.


"Shoes?" Rosé points at Jisoo's favourite Vans

"Packed. 3 pairs plus that one I'm wearing." Jisoo assures her.

"Cash, camera?" Lisa holds up a compact digital camera.

"Ah, I didn't think about that! Would you put that in my bag?" Jisoo tosses her empty backpack to Lisa.

"Calm down Jisoo. You are not going to outer space." Jennie gets up to film from another angle, showing the huge pile of clothing dumped on the bed.

"You're right. I'll just go shopping." Jisoo takes her bulky black padded jacket out of the carrier before closing it.

"I'll just wear the darn jacket."

Jennie shakes her head at the ridiculous idea to pack the winter wear when summer is approaching. But yet, you can never be too sure because she may be going to a cold country.

"Ah, my precious books." Jisoo shoves her collection of novels into her backpack.

"Done! See you soon Trip or Trick!" Jisoo waves to the camera excitedly.



NCT dorm

The quiet and calm Taeyong takes out 5 neatly folded boxy shirts from the drawer and places them on top of his luggage. He counts them once again to make sure he has the same amount of underwear, pants, socks, handtowels and even sleepwear.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5. There you go." Taeyong beams while he colour coordinates the content of his belongings. Haechan, his roommate is growing tired of the leader's meticulous habit. He lies down on his tummy to film, while making some side comments to encourage the shy leader to speak to the camera.

"Hyung, who's your ideal travel partner among NCT members?"

"Hmm, Taeil?" Taeyong giggles at Haechan.

"Hyuuung...." he whines in front of the camera. "I thought you cherish me, your faithful roommate and servant."

"Of course I do. I chose Taeil because he's older and doesn't need extra care, which means he's my ideal travel companion."

"Makes perfect sense. I wouldn't enjoy my vacation with someone bothersome." Haechan blurts out without thinking that he is that whiny person who needs constant care from the leader.

"Next question, which girl group member would you rather be with on a stranded island?" Taeyong glares at Haechan while he sticks out his tongue behind the camera. He's challenging Taeyong to answer the tricky question most idols avoid.

"I choose.. Lee Hyori sunbaenim. I watched her show and she seems dependable and would certainly survive on a desert island." Taeyong confidently answer while promoting another show by TVN. (Let's assume it is J)

"Of course our scaredy cat leader needs someone strong. Hehehe." He jokes. "So, what are you most looking forward to?"

"This is my first time travelling with non NCT members or staffs so I don't know what to expect. I hope I can get along with them and have fun." Taeyong answers in the most serious way.

"Taeyong hyung! Trip or Trick members! Fighting!!" Haechan grabs his final chance to be on camera. "Byeee!!" 


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Chapter 4: NICE ONE
2114 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hahaha it looks like you are torn between making Yunho a jerk or a nice person :P anyway, if it's divided evenly, then I think it's clear that Yunho had to get in this van with the 3 girls. And I couldn't believe I have reached the last updates already. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2114 streak #3
Chapter 8: So Yunho isn't a jerk. Good to know! Hahaha sorry that I'm too hung up on this alone. Could be the side effects of reading stories of him being a jerk back-to-back. Anyway, coming back to the story, poor Jisoo. Being a leader isn't that easy a job. Hopefully, things will go better for her in the future. Will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #4
Chapter 7: LoL is Yunho gonna be a jerk throughout the story? And poor NCT boys! Hope they get their lost luggage back. And about their lodging, good thing that they only booked the place for two days. Can't wait to see if the interiors are rundown as well. Will be back later to do so ^^
2114 streak #5
Chapter 6: Ah so Yunho is the one who got tricked? Hahaha poor him! Hope his crankiness is just a temporary one and that he gets over it soon. And Changmin being such a darling! Also is Jisoo really a TVXQ fan in her younger days? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #6
Chapter 5: Although I would love to see Yunho be chosen as the leader, I would be equally if someone else gets the responsibility instead and he gets to simply chill in the trip without having to worry about managing the other kids. Anyway, I can't wait to see who was chosen. But will be back later to do so ^^
daedrey #7
Chapter 9: This is a cute story. I can't wait to see all the shenanigans that the cast have to deal with as the crew throws more tricks at them.
2114 streak #8
Chapter 4: Oops! Now I kinda feel stupid for pointing out the unnie thing. But still, what kinda logic is that! I mean Haechan's not yours. Anyway, is Sejeong supposed to be a mean character here? Well, regardless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha so my guess was right about TVXQ! But then again it was not rocket science. LoL... Anyway, they are all heading to Iceland? Whoa! Luckily, Jisoo packed a winter jacket but would that be enough? And wonder if the others packed at least that as well. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS "unnie" is only used when a younger girl addresses an older one. If it's a younger boy addressing an older girl, then it would be "noona". Here, Haechan called Jennie as unnie. So just thought would let you know.
2114 streak #10
Chapter 2: Wow! What a variety show. Hahaha XD poor members who got tricked. Wait! Makes me wonder. If either Yunho or Changmin is the disclosed member of the show, then that means the other is the tricked one? LoL... No spoilers please. I'll find out for myself. Will be back later to do so ^^