Chapter Four (Wishes)

The Heart of the Ocean
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Yoona had to admit that the tuxedo looked incredibly good on her, and she had Hyori to thank for that. The woman was a hero in her eyes, and she's the reason why the brunette was walking through the doors of the restaurant.

"Good evening, sir,"

Yoona nodded towards the butler as she walked inside and took everything in, and tried her best to play it cool, even though she was impressed to no end by the place.

Everything looked super classy, and she felt overwhelmed as her eyes traveled from the expensive-looking carpet to the giant chandeliers hanging from the glass dome. When she got to the stairs, she couldn't help but run her hand on the wood of the rail. It was beautiful beyond compare.

A gentleman that walked by her side vowed his head in salute, and Yoona did the same, although a bit awkwardly. Everyone was standing with prose, their heads were held high, and their spines were straight; they didn't even look like they were walking. They looked like they were floating with elegance. The men had their hands behind their backs, and because she was being seen as a man, she put her hand on her lower back as well, and as a man walked by, she took notice of how he was offering his arm to the lady beside him, and she practiced doing that a couple of times on her own.

More gentlemen nodded at her in greeting, and she did the same while smiling politely. Hyori had said that she looked like a new penny, and she felt just like one at that moment.

She didn't have to wait long before she saw Jaejoong and Eunji appeared on the stairs, both looking beyond glamorous. She went to greet them, but Jaejoong barely nodded her way and moved quickly to greet someone else, leaving Yoona with unfinished words on the tip of her tongue.

Disappointed, she looked back only to be mesmerized by the beautiful image on top of the stairs.

Jessica was wearing a purple and white dress that left her shoulders and glorious neck exposed to the eye, her long hair fell around her shoulders in curls, and she was shining in every way possible.

Yoona was hypnotized but had to move when she was at the bottom of the stairs. She decided to imitate the men from before and reached out to take the blonde's hand. She leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

Yoona's tuxedo made her look beautiful to the eye; there was not a single moment where Jessica saw her like a normal man. She was staring at Yoona, and she looked amazing like the perfect gentlewoman, but it was hard not to stare at the dark haired beauty while her lips touched her skin in the softest kiss she'd ever received.

"I saw that on a film once, and I always wanted to do it," Yoona said and chuckled. Her lips still very close to Jessica's hand and sending tingles all over Jessica's arm when her lips ghosted above her skin.

Jessica laughed in amusement at Yoona's confession. The brunette was truly adorable. Yoona offered Jessica her arm, who took it proudly so, and reached out to grabbed her fiancé's and mother's attention.

"Jaejoong, surely you remember Mr. Im,"

Jaejoong's reaction was comical, to say the least. His eyes widened in genuine surprise at seeing Yoona look so fine.

"Im! Oh my gosh, I almost didn't recognize you," he admitted in awe.

"Amazing! You could almost pass for a gentleman," he added with just a hint of mockery.

"Almost," Yoona said, amused, yet not insulted quite yet.

Eunji just looked at her with the same disgusted expression as before, but Yoona just nodded her way before Jaejoong pulled her forward, and she was left with Jessica to follow behind.

"You look beautiful tonight, Jessica," Yoona said and had the pleasure to make Jessica blush and duck her head shyly.

It was unbelievable the way a girl like Jessica could blush at hearing such a line that Yoona was sure the girl must have heard a thousand times before.

"You do too, Yoona," Jessica said with a bite to her bottom lip where Yoona's eyes lingered; kissing the blonde was never so tempting before. watered, and her breath got caught in . An empty feeling settled on her stomach when she had to hold back even though Jessica's mere presence was like a magnet pulling her close.

They kept walking around the restaurant through countless prominent men and women that Yoona would have never had the chance to see if it wasn't for Jessica.

"You look like a natural. I don't think anyone will question you," Jessica addressed, making Yoona raise her chin a bit higher in the air and pretend to look like an annoyed diva.

"I'm a natural. I don't know what you're talking about,"

That made Jessica laugh even louder than she was supposed to at these events. She covered with a hand quickly while Yoona just laughed, her eyes never leaving Jessica's joyful expression.

"I like your laugh," Yoona found herself saying, and then she blushed madly when she realized that had come out of nowhere.

"I like my laugh too," Jessica said playfully, as Jaejoong turned around and smiled at Jessica before winking in her direction. Neither girl said anything, but they were reminded that Jessica had a fiancé.

"Look," Jessica called Yoona's attention again and pulled her down a little bit to whisper in her ear.

Yoona followed her line of sight, noticing a woman.

"That's the Countess of Rothes," said Jessica, and then she pointed at an older man who was with a much younger girl.

"And that's John Jacob Astor, the richest man on the ship. His little wifey there, Madeline, is my age and in a delicate condition,"

Yoona chuckled when she noticed the bump on the young woman's stomach.

"See how she's trying to hide it. Quite the scandal,"

Jessica continued to tell Yoona about several notables around the room and their not so rightful lives that they tried to keep undercover. Mr. Astor and Madeline nodded towards Jessica, and she moved closer to greet them, Yoona by her side looking every bit like a gentleman as the rest of the penguins.

"J.J, Madeline, I'd like you to meet Im Yoona," introduced Jessica with a proud smile on her face and Yoona reached out to shake the man's hand rather nervously.

"It's nice to meet you, Yoona. Are you from Boston?" the man asked, interested and Yoona shook her head.

"No, sir. I'm actually from New York,"

Astor nodded his head, trying to recall the Im family in New York, but he couldn't. They parted ways rather awkwardly after that leaving a giggling Jessica behind and a puzzled Yoona.

"How are you holding up, kid?"

Hyori came into view, and Yoona smiled fondly at the lady.

"With no problem at all, ma'am. You just dress nice and keep your nose up," said an amused Yoona as she raised her chin a bit higher, making Hyori and Jessica laugh.

"Remember, the only thing they respect is money, so just act like you've got a lot of it, and you're in the club,"

Yoona nodded and offered her free arm to the lady and then escorted both of them to the dining table.

Yoona was a nervous mess, but she didn't show it as she took her seat next to Hyori and watched Jessica sit beside Jaejoong. Everyone was looking at her with polite smiles on their lips and curious eyes, probably thinking that he was a new rich, a young, and wealthy captain of industry, but still part of the club like Hyori said before.

Everything was going rather smoothly while Yoona exchanged flirty smiles with Jessica across the table. That is until Eunji decided that it was enough pretending for one night, and with an evil smile, turned to address Yoona.

"Tell us of the accommodation in third class, Mr. Im. I hear they're quite good on this ship,"

Several gasps were heard, but Yoona's face was cool even though she couldn't expect any less of the woman. She had never been embarrassed by her class, and she wasn't going to start.

"The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats,"

Eunji rolled her eyes while the rest of the table laughed at Yoona's answer. Hyori was too busy glaring at the older blonde to do anything else.

"Mr. Im is joining us from third class. He was of some assistance to my fiancée last night," Jaejoong filled in. Now the rest of the table knew exactly why Yoona was there.

Jaejoong smirked at Yoona with a glint of evilness on his eyes, but Yoona didn't look intimidated even though he just treated her like the staff. She didn't care about his opinion of her or anyone else but Jessica's.

"Caviar, sir?" a waiter asked by Yoona's right, and with one look at the dark green thing, Yoona made her decision.

"No caviar for me, thanks,"

Jessica smiled fondly after seeing Yoona's reaction at seeing the dish, but Jaejoong was staring at the brunette with disdain.

"Never did like it much," Yoona added, and at this, Jessica laughed, and Eunji didn't like the interaction, not one bit.

"Tell us, Mr. Fabray, where do you live?" Eunji asked, gathering attention to them once more.

Yoona knew the lady's intentions, but she wasn't going to let the woman get on her nerves, so she smiled before she spoke.

"Well, right, now my address is the RMS Titanic. After that, I'm on God's good humor," she said as more food was served.

She picked one of the three forks, but Jessica picked the right one and showed Yoona from afar. Yoona quickly settled down the one she grabbed first and picked up the one Jessica was telling her to pick up.

"You find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?" Eunji asked with just a hint of disgust.


Yoona was having too much fun pushing the lady's buttons by just being herself, and she was never one to pretend.

"It's a big world, and I want to see it all before I go. You can't wait around because you never know what hand you're going to get dealt next,"

At this point, Yoona had everyone's attention, but they didn't intimidate her because she

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Chapter 5: Ouch! This is so hurt. Sica sacrifice her own happiness just to help her family. Both of YoonSic is hurting right now. They don't deserve it.
Chapter 5: Speechless...don't know what to say...

Its hurt to see yoonsic like this (╥﹏╥)
1125 streak #3
Chapter 5: Sica give yourself a chance to be happy too... Don't lie to yourself anymore you won't be happy with that jerk... Or maybe that jerk fiance threatened her with something?
Chapter 5: Awwww this is sad. Sica chose to live for her mother's happiness than her own. I hope we wouldn't have a Titanic ending like Jack and Rose bcoz Yoona and Sica deserves to be together!
Chapter 4: take a chance sica, u only live once ... just follow your heart, no need to think about your arrogant fiancé..
Chapter 1: I like the part where yoonsic is staring at each other .... yoonsic whose looking at each other, but instead me whose feel the butterflies in stomach.
Chapter 4: Huhuhu they like each other but can't be together. Hoping this have a happier ending than Jack and Rose!
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter! I hope this won't have a tragic end like the original <\3
1125 streak #9
Chapter 4: Oh cant wait to see the scene where fl will ask ml(fl) to draw her 😈😈😈.... and I wonder what will Jessica's reaction when she learns that the 'boy' she's fallin for is actually a girl...
oungie87 #10
Chapter 4: :)

Sadly, Jessica to scared to take the risk. :(