18 December πŸŽ„

Merry Christmas πŸŽ„

Christmas atΒ Yesung’s orphanage wasΒ never happy. There weren’t enough gifts for every kid so there were many years when Yesung got nothing and only watched happiness of luckier kids. He remembers how one year he got the best gift of his childhood - a hoodie with Winnie the Pooh.

He was in first grade and when he opened the bag with the hoodie he immediately fell in love with it. However an older kid got mad that he got nothing and wanted to take the hoodie from Yesung. No one stopped him, no one in the orphanage really cared about the kids - you fought or had nothing. So the smaller boy was gripping it with all strength in his body and the other boy tugged at the fabric for so long until he ripped one sleeve off and then lost his interest. Yesung didn’t throw it away, he wore it and didn’t mind that kids at school made fun of him for wearing a ruined hoodie.

So now when he is an adult with a good job, he thinks that it is his duty to buy gifts for kids in his old orphanage. There are luckily new employees who are nice to the kids. He and Siwon went to a mall and bought many toys - stuffed animals, dolls, Lego, they bought so many toys so every kid can get one. Yesung doesn’t mind spending money, he is doing it to make the unlucky kids happier. He loves the moment when they enter the orphanage and the kids run into them with happy laughter. Yesung often comes to donate money, clothes or toys so they know him and know he brought something. However, they can’t get the gifts now. Yesung and Siwon give the bags to a young caregiver who locks them in a closet. Only she has the key so no one can steal the toys and ruin Christmas.

Then she takes Yesung in a nursery where are sleeping six little babies in their cribs. This is another reason why Yesung loves coming there - cuddling with babies. Yesung wants to adopt a baby so bad, but they can’t. At least Yesung can hold a baby for a while. Siwon is watching him and his heart hurts. He wants to give Yesung a baby, but an adoption is still out for their reach. Siwon is angry because he is sure that Yesung would be the best mother and some stupid law isn’t allowing it. Siwon will patiently wait for a change and until then he will shower Yesung with love so he won’t be sad.Β 

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Chapter 24: Thank you for the story! It makes my heart warmπŸ’™
392 streak #2
Chapter 24: awwwwww

It's really a lovely story! LOVE it to the moon and back! Thank you for sharing beib!
392 streak #3
Chapter 18: damn right, sometimes I wonder why those stupid laws exist, 8 years I wait and wait just to have a piece of law paper about adoption, and still got nothing just because I'm still a single. Lucky me that I still can live with my adorable son. It's just that I worry if something happen to me, he won't get my inheritance
392 streak #4
Chapter 15: #gasp

I don't get the jokes, is this why I'm still single? O___o
392 streak #5
Chapter 8: don't be sorry! we all (?) love ! XDDD
392 streak #6
Chapter 4: Aaaaw sweeeet > ___ <
WoonSky1984 #7
Chapter 7: I really love these two together! ❀️
WoonSky1984 #8
Chapter 3: Cute
Chapter 1: looking forward to the next chapter thx author