Date 101 (Part 1)

Ungrateful Melody
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This is the sequel for my previous oneshot 'Seduction 101'

Since many of you asked for this so...there you go!

I split this story into 2 parts, part 2 will be uploaded later this week, won't make you wait too long!



"I should be happy but I'm not" Yeri dramatically kneeled down in front of Wendy "Why, why did you do this to me??"

"Ya~ why are you making a scene again in front of my clinic?"

Apparently it's not the first time Yeri causing a scene

"Get up"




"Take her" Wendy sighed, 2 interns suddenly appeared from behind the door and dragged a wailing Yeri away

"Why is she so persistent?" Seulgi asked while munching her chips "She already get what she wants"

"I know right. She even get to meet her idol, Irish"

"Irene" Seulgi corrected her "What does she want now?"

"She strongly believe that I have to go back to SM and take back the 'Date 101' offer"

"Wait I'm confused" Seulgi stopped munching for 5 seconds

"Yesterday, I called the PD and I told her I don't want to do 'Date 101' thingy"

"Huh?" the younger girl tilted her head "Why? Everyone is dying to meet the Irene Bae and here you're pushing the opportunity away"

"I don't know, I feel that Iron girl is somewhat scary. She makes me uncomfortable"

"Irene" Seulgi her fingers, savoring the remaining MSG taste "Well, she does look intimidating"

"Besides, I'm booked for surgeries almost everyday this week. I won't have time"

"Yeri will bother you until you said yes"


Two women were coming through the main door. They stopped in front of the reception desk

"Is this Son&Won pet clinic?"

Wendy glanced at them but continue talking with Seulgi

"That's why I instructed those two interns to keep their eyes on her, Seul"

"That's dr. Wendy Son"

Wendy heard her name being called

"Talk to you later, Seul"

Seulgi, who often hangs out at the clinic, gave her a thumbs up. Well, usually Yeri and Seulgi but since Yeri being a pain, Wendy had to keep the clinic Yeri free.

"Hi. How can I help you?" Wendy approached them

"I'm not sure...OooW!" girl 1 winced "why did you pinch me?" Girl 1 asked the other girl in a shushed voice

"Tell her Iguana needs her vaccine"

"Iguana just got a vaccine last week"

"The cat is dying" girl 2 calmly said to Wendy

"What? No!" girl 1 strongly denied

"Ok" Wendy scratched the back of her head "Then you don't need any help?"

"Let me handle this ok?" girl 1 said in shushed voice again

"I'm thinking of a healthy diet for Iguana, my cat"

Wendy beamed "I see"

"Come inside"


After a basic check on Iguana's current condition and a few questions here and there, Wendy scribbled some healthy menus for the cat.

"She's kind of overweight so you may need to control her meal. Cut the portion into half, don't reduce the meal time for the 1st week and 2nd week change her dinner menu to this, I have written some healthy veggie based meals. Please come back here on 3rd week, we'll check her vitals"

"O-oh Ok" girl 1 was impressed "Wow, you're good"

"I'm just doing my job" Wendy humbly said

"You should smile more"

This creepy feeling. Wendy could feel a strong aura from girl 2.

"I'll keep that in mind" She awkwardly said "So, anything else I can help you with?"

Girl 1 glanced at girl 2 then girl 2 glanced back to girl 1.

"Okay..." wendy started, feeling awkward.

"Why did you drop "date 101"?" Girl 2 asked, she opened her mask and hat "I'm so disappointed, I mean my FANS will be disappointed"

"Err...which fans? I literally got death wishes because of the show, your fans hella MAD because i set you up" Girl 1 said

Irene pinched her side again "That's probably my anti fan, now introduce yourself"

"Oow..oww okay OKAY!" girl 1 screamed then opened her mask too "Hi Wendy-ssi, I'm Lisa, we talked before when you called the company"

"In short she's the show producer, she told me that you don't want to do the show, why??" Irene demanded while slamming her hand on the table

Wendy jaw dropped, how....she should've known that this woman is crazy enough to come to her clinic and confronted her

"I'm not a celebrity, I'm a bit uncomfortable in front of the camera and I'm busy"

Why do I need to explain?? Wendy thought

"But you did fine before. Come on, do it one more time and we can find the right date to shoot, right Lisa??"

"Uh yeah" Lisa said while Iguana's ear "But if Wendy-ssi doesn't want to....emm i mean it'll be fun, please consider it" The young PD quickly said upon sensing Irene's glare at her

"I will mostly zoom on Irene's face, if that helps"

"No, I still don't want to"

"WE can promote pet awareness" Irene tried to convince Wendy "We can start our date from here and...and you can say stuff like animal...animal abuse is crime"

"Hey..hey...I'm the PD" Lisa tried to protest "YEP!!we can do that, absolutely" Irene stomped on Lisa's foot

"Hmm" Wendy almost convinced

" like animals right? We can go to the zoo?? To feed the tiger"

Irene hates scary animals, she might faint but who cares

Your fans care, they will kill me. Lisa pleaded with her eyes but the other girl was busy staring at Wendy

"Hmm" Wendy is convinced "That's...interesting. I always want to go to Seoul grand park and feed the Siberian tiger"

"So?" Irene asked with hope

"Ok, I will do it. Not this week because I'm fully booked for surgeries, I'm free after"

"Wonderful! It sets then" Irene clasped her hands as her eyes brightened, totally worth it...

Ringgggg ringggg ringgg

"Your phone" Lisa reminded her "Probably it's Jennie"

"Oh" Irene hurriedly took her phone

"YAH! Did you take lunch on Mars??" Jennie's shout could be heard "Get your back this instant! You're late for dance class!"

"Geez, no need to shout, I'm going now. Bye" Irene turned off her phone

"As you see, I'm a very busy person" Irene flipped her hair "But for you, I made an exception, you can call me anytime about the shooting or anything else"

Wendy knew the girl's number because the latter had texted her a day after the 'Seduce 101' show which she never replied back.

"I will call Lisa PD-nim"

Irene pouted "Tch, fine, but we got a deal okay. You cannot back out or I'll come here everyday to torture you"

The young doctor shivered at the thought of Irene and Yeri bothering her everyday.

"We'll call you, Wendy-ssi" Lisa patted Iguana's head  "Now, let's go. Jennie will be so mad if we don't go back now"

"Wait, wait" Irene rummaged her bag "Here"

A signed CD of her album, with a personal message for Wendy on the cover.

"Listen to it, so you will know how awesome I am" Irene winked

But...Wendy only listens to jazz


In Lisa's car

"You really like her, huh?"

Irene who played with her phone, turned to see Lisa whose driving

"Wendy? Yeah, I like her"

"Wow, seriously?" Lisa couldn't believe her ears "I read somewhere that you'll stay single for the rest of your life after your break up with Suho"

Irene raised her eyebrows "What? I never dated Suho"


"Ah, that made the rumor, to make my bad girl image more believable"

Lisa blinked "Then what about Park Bogum, Jungkook and football player Kyung Ho?"

"Nah" Irene shook her head "Made up rumors too, I have never dated anyone since debut, no one caught my eyes, except Wendy"

Lisa was amazed "Wow"

"So you better help me, Lisa. Wendy is very unique, I can feel that she likes animals better than humans, better than ME and you know I hate scary animals. Help me make the date enjoyable for both of us"

"You and animals can never be put in one sentence, Irene" Lisa sighed "Like how am I gonna make feeding a tiger look romantic without you screaming??"



Wendy happily checked her bucket hat. She brought her favorite backpack too.

Thinking that she could bond with tigers makes her so happy.

Wendy always loves animals. Actually, especially anything that resembles a dog, she will love it.

The shooting crew including Lisa PD already gathered in her clinic since morning, to set up the cameras.

They will start shooting in 1 hour.

"Irene-ssi has arrived" one of the crew announced

The young celebrity wore her expensive sunglasses and walked like she's on a runaway.

Indeed she's very gorgeous.

The clinic's interns and some of Wendy's staff gasped in awe.

Right. This is Irene the celebrity. Back then when she came covered, no one recognized her.

"Oh my, oh my" Yeri squalled, you may ask why she's here?

Wendy told Seulgi about the shooting arrangement and then Seulgi told Yeri so the latter begged to watch the shoot.

"Hi, Yeri-ssi. Did you enjoy the concert last night?" Irene who now standing in front of Wendy and Yeri, asked the girl

"Absolutely!" Yeri is in her full fangirling mode "You were so great but seeing you here in person, wow, I can't believe my eyes. I'm your biggest fan!"

Irene giggled adorably making Yeri blushed

"Hi, dr. Son. Looking great today"


"Irene-ssi, make up time" one of the crew said

"See you later, Yeri-ssi and you too doctor" Irene smiled sweetly, directed specially to Wendy

Of course everyone in the clinic swooned over her except Wendy (her target), because Wendy still thinks that this girl is crazy.


SM studio

"Yo, back with me again, Kim Jisoo and you're watching 'date 101'" Jisoo is guiding the show from the studio

"Here with me, we have Irene's friend/manager. You know her, It's Kim Jennie and Wendy's friend Kang Seulgi"

"We'll watch their date together. So...what do you girls think will happen?" Jisoo gestured seulgi to speak first

"Wendy loves animals" Seulgi said "She can't even stop talking about feeding the tiger"

"Yeah, Irene will pass out at the entrance. We all know she hates animals"

Jisoo laughed "Wow, this date sounds like a disaster...I mean a fun loving date"

"So, let's watch their date now"


Back to Wendy's clinic

"Hi, everyone" Irene started doing a self camera while doing a peace sign beside her cheek "This is Irene. I'm now inside Wendy-ssi clinic. We're going to have our date today"


"Let's see what she's doing now"

Irene walked to Wendy's office in a confident stride.

"Uh...what are you doing?"

Self-camera is still focused on a very shocked Irene

"Petting a snake" said a calm voice

"Oh my God!" the camera shook and changed to 3rd person camera, held by one of the crew

"This is not my pet snake though" Wendy explained to the camera while Irene glued near the door, ready to escape anytime

"She's under my care because of skin irritation. You see here....bla bla bla"

5 minutes of Wendy talking lovingly about the snake.

"Yep, that's why she's here for treatment" Wendy smiled before putting back the snake in her cage "Sorry, did I scare you, Irene-ssi?"

Irene laughed nervously "Scared? Haha...I cannot even move my feet!"

The camera focused on Irene's awkward frozen pose.

"Should have reminded you b

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Chapter 6: Wedding planning 😂
Chapter 5: Hoho Irene's fighting spirit is very high
Chapter 3: "I just got amnesia" It made me laugh out loud 🤣
1697 streak #4
Chapter 10: Ah... I miss wenrene again
Chapter 5: Entah apa rencana Irene kali ini
Chapter 3: Ini sangat lucu
Chapter 8: Re read this again 😍😍
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Chapter 6: loved it<3