The day after the kiss

Things Unsaid
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"So how did it go?''

"I don't know what you're talking about".

"Unnie, you're not 5. Your poor attempt at changing the conversation made me cringe a bit".

"Well, I don't want to talk to the devil about my date."


Joohyun had to work to keep the smile from coming back on her face. She was a fully grown adult, and not a teenager experiencing their first crush. But it sure felt like it. All her previous dating endeavours had ended questionably and so this was a stark contrast to that. 

"Now, wipe that grin off your face and tell me what y'all did yesterday". 

She wasn't gonna escape Sooyoung. Might as well come clean. 

"Well….we went to a farm-"

"A what!? An actual farm with animals?"

"More of a dairy farm, but yea".

"And you're happy? Aren't you scared of animals?"

"I am, but it did end with us kissing" she said nonchalantly. 


Joohyun flinched a bit at her volume. 

"Keep quiet you'll wake the neighbors". 

"You kissed a girl on your first date!"

Now that she thought of it, Sooyoung was right. Where that bravery had come from, was beyond her. Of course, she didn't have to know that the kiss happened accidentally, but that's just details. Point is, she'd continued with the kiss instead of backing off. Which was very surprising for her. 

"Earth to Joohyun, are you thinking about the kiss again".

"No I'm not, don't be crass. We got work to do".

"Joohyun and Seungwan sitting on a tree,K-I-S-S-".

"Finish that sentence and you'll be out of a job". 

"Fine, but you can't expect me to not be excited, it's your first kiss in years."


"Okay okay I'll keep quiet. But I want the full details when y'all hook up again promise?"

Sooyoung barely missed the baguette Joohyun flung at her. That brat. 


"Let me get this straight, you took a girl out to a farm, and then she kissed you?"

"Yes", mumbled Seungwan with her face pressed into her pillow. Seulgi had decided that today was a perfect day to barge in at 7am and annoy her with questions. 

"How did that even happen? I can't believe you found someone who likes the dorky you".

Seungwan smiled to herself and hummed. How had she g

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aglaonema #1
Chapter 10: Awww
Chapter 10: It's not WenRene if they are not being silly and hilarious at the same time 😍😍
Chapter 10: They are hilarious! thank you for the update Author :)
1698 streak #4
Chapter 10: Lol so cute
misguidedangel1989 #5
Chapter 10: This update is so cute... ❤️❤️❤️❤️
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update albeit a short one but still appreciated.
baejoonism #7
Chapter 9: Everything in this chapter is so cute!! And the farm date surprisingly went well hahaha
Chapter 9: Seungwan really chose a farm for their date 😂
Thank goodness they have bunnies and hamsters in there 😂👏😂 so you're lucky Son Seungwan 😂😂

Ooppsss... They have their first kiss~~ Can they even called it as first kiss tho? 💖💙💖💙
Chapter 9: I still cant stop laughing at wendy she really chose a farm✋😭
Chapter 9: Awww, adorable...