Time & Death

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Ji Hoon wants to make sure the 10th Prince, Wang Eun to stay alive and safe.

Baekhyun needs to make sure Jihoon stays alive and safe. Well maybe not safe, no one care but alive.

So they make a deal to kill all Wang Eun’s enemies with Baekhyun as bait. Then in return, Baekhyun will get Jihoon and take him to where he wants.


The year 2247

“ Jaehyun, my daughter wants to meet you with her newborn son. “ Dr. Kim said while making the last report on their dream project, The time machine.

The impossible thing is done by the two best scientists in the world, Dr. Kim Chanwook, and Dr. Byun Jaehyun. They both took their complete life to reach this stage, the eventual trial. The trail of the Time machine. They’ve been training peoples to go in the past, live there for a while, and then come back without alternating the history too much. Everything is going perfectly.

“ Oh, is she good? You said she just gave birth a few days ago. “ Dr. Byun replied, sipping his hot coffee. He had to do a last check on the circuit then the Time machine will be ready for its first trip. First time in history.

“ Yes, she’s alright, and she’s so grateful to you and your research in medical science has helped her with her pregnancy. Even the boy is healthy despite the doctor had said otherwise. I’m also so grateful to you, my friend. “ Dr. Kim couldn’t repay his friend for what he did. The moment his daughter was told that her child won’t live because her body cannot protect and providing it, it devastated the entire family. But Jaehyun helped. And just 6 days ago his grandson Park Chanyeol is born, totally healthy with chubby cheeks, almond eyes, and pointed ears.

“ It’s not a big deal. Your daughter is like my own. Obviously, I would help her. I had knowledge, so I did. “ Dr. Byun acknowledged, still making sure that all the wires and switches are working properly. Jaehyun shakes his head and smiled at his friend. So workaholic always.

Soon the gate near Dr. Kim opened, and the person greets him, “ Dad, I’m here. “ At the fresh voice, both whirl their heads towards the gate of the laboratory. There stands a young lady in her late twenties, smiling with her eyes. In her hands is the bundle of joy, the sweet little Chanyeol.

A smiled bloom on Dr. Byun’s face, but Dr. Kim was concerned. “ Yuna, you are already here. I told you to rest then come. There is no hurry. Jae is not dying before he hits the 80s. “ Dr. Kim scolds his daughter.

A chuckled was heard behind them. Dr. Byun had come across the room to meet the new occupants. “ I will let the bad joke slip because we have guests. But don’t say such things, not before your daughter at least. “ He gave other scientist a side-eye then greet Yuna. “ Hello Dear, I hope you and the sweet little being is doing great. “ He could not help but coo at the newborn, who is looking at him with his lovely and innocent big eyes.

Yuna smiled at the interaction and responded, “ We’re doing fine. Just wanted your blessing for our Chanyeol. “ She handover the baby to Dr. Byun so he could have a better look. But the moment Chanyeol realized his mother his away, he started crying.

“ Aaigoo, baby it's Grandpa Jae. I took care of you when you were such a tiny peanut. “ Dr. Byun cooed, trying to calm the baby but Chanyeol hasn’t stopped fussing. Dr. Byun started walked towards the time machine and showed the small red glowing bulb, trying to distract the baby but it’s of no use.

Soon the father-daughter duo was near him and Dr. Kim scolds, “ You really don’t know how to entertain a newborn. “ He clicked his tongue. Dr. Byun rolled his eyes and sadly giving Chanyeol to his mother. “ Say whatever you want but in no time Chanyeol will only want to play with me. Mark my word. “ Dr. Byun challenged and got a scoffed in return. But in their playful argument, they didn’t realize that Yuna had gotten too near to the time machine. Just as Dr. Byun turned his head to check on Yuna, something terrible happened.

It all happened in slow motion but yet too fastly. Yuna accidentally knocked on the coffee that Dr.Byun was drinking on the main circuit that operates all the time machine functions. Soon enough there was a short circuit and a small fire break out. Everything that happened could be resolved easily, but that didn’t happen, no that wasn’t the case. In his adrenaline rush, Dr. Byun tried to reach the Yuna, but a table got in his so he pushed it. The biggest mistake, all papers caught the fire instantly and the button to start the time machine got pressed. And there was a blast. Total destruction.


No one survived but Dr. Byun, 65% burned body. Two adults died due to fire and the newborn because of suffocating, the forensic report said. But the burns from the fire were that bad. They couldn’t even recognize them. And the child, no one has the heart to see a new life at the doorstep of death, not Dr. Byun. Never.

And the time machine actually survived but was never used after that incident. Dr. Byun never allowed it. He couldn’t allow it.


The year 2270

“ Grandfather. “ A voice called Dr. Byun, pulling him out of his thoughts. “ Yes, Hyun. “ He responded. 

“ I asked if you never time traveled, then why there is data that shows you did. “ Baekhyun asked curiously.

“ I think I know. “ Dr. Byun thought for a time and said, “ But it’s not me but someone else who did it. I’m certain. “ Baekhyun’s eye widen, “ Who is that person? “ Dr. Byun smiled and a tear dropped from his not burned eye, making Baekhyun worried but before he could say something his grandfather beats him and said,


“ Chanyeol.”

Hii it's me again. Idk what's happening I'm getting too much idea's so here is a new one, enjoy and tell your thoughts upon it


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Definitely like the concept of time travel - especially to resolve an issue!! I'm looking forward to it!