author's note.


I guess this sudden appearance of mine surprised you guys a lot because it has been a while since I wrote something. As unbelievable as things might seem, yes, this story is based on a real life experience and I just knew I had to write this one because I want everyone to know how genuinely happy I am with the life that I have now.

Judging from the photo that I attached above, yes again, user printemp_os, an amazing writer on aff that made the famous winrina fics entitled “Let Me Drive-Thru Your Heart”, “Wing Woman”, and “I remember” is officially my girlfriend. We have been dating for quite a while now and coming up with this story is somehow my token of appreciation towards her and all the loveliest things that she have done just to make me reach my happiest state. Don't get confused though, we haven't met each other yet, but the ending of this story is how I imagine it to be. 

To you, my beloved, I'm not sure if you would be able to read this because I suppose you're not as active as you were in this application anymore, but I'll still tell these things to you. Thank you for coming into my life and for giving us a chance. You literally started from being my favorite author to becoming my partner, my love, my happiness, and everything that I ever wanted. Everything was so unexpected and I will never stop showing you how grateful I am for having you. I know I say this a lot of times already but I will never get tired of reminding you how much I love you. Let's be together for a long, long time.

And to you, my readers, thank you for spending some of your time reading this new story that I have written. You are also one of the main reasons why I'm genuinely happy now. Your love and support motivated me a lot and a million thanks aren't entirely enough for me to express how lucky I am for having you guys. Thank you, really. I hope you're all safe and well.

Ps. It's your not-so-favorite girl's 20th birthday today. Mind if you guys greet me? ㅋㅋㅋ

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How's everyone doing? I hope you guys loved this short story of mine. Always take good care of yourselves and stay healthy! With love from: Rae. ♡


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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 6: dang i actually could tell this js based on true story, im so jealous....congrats u two!
568 streak #2
Chapter 6: Congratulations to the both of youuuu
Chapter 6: Oh, young love. Making me feel young again. God bless on your relationship! We'll be rooting for you both. You both got this! ❤️
Lonewanderer #4
Chapter 6: This is so wholesome and its the first time I am witnessing something quite like this I hope you guys continue being happy with each other......
odeill23 #5
Chapter 6: the story was so cute, you guys are so cute too 🥰🥰 stay strong you guys
odeill23 #6
Chapter 6: oh no wonder i feel familiar with the chat, i read your gf story too
gigabyte234 #7
Chapter 6: i love this story so much author and i hope you two meet each other soon so you can live happily ever after
hi I love you again 🥰
Winyoo #9
Chapter 6: Author don't mind me but I think you are writing your own original story about ur love life ehemm☺
jj0807 #10
Chapter 4: Awwww.