Saturday's wild


P U R E  

Taemin and Minho were deeply in love with each other, but that never stopped them to enjoy their time...



There is million of typos as English isn't my first language, but I have great confidence that some ovaries will be dead after this. *-*


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This is some hot stuff !!! I love it :D
Chapter 2: does anyone know that one fic where minho and taemin meet in a party and minho is all up on him and taemin tries getting away from him and then they become friends and taemin eats chocolate that have those pills that make u _____ and minho ends up giving him a _______ but his parents come home and almost catch them
Chapter 1: This is really good. I like your grammar and pace but you have many mistakes on spelling. And I'd just like to advice you to use quotation marks instead ( " " ) than ' - ' when there are dialogues. Anyway, I wish u could write more ! Hahaha :) I really had fun with this. And not to mention, I really like it when s l u t!Tae gets it rough and hard ;)
Chapter 2: Taemin... such a beast o.o i love it <3
When you said pure , you weren't kidding. OMG this was soooooooooo good AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i feel like a shameless ert but oh wellz~ > w <
Oh...has it disappeared? :(
I do! Butterflies I read it. But I think it was deleted? What happened?
Second time i read it

i'm satisfied :)
I looooooove the
aoiworld #10
*Thumbs up*
It's awesome, you too great to be newbie. Too hot......

Sorry but can you put("...")when they talking if you make another story. So it make easy to read.(^_^)
(my english not good too)