bath tub and hair sprays

of drafts and scratches
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Prompt: Karina needs help in washing her hair after the SM Town Halloween House 2021

Rating: PG 13 but not enough for M. lol



Karina thinks she should have thought about this properly. 


Well, the idea of being The Red Queen fits easily with the red wine hair, but the amount of hairspray used for it is no joke. 


Karina feels sticky and dry and hard-headed—at least this time, the word her members typically use to describe her was used in a whole different context. 


They've toned down their make-ups and have changed to casual clothes before heading back to the dorm, but she opted to take a shower back in their room instead, knowing she'll take hours to finish taking off the effect of four hundred cans of hairspray used in her hair. 


I'm so sorry, ozone layer.


Preparing for a warm bath, she takes off her clothes and grabs her cotton robe. She grabbed her phone and an extra towel before heading out to their shared bathroom, briefly letting the girls know she'll use it first. 


Ningning and Giselle nodded absentmindedly, busying themselves with the pictures they took from the event. 


Karina glanced at Winter who is lazily sitting on the other side of the couch, doing the same thing. 


"Psst." Karina slyly calls for her girlfriend.


Winter fails to notice this and continues to browse on her phone, so Karina just shakes her head and headed to the bathroom. 


She let the warm water run and fill their bathtub, contemplating whether she should throw the lavender bath bomb they bought last time they were out for shopping. After a few minutes of staring at the running water, she decided against it, thinking she'd want to fix her hair first before indulging in a proper bath. 


She placed her phone on the counter and played her usual relaxing playlist.


Hanging the robe in its rack, she let her body dip into the warm water, exhaling at the comfort it's bringing to her tensed muscles. She might have danced a little too much again. 


She grabbed the showerhead and started to run it on her hair, using her fingers to comb through it to no avail. 

Damn, whatever hair spray their stylist used is doing its job properly.


She looked around the room for a proper comb before realizing she left it in her room. Sighing, she let her whole body submerge into the bathtub, contemplating her whole existence. 


Realizing she got her phone with her, she reached out to the counter, briefly wiping her hands on the towel beside it. 


She decided to send a quick text to her girlfriend, asking her to bring the wide-tooth comb placed on top of her vanity table. 


She sees as Winter types a quick Okay before going back under the water again.


Luckily for Karina, she forgot to lock the door so when she heard a knock from the outside, she didn't have to get up and just lazily yelled an "it's open!"


Winter comes in in her robe, earning a smirk from the older girl.


"Thought I should join you." Winter greets, flailing the comb in her hand. She tossed it on the counter with her towel, be

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Chapter 12: I need a sequel, preferably the happy ending they deserve please 😭
Chapter 10: This got me on my toes 🥲 glad they were able to sort it out really
Chapter 10: i really love the way you construct every words and i'm fascinated by the way i get hooked on reading this again and again.
jimin_jeong_ #4
Chapter 7: Woah this is a masterpiece….
Chapter 8: lovely!
Taitai84 1230 streak #6
Chapter 11: The part about going Vegas at the end is super funny
Chapter 12: Aguy
Chapter 12: well that hurts
Chapter 3: I don't get it 😭😭😭
acceiil #10
Chapter 1: first story and i already liked it