Chapter 2

Dear Uncle J
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“Do you want to add sugar, uncle J?”

Leah chirped in a very clear yet adorable voice, making Jaehyun unable to hold back a smile when the little girl next to him was busy pouring two teaspoons of sugar into his tiny pink plastic cup.

“Oh, thank you”

Keira who had just stepped out of her room reflexively smiled at the rare sight before her. She didn't think Jaehyun could win her daughter’s heart this fast. She thought it would take at least a week for her daughter to open up to someone she had just met like she used to be.

But this time, Keira was amazed by the sight of Leah playing pretend tea party which she always played with a family member, and now she was doing it with Jaehyun.

Just the two of them.

Keira was indeed surprised.

“Wow, you got a new friend, huh?”

Both Jaehyun and Leah turned to the source of the voice and found Keira still in her pajamas walking towards them.

“Mommy!” the little girl squealed happily before bursting into her mother's arms which returned with kisses on her chubby cheeks.

“Good morning baby. What are you doing, huh?”

With a beaming face, Leah pulls her mom towards Jaehyun to invite her to join the game. “Uncle J and I are having tea together, you wanna come mommy?”

“Oh, I’d love to” Keira immediately put on an excited face to please her daughter, “So, which one is my cup?”

“You want the pink one or the blue one?” Leah chirped. She had a confused look on her face as she realized that there was only the pink cup left since Jaehyun had used the blue one, and that was an opportunity for the mother to secretly test her.

“Blue would be fine”

“Huh? But..” with a confused face, those two beautiful round eyes then looked at him, “.. uncle Jaehyun, would you like to share your tea with mommy? She wants your cup”

He can't stand the pleading look she gives him which looks so adorable in his eyes, “Sure, but how about me?” Jaehyun winked at the mother which was returned with a thankful smile for cooperating with her.

“I’ll make a new one for you, is that okay?”

“Yes, that’s fine” Jaehyun smiled while giving his cup to Keira, “.. here for you mommy”

“Aww thanks uncle J, you’re so kind” Keira smiled, “Look Ley, if it was you, would you also give yours like uncle J already did?”

The little girl nodded, “Uhuh, I wanna be a good person like uncle J”

“That’s my girl” Keira fondly her head, smiling proudly because her daughter had wisely solved the problem.

She often does this; secretly giving problems for Leah to solve. Besides wanting to hone her problem-solving skills, Keira also wants to train her to think wisely and Keira is relieved because so far Leah is able to do that even though she’s only 4.

“Nah Ley, how about you check on grandma in the kitchen? I think the pancakes she cooks are done, they smell so good, don't they?”

“Pancakes? Yaaay!”

With a gleam on her face, Leah shrieked and ran towards the kitchen, leaving both her mom and uncle J who could only smile and shake their head.

“Have a good sleep, huh?” Jaehyun asked while placing his palms on her head who was now resting on the table. She's obviously still sleepy.

“Hmm, I didn't get enough sleep after finishing some work last night”

“Want me to make some coffee?”

“Nope, thanks Jae. I think I'll stop by the coffee shop first” She then straightened herself up and got ready to tidy up all Leah’s toys on the table, “How about you? What’s your plan today?”

“Go to work. You know, starting today I’m gonna help aboeji manage the business at his hospital”

Ah yes, she almost forgot his goal of following his father's wish to study business in the US was to help his dad run the company since he was the only child.

“Well good luck on your first day, Jae” She cheered him sincerely.

“Thanks. So, what time are you leaving? I’ll drive you first”

“Gwenchana, I'll take the bus, I don't want to make you late on the first day”

“It’s okay noona, I’ll take you first”

Since he insisted, then she had no other choice but to obey, “Hmm alright then, give me 30 minutes to get rea

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Chapter 2: So keira liked Jaehyun and I wonder who's the father of Leah