Under the Stars

Under the Stars

There are a lot of advantages if your best friend lives next door and Yujin knows it. From sleepovers that are always approved by their parents, to asking for help in a project when she’s stuck, to having her food buddy just a knock away, and so much more. She couldn’t ask for a better best friend than Jang Wonyoung.

Her parents and Wonyoung’s parents have been best friends since forever. Being the besties that they are, they thought that it was a great idea to have their houses beside each other, have kids in the same year and make their own kids be besties too. Which worked but not in the way that they planned.

Yujin was born exactly 365 days ahead of Wonyoung. Their parents' deal of giving birth in the same year was shattered and it gave way to certain worries about the two kids not being friends due to their . But gone were their worries when they saw the two playing together one afternoon at the Jang’s backyard.

Growing up, they played and spent a lot of time together and she’s almost sure that they are truly siblings from another mother. They shared everything, literally everything. From food, to borrowing clothes from each other, to being in the same class, to gossip and secrets, there is simply nothing that the other one doesn’t know about.

It’s as natural as breathing can be. It was almost like they were born for that purpose, to be there for each other.

And both of them don’t mind it, their closeness and all. Because after all, they like being in each other’s presence.

But then they grew up. 

Yujin got busy with her badminton training and Wonyoung was occupied with her violin practice. They are still best friends but the time they spent together was lessened; as the only time that they can see each other is during break times (they aren’t in the same class anymore in high school), and weekends for their movie nights or when one of them needed help for their classes.

One night, she wanted to spend time with Wonyoung but she saw that the light in the younger’s room was already turned off, and that was when Yujin realized that she misses her best buddy, Wonyoung. 

But she knows that she can’t do anything about it considering that it’s their dreams that are on stake here. She knows just how much Wonyoung wanted to be a renowned violinist and how Wonyoung is so supportive of Yujin’s dream to represent the country in the sport of badminton. 

Wonyoung has been nothing but a source of encouragement whenever Yujin is competing in a tournament. She can always be seen sitting in the 1st bench, having that wonderful view of the game. She can clearly see the way the shuttlecock bounces off the racket and how Yujin smashes it back to the other side of the court. And whenever Yujin scores a point she cheers in joy. But her way of uplifting Yujin’s spirits up isn't all that.

Wonyoung always reassures Yujin before a competition. She tells her that she practiced and trained for it, and she has seen the other tournaments that Yujin has been to and she has done well every single time. Wonyoung would just hold Yujin’s shoulders and smile at her as she helps her lessen the athlete’s jitters, and to Yujin it is always enough.

Yujin is simply thankful for Wonyoung, which is why Yujin does everything to support her best friend. From going to every especially even if it meant not bugging the other at night.


Yujin sighed as she closed her workbook and dropped her pen. It was a mess, several pieces of paper were scattered and her highlighters were all sprawled on the table. It was understandable as she just finished an assignment and it involved drawing (which she isn’t a fan of).

She organized her things, putting them back to where they belong. After doing so, she did some stretching because sitting for at least three hours on her chair just to finish the artwork doesn’t feel good for her back. She’s just thankful that it was the only thing that is due tomorrow. She kind of forgot about it the entire weekend and she’s beyond grateful that Yuna whined about it earlier, which reminded Yujin of the homework.

As Yujin did her exercise, she noticed that the lights of the room at the adjacent house were already off at this hour. It was still early into the night but Yujin supposes that the younger is leaning to sleeping early nowadays. There was nothing wrong with it, she thinks, it’s just that Wonyoung used to stay up all night with Yujin.

With a nostalgic gaze as she stared outside the window, she smiled to herself.

Without thinking too much, she put on her blue hoodie, grabbed the mat, and phone, and went out of her room. She saw her mother, Exy, about to go downstairs to watch a kdrama with her mom, Bona. It’s how they love spending time together during Sunday night.

“Don’t stay up too late, okay? You have school tomorrow,” Exy reminded Yujin and the latter nodded. “It won't take long,” she said before going on her way to their house’s rooftop.

Yujin switched on a light before opening the door that leads her to the rooftop and as she stepped towards the middle of it, the cool autumn air greeted her.

There were railings around the rooftop and the only source of light that she can see is right where the door is situated, other than that, it's dark. 

Yujin is aware that their house and Wonyoung’s house have a lot of similarities with each other because there is only one architect and engineer who worked on both houses, who happens to be Wonyoung’s parents, Eunbi and Chaeyeon. They settled for a modern yet cozy feel of home, and they succeeded with what they wanted to achieve.

Her hands worked together with dexterity as she laid down the mat on the cold hard floor. She sat down, legs crossed, her thumb busy scrolling across the dozens of playlist that she made before, just to find the one that she feels suited best for this night. After what seemed like hours, she finally found one, and it was called under the stars.

She placed her phone on the other side of the mat and lied down. Her left hand immediately went to the back of her head as she gazed directly into the night sky.

She loves doing this especially on the nights that she couldn’t sleep yet. It’s quiet and cool on the rooftop. Spending time here makes her breathe easier. Yujin just doesn’t know if it’s just because it’s an open area or not. And if she’s asked what’s her favorite place in their house aside from her room, it’s definitely the kitchen. Just kidding, it’s the rooftop.

Sometimes, if she’s lucky, she can spot a firefly or two passing by. But that’s not the only thing that she can see at night. There were also stars and multiple times where she spotted a shooting star. And just like any other person, she wished upon it whenever it happened.

But tonight, she doesn’t want to count stars nor wait for a shooting star to pass by. She just wants to feel at ease and be comforted by the cool air, to not think about a single thing, and just... breathe. She just doesn’t want to stress herself tonight.

She closed her eyes and listened to the song that was playing, it was one of her favorites, galaxy by BOL4.

A few songs later when she heard footsteps but she still kept her eyes closed. She knows that if it was her parents, they would have been saying her name as soon as they opened the door.

Yujin felt a light poke on her cheek. “Yujinnie,” it was a whisper to Yujin’s ears and the voice sounded small and soft, almost afraid to wake Yujin up.

“Hmm?” Yujin hummed and slowly opened her eyes. She can see the younger’s eyes full of worry. “What are you doing here, Wonnie?”

“I dropped by to give you the books that you wanted to borrow,” Wonyoung sat down on the space next to Yujin. “Harry Potter, huh?”

Yujin scrunched her nose. “Yeah. Recently, we had Harry Potter as a topic and my mom, being the potterhead that she is, asked us whether we watched the movies or read the books.”

“What did you say?”

“Well, when she asked me if I watched the series, I did tell her yes.” Yujin remembers watching it with Wonyoung one summer. “But when she asked me whether I read it or not. I didn’t have the heart to say no.”

Wonyoung chuckled as it was such a Yujin thing to do. “I believe Aunt Bona went full nerd about it.”

“She really did!” Yujin laughed, remembering how her mother got burned when she admitted that she doesn’t know anything about it. And she doesn’t want that same thing to happen to her. Savage Bona is both funny and scary to Yujin. “My mother has to catch up on watching the series to be honest.”

Wonyoung smiled while Yujin told her story. “She didn’t snoop on what you brought me?”

Wonyoung shook her head. “I dropped it in your room. And mind you, it’s heavy.” Yujin is aware that the younger doesn’t like lifting heavy things, that when they shop together, Yujin always ends up carrying what they bought.

“Sorry,” Yujin apologetically smiled. “I told you that I would just drop by your house tomorrow to get it. And I thought you’re already asleep.”

“It’s okay. I finished a bit early in practicing today and that’s why I had time.” Wonyoung laid down on the mat. “There’s only a few stars tonight,” she pouted.

“What’s a few stars gonna do when I have the brightest one beside me.” Yujin stated so naturally which immediately gained a reaction from Wonyoung.

“What the heck?” Wonyoung froze for a second before laughing heartily. Yujin turned to look at Wonyoung and this is one of the things that she misses about her, hearing her laugh.

“Hey! At least you thought that it was funny,” Yujin kept her gaze a little longer before returning it to the almost starless sky.

“Do you miss me that much to the point you’re pulling these lines on me?”

“What if I do?” 

Yujin said it with such seriousness that it was almost dangerous for Wonyoung’s heart. Wonyoung looked at Yujin and saw that Yujin’s delicate orbs were already staring at her.

“Just kidding,” Yujin added after Wonyoung didn’t say anything. She doesn’t want to make things awkward between them. “Why would I even miss you, you literally live next door. If I ever do, I can just walk over and bother you.”

“But I do,” it was just a tiny whisper but Yujin heard it.

Before Yujin could even say anything, she caught her tongue and bit it. She doesn’t want to say anything more because she’s afraid that if she does, she might break something, including her own heart.

But she couldn’t help it, she wanted to talk. 

“I actually really do.” Yujin spoke softly and smiled. Wonyoung noticed how it didn’t even reach her eyes. Yujin shifted her entire body just so she can face her best friend comfortably. “I miss you, Wonyoung.”

Wonyoung copied what her best friend did and lied on her right side, her arm supporting her head. She’s aware that they have missed several movie nights lately and she terribly wants their old routine back. “I miss you too.”

Yujin nearly forgot it feels like having the younger near. But now that she’s here, Yujin remembers. 

Yujin remembers how safe and secure she feels around Wonyoung. It’s like when she’s around, there’s simply nothing else that can burst their bubble. Yujin remembers just how warm it feels whenever they hug and how they snuggle perfectly in each other’s embrace. Yujin remembers how optimistic Wonyoung can be and how it overpowers her pessimistic ones.

And as they share the silence together, Yujin feels more at ease than ever. After all, she’s sharing the space and the silence with her favorite person.

“Are you going to stay the night?” Yujin broke the silence.

“I’m afraid not. There’s classes tomorrow.” Wonyoung frowned. She doesn’t want to leave Yujin tonight.

“You can just go back tomorrow morning. I can tell your parents that we had an impromptu sleepover.”

Wonyoung hummed as she thought about it. “That can work.” Because if anything, Wonyoung’s parents trust Yujin more when it comes to her.

Silence engulfed them once more. It didn’t really matter if no one talked between the two of them, after all, they don’t have to be talking all the time. The silence and shared gazes can suffice as their communication. 

Wonyoung smiled, “I like the song.”

Yujin took some time processing what Wonyoung said. She was too focused on Wonyoung that she forgot about the playlist. It just so happened that chasing cars is playing right now.

I don’t think there can be a song that is more fitting than this. Yujin thought.

“I like you more.” Yujin smiled.

Yujin is aware that there are advantages to having a best friend living next door, but there are also disadvantages. And one of them is falling for her.

Yujin doesn’t think that she can ever confess properly to Wonyoung because she’s just afraid of messing their friendship up, and she doesn’t want it to happen. Besides, at this point, Wonyoung would just think that Yujin is messing around whenever she says stuff like "I like you".

“Thanks, I like myself too.”

“Typical Wonnie,” Yujin chuckled, masking the wrenching of her heart with a practiced smile. Yujin moved to lie down on her back again, her right hand supporting the back of her head and her left hand resting on her side.

In her peripheral vision, she can see Wonyoung moving to lie down on her back. But what she didn’t expect was to feel a warm palm on top of her own. She looked at Wonyoung but the younger kept her gaze at the sky.

Yujin felt Wonyoung’s hand pulling away when she decided to hold it tighter. And she knows that she won’t let go anytime soon, because why would she?

A slight smile crept to Yujin’s face as she looked at the dark night sky. She can’t even remember just how many songs have passed since the first song she played. All that she could think of is this moment here with Wonyoung, the stillness, the warmth, the person and suddenly, the world is all muted out.

Yujin turned to look at Wonyoung, and Wonyoung almost immediately returned her gaze. Yujin smiled at her, this time Wonyoung noticed that it reached her eyes, making Wonyoung feel warm.

To them, there’s just no better way to spend a Sunday night than by being with each other’s presence.


“Exy, can you check on the kids upstairs?”

“I just did.” Exy muttered, grinning ear to ear. “And?”

“I wrapped them in blankets. They’re still on the rooftop.”

“What?” Bona couldn’t believe it. Yujin would typically go inside her room after at least an hour spent at the rooftop.

“They were sleeping with their hands holding each other.”

“Do you think our plan worked?” Bona whispered. It was really their lifelong dream to have their kid experience a childhood friends to lovers type of love story. And they were just lucky that Exy’s best friend, Eunbi, wanted the same thing for her kid.

“I guess.” Exy chuckled, clearly amused with how things are going.

“I’m going to wake them up.” Bona stood up and started to walk until Exy grabbed her arm and halted her.

“Let the kids rest. They’re also tired from the world.” Exy said. “Who knows, maybe they’re each other’s safe places.”

Bona kept shut. “Okay, fine. But we should at least wake them up in 30 minutes and let them sleep comfortably in Yujin’s room. I’ll feel really bad if they go to school with a sore back tomorrow.”

“Sure, I’ll just inform Eunbi that her daughter is going to spend the night here.”

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Chapter 1: annyeongz my baby
Chapter 1: awww annyeongz baby so cuteee
Chapter 1: this is so cute and oh god knows how much i miss reading annyeongz fics! thanks for the great and cute work!!