Chapter 3

Dream Guy
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One particular morning Jonghyun woke up with the sunrise and placed a hand in front of his eyes as the sunlight shone warmly on his bare skin. He groaned lightly, there was a peace in his bones, usually, one that made him want to stay down for 5 more minutes. He turned away from the window and automatically came in contact with something solid, it was warm and soft like human skin.

At first, Jonghyun thought nothing of it with his sleepy brain and cuddled up against the soft surface, it was the small hum someone else other than him let out that made his eyes snap open and sit up in bed.

His Sun was laying next to a bedroom, he didn't recognize, ' Maybe this is his room ?' He looked around at the orange walls, decorated with paintings, movie posters, there was a desk with a chair and a bookshelf, it was a tidy room not at all like his messy haven.

' Does this mean we aren't in a dream? '  He couldn't remember how he got here but maybe they had finally met someway or somehow and celebrated by partying and getting drunk.  Jonghyun shook his shoulders, ''My Sun, wake up!'' Jonghyun cooed, moving down his hands to pat his bare chest, ''Wake up! tell me if we're still dreaming!''

His Sun's eyes fluttered open and he drowsily looked around then at Jonghyun, he quickly sat up not expecting the other in the bed. ''W-what's going on?''

''Are we still dreaming?'' Jonghyun asked hopeful, eyes wide in anticipation, His Sun glanced around then at Jonghyun with surprised eyes, little did Jonghyun know but His Sun was asking the same question in his head, ' Maybe this is his room? ' 

He placed a hand on the warm skin of Jonghyun's arm and slipped it upwards, over his bicep, the curve of his shoulder, and to his cheek, ''I can touch you finally.'' Jonghyun leaned into the hand, ''Let's not kill the mood with any questions, my Moon.'' 

The smaller man agreed and leaned forward to press a soft kiss against his lips, they cuddled and spent a few minutes enjoying each other before they left the comfort of their bed and decided to make breakfast in the kitchen.

It was a dream of theirs to live together, start the day with morning kisses, sing in the shower with the possibility of chasing each other around with just a towel around their waist, making a wet mess of the house, and teasing each other in the kitchen as they made breakfast. 


His Sun stole a piece of bacon and laughed as the smaller man chased him around the house. They ended up in a tangled mess on the sofa and Jonghyun through the fluffy light brown hair of his lover as they caught their breath. 


''The bacon is delicious.'' His Sun cheekily grinned and held a piece up to him, ''Try it.'' 


Jonghyun smiled and took a bite, the taste of it was so real, the slight saltiness and the mouth-watering effect it left behind. He looked down at his Sun and sighed dreamily, the longing he always had for this man was silenced, like a hungry beast finally eating a slab of meat. 


''I love you.'' He confessed and realized he hasn't said this often, ''Really?'' His Sun asked back, Jonghyun nodded and tugged him closer as he felt strong arms curl around his waist.

''In that case...I love you too.'' His Sun confessed and flipped their positions around so Jonghyun was the one laying on his chest, Jonghyun automatically nuzzled his head beneath Jinki's chin, his heart fluttering like a butterfly trying to take flight. 


''I've waited long for this,'' Jonghyun murmured against the fabric of his shirt and relaxed completely as he took in the scent of autumn and apples whilst warmth emitted from his Sun's body. ''Us being together as proper boyfriends, doing simple things like cooking and cuddling on the sofa.'' 


His Sun held him close, ''I know what you mean.'' He hummed, content and relaxed, ''Doing Groceries together, going out for dates and after that get ice-cream before visiting the cinema.''  Jonghyun nodded, smiling at the heartwarming thought, ''I would love that, maybe we can do that tonight.''


Chocolate eyes looked at him expectantly. 


''What are the odds this is a dream?'' Jonghyun began and squirmed around to look at his Sun's face whose eyes narrowed. ''Maybe we should try to say our last name.'' Jonghyun offered. 


His Sun shook his head, a hesitant look in his eyes, ''L-look my M-moon...I' do I say it'' He fought with words for a bit, ''I'm scared this is another dream, a-and how long will it take us next time to be together like this?'' 


Jonghyun's smile faded, ''Yeah...I'm afraid of that too.'' 


Gently his Sun sat up, wrapping his arms around him, Jonghyun returned the embrace. It was difficult to let each other go but they couldn't stay here with the uncertainty if this was real or not. ''We should try my Sun...'' Jonghyun urged with a soft tone, ''It will be alright.''


His Sun nodded although the smile was gone from his handsome features, instead, there was an apprehensive glow in his eyes. ''We will be alright,'' Jonghyun repeated. 


The other nodded again and Jonghyun took his hands, his thumbs over the smooth skin, counting the visible veins, and taking a deep breath. He looked up into his Sun's eyes and smiled slightly, he opened his mouth...the words didn't come out.


His Sun mirrored his small smile and squeezed his hand, ''Remember that I love you, should I try it?'' He suggested with a soft tone.


Jonghyun smiled and his dry lips, ''I love you too and if you want...'' The other man frowned slightly, it was obvious he didn't want to do it. ''Alright...'' His Sun murmured and locked eyes with him, ''My last name is....'' 


The dream world faded for the millionth time and Jonghyun woke up...this time not in the unknown room but his bedroom which he began to despise. A heartache grew in his chest and he bit his lip hard until the skin broke and he could taste the iron in his blood.

A sob escaped his lips, tightly pressed together but unable to stop the heart-shattering noise. 

He crawled out of the bed and glanced around for his Sun, there wasn't any sign of him. Not in bed, in the closet, the bathroom, not in the hall, or the kitchen. The tears in his eyes were burning as he tried to stop them from falling but after a small search and coming up empty-handed, he allowed them to flow a river down his cheeks. 


''T-this is so u-unfair.'' He stammered with a shaky breath, the dream was incredibly cruel to them, just when they thought they were finally together and living a normal life...this had to happen.




The worst thing was that he didn't know how his Sun was doing, this surely didn't help them keep any hope to ever meet in the waking world. 


''I hate this...'' Jonghyun murmured and hugged himself for comfort, ''I really do.'' 



The week dragged on with dreams that were either spent holding each other tightly or longingly staring at each other as an invincible source kept them apart. These were no longer dreams but nightmares and those always turned up when one of them was longing for the other in real life or they had a particularly bad day.


Jonghyun had given up on fishing for personal information, it was loud and clear that they weren’t able to know more than what they saw, the appearance and personality of each other.

Instead, he would grab his laptop, visit the library and explore the aisle for books in search of more information about their predicament and if there was any way to find his Sun without the necessary information.


...which he found was futile.


‘’Should I give him up as a missing person and let an artist draw his appearance?’’


‘’Not a good idea, they will come for your if your guy doesn’t turn out to be missing at all.’’ Minho’s voice had Jonghyun slam his laptop shut with a yelp. ‘’Way to ruin the moment Minho!’’


Minho smiled and sat down next to him, nosily opening his laptops and scanning over the websites as well as the pile of books in front of them, ‘’What moment? I didn’t know you were having a moment.’’


Jonghyun rolled his eyes in annoyance, ‘’Tall bugger.’’ and glared as Minho ruffled his hair, ‘’Hey no touching!’’ He adjusted the messed up strands and huffed as Minho read the pages, he quickly closed the laptop again, ‘’What are you doing?’’


‘’Reading.’’ Minho simply said and looked up at him, ‘’You’re still having dreams about this guy?’’ He asked, not unfriendly, just curious. “Maybe,” Jonghyun hedges, not quite meeting the man’s eyes, he was afraid Minho would claim again that it was just an imaginary friend or a joke and the smaller man wasn’t in the mood for that, especially not when the situation was starting to be less funny or romantic, but dire and somber


Minho hummed, eyes roaming over the books, all with titles such as ‘The secret to dreaming’, ‘The meaning of dreams’ 

He didn’t think it was this serious, rather thought Jonghyun was fooling around but instead of researching music, he was invested in dreams and would day in day out babble about his Dream Guy. ‘’You are serious about him aren’t you?’’


Jonghyun glanced up beneath his bangs, brown orb saddened as he nodded slightly, ‘’Yes...but I’m losing hope Minho...I’m not even allowed to touch him in my dreams lately and I wake up devastated....worst thing is, I can see he’s losing hope too, the glints in his eyes are dimming.’’


The taller man closed his eyes, mulling his thoughts over and thinking what the best way was to approach this. ‘’I apologize for not believing you before.’’ He began and Jonghyun looked up in surprise, not expecting him to apologize. ‘’I could ask around for you if you give me a description of his appearance.’’


Jonghyun stared at him, Minho was full of surprises today, ‘’But there are a million people with light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a warm honeyed voice.’’


‘’Honeyed voice?’’ Minho raised an eyebrow.


The smaller man laughed lightly, ‘’Yes! His voice is soft and it curls around you like a protective blanket, all warm, firm, and passionate.’’


Minho smiled warmly, it looks like Jonghyun had found a spe

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964 streak #1
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for this fic. The dreams provided them different adventures, before they could finally make their own real adventures.
964 streak #2
Chapter 4: Well, it is about time that they meet.
964 streak #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this.
Great start!
2030 streak #4
Chapter 5: Aww the epilogue is even more cute!!! Jinki's friends are so nice too. Is that actor Lee Dongwook though? Just got curious. And they met Jjong's parents too... Anyway, now that I have finished this cute story, you have made me yearn for more! XD
2030 streak #5
Chapter 4: Yay!!!! They finally met!!!! *Screaming internally* so glad everything worked out well in the end. Amazing work. Now that they have met irl, I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh no! Those poor kids! Although this chapter was quite heartbreaking, there was still hope in it, in the name of Mr Lee Taemin XD anyway, it was nice of Minho to take Jjong seriously and lend a helping hand. Can't wait to see how Sun and Moon would react when they meet in real life bcoz of their loved ones unintentional intervention. Will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #7
Chapter 2: Makes me wonder if the Sun is actually a celebrity in real life, like in a band with his brother but then it also makes me why he wasn't able to see the other members' faces. Now you got me more curious to see how they'd meet in real life. Also, Kibum and Minho are amazing friends. They took the story about the dream guy better than expected. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2030 streak #8
Chapter 1: Wow! This definitely wasn't what I expected when I started reading this. Definitely this is not me complaining! Anyway, this is a totally different plot line that I'm totally interested to read more. Kibum is such a good friend. And the drunk gang was really funny. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 5: Wow
Great work ❤
No wonder because you can did it <333
I really love the way each dream was different theme. It's like you include everything in one package. Jonghyun's desperation for Jinki was really heartwarming. But then you describe Jinki's situation as well, the way he started sleep walking in disappointed or helplessness.
They both were so loyal to each other.
I knew that Jonghyun will feel so dumb for not agreed to meet tae's bro XD
All over I really like this story. Such a wonderful fic _ you carried everything here.
Thank you so much for giving another wonderful Jongyu fic ❤
2030 streak #10
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^