The Flower Shop Next Door

The Flower Shop Next Door

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March 29th, 2009



Joohyun still remembers that hot summer day as she peeked at the side of her backseat, the provincial look the city she was now about to reside was making her feel like a fish out of the water.

She hates travelling.

But the young girl knew she cannot complain during the ride since this was her, her little sister, Lia, and mom driving to their new home they were force to reside after the loss of her father in a terrible and expensive illness called cancer.

Her late father’s mother or Joohyun and Lia’s grandmother, who by the way, they haven’t met since little Joohyun was 5 years old and Lia being 2, offered to take her widowed daughter in law and her grandchildren in her cozy 2 story home she lonely resided in Daegu.

So the 3 female Baes, were now spending the first week of summer on a roadtrip to move in their new home, Joohyun was still looking at the view of the overlooking the countless trees, huge mountain and blue sunny sky.

She hates travelling.

She found it irritating that even listening to her favorite song, Summerboy by Lady Gaga in her smash album titled “Fame” that was released last year, in her earphones while staring at the wonderful view, was still making her feel annoyed and unease about everything.

It was also, Joohyun’s 18th birthday, which made the young girl’s heart ache since she remembered her father promising that he will be her 1st dance in this very important moment in a girl’s road to womanhood that he was now not able to fulfill due to him leaving his family behind.

Her mother was smiling and talking, Joohyun realizes that her mother has been trying to get her attention but was not hearing her because of her earphones, which she hurries to take off.

“Yes m-mom?” Joohyun now peeks from the front seat where her mother was driving.

“Joohyun-ie I’m asking what do you want to do for your birthday?” Her mother asks.

The young girl thinks for a sec.

“Can we have ice cream and some cake?” The polite Joohyun asks.

“Unnie can we have some pizza too?” Lia, the 3 years, younger sister of Joohyun joins in.

“And pizza, mom.” The understanding elder little sister now goes to her younger little sister to hug.

“Okay.” Her mother smiled.

“Thank you mom!” The two respectful young girls of Mrs. Bae cheered with their fists.

“Aigoo, what did I do to have beautiful appreciative girls, like you?” The mother of the little girls smiled, with so much pain.

“Jeez mom, focus on the road and don’t cry!” Lia who is covering her tears by acting angsty towards their mom “lectured” her.

“Yahh! Lia Bae! Stop acting so bossy with mom!” Joohyun pinches her little sister’s cheek.

“Ow, unnie!” The youngest of the Bae trio, now whimpered and nurses her own face.

“Okay, I get it, I’ll focus on the road, you two stop that!” The driver and mother of the two young girls spoke.

The mother began giggling which made her two little girls giggle too, and finally all her worries about the move in Daegu was slowly washing away.



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Red roof, white vintage bricks and a brown big door, well-kept cut green grassy frontyard greeted Joohyun, an old woman dressed in a bohemian style chic fashionable colorful dress had a 3 colored cat or calico as they call it, in her arms as she sat by the entrance of her house, it was Grandma Bae.

As soon as she saw her daughter in law along with her now grown up beautiful grand kids, she smiled and stood to greet them.


“Yahhh, how many years does it have to be for you to call me mom too!” The oldest of the Baes in the frontyard who was approaching them now hugs and softly lectures Joohyun and Lia’s mother.

“Oh…my is this Lia? My my the cute Lia has now turned into a beautiful woman!” She now goes to hug the youngest of the 3 women.

“Hi grandma, thank you.” Lia greeted and even rubs the head of the fat large cat her grandma was holding.

Grandma Bae was now searching for her oldest grandchild, but saw Joohyun was cowering behind her mother, as she had some strange fear towards the cat, her own grandma was holding.

“Lia darling can you hold Mr. Buttons for me, for a sec?” She asks her youngest grandchild who nodded and now held the black, orange and white colored cat.

She taps her blouse to remove some of the fur on her and now opens her arms to her eldest grandchild who still was keeping herself hidden on her mother’s back.

“Joohyun-ah, don’t you remember grandma?” The old matriarch pouted.

“Yahhh, Joohyun, your grandma is calling for you.” Her mother now was giggling.

So finally the eldest of the grandchildren now walks to her grandmother and bowed.

“H-Hello grandma.” She says as she still had her head bowing.

“Aigooo, Joohyun-ah, you still haven’t changed…well the only thing that has change is the glow in your beautiful face, you look even more so beautiful right now! By the way Happy Birthday Joohyun-ah!” The grandma now raises her granddaughter’s head and began hugging her too.

“T-Thank you…grandma.” Joohyun showed a shy smile.

“Oh by the way! I already baked a cake for you Joohyun! Let’s go in, someone already offered to by the ice cream and pizza for us!”

“Hmm?” The mother of the Bae sisters now asks.

“Yes, Wendy my young pretty florist neighbor and new friend, bought it already…and also this is her cat, Mr. Buttons.”

“Meooow~” The cat named Mr. Buttons greeted them with his purr.

The foursome now was walking to enter the house when Mr. Buttons suddenly jumped from Lia’s arm to run to the end of the frontyard, he runs to the small blonde long haired blonde woman who had a weave basket hat on, dressed in a white flowy summer dress and brown sandals, while carrying the 2 pizza box on one hand and holding the ice cream box on her other hand.

“Meow!” He greeted her and now began rubbing his cheek on her feet as if he had no plans of leaving her.

“Mr. Buttons, hold on…I might drop the pizza boxes if you keep blocking my way.” She giggled.

The cat ignored and kept purring, and somehow was trying to run around his beautiful master who was trying to avoid Mr. Buttons and walk as well while balancing the ice cream and 2 pizza boxes, but the cat was too clingy and made her almost trip along with what she’s carrying.

“Ah yah-“

“I got you….miss…” Joohyun suddenly ran to the beautiful blonde stranger and catches the pizza boxes in time.

“Wendy…my name is Wendy Shon, thank you…” She uses her now right free hand to move some of her long blonde hair to the side of her ear since the wind kept messing the beautiful woman’s hair.

She smiled and now hands her right long blue nail polished hand to shake to the younger woman who was holding the three pizza boxes with ease.

“You’re the birthday girl I’m presuming? Miss Joohyun right?” Wendy, the new florist next door and in town asks the birthday girl who was just silently staring at her beautiful brown eyes.

Joohyun Bae hates travelling.

But at that time, she was thankful she did travel and didn’t complain on the road because she was finally thankful of the new possible good things in the new chapter of her life.

For as she shook the hand of the beautiful florist who smelled like a hint of lavender perfume, butter soap, and fresh flowers, she will realize as she grew older that she…fell in love at first sight.

Cliché as it sounds, it was love.

At age 18, Joohyun Bae fell in love and realized that all her annoyance and irritation towards travelling was slowly dissipating all because of the beautiful florist who was smiling at her, named Wendy.


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“You know calicos usually are all girls, it’s a rare case that a three colored cat will turn into male, and if they do…some of them have health issues, but luckily not Mr. Buttons.”

Wendy, the young beautiful long haired florist, was giggling as she rubs the sleeping three colored cat on her lap. She was drinking the orange juice that Grandma Bae juiced herself on the fresh oranges she bought from the town’s market, and was sitting on the living room while Mrs. Bae and Lia was listening to her stories about Mr. Buttons.

Joohyun was just a few feet away, trying not to smile over the little things the younger older girl was gibbering about as she was wiping the table they all ate the pizza, spaghetti and ice cream together.

Grandma Bae was still in the kitchen tending to the birthday cake she was decorating now for her lovely eldest granddaughter.

“Lia? Honey can you please assist your grandma in the kitchen!” Grandma Bae calls out for Lia who was still listening to Wendy tell more about her stories about flowers.

“Coming grandma!” Lia hopped out of the couch she sat on and ran to the kitchen.

“Joohyunie, come sit with us for a sec, don’t overwork yourself this is your day!” Joohyun and Lia’s mother called for her daughter who got startled with her mother’s gentle call.

“A-Ah…yes, mom.” She wipes her hands one last time on the dry towel.

She was searching for a place to sit, but the only position available was next to Wendy since Mr. Buttons now crawled to the solo couch, Lia left.

“Joohyun-ah, sit! It’s rude just standing there…Miss Shon might think you don’t like her.” Her mother giggled to defuse what might be an awkward moment for the three.

“I don’t…don’t like her!” The red birthday girl pouted.

Which puzzled the two adults and even made Mr. Button open one of his eyes at the sudden defensive stance of Joohyun, Wendy was about to speak when the 18 year old who was so red rushed to sit next to her.

Mrs. Bae was about to speak when her phone rang, she stood and bowed to the two beautiful women consisting of the florist and her daughter, staring at her.

“Hold on, it must be my employer at the factory, Joohyun entertain our lovely kind guest! Ms. Shon I just have to take this to the next room.”

Her mother finally moved to the next room and suddenly Joohyun cannot even speak nor breathe properly in her nervousness.

The clock in the living room, the fresh summer wind entering the opened windows, the purring of Mr. Buttons from the couch he sat, and the humming of the florist that made Joohyun red was the only noises she could feel and hear.

“You know….they said 18th birthdays for humans especially women, are the most special ones since it’s the turning point of you on the road to being a fully grown woman…so you should make sure whatever you wish when you blow that cake your kind and lovely grandma baked for you…is well thought out.” Wendy suddenly spoke that made the environment finally less awkward.

“Wishes? Those things are what you tell a 5 year old.” Irene snickered.

“What do you mean? Wishes are real Miss Joohyun!”

She smiled at the younger black haired woman just staring at her, and now began sipping her orange juice.

“I like purple tulips.”


“I like purple tulips…do you make them in your flower shop?”

It was Joohyun who informed and asked the florist about the tulips that made Wendy show a grin.

“Yeah I do make them…but mostly my shop does roses, daisies, sunflowers and other stuff since tulips are hard to grow in my garden.”

“Ooohhh you grow your own flowers!?”

“Yeah…I do, it’s really hard at first but I have been surrounded by them for such a long time I know the ins and outs of growing every types of flowers.”

“But…not tulips.” Joohyun remarked with a joking grin.

Which earned a nod from the beautiful long blonde haired florist herself from the simple tease, and drank her orange juice again.

“Miss Wendy….do you believe in love at first sight?” Joohyun asked.

“Uh…maybe? Why did you asked?” She giggled as she continued to gulp her orange pulped juice.

“Cause I did, just now…well a little while ago when I saw you.”

Wendy accidentally threw the juice she was drinking from and spilled all over her own white dress.

“I-I’m sorry Miss Wen-“ Shocked by her own actions, Joohyun was rushing to wipe Wendy with the tissue she took from the coffee desk in front of them.

“It’s fine, it’s fine….Jesus kid, stop with those jokes.”


The younger girl waited for her to finish wiping herself.

“It’s not a joke…I think…I did…I did fell in love at first sight with you.”

It made Wendy surprised yet again, and now sighed as she stared Joohyun.

“Look, as much as I appreciate you saying those things to me, Miss Bae…you should find someone more…your age…for your object of affection.” Wendy shrugged of the younger woman with a giggle as she continued to wipe herself.

“What if I grew older, and my feelings didn’t change? What then?”

“Such a surprising honest yet still a bit foolish young girl.” The blonde haired girl thought.

Words are easy to say Miss Bae, you’re young, enjoy life and don’t dedicate your strength and energy in proving something you’re not even sure is real.”

The long blonde haired florist stood and now was putting the used tissues she wiped her dress with in the familiar trashcan she knew from visiting in the living room.

“It’s real.”

Words from the same irrational girl who just suddenly blurted her feelings for her, made her stop whatever action she was about to do by the trashcan, Wendy turned around to see the long black haired beauty with dedicated dark brown eyes waiting for her to speak.


“It’s real, I felt it…it’s real Miss Shon…I’m not really asking you to return my feelings, I just wanted you to know my feelings…since it seems like you are the first person to make my feel this type of emotion.” She put her hand on her chest.

The clock in the living room, the fresh summer wind entering the opened windows, the purring of Mr. Buttons from the couch he sat, and the eyes of the younger woman staring at Wendy, made her feel so red and silent, the whole minute they both stared at each other felt like eternity, when finally…

“Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Joohyun!”

The grandmother along with her younger sister, Lia, who both didn’t know what the two might have spoken now entered and began singing the bday song for the birthday girl.

Mrs. Bae entered as well, with a wrap purple wrapped gift in her hands which seems to be real reason why she left the room in order to surprise her eldest daughter.

“Come on honey make a wish and blow the candles!” Grandma Bae cheered for her eldest grandchild.

Joohyun closed her eyes for a moment and finally blew the candles with a smile.



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The mini birthday party ended, Grandma Bae, Mrs. Bae and her 2 daughters were watching romantic films in the living room, it was already the 3rd film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, they were binge watching. The eldest Bae, Grandma Bae was around for the 1st and 2nd film but was already feeling tired so she has left the 3 in charge as she finally hit the sack.

A knock on the door made the Baes out of focus for a sec.

“Who is it?” Mrs. Bae asked as she places the popcorn on the couch she and her kids sat on.

“Uhhh….it’s me ma’am, Wendy…I forgot my hat.” The familiar florist voice made Joohyun stood up and now was finding the woven hat to give to her special person.

“Oh it’s here lemme give it to Wendy unn- HEY!“ Lia pouted as she, who found the hat felt annoyed from her unnie thief who took it from her hand.

“Watch the film, I will give it to her.”

Do you perhaps…have a crush…on Miss Shonnnn~” She teases her eldest sister with a grin.

“Oh shut up, just watch that boring movie you picked weirdo.” Joohyun rolled her eyes and finally walks out of the room.

Lia was about to bite back when her oblivious mother calls for her.

“Liaaaa, how do you increase the volume here? I can’t hear stuff.”


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“Here’s the hat.”

Wendy had her back turn and realizes it was the kid who just confessed her feelings for her and she felt awkward seeing the girl again.

“Ah...hey, thanks.” She can’t even meet her eyes as she now reaches for her woven hat.

Joohyun didn’t speak nor move from the door she stood on.

Wendy didn’t speak nor move from the entrance she also was standing by.

The silent tension finally was broken by Joohyun herself.

“So…see ya around…unnie?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah sure…happy 18th birthday again, Miss Joohyun.” She smiled to her and now wore her hat.

“You lied.”

She was a few meters away from the long black haired fair skin beauty when she stopped on her steps, Wendy turns around slowly as if checking if she heard the words from the birthday girl herself.

“I-I lied?”

“Yes you did.”

“What did I lie about?”

“You said…wishes are real….and it’s almost 2 hours before my birthday ends…you’re about to go home and maybe sleep…so I don’t think my wish will come true.”

Wendy tilted her head and now stared at the young girl with such puzzlement.

“Well…I don’t see why your dream won’t come true when I go back to my house and sleep?”

Joohyun exits the house and gently closes the door, the orange light by the entrance was illuminating more how pretty the black haired birthday girl is and Wendy cannot help but praise her lovely face in her mind.

“Well…I wanted to dance with you tonight…that was my wish…but it seems like it won’t come true…and you said wishes are real…but seeing you leaving…it won’t come true.”

A grin formed on the older blonde haired girl’s face and now walks back to the entrance of the house the younger girl was standing. There were about three steps you need to climb in order to enter the house, but the blonde haired florist just stood close to it and now signals with her index finger for the girl lean closer to her, to which the younger Joohyun gets nervous of but does follow.

Their faces was leaning close to each other, and their eyes that were both sparkling due to the orange light, was staring at each other, the younger girl can’t help but feel a little bit of gay panic as the older girl closes the gap more, Wendy began whispering.

Do you even know how old I am? I have seen a lot in the world child…and you’re too bold with your words…that you don’t even think deeply about the consequences of what you are saying.

“3-5 years isn’t a problem.” She replied.

Which earned a loud laughter from the cool deep voice florist and ruined whatever mood Wendy was doing with Joohyun.

“I’m older than that…but thanks for the compliment I guess.” Wendy wore her hat.

“Even if you’re a 100 years old, I will like you.”

She stared at the very determined girl and now looks at her with such serious eyes like telling the young birthday girl, “She means serious business now”.

“Goodnight, miss Joohyun…and happy birthday again.” The tone was very cold unlike the Wendy, Joohyun has been getting acquainted for the past few hours.

Which made her realize that whatever vibe it was, she had to stop her honest and full of heart expression of feelings toward her the woman she fell in love at first sight.


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March 29th, 2012


It has been three years since that fateful day of Wendy meeting Joohyun, the kid was already about to turn 21 and was about to finish her high school, and she has indeed blossom to a more beautiful woman but to the florist she has always been the same vigorous immature young girl who always dashes her way to enter her flower shop, just to say her affection for Wendy, wherein it hasn’t change even if the time has passed by so quickly.

Every day, without fail.

Joohyun would run to the shop before she would go to school at 8am, or 10 am if it was the weekends, she would knock to the flower shop’s door, and greet Wendy a good morning, and finally would end at the words she would always say about her feelings about the light blonde haired woman who would always just return her confession with a smile or a roll of eyes.

Every day…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

Without fail…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

Joohyun Bae…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

Would rush to the shop…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

To repeat the words…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

She wanna say…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

To Wendy Shon…

“Unnie!!!!! I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change! See ya!”

Wendy was fixing some purple tulip flowers in her flower shop early in the morning, she has been looking at the clock it was already 10:45 am, on a Saturday…

It must have been her 5th time looking at the clock, it was as if she was expecting a familiar girl to walk in to her flower shop but she was still not here, she sighs and continues to decorate the flowers and as she had her back turn she gets startled.

“Unnie! Oh wow you cut your long beautiful blonde hair!”

She was about to show a smile but realizes it was a different familiar girl.

“H-Hey…Lia, ah yes…I was bathing Mr. Buttons last night…and one thing led to another...I stumbled in the bathroom…got irritated with my long hair…so I decided to cut it.” She showed a polite smile.

“Hi unnie! It’s my Joohyun unnie’s birthday later, you don’t have to bring anything but yourself since my aunt who lives in Spain decided to treat all of us by cooking and spending for unnie’s birthday.”

“Oh...okay.” She cracked a smile towards the younger sister of the very vocal young girl who had a crush on her.

Lia was about to leave the flower shop but turns around again.

“Don’t worry, unnie still likes you, she just had to do some stuff today that’s why she wasn’t able to come and tell her feelings for you.” Lia winked and now sped to the door before Wendy can even speak.

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It was not just Joohyun who became a familiar member in Wendy’s life, Wendy became a familiar member in the Bae’s lives as well since they always invite her for events or to just hang around in the Bae’s cozy house. So as she now walks to the entrance where she would casually enter like a family member of this house, she wondered why there wasn’t any people at all in the living room.

She wore a white long blouse and black pants, while bringing the purple tulip bouquet she wrapped in a pink pastel color chiffon paper, she peeked in the small garden backyard from the glass door the house had and saw the girl dress in a pink dress, who would always bother her talking to someone by the steps outside.

It was a young handsome man, who was smiling and laughing as Joohyun kept speaking to him like she was telling a story to him that she really loved sharing to him, as they sat on the steps alone…together.

“That’s unnie’s classmate, 5’9, varsity football player, comes from a good family who owns the biggest grocery store in this town, he also does charity work in the church, very friendly too that even my classmates has a crush on.” Lia, who the short blonde haired florist didn’t know was next to her uttered.

“I didn’t even ask kid.” Wendy rolled her eyes.

“Oooohhh you didn’t but I can definitely see from your eyes…sooo????” The young girl giggled.

“Yah…just because-“

“Wendy you’re here!” Grandma Bae shouted as she entered in the living room along with her daughter in law and her sister.

“Are you the beautiful florist my sister was talking about?” The sister of Joohyun and Lia’s mother who was taller than the all of the women in the house smiled as she saw Lia and Wendy.

“Ahhh…hello ma’am.” She bowed to the beautiful pale tall Korean woman from Spain.

“She’s so pretty sister!” The aunt again exclaimed.

“I know right? It’s like Wendy has not age even for a day since we met 3 years ago!” Mrs. Bae agreed.

Hearing the commotions, Joohyun from outside enters with her handsome classmate.

“Hello, Wendy unnie...oh…are those flowers for me?” The birthday girl asks.

Wendy didn’t understand herself, but somehow a sly bitter part of herself decline to say the truth and now walked to the unnamed beautiful auntie to hand over the purple tulips she worked hard to plant this year and gave them to her.

“Welcome…to our little town, ma’am.” Wendy greeted her again.

Lia who knew who it was really for, just shook her head in embarrassment.

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“Would you like some more lettuce on your salad unnie?” The concern Joohyun who saw how silent and cold Wendy has been during whole time in the dinner table they all sat by, now asks Wendy as she keeps seeing her spacing out.

“O-Oh…it’s fine.”

“Are you sure?....Would you like any of the meat my mom is grilling in the backyard I can get one for you.”

“No, no it’s fine…jeez, I was just thinking about something go eat, this is your day!” Wendy now changes her vibe to something more energetic as she assures the worried younger girl.

“You sureeeeeee?” She asks again.

“Yessssss.” Wendy teases.

“Okayyyyyyyyy.” Joohyun teases back.

The two began giggling finally.

Truth is, the two really gotten closer during the 3 years of being close neighbors, ironically even if Wendy was older it was Joohyun who seemed like an unnie to the blonde haired girl since there were just things that Wendy does while breathing that can get her easily in trouble like her getting huge papercuts while reading a book or feeding Mr. Buttons and her getting scratches by him due to excitement, she wouldn’t even notice if Joohyun didn’t actually see them and gave first aid to the adult baby.

In exchange, Wendy would bake for the Baes….as long as her guardian/nurse, Joohyun Bae who insisted she was around to make sure the florist won’t get into anymore troubles.

Those little moments, that similarly happened when the long black haired young woman saved Wendy in their first meeting by catching the pizza boxes, were enough to turn Wendy in seeing the genuine goodness of Joohyun…

But she never really wanted to see the younger woman more than friendship, she never really wanted to make Joohyun assume things, and alas as that stupidly handsome young man was sitting as well in the dinner table, she also never wanted to feel any jealousy as they made simple talks about school and stuff.

“Jealousy.” It made Wendy’s eyes widen and now she stood suddenly.

Grandma Bae and the auntie was giggling crazy about an anecdote the auntie was telling to her, while Lia was sneakily checking something on her phone, and Irene with her classmate by her side who was talking about stuff all stopped as Wendy just blanked out as she stood from her chair.

“Wendy are you okay?” Grandma Bae worried.

“I-I’m fine…I just have to go to the bathroom.” She hurried and now walked out of the room.

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Wendy was walking back to the dining room as she freshened herself by washing her face in the bathroom, when Mrs. Bae by the backyard called for her.

“Wendy!” She asks from the smoky grill she was monitoring.

“A-Ah yes…ma’am?” Wendy who walks to where she was, asks.

“Can you please monitor the porkchops? It’s been already flipped and you just need to get them after around 10 mins, I need to answer this call…work stuff, I’m sorry.” She puts her two hands together to apologize.

“It’s fine, ma’am! Don’t worry! I will guard the porkchops with my life!” She says with such a proud salute.

The widowed missus can’t help but giggle at her adorable close friend/neighbor that she treated to be her 3rd daughter already, and now just express her gratitude.

“Yah, Wendy…I don’t really mind if you and my daughter date in the future…but that’s in the future understand? Joohyun is still young, and I don’t approve of her dating anyone especially that you’re older…even if it’s just 3-5 years , and you’re a beautiful baby face woman-“

“M-Mrs. Bae-“

“You should let her finish her studies first, and find a good job, also you can’t date other people while waiting! Because if you did, it would mean you were just playing my daughter and-“

“M-Mrs. Bae! I don’t see Joohyun that way!” The blushing florist argued.

“Aish….didn’t you get jealous a while ago with her classmate who she was tutoring????”

“Tutoring?” Wendy asked again, to make sure she didn’t mishear any stuff.

Mrs. Bae can only shake her head that clarified her statement over the feelings of the short haired blonde florist.

“By the way I love what you did with your hair Wendy, you’re even prettier than ever, also really gotta call back the office, you know how hard it is now being the general manager of the sardine’s factory.” She giggled.

As Wendy was looking at the juicy porkchops she was grilling, she can’t help but show a shy smile to herself.

Tutor...she was just tutoring I see.” She thought.

“Unnie, where’s mom?”

It was Joohyun who was walking to the grassy backyard barefeet.

“Yahhh, wear some slippers.” Wendy lectured.

“Tsk, soft baby I’m okay…don’t worry.” The younger woman teases.



Joohyun shrieks in pain, that Wendy rushes to her to check, she suddenly held the younger woman’s hands as she almost lost her balance.

“Are you okay Joohyun!?”

The girl suddenly giggled and giggled, which made the florist pout.

“I’m okay…I was just testing what my loveliest crushie unnie would dooooo~”


“Aigooo, did I upset you again Wendy Shonnnnn~” She poked her pointy nose with her hand.

“Wha-What do you mean by again, I didn’t even, say anything about me getting upset with any stuff you did!”

“Well…I’m sorry for not telling you properly that young handsome man was just my student I tutored and had to make a special sched for him even if it’s my birthday since he has a make up test tomorrow that would determine if he can still keep his varsity scholarship or not…and my friendly grandma invited for dinner since you know…she’s always friendly that way….and I’m sorry for not being able to visit you a while ago to assure you of my never changing feelings for you…”

She cups the face of the pouting young blonde haired woman, and now stared at her eye to eye.

“Unnie, you’re so pretty with your short hair…well you were already pretty but still, your beauty deserves to be praised all the time…and also…”

Joohyun whispered to her right ear.

Even if you annoyed me for giving those purple tulips to my equally beautifully kind aunt, that I know was for me….I still like you and my feelings hasn’t change at all.

“I’m sorry.” Wendy apologized all of a sudden.


“Those tulips were for you….I got jealous all of a sudden, I guess.” The shy florist managed to be honest.

The always frank Joohyun suddenly couldn’t speak and was trying to maybe comprehend what the blonde haired young woman has told her, while Wendy was taking out the porkchops from the grill.


“Y-Yes unnie!”

“Can you come with me for a sec? I just want to show you something.”


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joohyun didn’t know what she expected but during the 3 years she has visited the flower shop none of their family members were able to see the garden that the florist was planting her flowers, and as the florist named Wendy Shon, ask her to visit it with her tonight she didn’t really know what to expect.

Warm big hands was covering her eyes since the florist told her it was a surprise for her, which was making Joohyun’s heart beat fast.

“We…are almost there, careful with your step there’s a bit of uneven grassy ground there.”

“U-Unnie, you’re not planning to kill me aren’t you?”

“Why would I do that!”

A giggle from Wendy’s beautiful voice she loves as well made the birthday girl grin.

“I’m kidding.”

“Jeez, anyways…you can open your eyes now.”

Purple tulips.

It was a field of purple tulips that had glowing fireflies all over the garden that made it more beautiful.

Wherever Joohyun would look and turn it was purple tulips everywhere, and she can’t believe that she was looking at it with her own eyes.

“Wendy unnie!” The girl can only say.

“Yes Joohyun!” She teases the girl.

“Yahhh, I’m not seeing things right? These are all purple tulips I’m seeing right now?”

“Yes, they are purple tulips I have planted for you….you can just pick anyone of them…or even get all of them if you want….it’s all yours.” Wendy smiled to her and now moved a few feet away from the birthday girl.

Irene walks all around the field of tulips close to her, she grazes them with her fingertips as if feeling what or whom was the best tulip in the garden lit by a hundreds of fireflies, she returns to the florist and cups her face which shocks Wendy herself.


“I will always remember the first day of us meeting when I asked for purple tulips, you said they are hard to grow but here we are now….with a vast garden, filled with purple tulips all around us….so first of all…thank you Wendy unnie…”

“But…you have a lot of explaining to do…because if you don’t explain things to me, I will tell you that the most beautiful flower I wanna take home is you….”

“Yahhh, I said tulips what are you even getting to that suddenly!?” The red Wendy began trying to move away, but the young woman kept following her with the hands she still had cupped on the florist’s face.

“Because you have been acting weird…even telling me you got jealous of my student / classmate I’m you have to explain yourself….and no idiot would grow these hard to grow beautiful purple tulips…if they didn’t like the person too….”

Her eyes was telling the blonde haired woman that this was the last time she can explain to herself, since it seems like Joohyun was getting tired of the push and pull they are having, and her doing special things for her too was showing there was some hope for the long black haired girl to assume they had a future together, and Joohyun didn’t want to expect until she had explain herself.

Wendy knows that and now holds the hands of the birthday girl, she held them tightly out of nervousness, and now was exhaling hard as if waiting to find her strength to explain something so surreal to Joohyun.

“Why do you even like me Joohyun? Why do you always say it like you will love me for eternity when you aren’t even sure of what’s to come the next day?...Is it because of my blonde hair? Is it because I’m pretty? –I know I’m pretty yeah it sounds so bragging of me, but yes I know…so if you only think of me of such you should stop now...and maybe date someone who is worthy of your kindness and beauty Joohyun.”

Joohyun didn’t speak for a while, but she also didn’t let go of Wendy’s hands, her stare that was always so happy and loving became a bit fiery but not angry, like she was thinking of the right words to express because she was ready to argue back to the florist.

“You’re pretty and I like your blonde hair sure, but all these three years even if you don’t develop romantic feelings for me…did you really think that was the only reason why I like you? Why are you so likeable...even lovable? Unnie-….it’s because your beauty goes way beyond the physical beauty…remember how you cheered me up when I failed that huge test even if I stayed up a lot of sleepless nights just to study? Or that time me and my mom got into an argument over the course I’m taking because she wanted me to study in Seoul to get my business degree but I chose an art course, and you stayed with me at the convenience store late at night just comforting me until I was so tired of crying?...or just you making me laugh over little things…I never appreciated before…it’s you…you made me appreciate those stuff…that’s why I like you…Wendy….”

She held her hands tighter.

“And that’s why…you need to tell me now if I need to stop or not….since….I’m falling for you harder every minute I spend with you.”

It hit Wendy.

How mean of it was of her.

To think of Joohyun just falling for her external qualities.

Yes it was easy to see how genuinely good this woman is, but still….at the matters of the heart Wendy thought that this young woman was still immature and didn’t have the capacity to really discern what’s her real feelings for the blonde haired florist but hearing and seeing how she was able to express her feelings more for Wendy, she couldn’t help but feel more guilty at the main reason why she refuses to fall for Joohyun.

And now she was ready to let go of the beautiful mortal by giving her the best gift she wanted to give which was the beautiful purple tulips she tried her best to grow this year, Wendy realizes that she too was falling harder and harder for her which made her feel guiltier on what she was about to confess.

“I like you too Joohyun….I didn’t know when it started but it’s true…no idiot would grow purple tulips for someone, especially when it’s hard to grow in this environment….but I’m sorry, because I can’t really be with you.”

Joohyun didn’t even have the time to smile since she was about to cry at how bittersweet Wendy’s confession to her.


Wendy took a deep sigh, struggling to say what she wanted to say but finally gains the courage to do so.

“I’m not from this world.”

As soon as the blonde florist blurted it out it made Joohyun puzzled…and then she can’t help but burst into laughter.

“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA…unnie yahhh, of course, okay, I too feel like I’m from out of this world…okay? Aigoo so cute.” She even gently pokes the soft cheek of Wendy.

“Yahhh, you have to listen to me very well….I am not really out from this world Joohyun-ah.” She pouted.

“Unnie, if you don’t really wanna date me then just say so! Stop hiding from these crazy out of this world jokes!” Joohyun now too was feeling a bit annoyed.

“B-But I am not hiding this is real –look, are you not wondering why I didn’t age since you and your family has been here for 3 years?”

“Hmmm…because your baby face unnie that’s why.”

“For God sakes, okay…please don’t panic…Mr. Buttons!” She called for her calico cat who runs to the two women by the tulip garden.

Joohyun used to be scared by this cat but now she and Mr. Buttons have become good buddies that she even greeted the cat with a rub on the chin.

“Mr. Buttons, speak.”


“Mr. Buttons, it’s fine…we can trust Joohyun.”


A deep voice manly voice suddenly came out from the three colored cat that was just purring a while ago.

“Miss Joohyun, I am Aleckster Buttons, Wendy Shon’s crewmate, it is true…we don’t live in this world…500 years ago, we were in our routine flying session in space, because we were looking for oranges…”


“Yes, oranges were a big source of energy in our planet…we use them by fermenting the skins, and juicing it out to convert it for fuel-“

“Aleckster…get to the point.” Wendy pleaded shyly as she thought it wasn’t really something needed more explanation other than the real reason she summoned Aleckster in the garden.

“Anyways, our ship crashed in your planet…we recognize now that is “Earth”…all alone, without any contact to our planet, Wendy and I have travelled around the world, which by some kind of mysterious effect of our own existence in Earth has made us immortals and ageless, the first 100 of years of our stay here, we searched of ways to communicate to our planet…but seeing every effort we did was fruitless, we finally decided to just travel…and enjoy our immortality…but 3 years ago…we found a mysterious signal in this town…hoping we are able to finally contact home….which we are able to do a few months ago…”

“So…what are you saying?” Joohyun now stared at Wendy as if telling her she needs to hear it from the human looking alien being to confirm.

“We…contacted our planet…and they said…we can go home…anytime we wanted…but seeing we didn’t wanna leave at least before you had your birthday-“

Wendy was still speaking when Joohyun started walking to the backyard’s entrance to the house of the florist that we now know was an alien stuck in her planet for so long.

“J-Joohyun!” Wendy was running to catch up to her.

“Leave me alone!”



Joohyun turns around, she was full of tears in her face.

“You’re…being unfair…to me….I don’t care if you’re an alien, you’re a cat, or your some weird immortal being who doesn’t grow old….point is…I’m mad you had the nerve to say you like me too….but I’m not even able to have any say to this, because you are finally leaving…and I can’t even plead to you to stay since I’m not even sure...if it’s fair to ask…”

Joohyun wipes her tears and began laughing.

“This is so ridiculous…I don’t even know what’s happening anymore if that cat…Alexa whatever Buttons, is really speaking the truth or I’m just seeing and hearing things since I drank a bit of the punch my auntie made.”

“Joohyun please-“

“No, goodnight Wendy unnie.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Yahhh, unnie mom said lights off already.” Lia knocks to the open door of her sister’s bedroom.

She saw Joohyun in her pajamas laying on her bed, just staring at the purple tulip she stole from the bouquet that was meant to her, but now belonged to her auntie.

“Yeah, sure can you close the lights for me and my door. “ She finally puts the purple tulip by the nightdesk by her bed.

“Unnie just make up with Wendy unnie.”


“You heard me weirdo, goodnight.” Lia rolled her eyes and closes the lights and door.

Joohyun sighed, she finally closes her eyes when she heard little thumps on her glass window, of course she had to look, she had an instinct of who it was and saw it was the short haired blonde woman…er alien….holding some signs to show to the beautiful black haired mortal.


Can we talk please?

I have pizza, hot choco, and chips.


She was still mad, but seeing the effort Wendy was putting for her, she can’t help but hide a smile that was forming on her face and finally opens the window from the second floor, where her bedroom was.

“10 minutes, if you piss me off I will take the pizza, hot choco and chips.” She says with a cute raise eyebrow.

Wendy nodded and smiled.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The two women were just sitting on the same steps of the backyard of the Bae’s house, Wendy prepared everything and now poured the thermos that contain the hot choco she made herself to the mug of Joohyun, seeing how the mortal was trying to hide her coldness, Wendy rushes inside to get a blanket and now wraps the black haired birthday girl with it.

“I could have gotten it for myself.” Joohyun pouted.

“Yeah…but I did, so I beat you to it.” Wendy grins.

“Jeez, it’s not a game…”

“Well if it was you’d be competitive aren’t you?” The florist / woman from another planet raised her eyebrow.

“Yes, and I will win.”

Wendy can only grin back again as she sat next to the long black haired woman and began sipping her hot choco too.

“Hey…you got only 8 more minutes.” Joohyun stared at the living room’s clock that was visible by the backyard.

“Oh…” Wendy didn’t expect the girl would be so serious in the time limit.

“I can return you know.”


“I can return…but…I’m still not sure about my feelings for you…it’s here…but I don’t know what to do with them…also it’s the fact…I never thought I will be able to return to my home, and now have an opportunity to do so that’s making me question…if I can still…or want to return to you.”

“Oh…” Joohyun responded.

“I-I don’t mean that I don’t want you now since I can go home! All I meant was….I don’t know how sure I am with my feelings for you and maybe…I will find my answer once I get to visit my planet…”

“How long is that? Months, years? I can’t do hundreds like you unnie, the time here on Earth is very short.”

“To be honest, the time in my planet is just the same with Earth…so don’t worry it won’t be hundreds of years.”


“Yeah, our time is the same.” Wendy nodded and took a sip of her cup.

How selfish of her.

Her first instinct was to get mad at Wendy for informing her of her being able to go back her home, when how hard it must have been, since if her planet was the same with Earth, then most probably she had no family now or whatsoever, and the only thing she was looking forward in going back there is the uncertainty what lies ahead for her.

But still Wendy braving the unknown, smiling and even waiting for selfish Joohyun’s birthday by planting her some purple tulips on top of it, was just very admirable of her and now the black haired mortal can only feel so guilty at the person she fell for, who just admitted her feelings to her as well.

“Also Joohyun-ah, you don’t really have to wait for me, if you find yourself falling for someone, it’s fine…you’re not tied down to Wendy okay?”

“Yahhh unnie- “

“I’m serious, as long as you inform me I will be fine, my feelings won’t change though and whatever I realize while I’m there in my planet, I will go directly straight to you to say whatever I feel…if I still like you, If suddenly I realize these feelings are just infatuations, or if they became stronger and wants to be with you forever…whatever my answer is I will go back and inform you…that I’m sure.”

“Unnie, please stop that, jeez, I won’t change! Like the three years I have been telling you, I still like you and my feelings won’t change!” Joohyun now pouted.

“Jeez, you’re so cute.” Wendy grinned again.

“To be honest, those are not really my worries, what if you came back here and I have many wrinkles on my face, and you won’t like me anymore since you will be forever young? And find someone better.” The young girl whined.

“You know….one of the things why I wanted to go home too is because I wanna ask if by chance how advance the technology in our planet is, they can find a way for me to be a mortal too here on Earth…since….I fell in love before with humans….and seeing them grow old while all I can do is stare and hold their hands as they vanish in front of me is the most heartbreaking part…”

“That’s why I also didn’t wanna fall for you Joohyun because I didn’t wanna experience that with you…it’s very unfair for you…to go through it too…”

“But now I have a chance to change that…if indeed we still feel the same for each other, we can grow old together…also….”

Wendy started running her index finger on the small lines of Joohyun’s face.

“Believe me, old age is not really something you should worry about since I will find you beautiful no matter what.”

It was a few silent seconds, of them just staring and smiling to each other, when suddenly Wendy goes closer to Joohyun’s face, like she was about to kiss the young woman when it’s Joohyun herself who interrupts their moment.

“Yahh!!!! How dare you try to kiss me, when you haven’t even given my first ever birthday wish!” She suddenly whined and tried covering her too red face.

“Oh…yes I’m sorry…the dance right?....Well Miss Joohyun Bae, how about this, once I come back, if you still like me…I will offer you to dance, and if you accept it will mean that you and I can finally start a relationship together?” The short blonde florist asks with a hand to shake.

“Okay.” Joohyun finally shakes her hand.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


March 30th, 2021

It’s been nine years since that fateful day, Joohyun became a famous painter all over the world she is mostly known for her flowers paintings along with painting of everyday life.

Nine years.

And here she was in her gallery for the exhibition of her new renowned “4 Seasons” collection, a collection of her painting different scenarios in each different scenarios, the gallery was packed since she has been on hiatus for almost two years and her coming back to the scene was also a celebration.

Nine years has passed since that fateful day.

Joohyun had waited, had dated, had chances of meeting interesting and beautiful people, but somehow she never had the same feeling or even exceeded that feeling when she met the blonde haired florist. She didn’t know if she still had hopes of seeing that person, but all she knows if she didn’t meet the person who can make her feel that same feeling or exceeded that she didn’t wanna have any relationship at all.

So at the age of 28, she focused herself to just rest and paint in her hometown where she met the beautiful blonde haired florist a decade before. Joohyun was now mingling at all the different types of rich and influential people who was praising her at the successful exhibition of her paintings.

“Congratulations, Joohyun! What a lovely exhibit!”

“Thank you.” She bowed to them.

“My my, your talent is like your beauty, it gets better and better as you age!”

“Oh….that’s really….a bit far fetch, but thank you.”

“Miss Bae, I’m Park Bogum, I don’t know if you know me…but, I have been always a big fan of yours…and-“

“Thank you.” She bowed again.

There were more different type of people attempting to talk to her, when Lia, her sister and now secretary pulls her away.

“Unnie, a very beautiful woman is interested to by the purple tulip painting.”



“Then tell her I won’t be selling it, that’s the only painting I won’t be selling didn’t I tell you that?”

“Yes I know unnie, but the woman is very persistent.” Lia pouted.

“So tell her again.”

“I did, but she wants to talk to the artist and ask why you are not planning to sell it.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joohyun found it weird that the short haired brunette woman was not wearing something more fancy just a simple white shirt and jeans, unlike her who had a black dress and her fancy guest…it wasn’t judging but just found it quite refreshing.

She had an instinct it was that person she has waited for such a long time, but she didn’t want to assume it since at the back of her head it was too afraid to expect that it was the florist that never left her mind and heart.

“Excuse me ma’am, you wanted to see me?” She finally approach the short haired brunette.

She was busy staring at the purple tulip fields painting, and finally turns around…it was the same pair of eyes and lovely smile she fell for, a decade ago, she aged a bit but it was still the same lovely woman.

The two women didn’t know but…

Both of their hearts were beating so crazy, out of happiness and nervousness.

Joohyun wanted to rush to hug her, but she was too frozen from the unexpected appearance of the woman she longed for that she can only muster a response.

“O-Oh…Wendy unnie? You colored your hair?”

“Y-Yes…I did…well truth is…I still had the blonde hair…but since I got back here a while ago…I went to a salon to ask…what might be the “it” hairstyle in 2021, and she said, this hairstyle suited me…so…here I am…”

She giggled out of shyness.

“Hi, Joohyun…you look pretty…you always look pretty, but you are even more beautiful now…also I saw you’re paintings, and they all look good….great! I mean great!...I’m not really a painter so I don’t know the best way to praise it…but…they all look great…especially these tulips, shame you…don’t wanna sell it….I kinda wanted to buy it.”


“Why do I want to buy it? Well of course it’s your work, and it brings back a lot of memories for me…so I would like to buy this masterpiece….”

Wendy didn’t realize how deadly appealing Joohyun became with her gorgeous stare, in the decade they separated, she sat on the bench where art appreciators can sit while staring at the paintings in the gallery and was just staring at the short brunette who was standing in front of her.

“How will you pay?” Joohyun spoke with a deep voice and grin like she was telling Wendy that painting is unaffordable by an ordinary person.

Feeling insulted since she was not an ordinary person, the former florist now pouted and raised her eyebrow.

“I have money, you know.”

“I don’t accept money.”

“Then…I-I….don’t have any stuff but myself right now Miss Bae.” She turns around as if searching if there’s anything she can offer to the famous painter.

Which made her giggle at the former florist.

“Then.....” She stood and now walks to the short brunette she was towering for about 3 inches since she was wearing heels.

Joohyun started removing some of the dust that was on the white shirt of the woman she waited for more than a decade.

“I will accept Wendy Shon as payment.” She smiled.


“What??? Just so you know I’m single…tried dating other people but…it’s still you here.” Joohyun now uses her right hand to place on her chest.

“Seriously Joohyun Bae…you might have become older but you’re still that very honest and brave girl I met in 2009 huh?”

“What? Is that bad? Seriously Wendy Shon, I just wanna be with you….I’m so tired of patiently waiting, the fact that I am healthy, still beautiful, and didn’t have anykind of wreckless relationships that might have become an obstacle to us finally starting our relationship….you should be THANKING me.”

“You know it occurred to me…what if….what if…after all the years you waited…and we realize that we are not a perfect match?”

Wendy’s question made Joohyun think carefully and silent.

“W-Well…you know…nobody’s perfect Wendy…maybe you are…because even your flaws are wonderful to me…but I’m most certainly not….but I really want to be with you….-why do you know what I felt when I saw you standing here?...My heart felt so happy it beat faster than a running car Wendy….and that’s your effect on me even after you left me for more than a decade now.”

Irene held her hands and smiled.

“So what I’m saying is….as long as you like me….and you keep liking me, even if we finally find the parts that are unlikable about us…I hope we can work on it together to improve…because we don’t hold the future…and you don’t know…how we can be a perfect match in our own ways…unless you try.”

She held the smaller cold hands she missed so much tighter.

“Joohyun…I missed you so much…and thank you…thank you for waiting for me.” Wendy smiled at her.

“Wendy Shon….aren’t you gonna ask me that question I have been waiting for, eversince the first time we met?”

“Oh well-“

“Wait hold on!”

The beautiful painter now runs to the bench to remove her black Louboutin heels, and now was barefeet which made her and the person she has waited for so long, even in height, which earned a giggle from Wendy and made Joohyun sway dance as she approaches the brown haired girl.

“Lia, can you play the music?” Seungwan shouted.

Which made Joohyun raise her eyebrow as she realizes her younger sister was in cahoots with Wendy, Lia nodded from the other room and finally played Etta James’ At Last.

“Joohyun Bae…may I ask to dance with you in this empty room where the purple tulips can witness our first dance as lovers?” She offered her hand to dance.

“Of course, Wendy Shon, you can be my first dance and my lover.” Joohyun grabs her hand.

The two drew each other closer, and even had their noses buried at each other’s shoulders.

There were a lot of conversations needed to have for the two, like with what has happened in the lives they lived separately from each other, or the fact what will happen now Wendy was back, will she age like Joohyun or stay young, what has happened to Mr. Buttons, to Joohyun’s other family members….

A lot of questions.

But tonight, one thing was very sure and didn’t need anymore answers.

Wendy will never leave Joohyun and Joohyun will never let Wendy leave again, as the two who have miss each other so much realizes that the distance and years, made them more loyal and fall for each other more.

“Joohyun, later…I have gift I wanna give to you.” Wendy whispered to her as they kept dancing by the room they only occupied.

“You have more?” She whispered back.

“Yeahhh, it was your birthday yesterday right? Sorry I wasn’t able to come at your exact birthday.”

“No, no it’s fine, I missed you so much too...this is already fine…” She smiled and kept rubbing her cheek on the baby powder smelling shoulder of the short haired woman.

“Yahhh, I want to give you the best so don’t say it’s fine!” Wendy pouted.

The painter who was just enjoying the dance now raises her head and stared at the former florist who returned for her.

“This is the best already Wendy, you’re back…and you’re here with me…what more can I wish more?”

Such sweet words that somehow melted in Wendy’s chest, and made her want to cry but instead settled for an embrace with the woman who waited for her return named Joohyun.

“Thank you for waiting for me, Joohyun Bae.”








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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading! 💙💗
Santa_Clause #2
Chapter 1: Thank you authornim.....
Santa_Clause #3
Chapter 1: Waaahhhh its so nice....
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 1: Love it
ShinHye24 1340 streak #5
Chapter 1: So beautiful 💗
Chapter 1: Its really beautifull story between irene and wendy thank you author ,as usual always beyond your expectations amazing author, see you in another work🥺🤧😍💝💙💝💙👏👏👍✍💪💪👋👋🤝🔥🔥🙏🙏😊
Chapter 1: This is one of the most beautiful fic ive read in a while. I can picture everything perfectly. Thank you for sharing this creative piece
Chapter 1: Read three stories from your works in one go and every single stories i've read were so beautiful esp that 'WTWB' totally love it!
baejoonism #9
Chapter 1: Awww so beautiful love it 🥺
Chapter 1: Beautiful