Aiming for the Perfect Date!



Yesung took charge. What will happen?


This is a three-part, mini-sequel to Let The Love Begin :D

My gift for all those who loved this story,,,hopefully, the first part will be out this week~


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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: Soooo? It's not completed yet right? Or.....????
Chapter 1: Oh but where is the continuation after amusement park? :(
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: yesung is just too cute >< this is, I really enjoy it so much ♥
lahdeedah000 #4
Agree with @reginag, I just recently found your stories (cough today cough), and I sincerely hope you keep writing! I really do enjoy your writing!
I hope you can finish this sequel, also the Deal sounded interesting really you are a great writer, please don't give up fighting!!!
woow thank you!!! LtLB was awesome, i enjoyed every chapter
I am waiting the next part
Marvelous!! I'm sooo happy for the mini sequel!! The first chapter was GREAT!!!
Yay a KyuSung's fiction!
The story is amazing, I like it! :)
I'm so so curious about the end of their date awww *o*I hope it will be a success ;)
make it longer plwese >.<
thanks <3
anonimatus #9
Ahhh Thank you! thank you! thank you! >///<
This isn't crappy!! what's wrong with you?!! XD
I loved LtLB and now... this chapter was just... sweet as a candy ^^ me likey!!
Please, enjoy writing your own stories... the best stories are those who doesn't give stress or pressure to the author-nim ^^ even if you take your time, just write when you feel happy, search for inspiration and Enjoy!

Author having fun = Good stories (like this) = SuperHyperDuper Happy readers!!
