Father-Son Conversation!

Descendants of the sun Goowon Couple Love Story

It's almost midnight. Sunshine's birthday party is finally over. The guests returned to their house. It's only General Yoon and the five of them are at home. Myeong Joo and Dae Young both requested General Yoon to spend the night with them. 


The girls were really tired and slept on the big couch on their grandpa's lap. Myeong Joo again gone to feed baby Jo. Dae Young was cleaning a bit of the mess that all the children created. Finally he thought it's enough for today and came to the couch to get the girls to their bedroom, he softly holds Jina and carefully takes her in his arms. But General Yoon woke up at this point. He smiles at his son-in-law.


Dae Young took Jina to her room and placed her to sleep. Then he came back to get Sunshine. But instead of lifting her, he stood there watching her seeing sleep peacefully,"My baby girl became a big girl! It still feels like she was born yesterday."


General Yoon smiles softly at him,"I still feel like that about my girl! But look she's a mother of 3 girls. But still I feel she's my small girl!"


Dae Young now sit beside General Yoon. "Father, I'm going to ask you something, please answer truthfully."


General Yoon looked at him curiously, "It was really hard for you to accept that your daughter likes me. You faced a lot of difficulty. Then you finally accepted me. I was truly happy. Now tell me were you really ready to see someone at the side of your daughter? You selected Si Jin as your son-in-law. But how did you got yourself ready to hand your girl over to someone? I don't think I'll be able to do that ever."


General Yoon looked at him intently. "What happened? Did someone approached Sunshine?"


Dae Young huffs,"There's a boy who said he likes my Sunshine! How dare he! Sunshine is still a little girl."


General Yoon laughs loudly,"It's the first time you know, that's why it felt like that. Sunshine is completely like Myeong Joo. What do you think till date no boy approached her? A lot of boys like her. Myeong Joo knows all that. She just didn't tell you. She knows you'll not be happy at that. Don't worry. Sunshine is a kid. She'll not like a boy now."


Dae Young huffs again,"Myeong Joo knows! She didn't tell anything to me!"


He replied," Yes, she knows. She didn't tell you anything cause Sunshine made all of them friends and she isn't bothered at all. And Myeong Joo saw me how I didn't like any boy near her. So she gueses you'll be the same with your daughter."


"Listen, Dae Young, Myeong Joo is a very brilliant and she has always done what she thinks is best. And it is proven that is the best for her. Same with Sunshine, she'll do the best just like my Myeong Joo. You don't need to worry at all. But it's my advice you better start to accept the fact that she's growing up and soon there'll be time when she may start liking a boy. It's better you start to prepare yourself."


Dae Young still thinking. General again patted on his back,"Look at yourself, who's better than you when it comes to take care of my daughter? Like that, Sunshine will find someone who'll take care of her just like you do of Myeong Joo. Cheer up, man."


Finally Dae Young smiled at him and took Sunshine in his arms. Then he put her in her room and came back to take General to the guest room,"Thanks a lot, father. Good night."


"Good night, son."


Finally he comes to Myeong Joo, who's fell asleep. He got up on the bed, carefully takes place beside her and kisses on her forehead softly. Myeong Joo stirrers in her sleep and a soft smile appears on her lips. Dae Young smiles at the view, placed a hand on top of her and hugged her gently. He thinks before falling asleep,"One day, my Sunshine will find someone who'll take care of her better than me."



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Hey guys, come here on 1st Aug. I'll write, post a new story every day at 19:00 /1:00 am UTC till 7 Aug. But you'll have to keep commenting then. I need to focus and be motivated to write. Comment regularly on what/how much you love Goowon/how you like my story. Be here at Aug 1st, I'll be with you.


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milaur_lolz #1
Chapter 82: Still waiting for more updates!!!
milaur_lolz #2
Chapter 82: Thank you for the update!!!
Keep it up! 💪🏻
milaur_lolz #3
Chapter 81: Thank you for the update author!!!
milaur_lolz #4
Chapter 80: Please continue writing stories about them 🙏🏻
You are a very grate author!! Wish you all the best to you
milaur_lolz #5
Chapter 79: I'll pray for your country 🙏🏻.
milaur_lolz #6
Chapter 75: I'm waiting for the new chapter 😢
milaur_lolz #7
Chapter 75: waiting for the new chapters 🤧
Chapter 25: You write really really well
I like the story much
It would be great if there is space between chapters
It will be much easier to read
nanananabananas #9
Chapter 75: Thank you for keeping the goowon ship alive after so many years authornim. I enjoyed reading this. It makes me want to rewatch DOTS