I Do...Again (Moonsun)

Mamamoo Ships Oneshots

I've decided to convert my old stories from a different ship to Mamamoo ones. Mostly fluff:) This has been slightly proofread.


"Okay Yongsunnie, where are your keys?"


"S'in my pursh" the blonde slurred, massively drunk and leaning on Wheein for stability. Hyejin rummaged through Yong's purse and quickly opened the door, being met with a dark living room. Before any of them could open a light, Yong announced that she feels like she's going to throw up and so the two other tipsy ladies trudged side by side towards the bathroom.


It was a close call and the blonde barely made it to the toilet as she threw-up that night's dinner. Wheein was holding her hair up and Hyejin was rubbing her back sympathetically. Their girl's night ended poorly. 


When Yong was finished hunching over the bowl, she sat back against the wall, too tired and drained. Then the memories came flooding in, the memory of her and Byul arguing. The tears on both their faces. The silence, god, the unbearable silence between two lovers that are too hurt and stubborn to work through problems. And finally, her walking out and ending everything.


Now Byul is married and she still loves her.


"She's married," Yong said ghastly " Byul's already married."


She was inconsolable, her cries muffled by her sleeves, she couldn't hear anything either of the girls were saying, the thumping of her heartbeat resonated in her ears and head. 


"Why the hell is my wife crying on the bathroom floor?" 


All three heads snapped up to look at Byul. They didn't hear her come in, hell even Hyejin jumped a little. Yong looked around but once her eyes dizzily met Byul's it was clear that it was pointed at her


And maybe it was still the tequila that's making her imagine all of this but her heart couldn't help but beat faster at the prospect that she was actually talking about her and not mistaking her for her actual wife in this dimly lit bathroom.


She couldn't read Byul's expression as she turned to the two younger women and told her how Yong broke down after being reminded that the brunette was already married and didn't have the chance to convince her otherwise. Her embarrassment spread across her features and held her head on her hands, wanting all of this to just be over. 


"You guys go and take the guest room, I'm not letting you go home this late. I'll take care of her"


She heard Byul advice the two girls as they retreated to the usual guest room they slept in when they're around. 


A pair of hands came up to her wrists, prying her fingers from her face. She saw tears on her palms and it made her feel even worse that she's making a fool of herself in front of her ex.


"C'mon,love. Let's get you in the bath" 


Byul drew a bath and told Yong to get in while she went downstairs and made them both a warm drink, grabbing a change of clothes on the way.


The blonde could still be seen visibly upset when Byul walked in. Yong kept remembering how familiar all of this is. The way she would relax in the tub after work and Byul would sit on the floor next to it and go through her skincare routine while they catch up on each other's day. 


At first, Byul would make up excuses on why she would sit on the floor and accompany her until she eventually brought in a small stool and admitted that it was the blonde's laughs and banter that made her feel like she wouldn't miss it for anything. As corny as it sounds.


"Feeling better?" the brunette asked, handing her the mug. And as she reached for it, the light reflected on Byul's engagement and wedding ring. She felt like crying all over again. She felt stupid. 


The moment she had her grip on the mug, Byul's thumbs tried to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall. She was alarmed to say the least. She hasn't seen Yong this upset for a long time, tequila really did have a different effect on her apart from all the other drinks.


The blonde shook her head, a sob catching on . "I'm sorry, I know it's been 5 years but seeing you wear your rings, it just reminds me of how much I lost" she meekly reasoned.


"Well you were wearing your rings too" Byul pointed out. Despite the weary state that Yong was in, she couldn't help but laugh a bit at the blonde's confusion. 




Byul stretched towards the sink top without standing and felt for the rings. She held them out on her palm, removed hers and showed it both to Yong. The build were so different from hers but the engravings inside were exactly alike "I promise you that I do." 


"But- I thought..I thought I just liked to accessorize." She really did. She was wearing 5 different rings that night. It explains why it looked so different from the rest.


This time, Byul couldn't really hold back her laugh, the bewildered look on Yong's face was too precious. She wanted to show her their pictures on her phone, or at least get Yong's since there were pictures saved on hers as well but she left both in their bedroom. Her laugh died down the minute the next words flew out of Yong's mouth.


"But I left you, didn't I?" It sounds so broken and regretful that Byul had to scoot closer to nonverbally communicate to Yong that she wasn't going to storm out, unlike the way she did years ago. 


"And you came back and I forgave you Yong. You forgave me too and I've been so grateful ever since that we got married." Byul whispered, hoping it got through the blonde. She didn't expect a specific kind of alcohol to trigger all these memories and emotions but she understood. Tequila was what Yong drank the last time they broke up 5 years ago. She told Byul that she apparently almost got hit by a car on her way home from the bar if Whee and Hyej weren't there to pull her from the street at the last minute. She didn't remember any of it afterwards and refused to touch it since they got back together 2 years after. But she guessed they had a little too much fun at the bar tonight.


Now the blonde was ugly crying and laughing like a crazy person. Snots and free flowing tears all over her face that the brunette had to reach for a face towel to keep up with wiping it. She was so ing relieved. Every heartbreaking moment she remembered this night is triumphed by the thought that she's going to wake up next to Byul tomorrow, definitely hungover, and for a very very long time if it is true that they got their together. 


When she finally calmed down and the water got cold, she let Byul help her out as she tried to keep her balance. The blonde's a bit sober but she's still got a long night ahead of her if she doesn't get sleep soon. Byul insisted that they brush their teeth and she almost didn't make it through without laughing the way Yong kept stealing glances at her like it was all unreal. 


The bedroom was lit with the night lamps on each dresser and the moonlight streaming through the expansive glass window on one side. Byul called for Yong to make herself comfortable while she went around the room to turn out the lamps and brought the curtains together, leaving out a small gap for a sliver of moonlight to filter in. 


She never liked sleeping unless the room's pitch black, which the blonde had to learn to deal with and compromised that the curtains wouldn't be totally closed. At first Byul was adamant of it, but soon she learned that whenever she went to bed anxious and woke up from a nightmare, it helped that she could see Yong's serene features under the moonlight. She knew she wasn't alone. 


Yong felt the bed dip and turned to take a peek at Byul. Her consciousness was drifting but still you couldn't wipe the smile off her face. The brunette settled her arm across her hip and pulled the cover over their bodies.


"Yong?" she called bringing her hand back to show Yong's engagement ring and hold it between their faces. All these years of knowing the blonde and Byul still couldn't help but be awed by her eyes. "Will you marry me again?"


Even though Yong was already reminded that they were in fact married, she still felt the same way she did the first time Byul proposed and nodded her head vigorously. " Yes Byul, yes."


The brunette slipped the ring on Yong's fingers, kissing her excitedly after and Yong swears on all heavens that she saw more than stars the when she felt Byul's lips on hers.


When they pulled away to get a breath in or two, Byul brought up her hand again to reveal Yong's wedding band this time. 


"By the power vested in me, and as witnessed by you, me, the moon, the stars, and the universe, I now pronounce us wife and wife. You may now kiss me." Byul laughed after the speech as Yong joined her, but nonetheless kissed her lovingly.


"I love you, Byul"


"I love you too, Yong. But you're not getting off the hook tomorrow for forgetting that we're married." Byul taunted jokingly.


The blonde laughed and kissed her soundly again, a warm feeling spreading inside her.

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I'm wondering if some of my moots are reading my stories👀


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ggomoo_ #1
Chapter 19: Waiting for wheesun part👀
Chapter 21: I was hoping someone would write a fic about this! this was super cute, thank you for posting!
Chapter 20: Una hermosa historia que deja a todos contentos jajajajjaja
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 3: This is so cute no matter how many times I've read it
Chapter 16: I’m smiling like a fool ^^
This is so cute >\\<
BlueDoowop #6
Chapter 19: Loved all the chapters so far.
Taitai84 1229 streak #7
Chapter 15: Haha it’s so funny and sweet
Concon111 #8
Chapter 18: Hwasun always hits differently 🖤
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 18: So soft 🥺
artwheeistt #10