We might have took the long way

We'll get there someday

When Kun received an invitation from Doyoung, it was an offer he couldn’t turn down. His best friend would be married to the man of his dreams and Kun was one of the groomsmen. Doyoung also sent over a link to a song he wanted Kun to sing when he walks down the aisle escorted by his parents. The song was of course familiar, it was a song that Doyoung had sung to Jaehyun countless of times, when people around them doubted the truthfulness and loyalty of Jaehyun and Doyoung with each other when both were into the acting field from their college days up to their long standing career.


“Do you want me to play the piano too?” Kun had asked during his face time and both Doyoung and Jaehyun shook their heads.



“we agreed that Doyoung hyung gets to choose the wedding singer, I get to choose the keyboardist.” Jaehyun smiled, his dimples showing. “But you can do your preferred arrangement, we know that it’s your forte.” Jaehyun added and Kun nodded.


“Yeah, give me a couple of days.” Kun answered and yawned.


“We’re getting your precious sleep time, we’ll hang up.” Doyoung told his friend and Kun nodded.


“Probably later there due to the 1 hour difference. I’ll send the file in a couple of days. You want the guide?” Kun asked and Jaehyun shook his head.


“Just the music sheet hyung.” Jaehyun replied and Kun nodded and smiled before hanging up.


Kun had returned to China after graduation, he did not find anything to time him down to Korea after his degree had been fulfilled. In China, however, there were numerous offers for him as a top graduate of a prestigious university. His career had bloomed in a short span of time as a producer and composer as well as a recording artist from time to time.



Kun sighed as he sat n his bed. He was alone in his condo in Shanghai, his family far from him who stayed in Fujian, and it really felt cold and lifeless now that he thinks about it. But he had nothing and no one, well aside from Leon who is now asleep on his bed, slightly snoring like he had always done. Sometime he wondered what would have changed if he had to courage to ask his crush out like what Doyoung did when he saw Jaehyun being surrounded by prospected suitors after a theater play. It can go either way, he could have had his heart broken beyond repair or he could have been snuggled in the warmth of his lover, whatever the outcome was, Kun was sure it would have been better to live without regrets rather than live a safe life but a cold and lonely one.


Kun was just one of Doyoung’s groomsmen and he smiled as familiar faces greeted him on his return. Taeyong was Doyoung’s best man, not a surprise as the two had really deep roots planted and their loyalty to each other had been the strongest among their friend group. Ten was also there, despite getting on Doyoung’s nerves, Ten had always been Doyoung’s support system, a shoulder to cry on and his biggest make over initiator. And lastly, Taeil was there, the eldest was the one who had been the epitome of comfort and security.



“I am so glad to see you again Kunnie!” Taeyong had engulfed him in a tight hug, the elder always doted on him.



“I miss you too hyung.” Kun greeted back.


After a round of greeting and some catching up with wine while their make up are being done, Kun was donning his white and blue suit, a theme that suits the Aquarius couple. They were briefed by the wedding coordinator and were soon being chauffeured to the venue for the wedding.


Kun was the first to walk down the aisle as he would be singing when Doyoung walks. He smiled as he walked down the aisle, holding a white mini bouquet with blue ribbon that Doyoung insisted his entourage would hold. When he reached the end of the aisle, he was directed towards the side where the keyboard and a mic stand was already prepared. But he stopped as he looked at the person sitting in front of the keyboard.





Johnny had made a name for himself in his hometown. With a degree in photography and cinematography, he had worked his way up from freelance to an established studio where he got recognition for his works in print and commercial videos; He had even been awarded for a music video he had directed for his younger brother, up and coming Rap superstar Mark.


“Oh Hey Jae!” Johnny beamed a smile as his friend face time him. “Congratulations man, you made it.” Johnny laughed as Jaehyun beamed him a smile.


“been a long ride but hey, here we are.” Jaehyun replied. “You know why I called right?” Jaehyun asked and Johnny nodded.


“Yeah, I would be angry at you if you didn’t include me in your entourage.” Johnny pouted.


“Of course, wouldn’t want you to miss it.” Jaehyun replied. “And I have a favor to ask hyung.” Jaehyun spoke and Johnny hummed to acknowledge him. “one of Doyoung hyung’s entourage would be singing for the wedding march and I bargained that one of my groomsmen should play the keyboard.” Jaehyun said and Johnny’s eyes brightened. “Can you play our song?” Jaehyun asked and Johnny grinned at him.


‘of course! Man, I’d be honored!” Johnny replied and Jaehyun’s smile was bright.


“This means a lot to me, to Doyoung hyung and I.” Jaehyun remarked. ‘I’ll send over the score sheet in your email!” Jaehyun said then they took a bit of time to chat before they hanged up.


Johnny looked at the email sent to him and he grinned, the song had always been so dear to Doyoung and Jaehyun and he would remember Jaehyun learning the song so he could surprise Doyoung when he asked to be his boyfriend on a valentines day. And instead of the mellow notes from the keyboard, Doyoung’s voice suddenly blended with him and that was the start of what they are now.


Johnny envied his friends from time to time. Not because he liked them romantically, but because Johnny is the only single in the friend group, and with Doyoung and Jaehyun tying the knot, it won’t be long before Taeyong and Yuta follow the same path, the two practically married since College anyway.


He sighed as he looked at the photo that hanged on his wall, it was not his photo but rather, a photo of a spectacular boy who had captured his heart with just one smile. But despite being the romantic that Johnny was perceived of, Johnny did not have the courage to ask him out and so he was left with the stolen photo of the boy who was smiling while the setting sun framed his face, making it glow in a magical way.



Johnny had come a week before the wedding, opting not to test his jet lag in fear of messing up the song he’s going to play at the wedding in fear of Doyoung marching down the aisle with his bouquet ready to hit him until he is on the floor covered in potpourri. 


He walked first among the entourage and he was directed towards the keyboard at the end of the aisle. He promptly sat on the bench and watched as the others walked, smiling as he looked at Jaehyun smiling wide as he took sure steps towards the stage were Jaehyun will wait  for his destined forever. The blue and white looked fresh and calm, and Johnny couldn’t find any other color scheme that would fit Doyoung and Jaehyun. Johnny was smiling, happy for his friend who waited and sacrificed a lot to have Doyoung, and faced so many negativity especially when they came out to the public and breaking their flawless actor images.


Johnny’s smile faltered though when he saw a familiar face walk down the aisle, hair styled a immaculately and holding the bouquet of white roses. He looked like an angel, still looked like the spectacular boy who had captured his heart with just one smile. His heart stopped when the said man walked towards his direction and they were face to face.


“Johnny hyung?”




They had no time to chat though because just as they met, the coordinator assistant had instructed them to prepare for the wedding march.


The door was closed and soon fog was released, flooding the floor making it a scene out of a movie. Johnny pressed the first note and the intro played just like how Kun arranged it. Johnny smiled, of course it was Kun. When Jaehyun sent over the score sheet, it was not the original version, it was arranged to give a dramatic intro for the wedding march and the tone was made for Kun’s voice.


Looks like we made it

Look how far we come now baby


Kun’s voice rang and enveloped the place in a soft and enchanting melody that harmonized well with Johnny’s notes. It was the perfect combination as everyone stood to welcome Doyoung in his custom suit, color and style matching Jaehyun’s. He was siling wide as he held the bouquet of white and blue roses. He took strong and sure steps, eyes glistening with unshed tears that mirrors that of Jaehyun.


You’re still the one I love

The only one I dream off


Kun looked at Johnny as he joined Kun during the chorus, doing backing vocals that blended perfectly despite not even practicing together.


Doyoung’s parents and brother met him half way, kissing his cheeks before they went their way. Gongmyung escorted his mother to her seat while Mr. Kim led his son towards Jaehyun.


I’m so glad we made it

Look how far we’ve come my baby


Both Johnny and Kun were escorted by the coordinators back to their places for the ceremony and the two thanked each other.





The ceremony was a blur to Johnny, his mind, eyes and heart was focused on the man across him, eyes shining like the setting sun, and smile as fresh as the morning dew. Johnny had a few regrets in his life but none as great as not letting Kun know how important he was to him, how his heart was stolen by that beautiful smile and equally beautiful character. Kun was the one that got away, the best thing Johnny never had.


“hey, talk to him later.” Yuta nudged Johnny who blinked at his friend. “Don’t let this opportunity pass, it’s  once in a lifetime.” Yuta added and patted his back as they lined up to take a photo with the couple.



Johnny knew that Yuta was right but would he get the courage to confess to his one true love and  was Kun even interested in him to begin with? Kun was an enigma, someone unreachable and Johnny was scared that he won’t be able to meet Kun’s standards, despite how tall or confident he is, Kun is still on a pedestal higher than he could ever reach.



The wedding was beautiful, the program was entertaining especially when Taeil had offered the couple a song to celebrate their union. The couple’s first dance was tear jerking as Taeil’s voice serenaded them, giving the perfect backdrop for the love of the two to shine and be known and recognized.

 “Maybe you need to settle things with Johnny hyung tonight, don’t make the same mistake and carry the regrets.” Ten had whispered to Kun and Kun was wide eyed at him. “We all knew, you weren’t subtle with the heart eyes. Johnny hyung’s just oblivious” Ten had added.


‘but he’s not interested.” Kun’s voice sounded defeated.


“He is, you haven’t seen him like how we did.” Ten smiled bitterly, remembering the drunken night where Johnny had cried so hard because he let Kun go back to China without even confessing to him. “Just think about it Kun, why not take this chance and do it, don’t regret not doing it at least once in your life.” Ten added and Kun sighed, maybe, should lady luck gives him courage he’d take a giant leap.



Johnny did not know where the tradition of throwing the bouquet originated or it’s purpose but it had been on his mind to propose to his significant other one day when he or his partner receives the thrown bouquet. So when every eligible men and women were called out to the dance floor to catch the bouquet, Johnny was contemplating if he should join them because he’s very much single with no partner. But when Doyoung had pulled him towards the dance floor, he just sighed, he can’t let his friend down somehow.


When he reached the dance floor though, Everyone was line up neatly, forming a corridor for him and when he looked at the end, it was Kun being held in place by a smiling Jaehyun. “We are all hoping that you would do one right thing tonight.” Doyoung said and handed him the bouquet and a blue velvet box. “This is your dream proposal right hyung?” the younger said and Johnny was pretty much confused.


“This is your wedding Doie.” Johnny had replied.



“We pretty much planned our wedding around this moment hyung. Go and get your happiness.” Doyoung patted his back and the crowd cheered Johnny as he took careful steps towards the bright sun of his future.



“Jaehyun, what’s happening?” Kun asked, nervous as he looked at Doyoung handing Johnny the bouquet.


“Something that should’ve been done a long time ago.” Jaehyun smiled and held him in place as they both watched Johnny approached them.


“It’s your wedding Jaehyun, why is this even happening?” Kun’s heart was beating fast and he was afraid that he’ll have a panic attack or something.


“Our wedding finished when we had our first dance, this is your moment now hyung.” Jaehyun smiled and finally let go of Kun just as Johnny knelt in front of the younger.



“Johnny hyung?” kun’s voice was wavering, his tears threatening to fall.


“I can’t say I am prepared for this.” Johnny chuckled nervously. “I may look like an idiot but you can refuse, don’t be pressured.” Johnny said as he offered the flower to Kun. “I like you a lot Kun.” Johnny said and Kun’s tears started to fall as a familiar song played on the background, it was a song Kun had composed for his graduation and now Jaehyun was playing it. “I’ve regrated not saying it to you earlier in fear of losing you but it was thrice as painful because you still left.” Johnny was now crying silently. “I know this may not be something you’d like but..” Johnny was cut short when Kun flung himself towards the older and kissed him, prompting the crowd to cheer for them.



“I regret not saying how much I like you hyung. I thought you’d be better not knowing my feeling but it hurts so much. The feeling did not stop and I was falling in the endless pit that I can’t escape.” Kun informed him. “Johnny Hyung, I love you.” Kun muttered, softly only for Johnny to hear and the older wrapped his arm around the younger as he maneuvered themselves to stand.


“I love you too Kun, so much.” Johnny replied, handed Kun the bouquet and pulled him into a chaste kiss. “I know this is sudden but can you take a chance and maybe perhaps marry me?” Johnny asked and Kun shed fresh tears as he nodded and said a soft yes. Johnny opened the velvet box and was surprised to see that it was his grandmother’s  heirloom ring. He looked at Doyoung who smiled at him after mouthing that Mrs. Suh sent it over when they told her of their plan. Johnny was crying fresh tears as he took out the ring and inserted it to Kun’s finger. He then pulled Kun into a tight embrace while Doyoung sang along to celebrate the couple’s confession and the guests showered the two with flower petals.





“I can’t believe you two needed that kind of intervention.” Taeyong sat next to Yuta who kissed his fiance’s cheek. They were now gathered at one of the tables, guests already gone while they were left to drink the night away. “I’m getting married first!” Taeyiong announced and Johnny saluted, smiling as he kept Kun close to him.


“Thank you so much for doing this.” Kun bowed to thank them and everyone were starting to tear up again.


“Don’t make us cry kunnie!” Taeil piped up but Jungwoo was already wiping his tears away.


“You better come back here, Louis and Bella misses Leon already!” Ten piped up and Sicheng nodded next to him.


“I’ll try. I actually haven’t thought about it, oh my gosh I accepted as marriage proposal without even considering work and living arrangements!” Kun gasped and everyone blinked at him.


“Hey, it’s okay, I can adjust.” Johnny quickly answered him and kissed his temple.


“No, that’s not fair.” Kun replied, pouting at Johnny.


“You know what, we were going to bring this up later but I guess it’s the right time.” Taeyong grinned and handed Johnny and Kun each a folder. “We’re starting a small artist center, maybe you would want to join us? It may not pay as well as your existing jobs but, I hope you can consider?” Taeyong was unsure but the smiles on both Johnny and Kun were a sure fire deal.


“Wait a minute, you all planned this?” Johnny asked and everyone nodded.


“We may have spent more time planning the proposal than our actual wedding.” Doyoung scoffed and Ten nodded.


“Damn Doie was a rabid bunny stressing at the perfect opportunity to get you two together, so much that Jaehyun basically plopped down on one knee and asked Doyoung to marry him so they can have a reason to bring you both back to Korea.” Yuta snorted and both Doyoung and Jaehyun laughed loudly.


“You sacrificed your dream wedding to get us together?” Kun asked, tearing up once more.


“It’s still our dream wedding Kunnie! It was about time that we tied the knot, Jaehyun and I had been talking about settling down and retiring as actors, it was the perfect time.” Doyoung assured him.



“Enough sap stories, Let’s have a toast for Neo Universe!” Sicheng proposed a toast and everyone raised their glasses.


“To Neo Universe!” They all cheered and they were smiling as they drank the wine/





When Johnny and Kun got back to the elder’s hotel room, Johnny played Kun’s song and they swayed in the rhythm, eyes staring lovingly at each other and smiles wide on their faces. If they muttered endless I love You’s, exchanged kisses and showed exactly how much love they have for each other, It was their own story to treasure for the rest of their lives.




a/n: Hello there, I hope you are all having a good and healthy end of the year. This is an early Christmas present to Johnkun nation inspired by the EuMarkJungsim episode. I know everyone was just freaking out with what Johnny had said and that really made me cry because I barely survived with crumbs, not even knowing where this ghost ship is heading but here they were, 3 years after the faithful Osaka roommates escapade, we get to have a decent interaction.


Stay safe this holidays everyone!

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: oh goodness this is so beautiful and nice!!