

Jongin was fast asleep, clutching his pillow tightly as he always did. He had left the window open from earlier to let some of the cool breeze enter the room and ensure no scent of Sehun's cigarette smoke was still around, but the wind had put him to sleep rather quickly due to the soothing whistle it provided. He was tangled in his sheets, so it didn't take long for him to wake up when he felt someone tugging on it to get to his neck.

He was about to shriek and start kicking and punching like a horse when he noticed it was just Sehun trying to wake him up with a few pecks on his neck...even though that didn't go nearly as planned.

“What are you doing here, sneaking around in my room like this? It's late!” Even though Sehun's idea was a romantic one, that didn't stop his boyfriend from hitting him repeatedly on his one shoulder for startling him.
“I have an idea for how we could go on a date. Get dressed,” The taller one didn't take much note of Jongin slapping him and only grinned at him as he spoke.
Jongin was curious now as he sat up; there was barely anything to do around here. Even though students could hang around on the fields ans courts during their free time, it wasn't the same as going shopping or eating at a restaurant. Everyone here knew they could've had it worse, but nine months in total here a year the fun out of life.

“Well? What are you waiting for? The guards will change shifts soon, so we'll be able to get around the campus without any worries for three to four minutes, so hurry up!” Sehun said as he stood by the front door of the room, waiting, and Jongin quickly stood up to throw on some comfy clothes. He doubted the taller one had made reservations at a fancy restaurant for the middle of the night.
He decided on a warm hoodie and plain old black sweatpants, something similar to his gym uniform's pants, and then some sandals with socks.

“You're really wearing socks and sandals? We're not going anywhere that you need to dress down like this, Jongin,” Sehun shook his head with a scrutinizing gaze; he came from a family of fashion designers, so it didn't surprise many people when he had a few comments about their fashion choices. Sehun himself was a model for Dior, and he was even being considered for the brand ambassador position - it was in his blood to judge others' clothes.
“What's wrong with it?! Unless we're going someplace where the rich and famous go, I don't see the problem with socks and sandals,” Jongin huffed and puffed, but in the end, Sehun had convinced him to swap his sandals for sneakers.

The hallways were quiet as expected this time of night, but it still put Jongin on edge. He was worried that they'd be caught, and while they were only wandering around after everyone was supposed to be in their rooms, the college would still make a big fuss about it and call Jongin and Sehun's parents. They were adults, but since they came from rich families, they were spoiled and thus still seen as children most of the time by their families.

There was a creak that came with nearly each step, and while Jongin seemed worried about this, Sehun walked along as if it was still daytime. He didn't hesitate to turn corners, but Jongin would often stop to look behind them when it sounded like an extra pair of footsteps was following them. He wanted to call out for the person to identify themselves (if there was anyone there), but he was worried it was a security guard that would bust them. Instead, he stopped walking and looked around behind him for some time. Long enough to create a distance between Sehun and himself.

He was satisfied to see and hear no one behind him, and he then raced to catch up with his boyfriend who had disappeared.
“Sehun!” He whispered as some more uneasiness creeped up on him. Jongin had no clue where the other one had gone, and he was sure the security guards would be back on duty soon for a few more hours. If he turned back now, he'd never make it back to his room in time!
“Sehun?” He whispered a little louder now, nearly running through the carpeted hallway. The creaking became much louder because of his sudden change in pace, and it caused him to look over his shoulder repeatedly. There were sounds of conversation from the guards nearby, and Jongin was ready to burst into tears. They'd find him, and everyone would know he was sneaking around! His parents would be furious, they'd never let him see Sehun again. Somehow, some way, they'd find a way to make something like that happen!

As he charged down the hall like he was being chased, the boys' bathroom door suddenly opened, and he opened his mouth to scream from fright as he was snatched. Luckily, Sehun was faster, and he cupped his boyfriend's mouth before he could alert anyone. Sometimes he could impress Jongin with his fast reflexes.

“You ran down the hallway like a bull out of a cage, I could hear you a mile away...! Are you okay?” Sehun asked after he had moved away from the shorter man, leaving Jongin to lean against the door. He was rubbing the arm which Sehun had grabbed so quickly before he could storm past the bathroom.
“You didn't have to grab me like that. I probably looked like a rag doll the way you pulled me in here!” Jongin pouted. If anyone had seen him, they would've laughed!
“If I didn't do it, you would've run straight into the campus without me,” Sehun chuckled softly, then brought Jongin's arm up to his lips, pushing back the sleeve of the hoodie to peck his boyfriend's skin. He knew this wouldn't do anything other than make Jongin smile at how silly it was, but that was the point.
“Now try not to get lost, okay? Before I have to turn into that guy from Taken and come fetch you from the guard's office,” Sehun said as he pressed his head against the door to listen for any conversation or footsteps.
“His name is Liam Neeson, you uncultured...” Jongin clicked his tongue, then also tried to listen for anything but silence outside. It was a little difficult considering the door was thick, but Sehun seemed to know how to tilt his head to hear what he needed to.

He guessed there were about three guards returning from their shift, making their way to their rooms near the front of the college. They spoke awfully loud considering everyone else was asleep...or supposed to be, in Sehun and Jongin's case.

“The guards on shift will be starting their rounds really soon, so we're going to run for it. Got it? Don't fall behind this time!” Sehun said sternly, but before he could open the door, Jongin stopped him in a small voice.
“Sehun? Will you hold my hand?” He asked softly, his eyes big and sparkly; such a request wasn't that unexpected, but it still caught Sehun off-guard.
A little flustered, he grabbed Jongin's awaiting hand, and then opened the door to dash down the hallway. Considering he was a little taller than Jongin, he ran faster than his boyfriend did, and the other one was glad he was currently hanging onto Sehun's warm hand. He definitely would've fallen behind otherwise.

They reached the center part of the campus; amidst all the different courts, they were now standing on a patch of green grass. To their left was the tennis courts, and to the right, the volleyball court that hadn't been used that day. Straight ahead was the fence, and for a rich college like this, it wasn't a very good fence.

It had thin wire, easy to cut and pry open, but Sehun wouldn't need to do that tonight; they had holes large enough to use for climbing, and while it seemed like a trap to catch unsuspecting students trying to sneak out like Sehun and Jongin, the security guards were in plain sight behind the fence each day. Right now, though, there was no one there. Of course, it wouldn't stay like this forever.

Sehun tugged his boyfriend to the fence.
“You go first and I'll help you from down here if you need it,” He said - he was the one out of them that could keep a clear head during a stressful situation, and if the guards came to their posts, Sehun would keep calm enough to snatch Jongin off of the fence and carry him somewhere safe. Jongin, on the other hand, would scream and run in circles if they were close to being caught.
“Are you sure we'll get out in time?” Jongin asked as he began scaling the fence only a few feet higher than himself, and Sehun made sure to watch around them for guards as well as Jongin so that he wouldn't fall.
“Yes. I've done this before to buy cigarettes. Don't worry,” He nodded, making sure to hold out his hands when Jongin made it to the top of the fence in case he decided to back out and come back down.
“So you're a pro, or what?” Jongin asked as he got down on the other side, then pressed his lips together as he watched Sehun claw into the fence and come over the other side in less than a minute.
“I wouldn't go that far, but...” He chuckled as he fixed his plain white shirt, tucking it into his denim jeans again. This accentuated his slim waist, and unsurprisingly, majority of the college was jealous of his body proportions. He had broad shoulders but a nice waist, perfect for a male model.

The road to the city wasn't too long, and since security was sure no one would get through them on campus, there weren't many guards stationed outside the school. Only one or two showed up for the shifts anyway. No one noticed otherwise.

“When are you going to tell your parents about us? I was thinking of telling mine this holiday,” Sehun spoke up once they had been walking for about fifteen minutes - another fifteen and they'd reach the spot he wanted.
“Oh...hm...I'm not sure if mine will be at home,” Jongin lied; he knew Sehun was just as invested in this relationship as Jongin was, and so he knew the other man would be disappointed if he revealed the true reason as to why he didn't want  to disclose his relationship status to his parents.
“Yeah? Hey, maybe we could go somewhere then. I'm sure mine wouldn't have an issue if I said I was going overseas with someone else,” Sehun smiled at the thought as he brought Jongin closer against his side, sliding his arm around the shorter man's shoulders. Jongin's own arms automatically came around Sehun's waist, and he looked at the other one.
“Even your boyfriend? Would they really be okay with that?” He had to ask.
“As long as it doesn't get anyone pregnant or killed, I don't think my parents care who I date,” Sehun admitted, then smiled at Jongin as he bumped his nose against the shorter one's playfully.
“I wish mine were the same...” Jongin mumbled under his breath with a heavy sigh, holding Sehun even tighter.

“You made me walk all this way for a convenience store?” Jongin laughed as they walked through the automated doors, and Sehun walked to the noodles aisle.
“Yes. I told you that you didn't have to dress fancy,” He chirped as he looked through the different flavors. Jongin didn't like very spicy ones, so he wouldn't get those; cheese, maybe?
“So why couldn't I just keep my socks and sandals? They were fine,” Jongin continued as he observed the noodles absent-mindedly.
“Even if the streets are quiet, I still have to protect my reputation. What would people say if they saw you in something like that?” Sehun chuckled as he picked up two cups of noodles, turning to Jongin, “how about you go find something sweet for yourself? It's on me,”
“Well, duh. I don't have my wallet,” Jongin shook his head as he walked away, but he still smiled as he looked through the different bars of chocolate with his hands in his pockets. Sehun was sweeter than most people thought he was, even though he was rather cold sometimes. People just misunderstood him too much.

He took two Snickers bars, knowing Sehun liked it a lot, then wandered to the cashier where he saw his boyfriend paying for the noodles he had made by the provided machines. He paid for the Snickers as well, and another box of cigarettes. Afterwards, he walked out to the tables.

“I guess your parents don't know you smoke, right?” Jongin questioned as he sat down and took a pair of chopsticks, pulling one container of noodles closer. They were cooked just the way he liked it; soft, but not soggy, and still firm to an extent.
“No. But we don't see each other enough for them to notice it,” Sehun explained as he ate his noodles calmly. It wasn't much of a date, sure, but he knew he didn't need to do much to make Jongin happy. It was clear that he was happy right now, just munching on cheesy noodles, and that was something Sehun liked about his boyfriend.

They ate in silence for some time, making small talk about classes, and after they had finished eating, Jongin lit a cigarette for Sehun from habit. The taller one didn't have to ask at this point, and it was comforting in some way to see how well Jongin knew him.

“I'll be meeting my future parents-in-law this holiday, right? If they're at home, of course,” Sehun joked, but he noticed how Jongin seemed to nibble a little more anxiously on his chocolate bar.
“Yeah,” He said too quickly, attempting to retreat more into his hoodie and avoid the topic.
“...or not,” Sehun forced a chuckle, certainly a little hurt at the reaction, “I didn't know you were nervous about it. Don't you think they'd like me?”
“It's not that,” Jongin sighed deeply. How could he even begin to explain?
“Don't worry about it, okay? They're just...not very open to romances they haven't first approved of, but there's nothing you could do to fix that. I'm sure if we give them time, they'll eventually be more accepting,” Jongin said, and Sehun tilted his head as he studied the shorter man. There was definitely something he wasn't telling Sehun, but he didn't want to pry and upset Jongin.
“Even if it takes years, I'll keep working at it until they like me,” He said with a small laugh to lighten the atmosphere, and Jongin felt himself smile, even though he knew something like that was impossible. It saddened him, but he refused to let this dampen the good time he was having with Sehun now and in general. He'd worry about it during the upcoming holidays.

“I love you. You know that, right? No matter what,” Jongin said as they made their way back to the college, and he squeezed his boyfriend's hand to reiterate what he said. His tone was desperate, and Sehun could tell, but he remained silent about it once more.
“Of course, just like I love you no matter what happens. I'm sure one day we'll even get married,” Sehun murmured and kissed the shorter one's hand.

Sehun received silence as an answer, and even though his boyfriend was hugging his waist again, the response still alarmed the taller one greatly. What if he was the only one who wanted to get married amongst the two of them? Was he looking at the future differently than Jongin was? He couldn't imagine that, but what else could he think when it was so blatantly obvious? He was sure only time would tell.

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961 streak #1
Chapter 10: I'm so sad for Sehun. You're right, Sehun should find a way to be happy with his wife.
I guess if you cannot change the situation, you need to find the positive aspect of it as Jongin did.
It is good that Jongin found love with Kyungsoo. He definitely deserves to be happy.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #2
Chapter 1: Just started reading this fic.
It's quite interesting.