What's This Feeling

“No” is not an option!
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"This skewed world
I’m seeing from an angle
Ah yeah
Is like a perfect illusion even today"
~What's This Feeling by Taemin~

Kai had locked himself upstairs in his huge room. He had passed several radars on the way back home and was caught each time speeding. He knew it and expected some fines to be delivered via mail. His parents were used to him doing this at times, but they would not scold him for that, because his father was no different in his youth. They assumed that later when he was done cruising with his new car, he would lose interest in speeding. When he had entered his home, he had ignored his mother’s greeting words and had escaped Jennie’s scolding too. Kai had only wanted to go in his room and have some time to himself. He was utterly confused and could not stop thinking about what had happened earlier. His mind was busy going crazy about the kiss he had with Taemin at the parking lot. At least the delinquent was now no longer carrying the curse. Kai nervously walked up and down in his room. He refused to accept that he had enjoyed it that much with the geek. He had never before noticed Taemin in his courses or the faculty, and now there was not a single day he would not come across that student or have some sort of interaction – be it by phone or in person – with him.

“Jongin?”, Mrs. Kim called for him from outside and knocked softly on his door.

The delinquent shook his head and briefly looked in the mirror – to adjust his messy hair – and then walked to the door and opened it for his mother. A surprised expression on her face encountered the orange-haired boy. She noticed that he was stressed out. Mrs. Kim stepped inside and looked around – to check if there was anything off place – and then she sat on the leather couch. She patted the space next to her – indicating that he should sit down next to her – and crossed her long slim legs. Her skin was shiny and perfect. She waited for her son to come closer, but the delinquent just fidgeted nervously.

“Is there something bothering you?”, she asked carefully and looked at him with a slightly worried expression.

Kai faked a smile and finally approached her with baby steps. He took place on his leather couch and nonchalantly leaned back. Mrs. Kim held his hand and clenched it gently. She his hair behind his ear and giggled.

“Is there a girl you like?”, she asked out of the blue and made the delinquent cough and blush.

Kai shook his head from left to right and told her that he was doing great living a single life. His mother laughed again and questioned his nervous behavior. The delinquent only shrugged and told her that he had made a new friend at the faculty, whom he felt like having found a brother in. Mrs. Kim smiled happily and caressed his back. Then she finally told him the reason, why she had come to his room.

“We are invited to Mrs. Lee’s this weekend.”, she informed her son and patted his leg, “Do you remember Mrs. Lee? She’s an acquaintance of your father and the chairwoman of Mugunhwa, the event organization company. We are invited as a family to a cocktail party at her mansion.”

Kai lifted a single brow – a questioning expression graced his face – as he had no idea who that woman was, and he asked his mother why he had to join them. She told him that Mrs. Lee’s son was there too, and he could make friends with him. She told Kai that the son of the chairwoman had no friends because he had some issues with anxiety and Mrs. Kim believed her good-hearted son and well-mannered daughter – little did she know about their outside home behaviors – would be able to help that unlucky boy with his fear. The orange-haired boy sighed first, then put on a smile and nodded wordlessly. Mrs. Kim asked if he wanted to join them at dinner, but Kai declined and instead told her that he would take a shower and sleep right away since he felt tired. His mother got up, kissed his forehead, and left his room. The delinquent kept his smile until she closed the door. He fell back on the couch and covered his eyes. He had no real interest in going to a boring cocktail party of adults that would probably talk about work only and he had even less interest in befriending a weirdo.

Jennie tried on different dresses as she wanted to prepare her outfit for the party at the weekend her family was invited to. She wanted to look stunning and perfect, but all her dresses and outfits that would fit for a party with adults, she had already worn once at some point and did not want to put on again. The Chanel beauty refused to appear on celebrations in the same clothes and thus her walk-in wardrobe was overfilled with limited edition clothes of Chanel, GUCCI, and other luxury brands. Although she got the newest clothes right away, she would not keep them all for too long – only the limited editions or the personalized ones she would keep – but instead donate them. Her mother had told Jennie about the anxious son of that rich chairwoman, and she had become curious about him. The Chanel beauty and her brother had never met the children of other rich people, beside Sehun and Kyungsoo. They were invited a lot to dinners and meals, but the only youngsters would be always Jennie and Kai.

As she changed from one outfit – worth several thousand won – into another, her mother entered her big room after a light knock. She smiled to the beautiful – breathtaking – sight of her daughter. Jennie was perfect and Mrs. Kim wanted her to meet someone that would suit her well.

“You remember Mrs. Lee, right?”, the proud mother asked and sat on the pink fluffy couch.

Jennie nodded shyly. Of course, she remembered that woman. Mrs. Lee had been at their place very often, because she organized a lot of events that Jennie’s father needed on their island and at some restaurants in America. Mrs. Lee liked Jennie a lot because she was a well-mannered girl and very beautiful. She had made many remarks on her looks and often joked about wanting her as a daughter-in-law to her handsome son – maybe that was a reason why Jennie wanted to look perfect at the party – and was very kind to the young girl. Kai had not been able to recall her because he would leave the mansion before his parents welcomed their guests every single time, except they asked for him to stay for real.

“You look stunning, honey.”, Mrs. Kim praised her daughter and got up to pinch her cheek softly, then she added, “Your father got you a white, long-sleeved, short Chanel dress with a beautiful belt around the waist. You will love it. It will arrive this weekend, just in time! You can wear it to the party.”

Jennie instantly let go of the fabrics in her hands and hugged her mother. She was grateful and more than happy to hear that. Yes, Jennie wanted to impress Mrs. Lee and she was curious about the infamous son of hers. She was nervous to meet him for the very first time – if she only knew – and had no idea how to greet him or talk to him. No lie, she had a little crush on an unknown person, whom she had only heard of by Mrs. Lee when she visited them.

The awaited weekend came fast. The entire mansion was decorated with huge golden and white flowers. The floor was shinier than ever, polished with wax and completely stainless. There was not a single grain of dust anywhere. A big table was set with numerous appetizers and lots of delicious finger-food. There were countless desserts and a great variety of fruits too. The table was decorated with ivory silky tablecloth and Renaissance gold leaf candle holders from Christopher Guy – the only luxury brands in this mansion were the decorations. The waiters and maids – wearing black shiny suits and bows and frill dresses with cute hairbands – were ready to serve the guests that would arrive one by one soon. Mrs. Lee checked and controlled every single detail and made clear that there was nothing out of place.

In the meanwhile, Taemin had put on a beautiful, checkered suit and styled his hair too. His mother had insisted that he should look his best. Although, the cursed boy felt very uneasy about it, he followed her wish as he did not want to disappoint her. Taemin stayed in his room in the cellar and stayed away from the guests as long as possible. Soon, his mother would call him upstairs anyway and before that happened, he was not going to set a foot out of his room. He had successfully avoided the delinquent since that fierce kiss, and it seemed like Kai had walked out of his way too at the faculty. But with this party now, he had no choice but to come across that orange-haired troublemaker and he sure would have to greet him. Taemin hoped for it not to be awkward, and he really wished for a chill day that would be over quick. He feared that Kai would mess things up. He did not trust him and his actions at all. Taemin sighed and when he finally heard his mother’s voice he flinched and grabbed tight his neatly ironed trousers. If he clenched it any tighter, he would create wrinkles that stayed there for the rest of the day. Taemin shut his eyes and took deep breaths. He gulped nervously and then lifted his head to look in the mirror for the last time. He bit his full lips and exhaled desperately. Then he clenched his fists and walked to the door. This was the only day he could find a way to get rid of the curse. He needed to meet the monk, who would hopefully arrive. When he slowly walked upstairs – with the shakiest legs ever – he could already hear the voices of the guests.

Kai and his family members were greeted by Mrs. Lee – still the delinquent could not remember her at all – and they were led inside. Jennie remained silent and kept her eyes lowered as she was shy, and her heartbeat went fast because she would finally meet the son of this rich chairwoman. There were a lot of handsome waiters, if her son looked anything like them, the Chanel beauty would be more than pleased. Kai had only eyes for the y maids that he liked the sight of. Then he spotted Sehun, Kyungsoo and their parents and Baekhyun with his parents. They were served with drinks in slim glasses, alcoholic for the parents, alcohol-free for the children. Suddenly the boring cocktail party had the potential of becoming funny and interesting.

“What are you doing here?”, Kai questioned his friends in a whisper and greeted their parents politely with respectful bows.

Sehun grinned and bumped fists with him and Baekhyun nodded with a bright smile that graced his face. Kyungsoo politely bowed to Jennie, who was also surprised to see these guys here. The circle of rich

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Currently trying to get back on this fic. I’ve taken a long break.
Thank you all for being patient and understanding!
I’ll see you soon! \(^w^)/


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Harrie1234 #1
Chapter 17: Hey, what a great story! when will the next chapter be up? Thanks!
Chapter 2: God the first chapter was so good honestly totally hooking the fish, wanna knew more.
Chapter 17: I KNEW IT!
Snehyun #4
Chapter 17: ❤😅okay so,the curse seems to protect itself huh...they can pass it to each other but can't get rid of it.How will they come together then?🤔 I feel like the monk has lot more to say but didn't chose to...let's see how they work together 😊.
834 streak #5
Chapter 17: It still never ceases to amaze me how parents can talk about their children like they’re buying and selling real estate. It was funny when Baekhyun approached Jennie to ask if she wanted to marry him, as they would never look on each other that way. Everything is a colossal mess. About the curse though, how can it be broken if they can’t get close due to the electrical shock? My guess is that they will have to figure out a way around it?
Beau1996 1480 streak #6
Chapter 17: I'm still confused - they need to be together to break the curse but they can't be together because of being electrocuted?? What happens when Taemin turns 21?
NctzenStay #7
Chapter 16: This book is so good that I stayed up till 5:08 am in the morning I started this at 10:25
NctzenStay #8
Chapter 14: This story is mad lit 🔥
Chapter 16: I finished all the chapters TT-TT
I can't wait to know what happens next!