It's Yu

Are We Dumped?


It is a lazy day for Karina and the heat of the sun is not really helping to somehow brighten her mood. With her poker face and not in the mood gestures, anyone would not even dare to give her something, ranging from flowers, chocolates and even cake which is a normal occurrence in her everyday life as she is deemed to be one of the most popular students in the campus. 


In contrast to her almost lifeless self is Ningning who continuously blabber about some Japanese girl whom she is seatmate with in one of her accounting class. Cool, smart and funny were some of the adjectives that she has picked up from her best friend’s ramblings. 


They were on their way to Karina’s department building when Ningning’s talkative self bumped into someone causing the other girl to drop her books and herself to almost fall down. Knowing that it will probably take a few seconds for her best friend to grasp everything, she found herself uncharacteristically gripping on the back of the latter’s plaid shirt to save her from embarrassment. Albeit it is not exactly ideal at least, it still prevented the latter from tripping over. 


Soon, she finds herself just staring blankly at the girl’s back while she’s talking with her best friend. Names were exchanged together with some pleasantries and she cannot help but interfere with the conversation as her class will soon start. 


“We will be late in our class, Ning.” she uttered with a tinge of boredom. Karina isn’t into friendly conversations especially to someone she just first met. It is her best friend that is fond of that. And the situation that is in front of her could attest to it. 


At her interference, the girl finally turned around towards her and that is the only time that she has caught a glimpse of the latter’s face. Honestly, she immediately finds her cute. Her small and cute but beautiful features together with her blonde bob cut hair is a thing that caught her attention in an instant.  


“Oh, yeah right. Nice to meet you…” 


“W-winter!” at the girl’s dumbfounded but adorably cute behavior, a small smile grazes Karina’s lips but as fast as it appeared, is its disappearance. She is cute but so what? Karina reasoned out. 


“We’ll see you around, Winter.” her best friend uttered and finally settled beside her. Upon observing the girl’s expression, only an idiot will not know that this girl is into her best friend already. Shy smiles, the gesture of tucking her hair behind her ear and the way she looks at Ningning like she just saved her - the girl is not even the one who did that, it was her. 


“Rina…" her internal conversation with herself got cut off due to her friend’s calling. She blinked her eyes with confusion written on her face. 


What? Karina mumbled subtly. 


When Ningning gestured for her to say something, the girl’s carelessness was what her mind first picked up and so she highlighted that one. 




“Don’t trip again.” that caused her to be dragged by her friend away from the shy girl. 


“You could have done better than that, Rina.” Ningning mumbled when they were out of Winter’s earshot. 


“What? I am actually thoughtful. She tripped a while ago so for her not to trip again, I should remind her of that. Isn’t it sweet?” Karina monotonously argued. 


Ningning groaned in frustration at her friend’s anti-social reasoning. 


“Well, yeah. You’re so sweet for making her remember that embarrassing moment. If I were in Winter’s shoes I might cry in front of you because I am so touched.” The latter replied sarcastically and even acted like she was crying before throwing her a glare. 


That shut her up. Well, she does admit that her best friend got a point. But again…


So what? 




Her ‘so what?’ turned into ‘what am I feeling?’ as days passed by of constantly seeing Winter as the girl is not so subtly doing her best to get an interaction with her best friend.


The younger girl’s attention is not on her but she sure does know that it’s effect is much greater to her than for the one Winter is giving it to. 



Karina finds Winter’s shy smiles cute.



She also realized that Winter’s embarrassing self in front of her best friend is somewhat adorable. 



And her advances to Ningning are quite annoying. 


When she came across the last observation. That’s when she knew she was met with her doom. 


Karina never cares for someone other than Ningning.


She never gets jealous. 

It is a rare occurrence to see her get worked up over someone.


Except for this person who sported a blond bob cut hair which made her exceptionally cute in her eyes.






Although she prefers to mentally call her Mindoongie. That is if the girl will let Karina call her by that nickname. 



With all these realization, she panicked and tried to shake away her feelings for the younger one. Karina now accepted the gifts, read the letters and even went on some dates with her admirers. She was so eager to mask her emotions not until Ningning observed her weird behavior and convinced her to have a girl talk one Friday night, reasoning that they have no classes the day after. 


There, she laid out everything to her best friend. From what she feels the first time they met until when the girl looks for her as she is looking for Ningning. A truly ed up case. Her mood went up too high only for it to go downhill at the realization that she is only seen because she’s the best friend of the girl Winter likes. 


After the both of them concluded that Winter likes Ningning who is actualy head over heels with her now girlfriend, Aeri and Karina liking Winter. She has decided to just let everything be. And see where everything goes from that point onwards. No more dates and no more denying of the fact that she likes Winter who happens to like her best friend. 


No hard feelings for her best friend tho. Karina values their friendship more than anything or anyone. She can like another person but she cannot find another best friend who clicks more with her personality other than Ningning despite being at the opposite ends of the character spectrum. So to hell with her love life. 




Maybe it was too early to say that her lovelife be damned as she soon finds herself doing little gestures for the younger girl. 



She groaned for the nth time while tapping her feet on the cafeteria’s tiled floor. The line every lunch time is truly getting on her nerves. Karina now reminds herself to convince the three people seated a few meters away from her to just dine in on one of the restaurants in front of their university next time. 


While waiting for her turn, she watches her three friends or maybe she watches Winter’s sullen look while looking at the two lovebirds in front of her. Although it is a bit subtle for the girl is good in keeping her serious expressions in check, Karina knew her like the back of her hand. Who wouldn’t when she always felt like her eyes will automatically dart towards the younger. 


When their food was already in her hands, she immediately went to rescue the girl. They might not be totally that close but for sure the atmosphere will be bearable for Winter when she is not left alone looking like some third wheeler on a date. 


“Yizhou-ssi…” Karina heard the younger one uttered. When her close knuckles on her lap were observed by the older. She frowned but immediately it turned into worry and panic when a thought came into her mind. The younger might be too caught up with her emotions at the moment that she might confess her feelings to her best friend. Afraid that this might be the time where she will witness the younger one’s heart broken self, she first heaves a deep sigh before gathering herself to immediately go to Winter’s side. 


“Hey, I told you to drop the formalities, Mindoongie. See? I’m even calling you by your nickname.” 




“I…” Yizhou raised her eyebrows, urging her to continue.




Karina watched as the girl gathered her breath. Sensing that this is the best time to interfere she placed herself beside the girl, acting like everything is okay and that she’s blind to what will probably transpire. 




“Did I miss something?” 


“What is with the serious atmosphere?” 


There is a tug in her heart when the younger girl shakes her head a little bit to dismiss everything. 


“Mindoong— I mean Winter has something to say.” She glared at Ningning for the slip up or maybe that is also because she just called the girl with a nickname that she had made for the latter. 


“I’m j-just hungry.” Winter replied lowly. Karina cannot help but to lightly kick her bestfriend’s shin under the table to keep their sweet actions at bay. But Ningning being Ningning, just brushed everything as if she never knew that Winter harbors feelings for her. 




Karina was left looking at Winter’s retreating figure. A sigh escaped her lips at the turn of events a while ago. She’s really going to give Ningning a piece of her mind if not only for Aeri still being with them. 



“Why are you drenched?” she heard a girl ask a guy who just arrived from the table in front of them. 


“The rain poured out while I was on my way here.” 




The rest of their conversation became a blur to Karina and only a thought remains on her mind. Winter might be drenching too. What happened a while ago clearly gives her the impression that the girl might not be on her usual self after seeing for the first time how her crush is acting all sweet to another person. What if the girl is the same to those kdramas’ idiotic character (not that Winter is an idiot but what if…) who will let themselves be soaked just because they are sad or they get their heart broken. 


After checking that she has her umbrella on her shoulder bag, she abruptly stood up and followed where the girl went, disregarding Ningning’s incessant calling of her name followed by the two’s ramblings “where are you going? Our class will begin in ten minutes!” “She might be going to her class, babe.” “We’re classmates. And our room is on the other way.” 





Karina mentally cursed herself while running to be shielded from the rain. When her feet finally landed on the tiled floor of one of the school’s building, she immediately let out a groan after realizing that her actions a while ago are more idiotic to what she deemed Winter will do. Why on earth will she run after the girl, which immediately backfired, hand the girl her umbrella and the stupidest one, dashed out of the rain after doing all that. Did she just think that it will make her cool in the younger’s eyes if she did all that. 


Well, maybe back then upon witnessing for the first time Winter’s playful side that is finally directed towards her but surely not now especially as her gaze landed on her now soaked and dirty white shoes. Another series of groans escaped out of for the nth time that day. 


So much for acting so cool. As if any of those have an effect on the younger one. 


Karina then promised to not do any of those stupid things again. 




Truly, promises are meant to be broken as Karina soon  finds herself seated on one of the benches inside the cinema hall, looking intently at Winter as the girl strives to hide herself beside a vending machine. A small smile was plastered on her face at the flabbergasted expression of the younger girl when Ningning looked at her side. 


The same expression must have been sported by her when Winter also turned towards her side. The book that was on her lap was abruptly raised in order to cover her face. 


Just what in the world is happening to her? This is the very question that swarmed her mind from time to time after witnessing how she behaves when the younger girl is around. 


If Winter realized some things when she stared at the two girlfriends, Karina was also met with a realization upon observing the latter’s expression throughout the whole duration of the movie. 


She just can't let Winter be heartbroken just like that. If she can do something to save her from the impending heartbreak, the only way is to make her fall for her instead of getting caught up in her one-sided admiration to her best friend. 


A realization that led her to a situation that can be the way for her to attain such a goal. 


“We are on a date too.” she confidently uttered. 




“Yeah, we are dating Yizhou.” she interrupted Ningning’s careless ramblings immediately. 


With a new-found courage, she pulled the younger one towards her gently and soon settled her right hand on the girl’s waist. 


“Right, love?”


She is blushing at the moment is an understatement at their proximity. 


“W-we are dating.” Remind her to commend herself as she can still maintain to let out just a small smile and not a squeal at Winter’s confirmation. 


It surely is reel, but it doesn’t mean that it cannot be real. Karina hopes so. This may hurt her so much when her plan falls apart but at least she has done something for the younger girl. 




Humorless chuckles were let out as they relished the coldness of the night. Being together at this moment as their crushes are enjoying their date is truly an empty chuckling event. How unfortunate. 


“We’re really on the same page, huh?” 


“Truly.” Karina lied. Well, technically it wasn’t a lie because the girl beside her who happens to be her crush is also liking someone else. 


A few moments of silence transpired afterwards. It’s not uncomfortable nor is it comfortable. But it's bearable. 


“How about we get together too?” 


The older one abruptly craned her neck towards the latter as soon as the proposition was let out of . She eyed the younger one intently, looking for a sign that she’s joking. Maybe she is. Karina can see the undeniable glint on her eyes but it is also coupled with anticipation and… a challenge. 


Borderline crazy but it is not entirely a bad offer. 


They are deep into their staring session when Winter’s eyes trailed off on the mole beside the latter’s lips. Suddenly, the air grew thick between them. The cold night happened to not be the case anymore. 


Before things would escalate, Winter diverted her eyes on the cityscape below them while clearing . 


“I’m j-just kidding.” Now, she’s a stuttering mess. How great. 





“Let’s be together.” Karina simply uttered. This time, it is Winter who’s neck would probably break by how fast she turned her gaze towards the latter. 


“You’re kidding, right? Was this the effect of getting dumped? You know blabbering jokes here and ther---” her ramblings were cut off together with her breath upon the older girl’s next words. 






“I am not kidding.” The girl even emphasized the word ‘not’. 




“W-well it is not as if they aren’t thinking that we are already dating. We both confirmed it back there, Minjeong-ah.” 



Winter dumbfoundedly looked at the older girl before nodding her head in understanding. Karina got a point about that. 




“Mom! I gotta get going!” Winter shouted while readying books and shoulder bag and soon exited their house upon her mother’s acknowledgement. 


She was on her way to book a taxi since her father isn’t around because of a business trip when a honk can be heard near her. As she gazed towards the source of the sound, went agape, when it was Karina's figure leaning on her blue BMW i8 while smiling brightly at her - entered her line of sight. She looks dashingly beautiful in a high-waisted jeans paired with a long-sleeve white polo. Simple yet Winter’s type of clothing that will surely make anyone attractive in her eyes. For her, there is just something with a white long-sleeve polo shirt that can really make a girl exude an aura that Winter cannot resist. She lightly shakes her head when her mind wanders to a bunch of scenarios of Karina and her going on dates while the latter is wearing the same clothing.


Winter first tries to gain her composure before asking the older girl, “W-what are you doing here?” 


“I am driving my girlfriend to school.” 




“Buckle up, love. This is just the start.” a wink was thrown her way before the latter drove away. 





True to her words, it was just the start. 





Winter is busy arranging things in her locker when suddenly a yellow thing blocked her eyes. Upon her adjustment to the said object, she realize that these are yellow tulips. Clearly baffled, she looks beside her and her confusion went up a notch higher when Karina’s smiling face entered her line of sight. 



“Flowers for you.” The older girl grasped her one hand in order for her to be able to put the thing on her hold. 



The latter didn't even let her utter a single sentence when it dashed off immediately while waving her hand, still a huge smile is adorning her features. 



It is not only her but also all the students that have witnessed their exchange and Karina’s unusual behavior are all wondering as to what is really happening to her. 



When she got home that day, as curiosity is still bubbling inside of her, Winter looked up the meaning of the said flower. Afterwards, she then shook her head at her wild and impossible thoughts, convincing herself that the older girl must have bought that flower with no meaning behind it and only registered the “just because” symbolism of of yellow tulips.



// Yellow is another floral color that symbolizes love, passion, and sometimes jealousy. Yellow flowers are also great for those “just because” bouquets. Want to send a person some flowers to show you are thinking about them? Send them yellow tulips and a card.//




And all of Karina’s peculiar gestures don't just end there. 




“Here, I’ve packed something for your lunch.” And when Winter opened it during lunch time, she almost does not want to open the lunchbox again because what welcomes her is a heart-shaped scrambled egg, atop of it is a smiley designed ketchup with a drop that serves as mole below its lips that is surely planned for her to think of its resemblance to its maker. Amidst all that, the taste of the scrambled egg, kimbap and bunch of fruits on the side did not disappoint her tho.





“Let’s go on a date, I’ll fetch you after class.” Winter, albeit hesitant because for her it is not really necessary since Aeri and Ningning are not in the picture, just go with the flow. How can she resist Karina’s expecting eyes and a promise that it will be the older girl’s treat?





As the days went on, Winter isn’t sure anymore if Karina is only keen to fool their two friends or the entire school. As the student body get a whiff of Karina’s sweet (as what the labelled it to be) gestures towards her, rumors that they are together soon spread like wildfire around the campus and as much as Winter wants to deny all of these, the older reasoned out that it is better to keep it that way in order for their act to really seem believable. 




The saga continues for the succeeding weeks. 



Baked cookies, doses of caffeine in the morning when Karina drove her to school and not to mention flower bouquets were given by her ‘girlfriend’. Winter cannot help but to think that the older girl might have taken this whole ‘pretentious’ thing too seriously. 



When all the emotions Karina made her feel about all these gestures get too overwhelming to bear, she decided to confront the girl. Hence, as soon as the latter stopped her car in the school’s parking lot, Winter gently gripped her wrist, preventing her from opening the door. They need to have this talk soon.







The older one looks at her curiously. Her shy self and calm demeanor soon disappeared as she felt the latter’s hands intertwined with hers that was just gripping on her wrist a while ago. 



This. This is what she is talking about! Is this still necessary?! When no one is even around for them to pretend?! 



She shook the girl’s hands away before making herself clear, “What are all these, unnie? We don’t have to pretend when it is just the two of us, you know. I do not know what you are planning but I cannot believe you took this pretending too seriously. I don’t need any of those gifts, those planned dates and everything. You do not have to do any of those. We are not dating for real.” It must have been her frustrations, confusion and all the feelings she cannot comprehend that Winter did not even think of filtering her words. And as soon as she has let all those out, realized her tone and seeing Karina’s expression, she is sure that she is on the verge of taking it all back. 



The air between them grew thick, it is almost suffocating Winter. After her outburst, the older one just blankly stared in front but her sullen look did not go unnoticed by Winter. God knows how much she wants to take it all back but she sure knows that those were really the things she wants to say to the latter. 




“I am sorry for making you uncomfortable—” Karina breaks the silence after a while.



“It isn’t like that unni—” 



“N-no, I understand. You are right actually. I don’t have to overdo it.” Karina let out the same humorless chuckle when the two of them were together after the movie date fiasco. 





“Unnie…” she guiltily uttered after sensing the weight of her words to the older girl. 



Winter can hear Karina heave a deep sigh first before adjusting herself to turn towards her. Although she feels really bad to look at the latter, her next words have made Winter automatically dart her eyes towards her. 




“Wanna know why I have done all those things?” 









“I like you, Minjeong-ah.” The feeling of being confessed at, just like how each movie portrayed does not really describe what she feels the moment those very words escaped Karina’s mouth. The world and her heartbeat did not stop, a blush did not crawl on her cheeks. She… she just finds herself not knowing what to say as a series of memories together with the latter flashed through her very eyes.




“I th-thought you like Aeri?” 



“I never liked her. It is you all along...” 






“Always have been and always will.” The surge of emotions didn’t come until the time this phrase was uttered by the older girl while looking at her intently. The latter even gently cup her face to make every word and her sincerity hopefully be engrave into Winter’s mind and heart. 




It is truly overwhelming for Winter, especially now that the thought of Ningning and her feelings for her since the beginning also entered into the equation. 



She still likes Ningning right?... 




“Right… I still like her.” she mumbled unconsciously, convincing herself that it is still the case. 


It was just supposed to be a fleeting thought. 




The younger girl blinked her eyes when the warmth on her face disappeared immediately which caused her to finally snap out of her reverie. 




Karina let out a sad smile this time before leaning herself back on her seat lifelessly, “So, it is still my best friend huh? No matter what I will do, it is still always her.” 




A longing look was plastered on Winter’s features as she gazed at the stars above. It was a humid evening, a perfect time to mope around a park if what she will do next will not go according to what she intended. 


Ever since that incident in the older girl’s car, no matter how hard she tries to talk to Karina again, the girl wouldn’t just let her. Cold shoulders and her retreating back is always the result of her efforts. Well, she cannot blame the older girl though. Winter knew how much her words and actions that time must have hurt the latter and her last words to Winter before she drove her car away left a huge mark on her chest that every time it will cross her mind again, guilt and all things in between became too much to handle.


"This may probably be my last straw, Minjeong-ah but I cannot promise that I can forget you right away but... I'll try. I hope you too can finally let go of what you feel for Ning. We cannot be forever in the same page."



"I would be more than glad for it to just be me. You can like anyone else, it is not necessary for that person to be me. I just want to see you love and be loved back." 





Now, she is eager to sort out everything and finally have her answer to her conflicting feelings.


Rustling footsteps can be heard nearby, an excited smile soon replaced her sullen look as she turned around. 




“Minjeong-ah. What’s up?” Ningning playfully uttered while taking the seat beside her. 


“Can I hold your hand?” she straightforwardly asked while extending her hand. 




“Just give me your hand!” she exclaimed a bit louder as she really wants to get all these over with. 


“Oh… okay.” Ningning, although really confused, just granted the latter’s request. 


A few seconds of finally holding her crush hand, Winter felt…










A smile soon broke out on her face at the confirmation that aside from her hand perfectly fits Karina, the feeling is just too different when she is holding Ningning’s hand. She cannot point it out exactly, but what she feels during one of their dates as the older girl intertwined their hands cannot be compared to what she feels right now when she is holding her supposed crush's hand. 




“So now you finally realized that it is not me anymore?” 



“Wait…y-you knew?” 



“Of course. If only you have an idea how much I wanted to smack your head for still not realizing that you already like my best friend instead of me, you will be frustrated too.” 





“Now, talk it out with her.” Ningning puckered her lips behind Winter. When she turned around and finally get face to face with the girl she never knew she can miss so much, tears immediately rolled down her cheeks at the sudden surge of emotions. 


As fast as she can after witnessing Winter’s state, Karina walks towards the younger one, worry is lace on her features as she gently cradles Winter’s face to really check on her. 



“Y-yah, why are you crying?! I told you, Ning to not outrightly reject he—” her words got cut off as a pair of lips enveloped her own. She can even taste a bit of saltiness in it, probably due to the younger’s tears but she could care less about that as what she ever wanted is currently happening. 




Winter is kissing her. 





Karina can feel her heart constrict in happiness for every second that passed by with their lips being connected to each other and their hearts finally beating in the same tempo. 




“At least give me a warning before you smooch each other’s faces.” Her best friend’s playful ramblings broke their kiss. Karina can even feel herself chasing the younger one’s own pair when she slowly separates from hers. 


“Just go away, Ning or I might kill you right now for you to shut up.” Karina glared at her best friend. At the cute angry expression on the latter’s face, Winter cannot help but to let out a little laugh. 



“Ouch. I cannot believe you can just throw away your best friend like that just because you finally got yourself a girl--- bye!” Ningning immediately fled away when she saw that Karina would run towards her while sporting an annoyed look. 


The older girl really intended to do so, she was so ready to playfully kick or slap Ningning but she was stopped midway when a grip could be felt on her wrist. She looks at Winter fondly as if asking her what is the matter. 


“I want to uhmmm…” 


“You want to?...” she repeated her words, urging the younger one to finish her sentence. 





“I want to kiss you properly.” A huge smile adorned her features at Winter's cute and silly request. 



Well, who is she to not grant such a wish? 




The end. 




A/N: Hope you've enjoyed reading this one <3 Until my next Winrina story! Take care always y'all <3 


Comments and criticsms are highly appreciated :))) 


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Chapter 2: Moreeee
Taitai84 1225 streak #2
Chapter 2: That’s so smart, went back to re read chapter one to see that it was never explicitly stated who she liked
Chapter 2: My only question is, why am i only seeing your stories just now? Where have i been!? Also your stories are so cute and very uplifting. It’s a very nice go to for a feel good stories in the midst of our hectic crazy world lol i hope you do more. I’m rooting for you :))
Chapter 2: Upvoting cause everything in here is so damn cute!
supercookies #5
Chapter 2: Minjeong can be a dumb sometimes. The actions and the gifts from Karina were clear enough but she didn't see that. Fortunately Karina is still Karina who loves her.

Thank you for the story
reveluv316 805 streak #7
Chapter 2: I really enjoyed reading from both POVs.
aglaonema #8
Chapter 2: 🥰🥰
Chapter 2: My heart is so full right now. They are freaking adorbs! Minjeong can be dumb sometimes, but she's cute, so it's okay. Love is is the air. My heart is too weak to handle this. I really love gentlewoman Rina! I hope that there will be a sequel of this. 🥺
Chapter 1: Karina Yu is indeed not so subtle at all. She definitely likes Winter. They fall for each other's charms, but Winter's got delayed because she's kinda dense. This is freaking interesting.