Tea Talk

Tea Talk

It has been officially two weeks since Noah met Baekhyun for the first time. Since they have met, the two of them have been messaging one another back and forth almost every day. Yet, Noah and Baekhyun have not seen each other since the incident at the grocery store..until this afternoon. Today, Noah is getting the chance to meet Baekhyun in person again. The two of them agreed on getting together at a local cafe/bakery in the downtown area of the town they live in to hang out for a while. 

Luckily, Noah does not live far away from the cafe/bakery. At the moment, he felt like there was a swarm of butterflies fluttering all around in his stomach as he walked down the street. This is the first time in a long while that Noah has felt like this. There was both excitement and nervousness going on inside of Noah’s body and mind. More excitement than anything but still, he can not help but feel like something could go wrong.

In a way and knowing himself, that is something that would be quite possible to happen for him.

“I have been like this since I woke up this morning. It is not a date or anything. It is a get together for the most part. I truly need to stop before I end up making myself feel sick. That would not be a good idea. It really wouldn’t be a good thing at all.” Noah quietly said to himself. Saying it is a lot easier than actually doing it. But no matter what it is going to take for him to calm down, Noah is determined to make sure that he does not ruin his chance to get to know Baekhyun as much as he can.

As the end of the street was getting closer, Noah noticed the bakery/cafe from a distance. When he reached the front door, he took a deep breath.

I just hope that this goes well. I really like him and do not want to ruin my chances of forming a friendship with him. I like him a lot.” Noah thought to himself. This would be Noah’s first friend in a long time. Last time Noah truly had a “friend” was when he was in middle school. He took another deep breath then placed his door on the handle before opening it and stepping inside of the cafe.  

As the door shut quietly behind him, Noah looked around. It was a bit packed but he was not surprised since it is a sunny Saturday afternoon after all. He looked around. He could not find Baekhyun anywhere.

Hmm. He did send me a text saying that he was on his way to the cafe. Baekhyun should have gotten here before me. ..I wonder if he changed his mind and went back home?” Noah thought to himself. It is not the first time that someone has done that to him but still, it does not mean that it does not hurt any less. He got an idea and moved out of the way of the door as he took his phone out of his cross-body bag and texted Baekhyun to see where he was. 

Noah: Hey! I am here at the cafe! Are you here yet?

It did not take long for Noah to get a reply from him.

Baekhyun: Look up.

Noah did what it said in the text and saw a man waving at him. It indeed was Baekhyun. Noah suddenly smiled. He felt so happy to see that Baekhyun had actually come to hang out with him. He waved back then quickly and carefully walked over to where Baekhyun was seated. When they were close enough, Noah stopped and stood in front of Baekhyun. Both of them had smiles on their faces as they greeted each other. 

They sat down across from each other at the table. After they ordered their drinks and snacks, they looked at each other again before either of them said a word.

“I am so glad that you came. I was worried that something happened.” Noah told him.

“I said that I would. Plus..I really have been wanting to see you again.” Baekhyun spoke. Noah blushed. He felt surprised by Baekhyun telling him this.

“You really wanted to see me?” Noah asked. Baekhyun nodded.

“Yes! Not going to lie, I have been thinking about you since we started messaging one another. It feels nice to be able to talk with people who does not ask you for money or . I tend to get a lot of those. I never post anything about either of those when it comes to my life so I am not sure why people think that I would be the person who would say yes to it.” Baekhyun replied. Noah was not sure if Baekhyun was lucky or not. 

Noah has never even received a pic before in his life. Not that he wants them in the first place but no other guy has done that to him before.

“I never got a pic from another guy.” Noah told him.

“You are lucky. Trust me on that. I may be attracted to men but some men think it is okay to just send me a picture of something that I did not want to see at that moment. After a few times of getting them over the years, it can get pretty weird and uncomfortable.”  Baekhyun said to him. Noah understood.

“I am sorry that happened to you. I am glad that you wanted to come hang out with me. Not a lot of people would want to do that.” Noah said back. This surprised Baekhyun.

“How come?” Baekhyun asked. Noah took a breath before speaking again.

“I was raised in a broken home. My parents were abusive alcoholics to my siblings and I. Sadly, my siblings became abusive towards me as well after finding out that I am gay. And in a way, my school life was not much easier. Other kids bullied me for the way I am and the ones who wanted to be my “friend” always ended up just tossing me aside like I was nothing to them. I never really had anyone in my life.” Noah answered. Baekhyun felt so bad for him.

“I am so sorry that you have had to go through that. It must be tough.” Baekhyun said. 

“Thank you but honestly, it has not affected me badly. I left my home and town when I was 18. Since then, I have not regretted leaving and/or miss the people who have hurt me. It doesn't get easier honestly when people in my adult life still do it but it is not as bad as when I was a child.” Noah told him. 

“I understand how you feel.” Baekhyun suddenly spoke up. Noah’s eyes widened.

“You..you do?” Noah asked. Baekhyun nodded.

“I mean, I do have friends but my parents were not always supportive of me. After I came out at a young age, they wanted nothing to do with me and shipped me off to live with an aunt and uncle of mine who love and accept me. I always got picked on as well and it was not always easy for me to make friends, too, but for some reason, I did. And it will happen for you as well. I promise it will.” Baekhyun explained. Noah believed him but if he could get himself to believe that it will happen, that is a different story.

“How were you able to make friends?” Noah asked another question, feeling curious.

“I just stayed who I was and if they accepted me, they stayed in my life. If they didn't accept me, then they left. It is more of who you want to be around you and have fun with as well. I know it is easier said than done but I assure you. There are people who will love and accept you as you are and want to be your friend.” Baekhyun replied. Noah understood but still left him with at least one more question.

“But..who would want to be friends with a broken person like me?” Noah asked. Baekhyun smiled at him.

“I do.” Baekhyun answered. Noah was taken aback by Baekhyun’s answer.

“Really?” Noah asked. Baekhun nodded.

“Very much I do! Honestly, ever since we started talking, I have felt such a connection to you. It feels quite nice, too. You are such an amazing person to talk to and I hope that we can have fun together. If you would like that, of course.” Baekhyun replied. Noah smiled.

“I would like that, too. I feel the same way about you as well. You are such an amazing person to talk to as well.” Noah told him. This time, it was Baekhyun who felt a little uneasy.

“Not gonna lie, though..I can be a bit of a huge goofball. I mean, I am not doing it to be annoying but still, I just like living my life the way I want to without people judging me for being who I am.” Baekhyun also told him. Noah kept smiling.

“Baekhyun, I'd rather you be yourself around me. I am not going to lie either, I can be a bit sassy and such myself. But I am shy a lot of the time, too. I only really am who I am around people that I feel comfortable with. And I feel so comfortable around you already. Is that strange?” Noah said and asked Baekhyun shook his head.

“I personally do not think it is strange that you feel that way. I do, too. And I want you to be yourself around me as well.” Baekhyun answered with a smile on his face, too. Noah felt so much happiness right now. It seems that he truly has made a friend for the first time in his life. Baekhyun felt so happy to know that to know like he does with Noah that Noah accepts him as who he is, too. It was a wonderful feeling for the two of them.

As Baekhyun and Noah were having their cups of tea and eating the cupcakes that they ordered, the two of them were getting to know even more about one another.

“So, what was it like being gay in South Korea? I have heard that it is still quite taboo there.” Noah asked and said.

“Well, I left South Korea when I graduated school but yes, it is still a bit taboo to be openly gay in a lot of places and districts there. It is not exactly very taboo like it used to but it is not exactly progressive either. I feel I was lucky that I had and have people in my life there where I was accepted but sometimes, being there felt like a prison for both my heart and mind. I miss my home country and visit whenever I can but at the same time, I would rather be in a place where I do not have to be afraid of being who I am.” Baekhyun answered and explained as well.

“I understand. I mean, I am going to be honest, America is not as free as people make it out to be but I do understand how you feel and I am glad you are much happier being here.” Noah told him. Baekhyun did not disagree with Noah on that.

“Thank you. I am sorry that you have gone through so much. I hope that it will get better for you.” Baekhyun said to him. 

“You are welcome and thank you. It truly has not been easy but I have been trying to make myself better. Just wish that I did not keep hitting roadblocks in my life.” Noah said back.

“Do not worry. It is going to take time but if you need someone to talk to say or night, I am always a phone call and/or message away.” Baekhyun offered. That gave even more Noah comfort than he was already feeling at that moment.

“Thank you. I am here for you, too, Baekhyun. I hope I did not offend you when talking about your home country. I know a bit about the culture and the laws but I never want to offend someone who is from there nor try to think that I know more about a country than someone who is from it, too. I try not to be ignorant because I hate ignorance. but sometimes..I am never sure what would offend someone or not.” Noah said to him. Baekhyun did not mind.

“Oh, do not worry. You did not offend me and I truly understand where you are coming from. I do not mind explaining and answering someone’s questions as long as they are not rude about it. And you were not rude at all. Plus, how is someone going to learn if you do not have and ask questions?” Baekhyun asked. Noah could not deny that.

“Very true. Also, I didn't mean to make you feel like you should not be in America. I was just being honest about how our country can be. Especially towards certain groups of people. And do not worry, I support and like you for who you are. Inside and out.” Noah told him. Baekhyun felt comfort in that, too.

“I really app;rraciate that and I get it. I have noticed things about America. I do not regret being here but it could be a whole lot better. I hope that is not offensive.” Baekhyun spoke.

“You did not offend me and trust me..I do not disagree with you on that. It can be a whole lot better but that's another conversation for another time.” Noah also told him. Baekhyun agreed. Plus, neither of them wanted this to turn into a political debate. For the rest of their time at the cafe, Baekhyun and Noah were having a lot of fun with each other. Baekhyun even got Noah to have a laugh or two. Which is something that Noah has not done in a long time.

Baekhyun found out that Noah is a dancer while Baekhyun is an artist who does drawings and crafts. A couple of hours passed by before either of them noticed the time. Not too much longer after, Baekhyun and Noah paid for their tea and cupcakes then left the cafe/bakery together. Baekhyun decided to walk Noah back to his place before heading to his home. When they arrived at Noah’s place, the two of them looked at each other again.

“I really had a great time with you. I am sorry that I could not hangout for too long. I have some things I need to get done by a certain date.” Baekhyun said. Noah smiled.

“I understand and I had a great time, too. Maybe we can plan to hang out again soon when you have more time?” Noah said back and suggested an idea to Baekhyun. Baekhyun’s face lit up.

“I would like that very much,”Baekhyun responded. Noah felt excited to hear that.

“Same here.” Noah responded back. It seems Noah’s life is about to change for the good. Hopefully, it will stay that way for at least a while and give Noah a fresh start in his life. After a few more minutes, Baekhyun and Noah said their goodbyes and Baekhyun headed on his way. Noah watched him until he could no longer see Baekhyun. He was sad to see him go but as they say, all goods things must come to an end.

I am glad that Baekhyun accepts me and wants to be my friend. I really want to be his friend, too.” Noah thought to himself before heading inside of his house for the rest of the day. And today was indeed one of the best days that Noah has ever had in his life. 


The End

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