Coffee black, no sugar

Coffee black, no sugar
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A/N: This was a story I wanted to do for a long time. It’s been through many revisions, different themes/plot changes, and yet it ended this way and I have a very good feeling about it. I think it will turn out to be a good fic indeed, fingers crossed! Please enjoy!


Coffee, everywhere.


 It seemed like wherever Bae Joohyun looked there was someone drinking a cup of coffee, and in short it was driving her crazy.


Maybe it wasn’t even that everyone was ordering coffee today. Maybe Joohyun just noticed more because the restaurant wasn’t too crowded at this time. Either way, she just knew she was going to scream if someone else asked her for coffee.


“Waitress!” Someone flagged her down to get her attention. “A slice of strawberry crème cake please.”


“Sure, coming right up.” Well at least, there was some sane person in here ordering a delicious slice of strawberry cake and not a cup of coffee. 


How much longer of this did she have to endure? Joohyun had honestly lost track of time, and could only be thankful that this evening was kind of slow. As she went to get the slice of strawberry cake for the customer. She noticed something or rather someone. When you’re a waitress you kind of have to pay attention. But this wasn’t exactly someone in the restaurant trying to get her attention so they could place their order. Still, it was an obvious sight as she noticed a girl, probably her age or so standing outside. 


Not exactly something that could go unnoticed. As the girl looked so inadequately dressed for the evening with an oversized shirt, and jeans that were clearly fading. No sign of a jacket or sweater from the looks of it. Joohyun had been staring so long that she ended up cutting two slices of cake instead. With both slices on a plate she quickly placed it in front of the customer who looked absolutely confused by having two slices of cake.


“It’s on the house.” She explained with a neutral smile on her face. Joohyun hoped he wouldn’t ask questions and simply take the extra slice.


“Oh, thank you.” Though he seems more relieved that he didn’t have to actually pay for a second slice rather than the extra slice itself. Joohyun looked back outside for any sign of that girl who was just out there. Only she saw no one. As if the girl hadn’t even been standing there at all.


“, I must be hallucinating.”


Anything is possible at this point. She’s only been awake since seven this morning and barely slept the night before. That along with the fact she hadn’t really eaten much for her lunch break. Joohyun would say it’s a miracle she hadn’t passed out already. But she was holding on for the end of her shift for no other reason. Other than being able to get out of here and fall into the nearest comfortable place. Hopefully her bed, but she didn’t care as long as she was home.


“Order for table number 4!” One of the cooks in the back chose that moment to shout and Joohyun thanked god she wasn’t holding any trays. Because she’s positive that she would have dropped everything. She grabbed the order though, and wasted no time in delivering the order to the customer. For someone who isn’t too fond of people. Joohyun has to say she’s really getting the hang of this waitress job.


Because when it comes right down to it. Most of the customers don’t care about anything other than getting their food. And all Joohyun wants is to make sure they get it. The faster the better. Because that way she can be out of here and anywhere else.


“Soon I’ll be home and in bed..”


It couldn’t come fast enough as far as she could tell. However, there was still time in her shift. Fortunately, with the people in the restaurant all eating or drinking something. And no one else in desperate need of anything for the time being. Joohyun figured this would be the best time to sit down for a few minutes. She didn’t dare go outside for a break because then she might be tempted to make a break for it, and leave entirely. So she settled for sitting down at one of the empty booth tables. It was closer to the back and secluded enough that even if someone was suddenly in need of something. She could act like she hadn’t heard them for at least a short while.


Joohyun looked out the window again and this time she did see the girl from earlier.The same one she thought was a hallucination. But seeing her again gave Joohyun both relief that she wasn’t actually going crazy. And yet she couldn’t help but feel badly for the girl outside. She clearly wasn’t waiting for anyone in particular. She hoped it wasn’t anything serious.


Even if she wanted to go and ask if she was alright.

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923 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wowww this is so heartwarming to read!! I'm getting a goosebumps 😲😱
Chapter 1: I’m getting my heart and tears ready !
Chapter 1: Sounds so interesting, can't wait for the next chapter ^^
KaiserKawaii #4
Chapter 1: Awwww
2076 streak #5
Jinja_ninja #6
Chapter 1: Oh could this be a story? Yes please