Chapter 35: Epilogue Part II

The Marriage of Convenience
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It was the perfect weather.

A magical and mild-temperature autumn that coloured the lush greenery with red, gold and yellow foliage. A natural season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, the maturing sun peaking through the brightly coloured leaves. The crickets that dwelled in the hedge sing along with the chirping of the redbreasts.

The golden tendrils that fall around the face of Kim Yongsun was caressed by the winnowing winds, along with the elaborate, see-through white veil that she had worn. The rest of her blond hair was done up in an exquisite and elaborate chignon and she felt like royalty. She clasped her silk gloved hands together, trying to remain calm as her heart accelerated wildly.

Yongsun felt a familiar, larger hand grasp hers and she instinctively raised her face to meet the gentle gaze of Kim Woo Sung, the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled radiantly, with little indents under his lips. Her heart stopped at once. “Apa?”

Woo Sung nodded at once, looking just as charming as his beautiful youngest daughter. He was dressed in a cream-hued whitetail along with a pair of white gloves. “Who were you expecting, sweetie?”

Yongsun became speechless at once, pointing to him than herself. “I… I…”

Woo Sung patted her hand gently, calming his daughter down. “Sweetie, take a deep breath. Yes, just like that,” encouraged the founder of the IT firm soothingly. His smile widened at once when Yongsun finally calmed down, regaining her composure. “It’s a big day, I know, one of the biggest in your life but are you happy?”

The blonde omega nodded without hesitation and smiled radiantly at him. “Of course, Apa.” She flung her arms around him and embraced him tightly. “I missed you so much.” She buried her head into his chest as she clutched on him with all her might.

“Omo, omo, omo, there is my little girl,” teased Woo Sung, patting her carefully on her back, avoiding her elaborated veil and exquisite satin white grown that accentuated her distinctive collarbone and splendid S-contours. It was such a tasteful and classic gown that Yongsun knew that she would hand it down to her first daughter. “You’re getting married today. That means you’re an adult.”

“Apa,” whined Yongsun, drawing away to study his expression openly. She would have stomped her foot out of protest if she did not remember the long trail of her dress. Why did she want a dress like that?

Woo Sung chuckled, smiling proudly at her. “My little sweetie, all grown up and ready to start a fresh new chapter of her life,” sighed the older man wistfully. He nodded to himself. “It’s a little bittersweet since I spent all your life protecting and caring for you.” He sighed again, shaking his head lightly. “What am I going to do with all this time now?”

Yongsun chuckled, her eyes turning into twinkling crescents as she smiled. “I’m not such a handful,” groused the bride. “What about stick around to teach my partner how to take care of your granddaughters?”

The older gentleman threw his head backwards and laughed. “Poor little pups. They aren’t going to find a partner until they are at least forty. Are you going to subject your daughters to that, Sweetie?”

The beautiful bride averted her gaze coyly. “I don’t think Byul will be that protective.” Immediately, her mind drifted to Wheein, Byulyi’s younger sister. She cleared her voice, embarrassed, when she ought to take back her initial assessment. Her partner and mate, Moon Byulyi, was as protective as any decent and proud alpha. She sighed to herself. “Apa, you’re right. I don’t my daughters to bemoan that they cannot date just because of their overprotective Sire and Grandaddy.”

Woo Sung laughed again, mirth bright in his mocha eyes. He scanned around them and smiled fondly. “I love what you chose for your wedding ceremony, Sweetie.” They were standing right outside a large and luxurious tent pitched in the middle of a forest, a short distance away from the mansion.

There was a rosy hue that touched the grounds of that surrounded the tent, adding to that magical sensation. It was one of the reasons why she wanted an autumn wedding.

The father and daughter were waiting for the cue to enter the tent and walk down the aisle. The gentle autumn breeze kept them cool despite the finery.

“Is this everything that you dream of, sweetie?” Apa asked curiously, breaking the companionable silence that enveloped them. “This venue?” He gestured with a hand absently.

Yongsun clung his arm tightly and smiled radiantly, startling her father with her pure beauty. “With you, Apa, here next to me. This is everything that I dreamt of,” reassured the blonde omega emotionally, pressure building behind her eyes. “And of course, the right partner.” She chuckled, her cheeks pinked. “Byul is wonderful to me, Apa. She is so selfless, annoying, stubborn and… and wonderful. She drives me crazy but in a good way.”

Woo Sung chuckled once again, amused. “Sounds like love,” mused the older man, his gaze gentle. “I would know.” Apa turned to her, all mirth fading from his face. “I know that my marriage with Mother was not ideal. It’s toxic. But we used to be in love, madly in love—”

“—Yea, Apa, enough to design and build a house for her. I know, Apa,” interrupted Yongsun hurriedly. She had heard this explanation a million times whenever she had a heart-to-heart with Apa in the past.

Woo Sung simply gave her a look that silenced his youngest daughter. “Sweetie, that is my marriage. The problems belong to your mother and me. I know that our marriage had also affected you and your sister adversely. That isn’t on you or your sister, there is nothing you could do to improve our marriage. What’s more important is that you and your sister are different people.” He ran his hand through his hair absently, trying to find the words to explain himself better. “You can be happy with your marriage even if my marriage wasn’t ideal. I ran away from my marriage and did not work on mine when your mother needed me the most.” He sighed, looking older than his age. “A happy marriage needs a lot of work and faith. Sweetie, I hope that when the choice comes, you will choose your marriage and family.”

Tears welled in Yongsun’s eyes at her father’s earnest advice on marriage. It took courage to self-reflect and it took love for Apa to be so honest with her. She blinked continuously, looking up to prevent the tears from slipping down her cheeks.

“Omo, omo, my sweetie is crying. Do you need a handkerchief?” Woo Sung withdrew a napkin hastily to dry her eyes but Yongsun shook her head profusely.

“I’m OK, Apa,” coughed Yongsun, regaining her composure as she fanned her face with her hand. She sniffed several times. “If I forget to choose my marriage and family, I think Byul would eventually remind me.” She smiled faintly, thinking of her beautiful mate whom Fate had gifted to her. “I think I might have to be the breadwinner. Byul doesn’t like to work,” laughed Yongsun fondly, knowing that her wife would rather laze on the red couch, watching her work.

Woo Sung shrugged. “You chose her, Sweetie.” He did not care about traditional roles. Besides, he knew Yongsun. His younest daughter was a workaholic.

Yongsun nodded at once, agreeing with him. “I chose her, Apa.”

The quartet struck up the familiar and sweet tune of Franz Liszt’s Liebestraum No. 3, ‘Love’s Dream’ inside of the tent. That was the cue that the father and daughter was waiting for to enter the tent for the wedding ceremony. The doors to the tent were opened by a smiling Wheein and Irene, dressed in a cream dress, revealing a silver carpet with dull red accents that led to a platform where the altar was.

The theme of Autumn continued with the deliberate use of gold and red accents on cream. Even the audience were encouraged to pick those colours for their clothes. Yongsun’s eyes were attracted to the wedding arch at the end of the aisle. It was decorated brilliantly with yellow, pink and red rose, along with honeysuckles and elegant peonies—the concoction of the scents of Byulyi and her. The bright flowers were a beautiful touch, contrasting brilliantly against the dark brown shade of the tent.

Yongsun’s heart accelerated when her eyes finally connected with the nervous figure standing at the end of the aisle. Moon Byulyi was buzzing with energy, her hands clasped.

The bride nearly wanted to burst out of laughter when she recognised that familiar off-rack pinstripe grey suit that clung to her mate’s curves, held together with double-ed grey buttons. The white dress shirt contrasted wonderfully with the jacket, giving her an air of sophistication. Byulyi worn a slim black silky tie, in a trinity knot, tucked under the jacket. She completed that outfit in matching pinstripe trousers that was tucked in butter-soft leather wing-tip shoes.

Woo Sung’s eyes widened at the untailored and cheap suit. Considering that the audience had followed strictly to the theme of autumn, Byulyi stood out like a sore thumb. In fact, the audience were dressed in better quality suits than the star of the ceremony.

He wanted to sigh out of exasperation until he caught the soft, smitten gaze of his younger daughter. His lips curled in a smile. Clothes did not matter when his sweetie was so happy. He straightened himself and led his youngest daughter proudly down the aisle towards the simple altar.

Close friends and family were awestruck by the beauty of the bride. His heart swelled with pride. His gaze vacillated to the other bride standing before the altar, watching how the bride in a cheap suit started to tear openly, her gaze locked on her bride.

Woo Sung was happy that Yongsun had chosen a partner that was never shy to display her love since his daughter was a little more hesitant. From the corner of his eyes, he saw his close friend, Old Ahn, smiling widely at them, looking like a proud older relative. The audience were thoroughly happy for the couple.

In the midst of receiving the well wishes of their friends and family, the father and bride reached the end of the aisle. Woo Sung’s smile widened when he noticed that Byulyi’s brilliant sapphire eyes were red-rimmed and there was wetness on her cheeks. She took a step towards them, stepping away from the altar, excited to be reunited with her mate.

“Apa,” greeted Byulyi, inclining her head politely. She cleared her voice openly, keeping her face low. “Thank you for taking such good care of my Yong.” Her lips trembled slightly. “Apa, you have raised my mate to be such a splendid, confident, kind, loving and brilliant woman.” There was only sincerity in her voice. “I’ll cherish this opportunity to take care of Yong henceforth,” promised Byulyi, lifting her head to meet the gaze of her father-in-law. “I will do my best to make Yong a very happy woman.”

Next to them, Yongsun was tearing again, recognising that this was a handover of taking charge of her welfare from her father to her partner.

Woo Sung smiled widely, tears shimmering in his eyes. He took his daughter’s gloved hand and placed it on Byulyi’s outstretched hand, a timeless symbol of trust and acceptance. He was exiting his daughter’s life, confident that her chosen partner would pick up where he had left off and continue to take care of her as they do life together.

The founder of the IT firm sniffed openly at the sight of their joined hands. “Byul-ah, take care of my sweetie please. I raised my daughters with all my heart and soul. Please take care of her and her Unnie.”

Byulyi nodded solemnly at once. “Apa, you have my word that I will look after Unnie and Yong. There is no need for you to worry about them.”

The older man chuckled, tears falling down his cheeks. “See, I’m getting emotional too.” He patted their hands lovingly for the last time, completing his part of the ritual. “Good, good. I believe you. Welcome to the family.” The founder of the IT firm retreated to the first aisle where his eldest daughter was and watched the proceedings.

Now, the spotlight was on the couple who was going to exchange their vows. Byulyi took the hand of her beautiful bride and led her carefully up the steps towards the wedding arch where they would exchange their vows before their loved ones.

This would be the first time that they had any loved ones witnessing their promises to each other and celebrating their love along with them. Byulyi took both of Yongsun’s hands as she turned to face her, staring deeply into her mocha eyes.

Yongsun was surprised when Byulyi offered her vow first, unlike the first time. “Yong-ah, I love you,” declared Byulyi hoarsely, her voice filled with emotions. “I don’t have the words to describe just how much.” Once again, the waterworks began and tears started to flow down her cheeks.

Yongsun felt her eyes stinging at once and resisted the urge to cry.

“Yong, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, the only thing that made sense in this chaos, the reason for my renewed faith. When I met your gaze through that small slit in that small coffin-like cage, I could not take my eyes off you. When you asked me to be yours, I became alive.” Byulyi sniffed, stopping for a moment.

Yongsun gave her an exasperated and melting look.

Somehow, despite the tears, Byulyi manage to soldier on. “We didn’t fall in love immediately like some fairy tale, but we did and decided to make this marriage of convenience a true marriage. Yong-ah, I’m committed to love you for the rest of our existence and be whatever that you need as a partner doing life with you.” Her sapphire eyes were bright with determination.

Yongsun squeezed her hands tenderly, fighting a losing battle with her tears. “Omo, you make me a weepy woman.” There were muffled laughter in the crowd. She took a deep breath to calm down as she stared intently into her eyes. All her nerves had washed away with the presence of Byulyi. “Moon Byulyi, I promise to honour you always. I promise to provide a safe and warm home for us so that you can return at the end of each day to rest. Our home will be full of love and acceptance so that we can just be ourselves. It will also be filled with laughter and tears as we communicate and navigate the rest of our lives together. I promise you, Moon Byulyi, that I will always keep an open mind and accept you and that I’m in this relationship for keeps. I have forsaken all others when I chose you and I will consciously choose you every day for the rest of our lives.”

The eyes of the couple mirrored only devotion for each other. In the crowd, some of them had also tears in their eyes, touched by their sincerity. Mirth flashed in the eyes of Byulyi fleetingly. “I guess it is time to seal our commitments our way,” teased Byulyi, winking at her. She reached for the elaborated veil and lifted it from Yongsun’s face carefully, folding the fabric slowly so that the string of diamonds holding her elegant chignon would not rip the veil by accident.

Yongsun giggled and coughed into her hand when she saw the mischief in her eyes.

The mirth from Byulyi’s eyes faded as she took a moment to admire the beauty of her bride unhurriedly. Yongsun was so breath-takingly beautiful that she was surprised that she could remember her own vows. She cupped Yongsun’s face tenderly, staring intently into her eyes.

Byulyi tilted her head slightly as she leaned closer and press her lips chastely against the generous lips of her bride with all her devotion. Applause exploded like the shooting of fireworks as the wedded couple held hands and faced the audience, smiling radiantly.


The image of Byulyi and her holding hands before the wedding arch blurred as Yongsun started tearing once again. She pressed the ‘space’ key to stop the running of the demo. She sniffed and snatched several tissues to dab the tears off her eyes. She rested a hand lovingly on her very swollen stomach.

“Your stupid Papa,” groused Yongsun brokenly, wiping the flowing tears with another tissue quickly. She sniffed again. “Your hopelessly romantic Papa,” continued the very pregnant omega, staring yearningly at the wedding that Byulyi had designed for her. Tears began to fill her eyes again at the thoughtfulness of Byulyi.

The CEO never wanted a re-do of their wedding since the initial civil ceremony was also beautiful in the way that they had leapt into the marriage with blind faith. When they fell in love, Byulyi was consumed by the desire to fulfil all her desires, first offering a priceless betrothal gift of peace and the assets of the Lee Chaebol and now this wedding.

She had no idea how Byulyi found the time to find out about her dream wedding. Tears filled her eyes as she studied all the details of this elaborated ceremony, bringing to life her dream wedding she once had as a young kid. Her heart was filled with sunshine. She had also filled the audience with actual replicas of their close friends and pack, a feat that Yongsun could only marvel.

The CEO rolled back the ceremony to the point in which Apa gave her hand away in that touching ceremony. She touched the screen emotionally.


Her vision of Apa blurred slightly.

She did not know how Byulyi did it but she had Apa down to a peg. She was also impressed that her wife had learnt of the advice that Apa had promised to tell her at the wedding. Her heart was also filled with warmth at the effort that Byulyi had gone just to give her the wedding of the century, a wedding that could be added to the side mission of the online game that her father had created.

Her stupid romantic.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as Yongsun touched the image of Apa on the screen emotionally. “Apa, you might have never met my Byul in reality but I think you’ll love her. Will you watch over her for me? My stupid Byul is still on the road home.” She caressed her rotund belly gently. “I hope she reaches home before our little one decides to greet the world.” She sighed and caressed her belly gently.

Half a year had already passed since Wheein and Hyejin activated the emergency plan and took everyone out of the headquarter within half an hour. It was the day when she had discovered that the pup had the same taste as the Sire and liked pizza. The plan was executed so well that they did not face any issues as they returned to Korea. Apparently, Byulyi had always wanted them to return to Korea after she entered the second trimester of her pregnancy.

Sometimes, Yongsun regretted urging her mate to work harder, not knowing of her ruthless plans to keep them and their future progeny safe from the influences of the secret society.

Sometimes, she got angry that Byul never come clean about her concerns and prepared her for all eventualities.

Sometimes, that anger was directed to self because she did not press Byulyi for truth when she knew that her alpha kept secrets.

Most of the time, she had missed her mate dearly. It was a void in her heart that could not be filled. When she first felt the kick of their pup, Yongsun wanted to share her excitement with Byul immediately but realised that the other side of her bed remained untouched and cold. It helped when she remembered to put a heat pack on that side of the bed for a while before she retired.

Most of the time, she had faith that Byulyi would find her way home eventually. Byulyi had always honoured her promise. Knowing that they were on the verge of starting a family together, Byulyi would do anything to return to them. When the pack was divided about pertinent issues and looked to her for leadership, she felt unusually lonely that this important decision fell solely on her.

Most of the time, she was OK. Life was as per usual in Korea and she had continued her routine of running Kim Inc since her pregnancy had stabilised. But the empty red couch on the corner of her office only reminded her of what she had misplaced.

And on these days, Yongsun would retreat to Byulyi’s office in their suite. It was a room so functional and devoid of personality that she had decorated her office. First, it was Byulyi’s daybed, the very one she bought for her. Soon, there were some pieces of Byulyi’s clothes and a secondary nest was formed. She would watch the secret game patch that Byulyi had worked for hours until she fell asleep in her nest.

Yongsun caressed her large belly gently as she reclined in the daybed. “Your Papa is very greasy. I hope that you won’t inherit that from her.” The little one moved so vigorously that she winced from pain. “It must be getting too cramp inside,” remarked the CEO. “Do you think you could hold on until your Papa returns? I’m very sure that she would love to welcome you into this world.”

The very thought of going through the process of birth without the support of Byulyi was very daunting. Despite the advancement of medicine, a lot of things could still go wrong during a birth. She rubbed her lower back, feeling a bit stuffy.

Yongsun got up slowly and waddled into the sitting room where it was converted into a nursery for the sake of the pack. The pack had begun the project unintentionally, adding a crib or a toy and it soon grew into a very functional nursery. She walked to the light green chest of drawers and began to inspect the stack of onesies and bibs.

She caressed her belly gently, studying them openly. Her decision was swift. She picked several soft onesies, along with a few nice bibs and waddled back to the office once again to add to the daybed absently.

It took her a few trips before Yongsun realised that she had filled the daybed with the soft fabric of baby clothes and accessories. She blinked owlishly, astonished. Where did all the energy come from?

There was a light rap on the office door and the CEO gave the guest access into the office of Byulyi. It was Wheein. The blue-haired omega blinked in surprise when she took in the new makeover of the office of her Unnie. Somehow, Yongsun had taken over the smaller place and made it her nest. She took note of the stack of colourful onesies and various fabrics for the little one on the daybed. “Pretty Unnie, are you nesting?”

She sat next to the very pregnant omega, her brows furrowed with worry.

Yongsun studied the office openly. “I think so but it can’t be.” She shook her head profusely, touching her belly. “No, I’m sure that the little one isn’t going to arrive so soon.” Her scent was filled with distress and Wheein immediately pumped a lot of calm pheromones to sooth the older woman.

“Of course, Pretty Unnie,” cooed Wheein, nuzzling her cheek against Yongsun’s tenderly. “Shall we have a sleepover? I have already called Big Unnie, Irene Unnie and Rong Unnie to join us. Julia cannot join us since she has to take care of Mint.”

Yongsun raised a brow. “An omega huddle?”

The blue-haired omega beamed, her single dimple deepening. “What better time than this?”

The sensitive CEO narrowed her eyes at her. “Something happened?” Immediately, the pregnant omega thought of the worse, her face paling. “Did…Did—”

“No, no, we haven’t heard from Unnie yet,” cooed Wheein when she realised that Yongsun must have thought that something untoward had happened to Byulyi. “We are in a lockdown for security reasons. There was an intruder that came from the mountain. My heart and Seulgi are on it. You don’t have to worry about it. Do you think we could squeeze on this daybed together?” She eyed the furniture cynically.

Yongsun frowned. “That’s odd. It is very difficult to access our mansion from the mountains. You must really have a death wish since we use the mountains to train our security on laying traps.” Her brows knitted even more. “Do you know how many intruders?” The trespassers must be very skilled to cross the mountains safely.

Wheein checked her mobile and shook her head. “I have no idea. It explains their anger,” mused the blue-haired omega, resting her head on Yongsun’s shoulder.

“Effectively, my suite becomes a saferoom?”

The famous investor shook her head. “We just want to stick close to each other, that’s all. The saferoom isn’t here. It’s underground and completely off the grid,” explained Wheein. “Isn’t the metropolis an autarky? How different is it from being off the grid?”

“Oh right. Byul mentioned it,” remarked Yongsun, feeling awkward. “The metropolis is self-sustainable and completely off the grid,” corrected the CEO. “It is one of the reasons we could train armies impudently.”

“How much more off the grid our saferoom is going to be then?” Wheein questioned, exasperated. She knew that the alphas of the pack were a little too cautious.

Yongsun smiled faintly, amused. “It should be able to survive an apocalypse I think.”

Wheein grimaced. “Worrywarts. They take security too seriously.”

The pregnant CEO became wistful, remembering the times she had chided Byulyi for being too overboard with security. “Indeed. Your Unnie always had hundred and one reasons to justify the need.” The blue-haired omega realised that her Pretty Unnie was missing her mate once again. She took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “I’m sure Unnie is fine. She had probably taken such a long time to throw the scent completely off her. You know her, Unnie is nothing but vigilant.” She sighed again. “It would be nice if she could send a message to let us know that she is fine but she is just too wary. There hasn’t been a word from her even at our safe drop points but my heart is convinced that Unnie would not use them for fear of being compromised—"

“—And no news is good news,” continued Yongsun, remembering the verbatim by heart. “If my Byul was injured then she would have sent a word.” The pregnant omega scrubbed her face tiredly. “I know. Wheepup, it has been half a year since we escaped from the headquarters. Just how long more?” She felt a pressure building behind her eyes again and she fought against it with all her might. Her voice broke. “I…I don’t know what to think anymore.” Her shoulders slumped.

“Pretty Unnie,” cooed Wheein, drawing the older woman into her warm embrace tenderly as she pumped her pheromones. “It has been so difficult on you—”

Tears welled in Yongsun’s eyes, hugging Wheein with all her might. “I miss her. I miss her so much,” sobbed the CEO openly, finally revealing her soft belly. “What am I going to do now?” She was ship without a harbour to port in. The idea of raising their only pup along was so daunting.

“We are here. We won’t let you go, Pretty Unnie.” She returned the hug, holding the older woman close to her. She knew that Yongsun had been trying to maintain the image that she was OK but how could any mated omega be without their alpha? It did not help that Yongsun was so heavily pregnant. She held the older woman until she calmed down, her sobs reduced to sniffing.

Wheein wiped the tears from her face gently. “Omo, omo, my Pretty Unnie. You can cry if you are still upset.”

Yongsun shook her head. “It’s not good for the pup. I don’t want my pup to be full of woe.”

The blue-haired omega chuckled. “If the little one is full of woe, then you can blame it on Unnie. The pup would resemble the Sire,” chuckled Wheein.

Yongsun smiled faintly, shaking her head. “Your Unnie isn’t that unhappy. She is quite happy-go-lucky.”

Wheein took out her mobile to check the time. “Strange, I wonder where everyone is. I should go and check on them.” She jerked a thumb towards the door. “Will you be fine alone?”

The older omega nodded at once. “I’ll just nap. I’m feeling a bit tired.”

Wheein nodded at once and helped to lift her legs on the daybed carefully before supporting Yongsun’s body with a lot of pillows. The older woman was so heavy with a pup that she could only rest on her side. “The little one is getting really big huh. Yongsun nodded, patting her stomach. She was glad that she was an omega since their physique allowed them to give birth far more easily.

The younger omega caught sight of the demo that Yongsun was watching and her stomach knotted. She recognised that demo at once since her hopeless romantic Unnie had spent so many nights just preparing this unique wedding for her wife, knowing that all Yongsun wanted was to be given away by her father. She was always

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Swfsmoo #1
Chapter 35: Love the story... Thank you author ❤
189 streak #2
Chapter 35: Marvelous! tyvm for this!
Chapter 35: Wow… thank you authornim ❤️ I enjoyed every chapter. Now I wanna see 4 kids with silver hair and blue eyes 😂
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 35: i know i'm late but....ahahahahahaha it's on you byul for being the only jobless person to care for the pups🤣
and congratulation for this ending of an amazing story author-nim🥳👏🏻💜
tiggerbounced #5
Chapter 35: this was honestly an amazing ride, really enjoyed it thanks so much for creating this universe!
sspy1006 #6
Chapter 35: Ooo...loved my sweet happy ending :) Thanks for an interesting read
Chapter 35: Aww! I can’t believe it’s over, I’m going to miss reading your updates :c I really fell in love with the story and each character, everyone had great personalities (but my fave will always be Byul) thank you for giving me a roller coaster of emotions in every chapter, I love your stories author nim! ❤️
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 35: I love this story so much😍
Its a masterpiece authornim. Tq
One of my fav story
Gwkazu #9
Chapter 35: Aww love this so muchh😭😭🥹
_moongalaxy #10
Chapter 34: 🎢🎢🎢😂😭🤭😳🙈