The ex


It was mid afternoon when Bona entered the cafe she was shocked at first to be called for the show but she knew who asked for her because she only had 1 ex boyfriend. 
She's waiting patiently.. until someone entered with big eyes and nice smile.

"Hi" greeted by his ex while showing off his charming smile

"It's been a while" Bona answered trying to be calm

"Yeah, a year I think"

"What do you want?"

" I just wanna see you again"

"Why did you choose me to be in this show with you?"

"Well.. I had to do this. I would like to apologize.. for ghosting you. I really didn't want us to end that way but when I've made up my mind it was too late.. I couldn't get in contact with you"

"You didn't even bother to think about how I felt waiting. Then, just when I accepted the fact that we've broken up without closure you came back"

"It's just a year I texted and if you have checked your social media accounts we could have talk at least."

"I changed my number 2 months ago.. it took you that long? Also why do you think I stopped checking my social media accounts?"

"I needed the time to think. I'm sorry.. but you showing up here means something right? Let's fix this.. I'll be more mature this time."

"I came here for closure.. I don't want us to be a memory that I don't even wanna remember. We were best friends at the very least."

She accepted to be on the show with the thought that she can be calm and composed talking with Ryeoun now but her emotions betrayed her. Memories and heartaches of how she kept herself together during that 1 year keep rushing back. Not because of losing him as her boyfriend but because he was her only closest friend.. her best friend.



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