I Want to Get to Know You

I Want to Get to Know You

Hyukjae sees the same man walk into his coffee shop almost everyday. He walks in, points at the coffee he wants, and smiles. 

Hyukjae realizes early on that the man is deaf. He watches him drink coffee, sometimes with a book, sometimes with a laptop, but always alone.

Hyukjae decides he wants to know the man with the lonely smile. He's not sure why, but something is compelling him to. 

He starts taking lessons to learn sign language. He studies everyday, motivated all the more whenever he sees the young man come in alone. 

Hyukjae's heart is pounding as the man walks up to him. This is it, he thinks.

'Hi, my name is Hyukjae,' he signs. 'What's yours?'

The smile he receives is blinding, and Hyukjae stands there, stunned for a moment. 

'My name is Donghae,' the man signs. 'Since when did you learn sign language?'

'I want to get to know you. I started taking lessons so I could talk to you. I hope that's okay.'

A flush spreads across Donghae's cheeks as he stares at Hyukjae.

'I want to get to know you, too. Did you want to get dinner sometime?'

Hyukjae smiles. 'I'd love to,' he signs.

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: this is the sweetest and most heartwarming fic that i've ever had the honor of reading. hyuk's dedication to communicate with hae by learning sign language --- ahhhh it's really such a sweet thing to do.
1582 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is very sweet. Hyukjae's determination and effort to get to know Donghae is wonderful. ♡
1455 streak #3
Chapter 1: Awwwww hyukee 🥺