Blue Moon

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Existe uma lenda sobre a lua azul onde afirmam que os lobos nascidos antes desta magnífica lua, eram os mais fortes, fossem alfas, betas ou mesmo ômegas.
Esta lenda é contada para crianças mais novas, no entanto, a lua azul sempre foi difícil de encontrar, apenas quando um lobo da lua azul estava para nascer.
Mas é uma lenda!
E essa lenda é verdadeira?


Inglês não é minha primeira língua, então peço desculpas por quaisquer erros que possam surgir. 

E eu tenho meu próprio jeito de escrever, mas espero que gostem. 


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Chapter 9: All of them are stupid, very very stupid... I'm getting a headache
Chapter 6: I wonder why the East Clan is stupid... shouldn't they check the background of the other clan first before agreeing to a unification???
1455 streak #3
Chapter 14: Yay. An ending they deserved. ^^
1455 streak #4
Chapter 13: Loved how hae stood up for himself and for his family. Esp in the last update, where he said to hyuk that it would be the last time they'll move becayse his son has been exposed to many scents alr.
But wait, did Daewon changed? Like he cared for hae but wasn't able to properly show it?

Thanks for the update! ^^
1455 streak #5
Chapter 11: Oh theyre back together again 🥹 cried over when hyuk said he's gonna fulfill his promise when theyre 6 years old 💙
1455 streak #6
Chapter 8: Ohh. So hyuk was supposed to marry Daewon's son who happens to be hae.. I still don't like daewon. Now that he knows his son was a bluemoon son and now his grandson too. Feels like he's plotting something.
1455 streak #7
Chapter 2: Wow got a lot to catch up with..
1455 streak #8
Chapter 1: Subscribed! OMG. This is nice.