A Zelo Story: I like you the best.

Stories of B.A.P

Bumping into someone always hurts. Especially when you don’t want to see this person. But oh well, people can’t be avoided the whole lifetime. Sooner or later you would have crushed into her anyway. But this shirty look on her face. As if she wanted to eat you right away. Scary! Shaking the head you rushed forward. It was time to see your boys. Not being able to visit the football game you had, at least, to come to the club now. And you could see them again. A whole week vanished without even catching a slight glance of your best friends. Maybe starting to work wasn’t such a good Idea, but at least you got money from it. Opening the door to the club, you didn’t need any allowence to enter since it’s your mother, you again bumped into someone. Pouting you gripped your shoulder and looked after the girl who quickly threw a sorry to you. Somehow she seemed so confusing familiar. But it wasn’t time to think about that yet. Grinning you pushed the door open again and entered the world which was so common to you.



The beat of the music had overtaken your hearing as soon the doors closed. Basses and the voice of the singer made it impossible to hear a person talking when it wasn’t bending to your ear or screaming. The atmosphere was great as always. All the people seemed like that had thrown away all their worries, the only thing that they were able to to was sinking into the beat of the music, being bewitched by the voice of the singer, who was on stage today, and to sulk deep into a state of contentment. Never in your life you had seen a person who was unhappy in this club. Except from yourself, sometimes. At those times of the day, when all people went home and it was silent and dark in this rooms, your thoughts started spinning, of whether this was the right way or not. Studying for, someday, being able to overtake this business. But even though you loved this club, loved every single pool table in it every scratch and every customer who visits everyday, you weren’t quite sure. But your mother was right. Singing wasn’t something you could do all of your life. Shaking your head you dragged yourself to the bar. “John! Are the boys here?” You asked the bar man, almost screaming your lungs out. No wonder, you had a sore throat every night after you spent your time here. “I they are in front of the stage. If you’re going to go there, take their drinks with you!” He handed over a table. “Yours is already with it.” Smiling you nod and started to search for the boys. Gladly everyone got out of your way otherwise the drinks would have been spilled all over the floor.


“Yo, I have your drinks!” You screamed when you encountered the group and immediately they turned to you and smiled. “AHH! Finally! We thought you wouldn’t come anymore.” Daehyun grabbed his and Youngjaes drink and disappeared to his best friend. “Yes! It’s really nice to see you too, you Idiot!” You threw a pack of sugar at him and he turned around to show you a peace sign and one of his beautiful smiles. As if you could be angry at him. Or Youngjae, for stealing him. You grinned. Throwing the tablet into the counter you turned around to the others and listened to the story’s they had to tell. But somehow one of them seemed strange.


“Yah, Zelo!” Clinging to his shirt you dragged him with you. “Is Himchan, depressed? What’s up with him?” Worried you pouted, what if he really had problems. That wouldn’t be good. That would be the worst which could happen. This boy was with you since your were little kids. He had no right to be unhappy, when you were around. “Oh, his girl is gone again, and he doesn’t know when she’s going to come back.” Hurriedly you turned around to him again. “She was here? Why? I’ve missed her again!” That was so unfair. He talked about her so often to you, but you never had her. “Why do you want to know her that badly?” Zelo asked. Confused you looked a him. “Of course it’s because I have to know if she’s good enough for him. There can’t be just a girl appearing out of the blue! She has to make him happy.” Knitting your eyebrows you sighed. Just like Zelo. “Of course...” And the next moment he got away.


Since a few weeks he was behaving strange. Even more strange was that this had a bad effect at you. It made you feel heartbroken and that was definitely something which shouldn’t occur. Now it seemed, that this club had you at a bad mood again and it wasn’t even closed now. With one gulp you cleared your drink and got your next one. Nobody would care if you were drunk now. It seems like nobody was even noticing you. All that were reason why you didn’t want to be with them, but at the same time you cried for their company. Maybe you should just leave them alone, but just seeing them made you happy, even though you were kinda depressed. You didn’t like the reason of which you where heartbroken...


---a few drinks later---


I said I didn’t want to come with you, now leave me be!” Shouting you hit the guy, almost unable to hit him, since he seemed to be there three times. You were outside of the club and he was spinning. Spinning like a merry go round. You started to smile and to sing the melody of the song which was played when you firstly rode one of these things. Actually you did this with Zelo, the first time. At the time of your live when there was no feeling of being heartbroken. Maybe you should just go with this man. The air out here was so nice it made you sick. You looked at one of those guys, which were actually one and pointed at him. “You’re all the same!” He grabbed your shoulders tighter, to the point where it started to hurt badly. Wincing in pain, tears started to roll down your face. Why was he holding you like that? “Yes, we are all the same.” From the tone of his voice you got goosebumps. God, that was disgusting. And not even what you meant, but as soon as he finished his sentence he was knocked down on the floor. Startled you looked at him. Who was this? “What are you doing with her? You freaking ert don’t ever dare to touch her again.” You just saw how a blond guy kicked him until another one pulled him away. Then you recognized who it was. “Junhong-ah...” You voice cracked up. Crying so hard you slang your arms around him and cling to his shirt. You could be happy that you were able to even walk all the way up to him. Suddenly you crashed down and he lifted you up. Carrying you in his arms. “What the hell, where you thinking to go out alone? He could have done something to you.” You burried your face on his chest, afraid to look down. “It’s so high up here!” It was ridiculous how tall this boy was. “You’re drunk!” He stated, with a tone which made you look up to him. He was angry.


“You know there’s no way, something can happen to me...” He tilted an eyebrow in confusion. “Why?” You smiled. “Because, you’re always coming to rescue me.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. Too comfortable to even feel embarrassed. He smelled so nice. Like chocolate cake and music. Strange that he smelled like music. It was just him, who smelled like this. “You know, I like you the best, Zelo.” You were to close to him, to see him smiling, and turning read, when he answered with an annoyed voice, as if he wouldn't believe you as a drunken person: “Yeah, of course you do.” Brushing your hair, he carried you into your house and in your room, slightly smiling, unable to wash it from his face.

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