Doll Eye


When Minwoo moves to his new school in a small town, he expects his life to be boring and uneventful. He soon realizes that the town, or specifically his grade, is haunted by a curse that everyone is afraid to tell him about. Will he be able to save himself and his classmates, or will he end up like many others who lost their lives in mysterious accidents over the years?



"This is a very old school. In 1968, a student in our grade now, died in an accident. She was popular and loved by everyone, including the teachers. They grieved intensely over her death, and couldn't seem to accept it. They were talking about her in class, when suddenly a boy said, 'What are you talking about?' he pointed to her seat. 'Don't you see her? She's sitting right there.' and that's how it began.

"From then on, everyone pretended that she was still alive, and when they graduated, the principal even had her seat put in the ceremony. Finally, everyone would move on from her death. But, when they got their class photo back, there she was. Off to the side they saw the girl who died, smiling along with the rest of them, like a normal student."





Hi :) I know I should be updating my other stories, but I really wanted to try this. It's based off an anime, but I don't suggest watching it while reading this story because the main idea is the same, but the plot is different. I don't want people comparing the two. Thanks for reading! <3



By StarlightTango @ ♫Magical Swimming Turtle⇨Review and Beta Shop♫:OPEN⇨HIRING;

Myungli @ Review Cafe — OPEN


Omg... I feel like I should update this, but it's been so long that it might be too awkward...


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Nim_Hee #1
Woww...I was watching that anime at the same time,when I found this... I don't watch animes but a friend of mine suggested to watch it since it's horror.So I'm watching it currently and I found the fanfiction of this :D

Isn't this based on the anime called 'Another' ?
Chapter 21: Read this story in one go! Really interesting and I guessed that Jeongmin was the extra student because of the chapter "Bring the dead back to death" lolol but I really don't get the ending!
MusicLover7901 #3
Chapter 21: I remembering reading the first few chapters before I met you but finishing it... Wow just wow. I privately thought that Hyunseong was the extra student but lol I knew it would be one of the mains. Nice story. I need to read more of these. I kind of wish you had more fics that we 'ongoing' so I could spam the comment section every chapter but I really loved this.

Is it finished though? I mean it isn't marked as complete and the end was very.... I can't find the word but it feels like there should be one chapter more. Maybe that's just me :P
Chapter 21: awesome story...totally loved it,nice twist in the story...have u wrote the sequel yet?? and can u please tell me the name of the anime??
This fanfic reminds me of an anime i forgot the name to. :/
Btw, all you people who are so happy that you suspected him, don't get too excited. There were really only two possibilities.
Jesus Christ... Thank you, commenters. Thank you very freaking much for ruining the ending for me. I'm so grateful. -_-#
It's still a really good story though, author-nim x)
etizlite #8
Chapter 21: Update soon please! So curious!^^
Chapter 21: Oh, and great story btw... ;)
Chapter 21: NOOOO!! MY BABYYYY!!
I was totally not expecting it to be him...