⋆。゚ character teaser 2

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋆。゚ POCKET BOYS︕⠀⠀⠀ status uncertain...
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Pocket Boys! REVIEWS UDPATES CHEAT PLOTS HOME CHARACTER 02 Fukushima Aona Seoul feels exactly like Osaka. That's what Aona has figured out early in the summer. While that's not a bad thing, Aona didn't come here to experience normal Japanese life. Plus, the director of the exchange program had bragged about the activities that students would be able to participate in. "You'll be entirely immersed in Korean culture!" he'd said enthusiastically.

Some cultural immersion. Maybe large cities were all the same. Thankfully, the town that the university is located in, Cheongsu, is small and full of kind people who are willing to teach her about Korea. The most helpful people have actually been her temporary coworkers at Lavender Teahouse, whom she now considers as close friends. They're so close, in fact, that Aona even feels comfortable asking the boss for paid sick leave.

Like today, for example, when her period pains are so bad that she can barely stand up.

"Aona?" her roommate, Feifei, calls through the bedroom door. "Do you need some hot water?"

"I'm okay," she manages to call back as loudly as she can, which isn't very loud. "Thank you."

The door opens just a crack as Feifei peeks inside. "Are you sure, baby? I'll leave you alone, but if you need anything, just say so, okay?"

Aona has never been so grateful for such a kind roommate. It nearly brings tears to her eyes as she drifts off into an uneasy sleep. P
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⋆。゚ pocket boys - unfortunate update (dec 21); i'm really sorry for this but i wanted yall to know i genuinely appreciate every single one of yall! <3


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Chapter 1: hi! i really appreciate your transparency! i completely understand not having any motivation to work on anything outside of your real life; happened a lot to me in the past and still happens to me. hence i've dropped a lot of applyfics myself. regardless, you've done great so far, and i appreciate all the efforts you've put into this story. if you do end up dropping this fic, i'd love the general breakdown of the plot because it's such a unique and cute idea, i'd love to know what you had in mind for it!

i hope you're taking care of yourself and enjoy time to yourself with or without friends and family this hoilday season!
Chapter 1: Hiiii! First of all, I really really appreciate you still trying to stick by to this story + communicating so actively with us regardless of circumstances! The fact you have come so far as to churn out ALL the chara teasers for this story is already an amazing feat, given how many dropped appfics I've witnessed here over the past 10+ years I've been here leeeeel. And the fact this is your 2nd shot of the same fic is also amazing in itself! I'm loving that perseverance *u*

I hope work matters can resolve soon~ ;-; Otherwise, please take care of yourself first before anything else <3
Chapter 16: ah! i love the portrayal of rami and jinyoung's dynamic and little jia, who just wants the fun things in life.
so exciting that there's only one teaser left before the chaos truly begins! i'm looking forward to it!
Chapter 16: I'm a little late to commenting, but I've enjoyed reading all the teasers so far! It's so fun to see how they first meet their own pocket boys, with Solmi treating her pocket boy like an actual doll, and Jia also wanting to play with her mother's own pocket boy. I'm expecting more chaos to come, can't wait for it XD
Chapter 16: Hello, I live-- Catching up on all the teasers made me realize that all the girls are waaaay too calm finding out about the tiny sized living people they kinda know and how they ended up tiny. Everyone finding their pocket boy was funny though.
Chapter 14: Seol mind might think to makes this weird chance occurrence into a novel.
Chapter 13: Finally got time to read.
Now we know what actually make them all small. A mad scientist. With a laser gun. Can't wait to know more about it~
Chapter 14: My only reason on logging into AFF is literally to see if there are updates here xD

It's been fun reading the other character teasers and getting to know everyone's OCs <3 Don't worry about the grammar hahaha omg I barely notice it tbh!
Chapter 14: Hi! I'm a bit late to commenting this, but I've been reading through the character teasers so far and all I can say is that they're so cute!
And I think you portrayed both Yang Seol and Saeyoung very well in their teaser, especially Yang Seol's hesitance. Can't wait to read about the remaining girls and their pocket boys and the interactions and relationships they'll have <3
Chapter 13: i love both of the character teasers released so far! having the character teasers based on how each character meets their pocket boy is genius, and it's also just a nice way to introduce each of the girls and their male counterparts. i'm excited to see the rest of the girls and hear more about what their pocket boys have to say about suddenly turning tiny, if anything!