baby bonding

salty & sweet (baby fever)
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The dorm was the emptiest it has ever been in a while. With Ningning and Giselle off to film a variety show episode that featured non-Korean trainees, Winter and Karina were left by themselves. With Hajoon, of course. 



Winter should have been happy. Being the homebody she is, she relished in her alone time. Ever since they were confirmed to debut, they haven't had a day of complete rest and peace in a while. She should be enjoying this day to the fullest.


However, the added responsibility of a baby completely broke her relaxation. Although Karina gladly took charge of caring for and watching over the baby in the living room, Winter felt guilty holed up in her room. With a grunt, she begrudgingly took her headphones and laptop from the comfort of her warm room and plopped herself down on the couch across from Hajoon and Karina. 



"Oh, finally decided to say hello?" Karina asked with a raised brow. The younger girl ignored her as she put her headphones on and settled into their comfy couch. 



Around two hours went by and no words were exchanged between the two. As Winter progressed through her favorite show's newest season, Karina was watching YouTube while supervising Hajoon's antics on the floor. Although Winter was incredibly comfy, she noticed that the temperature had dropped drastically.



Pausing her show, Winter felt a chill as she attempted to get the leader's attention.



"Jimin, is there something wrong with the heater?" She asked, rubbing her arms up and down in order to generate some friction. Karina looked up from her phone and shook her head. "Then why is it so cold?"



"Is it? You already have a blanket."



"I wouldn't say it's cold if I didn't think it was cold." Winter snappily answered. Karina threw her hands up in defense.


"It feels normal to me." Winter huffed. Before she could put her headphones back on, Karina suggested something that made her breath hitch in the back of . 



"Just come over here, then. I guess I can share some of my warmth." Karina said in a teasing tone. Winter couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. When the other girl looked at her expectantly, Winter could do nothing but get up and move to be shoulder-to-shoulder with the other girl.

For warming purposes, of course. 



The two sat side by side as another hour passed. The two were able to sink further into their blankets and into the couch cushions thanks to their newfound shared warmth. They were close enough for Winter to inhale Karina's calming scent, and their legs were almost touching due to their positions on the couch.


Winter found herself to be in an emotional state between relaxed and nervous — having Karina so close to her would normally make her heart race, but the other girl's nonchalant demeanor allowed her to calm down.


This distance is not a big deal, right? She doesn't even seem affected. Winter reasoned. She was having difficulty reading the other girl's emotions ever since they met Hajoon. Something changed within the leader. Winter noticed that the usually composed and mature girl was more vulnerable, open, and even childish. 



She knew that something was going on between them, and she acknowledges the fact. She just isn't sure what it would mean for their careers and for their relationship with the other girls.


But before she can ponder on the what if's and the hypothetical situations, she has to make sure that they could happen in the first place. 



Does she even like me in that way? 



The short-haired girl was sure that the leader treated her differently than the others, but with the girl's increasingly odd behavior recently, she was having a hard time reading her. 



Caught up in her internal dialogue, Winter flinched when Karina abruptly got up from the couch to tend to a crying Hajoon. Being beside Karina made Winter feel so comfortable that she almost forgot that they were supposed to be babysitting. 



Missing the other girl's warmth, Winter felt a bit whiny. "What's wrong with him now?" She peered over Karina's backside as the other girl was sitting on the floor, holding Hajoon in her arms.



When Karina didn't answer, Winter sighed and tried to replayed the episode she was watching. She had been distracted and missed the plot of the episode entirely.



Annoyed that Hajoon was taking up Karina's warmth and not the girl herself, Winter flung the blanket off of her as she stomped up to her room to retrieve a thicker sweater. 



However, Winter would find that her favorite sweater was nowhere to be seen. 



Returning back to the living room, she accused the leader of foul play. "Did you take my favorite sweater?"  She asked. 



Karina looked up and shook her head looking confused. 



"Well, where is it?"



"Did Giselle or Ningning take it?"



"No, why would they? It's not cold outside."



"So, why would I take it?"



"Ugh!" Winter turned around to march back to her closet one more time. However, before she could ascend the stairs, Karina's loud laughing caught her off guard.



"Minjeong! Come back!"



"What now?"



"I think I know where your sweater is." Karina said in her baby-talking, high pitched tone. "Oh, and get ready to go out!" 



Knowing better than to question her leader, Winter put together an outfit quickly before going back to the living room. 



"Oh, my God! Is that where my sweater has been?" Winter gasped, pointing at the clothing cocoon Hajoon was in again. Karina laughed at Winter's cute surprised expression and nodded.


Although Winter didn't mind Hajoon's habit of wrapping himself up in her clothing, she couldn't help but wonder how he was getting to her clothes in the first place. Was someone doing this on purpose?


"I think we need to buy him actual toys."





Winter could not feel any more domestic as she and Karina went out to walk to a nearby store with a baby Hajoon in a stroller. 



"What kind of toy do you think he will like?" Winter asked, breaking the silence on their walk. The walk to the store was not that far, but with the added difficulty of not rocking the stroller, the trip felt longer. 

Or maybe it felt longer because Winter spent the whole time admiring Karina's gentleness with Hajoon. It was endearing how she treated the baby as if he were her own.



If only Karina was only ever that gentle with her, Winter thought to herself as Karina thought of an answer. 



"Hm," Karina paused. "Maybe something that is really fluffy, like a plushy. Since he likes your fluffy clothes so much."



"Ah, I see." They continued walking without another word. Until, for some reason, Winter asked a ridiculous question. "A-and

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Chapter 16: awesome on the new work but sad this is being dropped😭plz continue later on!!
authorr updateeee
Forgetfulbrat #3
Chapter 14: please updateee 😫
Chapter 14: authorrr please updateee
Chapter 14: Poor jimin 😭
with YJ out of the way last 2 chapters or so, now they're going to WGM😩
Chapter 14: Nooo, winter's only prince charming is Jimin. Let's keep it fluff, omg 😭😭
winjnng_01 #8
Chapter 14: We got divorce mo nlng c yeji; winter😭
Chapter 14: oh man, if I were the one in Rina's position... I feel so bad for her already :(((
u_ujiman #10
Chapter 14: Oh, I feel so bad for Jimin already. I watched some of this show irl...