
Beside you (taeny ver)


It was as if time had slowed down, every second felt as long as a minute. She could almost hear her distinct heartbeat, gradually increasing. Everything around her was in slow motion. It was like a scene in a movie. Her arm dropped to her side, her handphone slipping out of her fingers.

A loud clank was heard and reality kicked in, making her realize that everything was really happening.

Everyone's attention was directed to the source of the sound and they witnessed her dash out of the room.

Taeyeon didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe that her father had a heart problem. She didn't want to believe that her father was at the hospital. She didn't want to believe that her father had succumbed to it. She most certainly didn't want to believe that she wasn't there when he was saying his last words, she wasn't there when he let out his last breath.

The one who bought her ice-cream after a long day at elementary school. The one who gave her whatever she wanted. The one who cheered her on when she was down. The one who supported her decision to become a singer, even when everyone around her was persuading her not to do it. 


The world around becomes a blur of color that melts to gray. She found herself stumbling into the ladies, Which was fortunately empty. She clasped onto the table for support. 

Her eyes were burning and her chest felt heavy. Her eyes were filled with tears as she realized that he was gone, gone forever. 

She leaned against the wall and covered to stifle her sobs. Her legs weakened as she slid down to a crouching position. Her efforts to hide her grief were in vain as she was overcome by the wave of her emotions and she hunched into herself. She broke down entirely, all her defenses washed away in those salty tears. 

They said that it was going to be a great year.

They said that their group was going to top the charts again.

They said that he'll be alright.

They said that he would live.

She let out a heart wrenching wail that was followed by a series of blatant tears. She heard soft footsteps through her agonizing cries and was pulled up and enveloped in a warm, tight hug. A hand ran soothingly down her back repeatedly. Taeyeon knew who it was right away and she trusts her with her vulnerability.

Tiffany held Taeyeon, allowing devastated Taeyeon to sob in her arms. Taeyeon's body convulsed as she let out her grief. Tiffany was extremely worried and shocked.


What had happened exactly? 


Taeyeon grasped Tiffany's arm tightly and cried. When she slowly brought her head up to face Tiffany, her face showed one who had suffered before and didn't know if she could do it again. It was filled with devastation, loss and grief. 

Tiffany held Taeyeon close and her hair gently, not loosening her grip and definitely not letting go of her.

When Taeyeon finally calmed herself down, She took a deep breath and looked at Tiffany. 

"Taeyeonah..." Tiffany's heart breaking into pieces as she saw Taeyeon's red, puffy eyes. She cupped Taeyeon's cheeks and used her thumbs to wipe off her tears. 

"Tiffany..." Taeyeon started and she shut her eyes tightly, taking in deep breaths. Tiffany held Taeyeon's hands and squeezed it softly, telling Taeyeon that she's here for her. 

"Appa... passed away." Taeyeon bit her bottom lip and continued taking in deep breaths. Tiffany's eyes widened slightly as she was lost for words. She brought Taeyeon in for another hug and rubbed her back lightly. 

"I'm so sorry, Taeyeon. This is such a difficult thing to be experiencing. Just know that I am here for you." Tiffany consoled.


"Are you okay now? Do you want to go rest, I'm sure the members won't mind." Tiffany commented as she helped Taeyeon to freshen up . 

"I'm fine Tiffany, Thanks." Taeyeon managed a weak smile.

"If you need someone to talk to, I’m here to lend you a listening ear." 

"I know, Thanks Tiffany." 

Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand and they walked back to the practice room together. They were greeted with questioning looks as they entered the practice room, Tiffany discreetly shaking her head at the other members to prevent them from asking Taeyeon anything. The other members nodded their heads subtly as they realized that Taeyeon had been crying. 


After two hours of practice, it was time for them to go back to their dorm and rest. Taeyeon, with her head down, walked slowly, lagging behind the other members. Tiffany noticed and went to walk beside her, sliding her hand into Taeyeon's. Taeyeon's lips curved into a slight smile as they walked back.


The next two days, the gloomy aura around Taeyeon was palpable but the members didn't want to pry.

The third day, Taeyeon left the dorm really early, way before the members woke up.

When they were practicing, their CEO, Mr Kim, entered the room and told them about Taeyeon's father. Everyone except Tiffany gasped audibly, surprised at the information.

"Taeyeon will be taking a week or two off for her father but she'll still be staying with you guys. Continue the promotions without her. Allow her some time off to settle her thoughts. " Mr Kim added and the members nodded solemnly. 


A few days later, Taeyeon was nowhere to be found.


Taeyeon felt her grief slowly wash away as she stood fifteen floors above ground, at the spot where soft buzzing from the citizens was separated from the tranquility of the dark cloudless sky. She inched forward, as a single tear slid down from her warm, chocolate eyes, followed by another one, and another one and soon a stream of warm, salty tears flowed steadily down her pale cheeks.

Meanwhile, the girls were looking for Taeyeon. Tiffany stood at the door of her room and thought of possible places Taeyeon could be at. Then everything clicked, an invisible light bulb on top of her head lighted up and she slid past her members and ran up to the rooftop; the place Taeyeon brought her when she was feeling down.

Taeyeon wondered what it would be like when her body hit the cold, hard ground. She wondered if she would still be conscious then to feel the pain. Her life flashed past her, memories with her dad resurfaced.


"Appa! Let's go and play!" Five year old Taeyeon held her father's hand and pulled him towards the playground.

"Okay, Taeyeonah."


"Appa! Buy me that candy!" Ten year old Taeyeon pointed at a nearby stall.

"Sure, Taeyeonah."


"Appa! Why won't you buy me that phone? I hate you!" Fifteen year old Taeyeon slammed the door.

"Sorry, Taeyeonah."


"Appa, I'm sorry for not being able to spend a lot of time with you." Twenty year old Taeyeon apologized.

"It's okay, Taeyeonah."


She brought her arm up to muffle her sobs. At that moment, she felt someone jerk her back from behind and wrap her into a tight hug. 

"Taeyeonah, please don't." Tiffany nuzzled up against Taeyeon's back, worry evident in her voice. Taeyeon turned to face Tiffany and held Tiffany's hands.

"Tiffany, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." She sniffed.

"Don't ever do that again." A tear rolled down Tiffany's cheek.

"I won't, I promise." Taeyeon wiped the tear away with her sleeve.


"Tiffany.." Taeyeon gazed into Tiffany's eyes which were filled with worry and pity.

Caressing Tiffany's cheek, Taeyeon lifted her head up and leaned in, their noses almost touching. Tiffany shut her eyes as she felt Taeyeon's warm breath against her lips.

Their lips locked slowly and lovingly, their emotions bringing them into another world. Taeyeon closed her eyes, desperate to gasp this perfect moment. The both of them poured out their love through this gentle but captivating kiss and their lips moved in harmony. 

They pull away, eyes locked and their breathing comes in short gasps. 

"Taeyeon, " Tiffany mumbled.

Taeyeon gave her a meaningful smile and pulled her in again for another kiss, this time confirming their love for each other.




A/N: Hi, I hope that was okay. I recently came across one of my older fics and decided to revamp it into a taeny fic.

I really struggle with pacing in one shots and I've been told that the getting together part is always too abrupt. But oh wells HAHAH I hope this one wasn't too random. 

Thanks for reading. Leave your thoughts below! :)

Also check out my other ongoing Taeny fic 


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Fire_trek 340 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was so heartwarming, I love the way you write Taeny’s connection.
Chapter 1: Aqwwww
Chapter 1: True to her words, there she is beside her always...
Good thing, she does know what to do to comfort Taeyeon, and somehow how her mind works...