


Baekhyun wasted no time as he ran through the hallway of his apartment building. His heart was pounding, holding the box in his hands as if it were his own flaming sword. He had to do everything in his power to catch up with Kyungsoo, and he couldn't let the guy leave the apartment without giving his answer to that confession.

Should he make a confession himself? Moreover, how could Baekhyun even get close to something like that? How could it be so perfect?! There was Kyungsoo... his favorite chef, driving him crazy again.

He didn't even know how he managed to rush down the stairs so quickly, and in reality, he wasn't sure if he had been that fast. He was already sweaty, but all that adrenaline masked his thoughts clouded by desperation. Baekhyun ran as if the whole condominium was on fire, which might scare anyone who looked at him because no one in that building would understand that he was about to die for an Éclair.

Baekhyun went to the building's lobby but couldn't see Kyungsoo there. He tried to look for him in the parking lot, but the guy's car was nowhere to be found. The only option left was to ask the doorman.

"Mr. Kwon, by any chance, did you see Kyungsoo around here? Has he been through?"

The old man gave him an irritated look from behind the counter.

"He rushed out like the devil fleeing from the cross. I don't know what got into that boy."

Baekhyun widened his eyes. He had... run away? But that couldn't be possible!

"Did he say anything? Did something happen?"

"How should I know, young man? I'm not a mind reader!"

Baekhyun sighed, disbelieving. Kyungsoo had run away? Was he that scared? Damn...

The redhead ended up smiling, finding it all absurd. What should he do? Run to his house? Wait until tomorrow? No, he couldn't wait that long. That moment was too unique and precious to be lost like that.

"Blessed Chef Dyo!" Baekhyun complained as he dialed the taxi number.

He couldn't believe what he was doing, but he was already on his way to fulfill his first act of love's madness. He was going to show up at Kyungsoo's apartment in the middle of the night just to tell him that he felt the same way. Strangely, it gave him a flashback, which, in the end, made the confectioner smile. Apparently, Kyungsoo wasn't the type who could sleep until he let him know what he held in his heart.

It took longer than Baekhyun remembered to arrive at Kyungsoo's street. In his anxious mind, he didn't realize he would have to cross the city to find his boyfriend. The Éclair, incredibly, was still intact in his lap as the taxi headed towards Kyungsoo's apartment. The pistachio-filled decoration made his mouth water, but there was nothing that could overpower his determination. He had to arrive at Kyungsoo's with it intact, or all of this would be in vain.

"You seem anxious... Is something wrong?" The driver asked, noticing Baekhyun practically glued to the GPS on his phone.

"I... I just thought I couldn't miss this moment," he said, sure he was speaking from his heart.

Perhaps it was the first time in Kyungsoo's life that something like that happened. Baekhyun couldn't say for sure, but he suspected that Kyungsoo had never done anything like that for anyone other than him. And that meant a lot, a great honor that he wouldn't let slip away. It also helped him understand why Kyungsoo had disappeared like that: he was probably more nervous than Baekhyun about the confession.

"An anniversary?" The driver said, pointing to the Éclair in his lap.

Baekhyun smiled. An anniversary? It was even better than that. It was the celebration of love, perhaps the purest he had ever had the opportunity to feel.

"It's indeed a celebration," he agreed, touching the note Kyungsoo had written for him.

I love you fervently. He reread that sentence several times, but he still couldn't believe that Kyungsoo had written it. Baekhyun was grinning, happy for having the opportunity to know Kyungsoo in this life. He had learned so much from being his employee, but the greatest lesson that relationship had given him was that love could have many layers.

He remembered their friendship, his fits of anger when immaturity prevailed, and how everything had evolved to bring them where they were. It hadn't been easy to resist his own whims to understand Kyungsoo's side, especially when Kyungsoo had to act as his irritated chef. But nothing compared to the feeling of belonging together. At the end of the day, what mattered was that he could count on him no matter what.

With that feeling in his heart, Baekhyun ran to the apartment's entrance, as soon as the taxi parked there, almost eleven o'clock at night. He had a direct pass to Kyungsoo's apartment, so he didn't need to identify himself. He had to hope that when he arrived at the apartment, Kyungsoo would be there, not at Dyo's, where he occasionally stayed.

Baekhyun went to the elevator, realizing that it was in use. Standing in the luxurious building's hallway with the Éclair in his hand, he felt a little childish. It was a comic scene, which was also fitting for him: random events happening due to his romantic choices. But in comparison to having been dumped under the rain, left alone on a beach while his ex-boyfriend returned to his French fiancée, and most importantly, witnessing a family brawl involving his first unacknowledged boyfriend, this was by far the best romantic situation Baekhyun was going through.

He decided to wait for the elevator, and when it finally arrived, Baekhyun entered with trembling hands. He didn't know why he was so nervous, suspecting it was the adrenaline from the moment. Standing right there in front of the elevator's mirror, he could see that his red face matched his orange hair. He laughed for a few seconds, still not believing what he was doing.

I mean, if Kyungsoo had disappeared, surely he didn't want to deal with the situation at that time of the night. Perhaps he was just waiting for a message, like normal people did in their relationships. But Baekhyun was not normal, and their relationship was by far one of the most special things that had ever happened in his life. So he didn't care if he looked like a crazy person; Kyungsoo would have to deal with it anyway.

The elevator opened to the floor he needed to reach, and he stepped out with the Éclair in his hand, walking towards Kyungsoo's apartment, which was the last one in the hallway. Baekhyun felt his heart beating fast, beginning to doubt all that courage. Maybe he was a fool for being there, dramatizing the situation. But it wasn't something trivial: Kyungsoo had confessed! He wanted, no, he had to hear what Baekhyun had to say.

The redhead knocked on the door with his fist, feeling the determination in his punch. He waited for any sound from inside, but he heard nothing. A few more seconds passed, and he knocked on the door again, but no one answered.

He couldn't believe it.

Where was Do Kyungsoo?



It was almost closing time for the little grocery store near his home, but Kyungsoo knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without getting drunk on wine. He was so nervous, thinking so many things at once, that he seemed to have lost control of himself. Acting on impulse again, that wouldn't be anything new. The real problem was how everything would be received: with an open heart, or as a grand exaggeration?

Kyungsoo believed in the power of grand gestures of love, and from what he knew of Baekhyun, he should feel the same way. But what if he was wrong? What if he had misjudged the situation? What if he hated the Éclair? For heaven's sake, it was the first time he had made it and he wasn't even sure if he had gotten the dessert right.

He took a deep breath as he waited in line with his bottle of cheap wine. He was afraid to check his phone because he was also afraid of what Baekhyun would say. It had been almost seven months since they got together, but there was so much of him that Kyungsoo didn't know. So much he still had to discover, and the anxiety was consuming him.

"Sir, would you like to pass me the product?"

Kyungsoo widened his eyes behind his glasses. The cashier was laughing at him, looking at him as if he were a lunatic. He realized too late that he was hugging the bottle like a street drunk. Oh, how humiliating.

"Here it is," he said, while clearing his throat, mortally embarrassed.

"Happy Chuseok, Sir," she said as the machine made a 'beep' to indicate that the price had been registered, "That will be twenty-four thousand won."

The chef sighed, taking out his wallet to swipe his credit card. He should stop drinking; it was a terrible habit, and it caused unnecessary expenses every month.

"A tough day, huh?"

Kyungsoo just looked at her, not knowing what to say. He hated small talk, but he couldn't be impolite.

"It's Chuseok," he said as if that explained buying cheap wine late at night while going home.

"Yeah... I guess," the girl said, showing understanding.

At least he wouldn't be the only one doing crazy things for love. Kyungsoo smiled as he took the bag from the cashier's counter.

"Good night," he said, leaving the store.

He heard a 'good night' in response but didn't pay much attention. He got in his car and drove straight to his apartment, letting his mind wander to deeper thoughts. Thoughts about when he was still a teenager, spending much of his time watching others be happy by his side, wondering when his time would come.

Well, now that it had finally come, Kyungsoo was in despair. It was common for people to date and do whatever they wanted in their lives. The problem was when you didn't have much experience with it, even at the age of 24. He was afraid of ruining things, afraid of not knowing when to draw the line on how much his foolish heart could be laid bare for someone. He was afraid of regretting loving. But with Baekhyun, things seemed a bit different.

Kyungsoo, who was practically praised for his sense of responsibility and control, had no control over his own heart. Baekhyun took everything he had once thought he had full awareness of: his daydreams, his thoughts, and even the emotions that surged through his body when they were together. Kyungsoo warmed up when their skin touched, and shivered when he felt Baekhyun smile against his lips. His scent calmed him, and his breath by his side at night helped him sleep. Things that were inexplicable to his mind, which tried to understand what it all could mean and how much he still had to discover.

When he arrived at the apartment, he went straight home. If he was lucky enough to sleep, he could even apologize for running away from his own feelings like this, and he knew Baekhyun would understand. He had always been the reason, and Kyungsoo was the emotion. A perfect balance for someone who was already destabilized. But when he opened the elevator door, holding the bag with the cheap wine he had bought, he almost let it fall to the ground at the sight he beheld: Baekhyun was sitting with an Éclair on his lap on the cream-colored fluffy rug in front of his door.

Kyungsoo froze in the hallway, speechless. Byun smiled as if it were a big joke, and maybe it was. Because not in a million years would Kyungsoo have guessed this. It had never happened before, not even with Chanyeol.

"I thought it would be a shame if we didn't eat together," he said casually, as if he hadn't been waiting for Kyungsoo for so many hours on the floor of that hallway.

One step at a time, Kyungsoo walked up to him. He stood in front of the black wooden door and smiled in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, extremely shy.

"Soo..." He got up from the floor, using only his knees.

He was balancing that Éclair as if it were a diamond. The sight made Kyungsoo's heart warm. He had put so much effort into making that gift for him, and he could hardly believe he would see that box again. And there they were,

 both united because of a dessert.

Kyungsoo opened the door with the keys in his pocket and invited him in. He was nervous and scared, as if the bomb were actually a time bomb and not a cream-filled dessert.

They walked to the kitchen in silence, and Kyungsoo felt as though the lack of words was killing the atmosphere. He needed to say something. Anything.

"I-I'm really sorry," he suddenly found himself stuttering. "I-I went to the store, and... I wanted to buy some w-wine, and..." He hesitated.

He felt like an idiot for being so nervous, but he hadn't expected to see Baekhyun in the flesh like this. Somehow, it reminded him of how ridiculous he had been with that note.

"Kyungsoo... look at me."

He was facing away from him now. Kyungsoo opened the refrigerator door and placed the bottle of wine inside. His heart was beating fast, almost to the point of bursting. He felt Baekhyun's presence beside him, and he felt Baekhyun's arm brushing against his when the redhead put the Éclair on the top shelf, also in silence. When he closed the fridge, Kyungsoo turned his gaze back to him, noticing a concerned expression on his face. Obviously, it was because of the way he was acting.

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun. I feel really foolish. I'll understand if you want... to forget all this. I-I just... I thought..."

Baekhyun shook his head and approached him. He placed his slender, delicate fingers under Kyungsoo's chin and smiled when he said, "I love you too."

Kyungsoo smiled slightly, feeling like an idiot. Of course, Baekhyun loved him, he already knew that. Baekhyun had been expressive so many times that Kyungsoo was afraid of being left behind. Expressing his feelings had never been Kyungsoo's forte, and it scared him to hell. He was afraid Baekhyun would wake up one day and realize he wasn't good enough for him.

"Soo... I ran straight here when you left me at home. Did you think I would let this moment pass without celebrating it? I know how important this gift is to you, and... it's beautiful. It's the most precious thing I've ever received in my life, Kyungsoo."


"Yes." Baekhyun smiled broadly, showing the rectangular smile that Kyungsoo loved so much. "I've never received something like this before."

Kyungsoo smiled slightly, a little embarrassed by his own actions.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Baekkie. I'm so sorry, it's just that..." He hesitated, looking at Baekhyun with evaluating eyes.

He was beautiful. So beautiful that Doh couldn't resist wanting more and more of him. That's why he approached, touching his right hand with my fingers. Kyungsoo needed that closeness almost as much as he needed air to breathe.

Baekhyun was quiet, just waiting for my actions. But I was tired of actions; I had already taken many of them in the last few months. Now, Kyungsoo needed to focus on his words, to put into words everything he wanted to say.

"I... I love you too. So much that I can't hold it back," he began, gathering the courage to say what he had always wanted, "I've never felt this way about anyone before, never had this with anyone but you. You make me have sides of myself that I don't like, that I don't understand. I get jealous of anyone who gets close to you, I become possessive when I think you might leave me, and at the same time, I want to give you everything in the world, knowing that it's not possible." Kyungsoo smiled, briefly averting his gaze for a few seconds, "I just... have this immense sea of feelings inside me that I can't control, and it used to scare me a lot, but... now..." he looked at him, "Now, I find myself wanting this more and more."

Baekhyun remained silent, seeming a bit lost by his honesty. They had never talked about their relationship before, only when it was convenient. So Kyungsoo understood what he must be thinking: that the chef was crazy, that he had completely lost his sense of self by exposing himself so much. But that's what Kyungsoo wanted. He just hoped that Baekhyun would accept who he really was willingly.

And then, Baekhyun responded to his confessions in the only way his heart could express: with body and soul. He pulled Kyungsoo into his arms and sealed their lips together as a promise fulfilled. Kyungsoo felt his chest tighten and his skin heat up with every touch of Baekhyun's hands, which held his neck and waist firmly.

The hands of the dark-haired man also gripped Baekhyun's waist tightly, as if not wanting him to leave. But it's not like the redhead was trying to. Kyungsoo pressed his body against his, seeking his lips fiercely. The chef was in another realm now, letting himself be carried away by the moment. He didn't think of anything other than the sensations Baekhyun was giving him.

Their kiss was bittersweet, intense, and luxurious. A repressed desire was setting itself free, something Kyungsoo had always thought was hidden within him. But apparently, that wasn't the case. His hand involuntarily went to the redhead's behind, squeezing it with desire and eagerness.

"Ah..." They both moaned in unison.

Baekhyun nibbled on Kyungsoo's shoulder, holding back his desires. Kyungsoo clung to his back, also feeling ecstatic. He was tired of fantasizing about this moment as something perfect and immaculate; if he wanted his boyfriend so much, it was time to show him how much he loved him.

Kyungsoo guided him, looking into his eyes to ask, "Do you... want to go to the bedroom?"

But Baekhyun didn't say anything. He kissed him again, leading the way to where they were already used to spending weekends. As soon as they stepped onto the carpeted floor of the room, the redhead took off his shirt instantly.

Kyungsoo looked over his body, not missing any details. From his broad shoulders, collarbones, down to the path leading to his navel, everything attracted Kyungsoo like a moth to a flame. Baekhyun was beautiful, in a classic way: he had a well-sculpted body that Kyungsoo was eager to run his hands over. So, that's what he did.

Kyungsoo walked up to him, making him sit on the king-size bed with black sheets. His room was basic, monochromatic, and lifeless. But with Baekhyun there, it seemed like everything gained a new focus. His orange hair against the black sheets created a striking contrast; it was as if it was catching fire.

"Can I undress you?" he asked him, whispering softly.

Kyungsoo simply nodded without saying a word. His agile fingers went to the hem of his black T-shirt, pulling it up all at once. Kyungsoo helped him, and soon they were both on the floor with his boyfriend's shirt. Baekhyun smiled, and the dark-haired man smiled back. He had always been shy about showing his body to anyone else, but not with him there. Not with someone who made him feel desired.

Baekhyun moved forward and went straight for the buttons of his jeans. He ed them and ped the zipper, looking directly into Kyungsoo's eyes with desire. It was a silent request, but one that the dark-haired man granted with a nod. So, the pants didn't take long to be gone, and soon they were both dressed only in their underwear.

Baekhyun slid his hands over Kyungsoo's thighs, causing his skin to tingle with his mere touch. Kyungsoo closed his eyes, leaning his body forward, not even aware that he was asking for his boyfriend's closeness. But Baekhyun gave it to him anyway.

He leaned forward, sitting on the bed. Kyungsoo gazed into his eyes, just waiting for his next move. His boyfriend delicately approached the exposed skin, leaving a soft kiss just below his navel.

The dark-haired man smiled. This was the sweetest exchange he had ever had with anyone. Baekhyun was taking his time, with calm and gentleness. His lips kissed, aided by his wet tongue, leaving warm kisses on the waistband of Kyungsoo's black boxer briefs.

"Baek..." He let his name escape like a plea.

A plea for help that the redhead didn't ignore. When he felt the slender fingers caressing his buttocks, Kyungsoo leaned in once again. They were trying to remove the fabric between them, desperately pulling the elastic down.

The chef could have been embarrassed to be in front of Baekhyun like that, but the truth was, he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted him as much as possible, and even a little more.

Baekhyun continued to fondle his backside, squeezing each cheek as he trailed his lips down to his thighs, never stopping the kisses for a second. Kyungsoo was paralyzed. He moaned uncontrollably from the sensitivity of Baekhyun's lips on his skin. It was delicious, warm, and tender. Something he was experiencing for the first time and probably wouldn't forget anytime soon.

His hips pushed forward automatically. Baekhyun shifted his hands from the massage to touch the base of his hard member. He gently caressed his arousal with a firm grip, looking into the eyes of the dark-haired man. Baekhyun began with rhythmic movements, and when he finally took him in his mouth, Kyungsoo groaned huskily.

"Baekhyun..." He breathed deeply, closing his eyes with excitement.

It was unbelievable that every touch from Baekhyun felt so intoxicating. Kyungsoo simply couldn't hold back any longer. The shy boy had disappeared, and now he was giving in to pure carnal desire.

The sensation was so pleasurable that it made his mind spin. He wanted Baekhyun to never stop him. He wanted his lips on his skin forever. He wanted to pull him closer, to sink him deeper and deeper.

Baekhyun gradually increased the intensity, forming a tight circle with his lips while using his tongue to go even deeper. Kyungsoo ran his fingers through his hair, caressing him tenderly. He knew he carried all the love he could give, but at that moment, it felt greater. It was like he was growing into something he didn't recognize.

Baekhyun seemed to understand his gestures and slowed down, savoring the pleasure building inside Kyungsoo. The dark-haired man lowered his eyes slowly to look at him. Baekhyun's eyes burned into his, seemingly trying to capture every one of his reactions. It was as if Baekhyun was etching into his memory every sensation he was providing. Seeing him so considerate, savoring the pleasure slowly building up, made Kyungsoo realize how lucky he was.

Damn, Baekhyun was magnificent. Much more than he ever thought he would find. From the fierce determination he witnessed the first time Baekhyun stepped into his restaurant to the adventurous love that overwhelmed his entire being, Baekhyun was the only person who could make him feel like that. As if he were touching the sky.

Kyungsoo let him give a few more gentle s before gently pulling him up by the chin. Baekhyun looked confused, but he didn't have time to think as Kyungsoo's hand moved to his neck while the other pulled his body closer. Their excitement collided as Kyungsoo claimed his lips. Baekhyun moaned softly in his mouth, receiving a firm grip on his waist in response.

They were standing again. Kyungsoo, almost , kissed him like a crazed lover. It was different. He had abandoned all restrictions, taking Baekhyun's mouth for his own, merging into one.

Kyungsoo's hand moved up to Byun's ribs, caressing them with his thumb. The shivers from Baekhyun's skin excited him instantly. It was unbelievable that his mere touch caused such strong reactions.

The kiss descended to his chin, heading towards his collarbones. Kyungsoo loved kissing him there; it was his favorite spot in the whole world. The mouth moved sensually, intensely, wet. His mind traveled with sensations, touches, warm breath on his neck—a combination that transported him to another realm where only Byun Baekhyun existed.

Even as he kissed him, Kyungsoo touched his intimacy for the first time. Byun was already sensitive, so he moaned in response. The neighbors would probably complain later, but Kyungsoo didn't care.

The grip on followed rhythmic, up-and-down movements, gaining speed. Sometimes it descended a bit more, bringing Baekhyun closer each time. It didn't take long for Kyungsoo to lead him to the bed, removing the last piece of clothing between them.

They locked eyes once again, and Kyungsoo could see his desire reflected there. It was evident how desperately they wanted each other. Baekhyun pulled him closer, placing the dark-haired man on top, with his knees resting on the bed. They were entwined, as always.

Byun's hands found their way back to Kyungsoo's backside, gripping firmly. Kyungsoo let out a muffled moan and leaned closer.

"Soo..." He murmured, "Do you have protection?"

Kyungsoo nodded, feeling too hot to respond out loud. He went to the bedside table and retrieved a pack of condoms and lubricant. Baekhyun waited while he returned to the bed.

"Have you done this before?" Byun asked softly, concerned about taking all the necessary precautions with the dark-haired man.

Kyungsoo shook his head, suddenly feeling very shy. The last time he had been intimate with someone like that, he was nineteen years old. It had been a long time, more than he probably remembered.

"We can take it slowly," Baekhyun explained, "Or we don't have to do... that," he referred to penetration, Kyungsoo could tell.

He was nervous, but he wanted to continue. He felt that such a special moment wouldn't come again. He wanted to continue because he loved him. And he was tired of being afraid of love. Kyungsoo wanted him so much that nothing seemed enough.

So he just walked up to him and took his lips in a deep kiss. Baekhyun sighed in surprise, especially when Kyungsoo's fingers went down to the sides of his thigh, gently urging them apart. He wanted to be inside him, to claim all those sighs for himself. And he didn't care if the whole building heard how in love he was.

The chef positioned himself between his boyfriend's legs, wrapping them around his waist. He could feel their members touching, which sent another wave of heat through him. He held back from finding relief, hoping Baekhyun would follow his lead.

"K-Kyungsoo..." He moaned as the dark-haired man straddled him.

"Lie down," he whispered in a husky voice. "You'll have to guide me."

Baekhyun nodded, parting his legs for him. Kyungsoo lowered himself, kissing him again. Now they were practically lying on top of each other, grinding both their arousals together. Baekhyun moaned into his lips every time they moved together, which only turned him on more.

"Damn, Baekkie..." he unintentionally let out.

The redhead felt his approach, the warm body against his and the scent of the masculine cologne filling his nostrils as Kyungsoo leaned in to kiss him again. Baekhyun shifted, grinding desperately as he sought relief. He felt Kyungsoo's hands touching both their members, handling them together.

"Ah..." Baekhyun moaned loudly.

"Baekkie." The dark-haired man let out, focusing on the sensation of their arousals being stimulated simultaneously.

Both of them moaned together, relishing in the pleasurable stimulation. Kyungsoo wanted to speed up the s, and that's what he ended up doing. With each movement of his wrist, there was a rhythmic motion, making their skin sweat and tingle with the excitement they were feeling.

"Soo... I want to come." Baekhyun said.

Kyungsoo agreed and moved his hand down to facilitate a finger at his entrance. Baekhyun gasped, calling his name with difficulty.

"Kyung... Soo..." The dark-haired man didn't even reply but kept focused on the penetration.

Baekhyun willingly impaled himself on Kyungsoo's finger, trying to get closer even though he was still lying down. And he got closer. Close to sinking deeper into that pleasurable penetration.

Kyungsoo lowered his mouth again, trying to kiss him while still stimulating him from underneath. But Baekhyun couldn't catch his breath for that. He wanted to sink down on Kyungsoo's and wanted it to be fast.

He held Kyungsoo and pulled him closer, intending to have him look at him.

"You need to lube me up. I want to feel you, my love."

Kyungsoo smiled at him, perhaps because of the use of the affectionate word. He kissed his forehead, his cheek, his chin, and his lips. He caressed Baekhyun's body and pushed him onto his own lap. Thanks to the large bed, they managed to sit on it without any problem.

"Teach me. Teach me how to pleasure you, Baek."

Baekhyun kissed him, feeling all the desire he had for him. He grabbed his neck, feeling the freshly cut hair tickling his fingers. But he didn't care. He just wanted more and more of him, as if nothing were enough.

He felt Kyungsoo's hands grabbing his thighs and pressing them hard. Kyungsoo moaned softly into his lips as he felt his arousal being stimulated again by Baekhyun.

Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun. Everything in his mind revolved around Baekhyun. His touch, his scent, his moans, and his reactions. It was everything he had always dreamed of but never imagined that reality would be this good. Perfect.

Baekhyun pulled out a and put it in Kyungsoo's hand. His intention was clear, and Kyungsoo promised to do his best to give him what he wanted. He put on the and slid it over while Baekhyun attempted to apply the lubricant.

"First, you need to lie down," Baekhyun murmured, and Kyungsoo obeyed.

Looking up at him from below aroused the dark-haired man. Baekhyun had control here, able to do whatever he wanted. It made Kyungsoo feel more relaxed and even more excited.

Baekhyun touched Kyungsoo's and guided it to his entrance. He lowered himself slowly, making Kyungsoo's eyes shut tightly. He was testing it, taking it slow and taking his time. Kyungsoo held onto his body, sliding his hands over his s.

"Kyungsoo..." Baekhyun moaned but didn't stop riding him.

Kyungsoo touched , stimulating it with a tight grip. Baekhyun let himself go and sank a bit more. He had a grimace on his face, but nothing made him stop. The s were stimulating, and he kept riding deeper and deeper.

He had his hands on Kyungsoo's shoulders when he began picking up the pace.

"Ah...," he said, loudly.

So loud that it almost made Kyungsoo . He loved the feeling of being able to pleasure Baekhyun; it was addicting. With his arms immobilized by his boyfriend's hands, all Kyungsoo could do was feel Baekhyun's sliding with each . His fingers dug into Kyungsoo's shoulders as he moved, grinding and riding on his lap.

Kyungsoo could see him grinding in a pleasurable motion, which intensely stimulated his . It felt like every time Baekhyun moved, a part of Kyungsoo's mind died. He was almost reaching while not wanting it to end.

He held on as much as possible and this time helped Baekhyun move. He his hips quickly, faster each time, making their skins slap against each other.

"Ah, ah, ah." Baekhyun moaned loudly with each rhythmic .

Kyungsoo invested along with him, getting stronger each time. He felt incredible there, looking at his face full of pleasure. Baekhyun was beautiful. So beautiful and amazing, everything he ever wanted. The amount of love he had for him was unimaginable, even though he wanted to demonstrate it, as he was doing now.

He held onto his thighs tightly while moving his body along with his. Baekhyun touched himself, trying to make himself come, but he didn't have enough strength for it. So, Kyungsoo touched his arousal again, right on the tip. It was so hard that it was easy to make him spill.

Baekhyun came loudly, shouting his name just the way he had always imagined. Kyungsoo ed while gripping his hips, moving strongly at least five more times.

Baekhyun collapsed on top of him, and Kyungsoo embraced him, closing his eyes. He kissed his entire face, from his forehead to the middle of his cheek.

"I love you." Kyungsoo said, chuckling softly. "I love you so much it's obvious. I love you so much, Baek."

Baekhyun just hugged him in response, too weak to say anything. But he didn't need to because he had already said everything Kyungsoo wanted to hear in the past few months. What he really wanted was to promise that this would never be lost. Because that was Kyungsoo's greatest fear: that somehow, he would lose the love he had always wanted to have.

He felt his boyfriend move and withdraw from him. Baekhyun looked at him with sleepy eyes but had a silly smile dancing on his face.

"That was the best thing I've ever done in my life," he said sincerely.

Kyungsoo smiled, gently touching his face.

"I love you." He said again, feeling foolish.

"I love you, Kyungsoo. And very much too." He leaned in and sealed their lips together.

Kyungsoo had Baekhyun in his arms for the fiftieth consecutive time — or something like that — he didn't really know because he didn't keep count. But he knew that this was the first time Baekhyun was in his arms the way he had always dreamed. And that was much more than he deserved, but somehow, he had won it. And something as precious as this was something Kyungsoo would fight to keep for a long time — or for as long as Baekhyun allowed him to dream.

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49 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
49 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
49 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
49 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
49 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
49 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
49 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
49 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
49 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.
49 streak #10
Chapter 10: Baekhyun now understands how hard it is to be a chef, having to do multiple things at once. Maybe now he can relate to Kyungsoo more.

Irene and Sehun had a long awaited talk which might make their relationship better.