



Baekhyun estava na enorme kitchen of Do Kyungsoo, eating a pistachio and dark chocolate éclair. And this time, it wasn't just any éclair, but one made by the hands of his boyfriend and chef of Dyo's, Do Kyungsoo. If someone had told him this a few months ago, Baekhyun would have laughed. Mainly because: 1) The éclair was more than perfect, that was obvious, and 2) He was even more in love after last night — if that was possible.

Baekhyun had been with several other guys, even from other nationalities. But none had made him enjoy a as much as Kyungsoo did. His boyfriend might not have all the experience in the world, but he had what was essential to make it work: passion. And his passion for Baekhyun was intense, deep, and real; something the pastry chef had never felt for anyone before.

All the love they had built up to that point seemed to have solidified completely. Baekhyun felt like he had finally found someone who was truly worth it and respected him. He was grateful for the decisions he had made until he met Do Kyungsoo.

He smiled again as he tasted the éclair. He had Kyungsoo's note in his hands, and he could swear he had already memorized every word written on that simple piece of paper. He thought a lot about those movie-like loves, the ones he daydreamed about throughout his adolescence. He thought about how the hero was a perfect gentleman, showering the heroine with expensive gifts. His biggest dream was to receive such a special gift, just like in the old movies, and he ended up getting the greatest one: Kyungsoo's heart. And it was obvious how lucky he felt because of that.

He felt, more than heard, Kyungsoo's presence in the kitchen. He smiled a little but didn't turn to face him because he still felt a bit shy from the night before. The memories were fresh in his mind, and all that intensity still had his body on alert. So, he shivered when Kyungsoo's hands went to his waist, caressing him under his shirt, while his full lips brushed the back of his neck.

"Good morning," Kyungsoo said, hugging him closer while kissing his neck again.

Baekhyun could swear that if he weren't pressed against the kitchen counter, he would have fallen to the floor. Kyungsoo's raspy voice in the morning was a crime against humanity. It was so delicious and masculine, just like him.

"G-Good morning," he replied, trying not to be too affected by him.

Kyungsoo chuckled, pressing his body closer to Baekhyun's. Now that was a beautiful and lovely good morning. If he could wake up like this every day, it would be like living in paradise. He rested his face on Baekhyun's shoulder, and his arms were now on either side of his body, leaning against the kitchen counter and locking Baekhyun in his own space.

"I missed you in bed," Kyungsoo kissed him again, trailing his lips down to Baekhyun's shoulders.

"I came to get your éclair. I didn't eat it yesterday, and I was dying to have it. It's wonderful."

"Hmm..." The dark-haired man touched his elbow, making him turn to face him.

Kyungsoo smiled happily at him, as if he had won a famous gastronomy award.

"Are you serious, or are you just trying to please me?"

Baekhyun laughed, finding it adorable.

"Don't you trust me, chef? I have the knowledge to judge you, don't I?"

"Yes, sir." Kyungsoo smiled, approaching the counter and cutting a piece of the éclair for himself. "But I also want to taste it."

Baekhyun waited until he tried it. The expression Kyungsoo made when tasting food was always the same, and it showed his extreme dedication to taste. Kyungsoo was a great chef not only because he took risks but also because he knew how to combine and taste flavors. It was his greatest specialty.

When he finished examining it, he seemed somewhat surprised.

"Maybe we'll have to make this éclair for Yuri's wedding," he looked at Baekhyun. "Do you think we can handle it?"

Baekhyun nodded. He did think they could handle it, but they would have to act quickly if they were going to prepare so much.

"This wedding makes me nervous," Baekhyun confessed. "I think we have a lot to do, and Yuri seems to have confidence in our work. I don't want to ruin anyone's wedding."

Kyungsoo smiled.

"Don't worry about that, Baek. We'll be fine."

Baekhyun nodded. Now would be a good time to talk about their future, but he still had his concerns about everything. Despite Kyungsoo always going above and beyond for him, even more than he expected, his insecurity was still present. Even though he felt grateful for the amazing partner Kyungsoo was.

"Kyungsoo, I don't know what to tell you about this... I've never prepared a wedding before."

"Don't say anything. Eat. I made it for you to enjoy, that's all." He cut another piece of the éclair and fed Baekhyun.

The taste of the sweet hit Baekhyun's palate perfectly, and Kyungsoo's smile couldn't have been wider when he saw that Baekhyun had loved the éclair made by his own hands. Baekhyun found it adorable how seriously Kyungsoo took the kitchen, even when the situation didn't call for it. Every time they cooked together outside the restaurant, the chef never lost his seriousness in executing the dish — no matter how simple it was. And with the éclair, it was no different.

"I wanted to ask you something," Kyungsoo murmured softly in the kitchen's hall.

"Go ahead, ask."

"Would you... spend the weekend with me? Here at the apartment?"

"Of course, Soo." Baekhyun smiled. "Of course, no need to ask."

"It's just that..." He hesitated, as if searching for the right words. "I feel a little lonely here. Having you here with me is so good, Baek. More than you can imagine."

Baekhyun smiled broadly. He never imagined that the feeling was mutual; that didn't even cross his mind. But the reality was that the pastry chef also missed him, even though they practically saw each other every day.

"You make me feel good too, Soo. I miss you when you're away, and having you all to myself for two days is the kind of selfishness I love."

Kyungsoo chuckled softly, pulling him closer while holding his waist.

"Well, then have it, Baekkie." He said, sealing their lips with a playful and teasing kiss.

Baekhyun was surprised by the gesture, but he let Kyungsoo take the lead this time. His hands slowly went to his back and traveled up his skin as if wanting to get to know it for the first time. Each of his fingerprints sent shivers down Baekhyun's spine, gradually warming up his skin. Kyungsoo slid his tongue across Baekhyun's lips, tasting the chocolate flavor mixed with a desire that seemed to have awakened since the night before.

Baekhyun laughed when he felt Kyungsoo chuckling. He had never been touched the way Kyungsoo touched him, and that was enough to make him feel cherished. In Kyungsoo's hands, he was the only one in the world.

The kiss became closer, more intense. Kyungsoo possessed his mouth as if he wanted it all for himself. He slid his teeth, biting Baekhyun's lower lip and eliciting a pleasurable moan. The redhead could already feel his body heating up with just those stimulations, which gave Kyungsoo the courage to touch over his clothes.

"Ah..." Baekhyun let out a pleasurable murmur, clutching the back of his boyfriend's neck.

"Come here," Kyungsoo said, leading him to the steel counter in the kitchen.

Baekhyun was surprised when he felt his body being lifted by Kyungsoo and placed slightly above his height.

"What are you going to do, Kyungsoo?" He asked, breathless.

Kyungsoo chuckled softly.

"Close your eyes," he requested, gazing at Baekhyun with a luxurious look.

Baekhyun was so nervous about what was to come that he just obeyed without questioning. He probably shouldn't have done that because now he felt everything doubly. Kyungsoo's warm fingers lifted his shirt up to almost chest level. Baekhyun felt the cool air pass over him, and his s hardened as soon as Kyungsoo's lips kissed his belly, sending shivers down his spine. He thought Kyungsoo was doing it on purpose to drive him crazy; it was the only explanation.

The wet kisses descended, on his skin with intensity and biting gently wherever he felt like it. Baekhyun held onto the counter with strength, even though he was sitting, as if he felt like he could fall at any moment.

Kyungsoo's fingers traveled down, toying with the waistband of the underwear Baekhyun was wearing. He touched , this time looking directly into his eyes as he said:

"You'll have to guide me."

Baekhyun nodded, as it was the only thing he could do at that moment. He felt Kyungsoo pulling down the clothes he had borrowed from him along with the short shorts. Byun felt his skin warm up in contact with the air. He leaned on the counter with both hands to avoid making any mistakes.

"S-soo... what are you going to— AH." Baekhyun couldn't help but let out a loud moan.

Kyungsoo's lips simply embraced , moving up and down with a steady rhythm. It seemed like he was tasting him. Kyungsoo always had a calmness that drove Baekhyun's rushed mind crazy, but at that moment, he understood that it was the first time Kyungsoo was doing this.

The lips descended with a slight hesitation. He was waiting for Baekhyun's instructions, but Baekhyun didn't feel capable of thinking straight. So, he just touched the back of Kyungsoo's neck with his fingers and followed along with the rhythmic movements.

It was calm the way his full lips him, but the intensity of the feelings was the same — especially because it had been a long time since Baekhyun had been intimate with anyone.

"Soo... ah." He moaned, trying to make sense to guide him, "Touch me. Touch me the way you like."

Again, Kyungsoo obeyed him. He continued to slide his lips along , but his hands now provided stimulation as well. He massaged him in all the right places, moving his hand up and down the base while focusing on the tip.

Baekhyun held onto the metal of the sink, tilting his head back. He wanted to scream out loud because it was phenomenal. It was more than good. Having Kyungsoo's lips wrapped around him was even better than he had imagined, causing him all the sensations.

His hand involuntarily went to Kyungsoo's nape, holding him tightly. Baekhyun's fingers dug into his skin, making the brunette moan hoarsely in the back of his throat.

"T-this..." Baekhyun leaned back, feeling even more aroused. "Ah... Kyungsoo... you're too perfect."

Kyungsoo smiled, still with his lips pressed against him. He brought one hand down to his balls, gripping Baekhyun's thighs to massage him. Baekhyun locked his eyes on that sight, whispering softly.


He looked stunning there. Baekhyun wished he could stay that way forever. It was a memory he would never forget: the dark eyes watching him experience pleasure, and the way Kyungsoo's lips were becoming redder every time he increased the pace. Oh, it was so beautiful. He was so beautiful that it hurt to look at him.

"K-Kyungsoo... ah—" The redhead in a breath when he felt Kyungsoo's mouth on his tip again.

Baekhyun was vocal, and that was a problem. He was never one to contain his reactions during , so it was extremely difficult for him at that moment. He wanted to be able to scream and moan so the whole world could hear; it had always been like that for him.

His hands were hurting from gripping the kitchen counter so tightly, so he had to bite his own lips to avoid screaming. Kyungsoo's mouth was doing incredible things down there. Kyungsoo's tongue glided from the tip to the base, giving all the attention in the world to . He was it eagerly. He had never received oral like that before; it felt like a dream.

Kyungsoo started to quicken the pace, holding Baekhyun's thighs closer and pushing deeper into his throat. Baekhyun moaned loudly, feeling the combination of sensations in his body. It was Kyungsoo's touch that aroused him, and the intensity with which he did it was what sent his mind to another plane. They had only been intimate twice, but he knew it was the best feeling he had ever experienced.

Kyungsoo moved his legs around his body, taking a moment just to observe him. His eyes roamed over Baekhyun's body, his face, and his broad chest. There had been few times he had felt this beautiful and desired.

"You're beautiful," he said simply, as if it were a fact. "And I want more of you, Baek."

Baekhyun felt his heart beating faster with his words. He could feel the truth in them because Kyungsoo always showed what he said. And in that moment, it was no different.

Kyungsoo pulled Baekhyun's body tightly against his own and kissed him with all the fervor. Kyungsoo kissed him as if he were attacking, with their bodies so close that it felt like they could burn at any moment. It was exciting as hell.

His fingers dug into Baekhyun's skin as if that was the last time they were on earth. His tongue was intense, delicious, and rough. Baekhyun moaned every time he felt his own member throb with desire for him. He thought he would die of pleasure in Kyungsoo's hands, and it would be like being reborn. That was the feeling he gave him.

When he felt Kyungsoo's fingers stimulate again, he moaned loudly. Kyungsoo lifted his body a bit more and pulled him closer, making it easy to touch him wherever he wanted. He slid his hands, lifting Baekhyun's thighs to begin him.

"Do you like it?" Kyungsoo asked, stopping his to gaze into Baekhyun's dark eyes. "Tell me, Baekhyun. Do you like me touching you here?"

Baekhyun nodded, automatically leaning towards him. Kyungsoo smiled faintly and continued the rhythmic ing.

"You have to tell me, or I'll just do it my way."

"Keep going." Baekhyun moaned, gripping the kitchen counter with all his strength.

"No." He said, smiling before placing a kiss on his lips and whispering, "It's my turn now."

He made room and moved his lips back down . Baekhyun was even more sensitive now. He held Kyungsoo's nape and tilted his hips as much as he could. He felt like sinking into his mouth every time Kyungsoo him eagerly, moving his lips and the tip with greater attention.

One of Kyungsoo's hands stimulated his while his lips continued to as if he had already gotten used to the feeling of pleasuring someone. Or maybe it was just the passion that was lit, drowning any thought of insecurity with desire. Kyungsoo was just letting his body take control.

Baekhyun felt Kyungsoo's finger sliding, stimulating him inside and making his mind wander to another plane. He thought he could with just those two stimulations, and he was probably getting close.

"Kyungsoo..." he pleaded, calling out his name.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Kyungsoo his tip again, causing Baekhyun to reach . The pleasure was so intense that he had to bite his own hand to contain the loud moans.

Kyungsoo allowed some of the to trickle down, messing up the shirt he was wearing. Oh, that was an image that excited him.

Baekhyun didn't even have the strength to stay there looking. He was leaning against the wall behind the metal counter, gasping for breath. Kyungsoo smiled at the sight and leaned in for a hot kiss.

Ah, wouldn't he rest?

His back was supported by Kyungsoo's hands, and Kyungsoo buried his mouth against his as if he hadn't just given him the best of his life.

He pulled Baekhyun's body closer, kissing him with all the fervor. Kyungsoo kissed him as if he were attacking, with their bodies so close that it felt like they could burn at any moment.

He took a break, took off the ruined shirt he was wearing, and pulled Baekhyun closer.

"You'll be the death of me one day." He smiled, making Baekhyun notice the redness on his face. "I've never felt so... ignited by someone, Baekkie. Since I met you, I've been thinking about touching you like this."

Baekhyun could only laugh at the situation he was in. What could he say? He had always been very by his boss. A desire that often got confused with anger, but it had always been there, lurking, waiting to be released one day.

"I do too," he said, a little embarrassed by his state. "But I think I need a shower now."

Kyungsoo chuckled softly as Baekhyun tried to fix his shorts in the worst possible way. He noticed that the brunette would also need a little help there, and he ended up biting his lips in anticipation. Perhaps, if he made an indecent proposal...

"Hm... Kyungsoo," Baekhyun called his attention.

Kyungsoo looked at him, already perfectly understanding what was going on in his mind.

"There's a bathroom in my room," he simply said, making it clear that he was open to more once again.

Baekhyun smiled to himself.

Crazy, insane, and in love, that's what his boyfriend was. He was realizing that this version of him was as interesting and fun as the other ones that had been unmasked. He was sure they might be late today because of the decision he was about to make, but who cared?

That's why when Byun gathered the courage to ask:

"Will you wait for me there?"

He expected the chef to say:

"Definitely, yes."

And he smiled happily at his luck. It wasn't every day that he received such passionate declarations of love that seemed to set everything on fire. Or simply soothe like a warm cup of tea.

Kyungsoo could be both things, the two sides of what he had always fantasized about love. And maybe that's why they fit so well together. That, and because of the éclair.


Sehun had a hard time dealing with the crib assembly instructions that had just arrived from the store. He was in the middle of the living room, surrounded by parts, tools, and a bunch of boxes for which he had no more space in the room.

It was a real challenge. Like the ones he faced in college group dynamics, trying to see who could build a robot faster in just a few weeks. The difference was that the prize for assembling a crib and fitting it into his tight bedroom consisted only of his own personal satisfaction.

Well, he was a computer engineer. Engineers build logical things, right? Well, at least they should know how to assemble things that involve reasoning. So, why the hell did he feel so lost?

He glanced at his phone and saw that it was already past ten o'clock at night. He felt a little embarrassed because, statistically speaking, that time would be a terrible time to call someone for help. However, statistically speaking, he wouldn't be able to assemble that crib by himself until he understood the instructions. So, it would take about a week or so to decipher all the codes.

That's why calling someone in this scenario didn't seem so inhumane.

Sehun set the tools aside and picked up his ancient mobile device, as Yeri loved to call it. He opened the messaging app and saw only two names that eased his anxiety: one was Kim Junmyeon, and the other was Kim Minseok. Sehun smiled because suddenly he was the guy saved by the Kims.

He pondered for a moment, looking from one avatar to the other. Minseok was a smart and experienced guy, mature enough to give advice to anyone on Earth. Sehun admired him for being wise, the type of person who knew how to handle things without much difficulty.

Junmyeon, on the other hand, was an expert in children. He probably knew about these things and would likely be able to assemble a crib with bars. However, the problem was that Junmyeon and he had a history, and he couldn't quite figure out how to approach him in a way that didn't seem like a sleazy opportunist. So, he decided to call Kim Minseok.

"Hello?" Minseok answered on the fifth ring, his voice resonating over the loud music blasting from the speakers.

"Hello. Kim Minseok?"

"Yes... Who am I talking to?"

"Uh... It's me."

Sehun suddenly felt silly. Minseok didn't recognize his voice? Was his number not saved in Minseok's phone?

"The bank? At this hour?"

"What? No! Kim Minseok, it's me, Oh Sehun."

He heard Minseok's mocking laughter from the other end of the line and felt silly once again. Did Minseok not have his number saved?

"I'm messing with you, Sehun. You sound like a telemarketer. It's pretty funny, man."

Sehun was confused for a few seconds but decided to get straight to the point.

"Well... are you busy?"

"Wait, hold on... I can't hear you."


He waited for Minseok to leave the noisy place he was at, only to be met with a different kind of noise: full of conversations and loud laughter. Sehun didn't go to Seoul's nightlife, so he had no idea where Minseok could be.

"Okay, now I can hear you. Go ahead, man," Minseok said more easily this time without the loud music.

Sehun suddenly felt like an idiot. Why did he call him? It was obvious that he was being inconvenient.

"Look, if you're busy, I can call another time."

"No, of course not. Is something wrong with the baby?"

His words made Sehun feel more at ease and much softer. It was incredible to know that he cared about Aglomerado.

"Nothing happened. I just... have a technical problem here at home. I tried to assemble Aglomerado's crib, but I can't do it alone. I think I need someone to hold the bars for me, things like that."

Minseok laughed again, apparently finding the situation amusing.

"Well, I could come over, but I think I'll be late here. I'm bartending today as a side gig. I'll send you some help, alright? It might take a while because Chanyeol is a bit slow. But he'll be able to help you with that."

Park Chanyeol? Sehun tried to recall any trace of him from his 30th birthday. Park Chanyeol was a Dyo's partner, heir to the Park Corporation, and well, the former lead singer of a folk band in his spare time.

Chanyeol laughed heartily, making Sehun feel a bit uncomfortable. He couldn't help but think that Chanyeol was a bit too smooth and suave for his own good.

"Well, it worked for me back then," Chanyeol said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "But don't worry, I'm not planning on trying that trick with you. We're just friends, right?"

Sehun nodded, glad that Chanyeol cleared that up. He wasn't interested in dating or kissing a guy he barely knew, no matter how charming he seemed.

As Chanyeol continued assembling the crib, Sehun found himself observing him more closely. He realized that maybe he had underestimated Chanyeol. The guy seemed to have hidden talents and a lot more depth than he initially thought.

"You know," Chanyeol said, breaking the silence as he worked, "I was actually a bit surprised when Minseok told me you needed help with this. I mean, you're an engineer, right? Shouldn't this be a piece of cake for you?"

Sehun chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, I thought so too. But for some reason, I just couldn't figure it out. Guess I'm not as handy as I thought."

Chanyeol looked up and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Besides, it's not like assembling furniture is a measure of intelligence or capability."

Sehun nodded, appreciating Chanyeol's understanding. He realized that he had let his pride get in the way, not wanting to ask for help because he wanted to prove he could do it on his own.

"I should have called Minseok," Sehun admitted. "But I didn't want to bother him, and I didn't feel comfortable asking you for help either."

Chanyeol chuckled again. "I get it. I'm used to people having a hard time asking for my help because they think I'm some rich, entitled guy. But you know, I like helping people. It's nice to be needed for something other than my money."

Sehun smiled back at Chanyeol, feeling a bit guilty for making assumptions about him based on his appearance and background.

"I apologize for underestimating you," Sehun said sincerely. "You're a lot more down-to-earth than I thought."

Chanyeol shrugged, not seeming bothered by Sehun's previous assumptions. "It happens all the time. People see the wealth and the designer clothes, and they think they know everything about me. But there's more to me than meets the eye."

As they continued chatting, Chanyeol finished assembling the crib. Sehun was impressed with how quickly and skillfully he had done it. It made him realize that he had a lot to learn about not judging people based on appearances.

"Thank you for helping me," Sehun said gratefully.

"No problem," Chanyeol replied, standing up and dusting off his hands. "I'm glad I could assist. And hey, if you ever need help with anything else, don't hesitate to ask. Friends help each other out, right?"

Sehun smiled, feeling grateful for Chanyeol's kindness and understanding. Maybe they were off to a good start as friends after all. He learned a valuable lesson that day - that appearances can be deceiving, and it's essential to give people a chance before making judgments about them.

"Thanks, Chanyeol. I appreciate it," Sehun said sincerely.

Chanyeol patted him on the shoulder. "Anytime, Sehun. Now, let's get that crib set up for Aglomerado. I'm sure he'll love it."

Sehun agreed, feeling grateful not only for the help with the crib but also for gaining a new perspective on the people around him. With Chanyeol's assistance, the two finished setting up the crib, and Sehun couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had begun to blossom.

Chanyeol chuckled, finding amusement in Sehun's stern fatherly expression.

"Yeah, it's terrible, Sehun. Don't let your little girl fall into the arms of teenagers like I was."

Girl? Sehun felt his heart skip a beat. Raising a daughter would be quite a task, and he hadn't even thought about the gender issues surrounding Aglomerado. At what age would they discover their gender identity? Should he start researching societal gender roles and their potential influence on the baby? Should they raise the child without labels?

"I haven't thought much about gender yet," Sehun admitted.

"Oh, really?" Chanyeol looked a bit surprised. "Well, I always wanted a daughter. A little girl I could spoil, you know? Fill her life with all those pink things that little girls adore: unicorns, fairies, princesses, and whatnot. Ah, that would be a dream for me."

Once again, Sehun felt like he was talking to an alien. Park Chanyeol, the sensitive type? Who would've guessed?

"What if it's a boy?" Sehun asked, more out of curiosity.

Chanyeol shrugged. "I'd love him just as much. And maybe I'd still buy him unicorns, fairies, and princess clothes."

Sehun chuckled, finding it amusing. He wondered what Minseok would think of that, as he never imagined Minseok as the fatherly type. But perhaps it was just his prejudice speaking.

Chanyeol quickly assembled the crib, so fast that Sehun barely had time to figure out where each piece went. It was high time for Sehun to stop judging people based on appearances. He felt embarrassed but knew he didn't mean any harm.

Chanyeol stood up and admired his handiwork in the middle of the living room: a square and large crib with small bars in a medium brown color. The bottom and top were painted white. It was a beautiful crib, just as Irene had described.

"Wow," Chanyeol exclaimed in admiration. "This makes me... feel things."

Sehun understood what he meant, as the crib standing there in the living room gave a sense that something was about to happen, something eagerly anticipated. It was a strange feeling, something Sehun had never experienced before. Knowing that soon that crib would be his baby's bed made him emotional.

"Thank you, Chanyeol," Sehun expressed genuine gratitude.

Chanyeol looked at him, a genuine smile on his face.

"Don't thank me for that. Let's just celebrate that things are going as planned. You've got a crib now, and that's a first step, right?"

Sehun agreed. "It's a first step," he said, trying to convince himself it was real.

Sehun was going to be a father. That was the crib for his firstborn, and those were two undeniable facts. Holding a cup of tea, he suddenly felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, even more oppressive than the hot porcelain. It was scary not knowing what the next step would be or which one they should tackle first.

With so many thoughts swirling in his head, Sehun felt a bit overwhelmed with fear and frustration. Doubting his abilities at this point would be madness. Sehun needed to focus on the one thing that would matter most when his baby was closer to arriving: becoming the father his child deserved.

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49 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
49 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
49 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
49 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
49 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
49 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
49 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
49 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
49 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.
49 streak #10
Chapter 10: Baekhyun now understands how hard it is to be a chef, having to do multiple things at once. Maybe now he can relate to Kyungsoo more.

Irene and Sehun had a long awaited talk which might make their relationship better.