
Running from Fate

Night had fallen and no one was at the library except for me.

“Stupid Sung Mi,” I mumbled under my breath while rubbing my eyes. “Way to wait until the last minute to finish your research paper.” I glanced at the clock on the wall and let out a small grunt. It was already two in the morning and I was only halfway done. With a new feeling of determination, I hold up my hands that are balled into fists and shout, “HWAITING!” , only to look around me to make sure no one heard me.

It’s now 3:30 and I’m almost done, but my tired eyes keep on betraying my conscience. Slapping myself awake a couple of times does me no justice. *A quick nap won’t hurt,* I think to myself as I lay my head down on my arm. Closing my eyes, I drifted off.

“Run, princess! RUN!” I open my eyes to see a guard running towards me with a worried expression. The buildings around me are on fire and people are running from swordsmen. *What is happening?* Before he can reach me, a spear pierces his body and he falls in front of me. I jump back and face the person who threw it. I squint my eyes to get a better look at his face. For some reason, a feeling of betrayal washes over me and tears begin spill.

“Bang Yong Guk?” I whisper. How did I know his name? Looking at myself, I’m in traditional Korean clothes. Royal clothes. “What’s going on?” I say to myself, but the man hears me too and smirks evilly.

“It’s over princess. Your reign ends here,” he laughs maliciously. “You just had to side with your worthless mother.” Hearing this stranger say these words feels like my heart is being ripped out.

“TRAITOR!” I shout. *Why are things coming out of my mouth without my permission?* He darkly chuckles and draws his arrow.

“At least I’m not a woman who doesn’t know her place,” he counters. Before he lets go, two other men come stumbling into the room behind him.

“PRINCESS YUN SEOL!” they both shout. My eyes lock with one of them and I recognize him. He shouts again, but all I do is smile and call out his name as the arrow flies.


“Miss!” I jump out of my seat and look up at the person who woke me up. It’s the boy from the café. “Are you okay? You were shouting in your sleep,” he says softly. His voice sends shivers down my spine again and I try to calm my beating heart. These dreams keep on haunting me. But this is the first time I've clearly heard any names. *Bang Yong Guk.* I mentally remind myself to look up that name later.

 “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.” I eye him warily as he takes the seat across from me and begins pulling out his laptop.

“You might want to hurry up. You only have thirty more minutes left,” he says without looking up. I check the time and gasp, turning my laptop back on. He chuckles and continues working.

“What are you doing here so early?” I ask. He looks up and gives me a heart stopping smile.

“I’m just printing out my essay, unlike someone here who stayed up the whole night,” he lightly teases. I blush and duck my head behind my laptop. I’m silently scolding myself when I realize that I don’t know his name.

“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet. I’m Kwon Sung Mi,” I say, sitting back up. He smiles and I swear my heart skips a beat. *What’s wrong with me?*

“Luhan,” he simply says. “My name’s Luhan.” I mask my surprise and lightly smile back. I go back to work and unknowingly, his smile disappears into a sad frown.

*Have you really forgotten me?* he thinks. But smiles again, remembering that I had called out his name before I woke up.

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I'm really sorry for not updating! I've been really sick and I had to go to the hospital to recover. I'll try to update as soon as I get better!


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histowe-e #1
Ohmykrisus shizz is getting down I can't wait to see what happens next :O I don't know why but I kinda cried in few of the recent chapters I really like this story <33 please update soon !!
UPDATE SOON!! Luving the story!! :D
Love-music-life #3
ohmigooosh~~~ so good ^^ I hope you update soon. Such a kickass story
im only up to chap 16 but this is sooooo intense already!! ><
this story is so gud!! it shud have 1000 subbers~ ^^
MiniTheLittle #5
...wow new reader here *waves arm* anyway I like ur story :D how bout an update?? :P ^^
joojoo6 #6
daehyun pleaseeeeee!
Daehyun :3
I want her with daehyun even though he's acting like a jerk ATM...:/
And I'm happy to comment :)
Is it bad that I want her with daehyun and not Luhan??? :/
PLS!!~ Update soon!!!!!! :D I wanna see if Luhan actually meets Yuseoul!! :D
Ahhh~I'm curious to whats going to happen!!!! Please do update soon;)