Party Guests and Preparations

Epic Friday Night

A/N - here's the first part of my story. It's long enough as it is. Please read and enjoy! Leave a comment? :D

E.F.N. part 1.

Epic Friday Night

Jang Wooyoung was busily scribbling on a crumpled sheet of paper. He was so into his work that Nichkhun had called him 3 times already and yet he still didn’t look up.

“YAH! Jang Wooyoung!” Nichkhun yelled loudly.

“MWO?” Wooyoung snaps his head up immediately.

“Are you composing a song or something?” Nichkhun asks sitting beside Wooyoung.

“Ani,” He shakes his head, “I’m making a guest list.”

“For what?” Nichkhun wonders.

“My birthday party.”

“You’re having a party?” Khun asked surprised.

“Fine,” Wooyoung sighs, “a get together for my birthday then.”

“Let me see, Wooyoung!” Nichkhun happily snatches the paper from him. “Who did you invite for your birthday?”

Nichkhun then went through the list, “Wow. You know that’s a lot of people…?” Khun says to him.

“It’s no guarantee that they’ll all come, hyung.” Wooyoung tells Nichkhun.

“You’ve got a point!” Nichkhun laughed. He pockets Wooyoung’s list and gets up.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Wooyoung panics.

“Come on, Wooyoung!” Khun says, “Let’s tell the guys so we can help you prepare.” He smiles at the birthday boy to be.

Wooyoung shot Khun a smile and stands up. The boys exit the living room to go look for the rest of 2PM.

“Can I invite Angel, by the way?” Khun asks Wooyoung.

“Of course, hyung.” He smiles at Nichkhun.

The boys decided that Wooyoung’s party will be held at the rooftop of their dorm’s building. Chansung and Junho suggested they play children’s games to make it fun, but have adult consequences to make it even more fun. For example: Musical Chairs, and every time someone gets eliminated that person would have to do a shot. Nichkhun had told Angelica about the party and the preparations. Being the meddlesome person that she is, of course she helped out with the party planning. When she snuck a peek at the guest list, she saw that U-Kiss was there, texted Mari immediately about Wooyoung’s party, and demanded that the birthday boy allow Mari to go. She said though to keep it hush-hush from the Eli and the other boys until Wooyoung sends out invites. However, although she kept picking at everything, due to the experience she’s had with party’s she quickly got tables, chairs, balloons, a caterer and even a DJ for Wooyoung’s party. She even saved up on budget by promising the boys that her mother could make dessert for the party for free. Plus, the DJ she got was a friend so he isn’t even going to charge them and they wouldn’t have to worry about the music for that night. They were also arguing whether they’d buy and make their own drinks or go ahead and hire a mobile bar. They decided on just getting a Mobile Bar instead. Finally the 30th of April arrived. It was time to party.


Almost time to party…

Nichkhun taps Wooyoung on the shoulder, “So who are the people arriving today?” he asks the birthday boy. Wooyoung shows Khun the guest list.

“The ones crossed out have confirmed that they’re not coming. The one’s italicized are unsure if they’re arriving or not. The ones who are sure to arrive are in bold.” Wooyoung explains.

Nichkhun takes a look at the piece of paper. It was nicer now. Not crumpled and was type-written. He held it. Pink and scented? Angelica’s work, obviously.

Woobaby’s Guest List:



Wonder Girls





Brown Eyed Girls

After School


Girl's Generation

Super Junior


Big Bang

“Hmm, so you’re expecting around…? Nichkhun trails off. “60—? ”

“—50 guests…about 50 guests.” Wooyoung confirms.

“That’s not too bad.” Khun nods. Wooyoung agrees as well. Just then Angelica storms inside 2PM’s living room, the boys’ cordless phone in between her ear and shoulder, BlackBerry on her right hand and carrying a plastic bag with (party stuff) on her left hand.

“No! No! Be here on or before 6:30! We’ve been through this!” she yelled into the cordless. That got Khun and Wooyoung’s attention. You could literally see Angel’s face turning red and smoke coming out from her ears. As she was arguing with the caterer, she was also texting someone hastily at the same time.

“What’s up with your girlfriend?” Wooyoung mouths to Nichkhun.

Nichkhun shrugs. But his face was worried. He wanted to soothe Angelica but, she was in the zone. If he even dare distract her, she might actually bite him. No seriously, she would bite him.

“I’ll only accept your arrival at 7pm if you didn’t need to set up! I already gave you until 6:30. The original plan for you guys to be here by 5pm!” she was yelling into the cordless, pacing back and forth.

“Is she okay?” Wooyoung mouths to Nichkhun again.

Khun closes his eyes and nods slowly, “She’ll be fine.” He whispers.

“Why? Tell me why you can’t be here at that time?” She’s furious now. “If it’s transportation problems, I can easily get a truck to get you here, you know?” She yells. “So it is? So do we have a settlement, then?” she bargains.

Wooyoung and Khun were still staring. Was this appropriate? Especially since the party is in a good 6 hours.

Then Chansung comes jogging in holding out an iPhone, “Angel?” He calls her.

Nichkhun and Wooyoung were shaking their heads and making ‘no’ signals with their hands trying to warn Chansung that Angelica wasn’t in the best mood.

He doesn’t seem to notice it, “It’s the Mobile Bar.” He states. Angelica quickly snaps her head towards him.

“Tell them to be here by 6pm, and that they can only open the bar at 8pm!” Angelica says hastily to Chansung. “So no releasing of any alcohol until that time!” she adds quickly. He holds his hands up defensively takes the call and walks out of the room. “No! Not you! Be here by 6 o clock since we’re providing the transportation!” She yells.

She finally calms down and puts the cordless away.

“Angel, are you okay?” Nichkhun approaches her and pulls her toward the couch and sits her down. Khun sits to her right and Wooyoung hurriedly runs to the couch and sits to Angelica’s left.

“Totally fine. I’m used to it.” She smiles.

Khun looked at her like she was crazy, “How is an 18-year old used to that?” He asks her.

She shrugs, “I told you…I’ve organized things like these before.” Angel explained.

“You really sound like a professional, albeit slightly crazy, party organizer.” Wooyoung comments.

Angelica just laughs. “Btw, Kahi texted me and only a few of them are gonna be able to make it.” She faces Wooyoung after calming down.

He takes out the list, “They’re listed as unsure, anyway, so…” He shrugs.

Angelica smiles. “Wooyoungie. This is going to be EPIC.” She says to him excitedly. “Trust me. I’ve never organized a party that wasn’t epic.”

Nichkhun and Wooyoung exchanged glances. Angelica’s definition of epic…well, let’s just say at 16, she’s partied harder than the 2PM boys.

- - - - - - - -

It was only a few minutes past 7 when Wooyoung’s first guests arrived and it was none other than 2AM. Jo Kwon, Seulong, Changmin and Jinwoon went straight up to the rooftop to find that the afternoon class wasn’t complete. Only Wooyoung, Nichkhun and Junho were there. Angelica was already there too monitoring everything. All the stuff for the party had gone smoothly. The bar, the caterer, the tables and chairs, the DJ and the decorations—the setting up actually went pretty well. Her mom sent dessert good enough for about 70 people.

They greeted the 3 boys and waved at Angelica—who was talking to the guy in the bar (but she waved back). Then one by one the AM boys handed Wooyoung their presents.

“Wow, you each got me one.” Wooyoung chuckled. But was still surprised at what he received.

“Yeah, we couldn’t decide on what to get you as a group.” Jo Kwon said.

Junho, Nichkhun and Wooyoung laughed.

“So, we’re the first guests, huh?” Seulong asked taking a seat at the table right beside Wooyoung’s making himself comfortable. Jinwoon followed suit. Jo Kwon and Changmin remained standing.

Wooyoung nodded.

“Where are your other members?” Jinwoon asked the PM boys.

“Still getting dressed…” Nichkhun says.

“Ah, figures.” Jinwoon laughs.

“They’ll probably be up here soon…” Khun tells them. Jinwoon nods.

Jo Kwon’s phone goes off and he checks the message he just received, “It’s Ga-In noona, they’re on their way here already.” He informs the rest of the boys.

Angelica, who was making her way toward the group also had her phone in hand, she stops right beside Khun and rests her free hand on back of his chair and leans on it casually, “SHINee’s on their way here too, Key just texted.” She announced. “Oh, and they’re complete, Woobaby.” She smiles at him.

Wooyoung gave her a weak smile. That nickname always embarrassed him—the fact that Wooyoung was a good 2 years older than her, and she sees him as a kid. Khun just chuckles at Angelica’s comment.

“Hey morning class, how are you?” She smiles at them.

The 4 boys smile back. “We’re doing well. Just ended promotions.” Jo Kwon says to her.

“Ah, break. How does it feel?” She asks them.

“Less stressful.” Seulong laughs.

Angelica laughs as well, “You doin well, Jinwoon?” she turns to him. 91-ers…instant friends, of course.

“So chill right now.” He answers her. And they bump fists.

“And you, Angel, what are you doing now?” Jo Kwon asks her.

“Still heading the buyer department at Calvin Klein.” She answers him, “I am though trying to get in as a consultant for Forever 21…” she explains.

“Forever 21? I thought you wanted to work at Louis Vuitton or Dolce and Gabbana?” Nichkhun looks up and faces her.

“You honestly think I get a say on what they want to sell?” She raises an eyebrow.

“Good point.” Khun says.

2AM, the 3 boys of 2PM and Angelica continue on with small talk for a few minutes before Taecyeon, Chansung and Junsu arrive at the rooftop.

“Hey guys!” Taecyeon greets approaching the small group, “Oh, AM’s here!” He says surprised. He was glad though. He slaps hands with Seulong, then Jinwoon, then Changmin and then Kwon who was farthest from him. Junsu and Chansung greeted them the same way.

“What took you guys so long? AM arrived before you did and we live here.” Khun asked them.

“Yeah, and you all don’t look any different from how you usually look.” Junho comments. Khun, Wooyoung, Angel and 2AM laugh. Chansung, Taec and Junsu simply stared at their 2nd maknae. Junho flashes his hyungs and Chansung a big grin.

They engage in small talk again.

“Channie, there’s chips and dip on the table okay?” Angel points out to 2PM’s beloved maknae. Apparently, Chansung didn’t notice the food on the table. At the sound of chips and dip, Chansung quickly stared at the middle of the nearest table and saw that there were chips and dip. He was fighting the urge not to go at it.

“Hun, it’s okay…go eat if you’re hungry.” Angelica laughed. She treats Chansung as if he was her own child. She’s grown to love and care for the maknae and treats him like he was actually a kid. And although Chansung was a year older than her he didn’t mind having Angelica as a stage mom. During playful moments, Chansung even calls her umma.

“Can I really have a go at it?” Chansung asked her.

“Yes, go right ahead. It’s a party and there’s a lot of food.” She states happily.

The music was playing faintly in the background, the songs that the DJ was playing were upbeat songs you could move to. Enough for only the start of the party…it would probably go full blast once all the guests arrive.

More than 5 minutes passed and they see the door to the rooftop opening, and new guests were now approaching them.

“Noona’s are here!” Wooyoung announced to his friends (One Day + Angelica) of Brown Eyed Girls’ arrival. Instead of the girls going to them, it was the boys that went straight to BEG.

“Noonas! I’m so glad you could make it tonight!” Wooyoung reached them first and bowed. The girls bowed back.

“It’s a party, of course we could make it.” Narsha smiled at him.

“Wow, 21 is a big year, Wooyoung, you better really enjoy tonight.” Jea smiled at him. The rest of One Day greeted the Brown Eyed Girls after they said a few things to Wooyoung. Ga-In also handed Wooyoung their gift to him. He thanked them and put it on the table (where all the gifts would have to be placed).

“Narsha-unnie!” Angel goes up to Narsha, bows and gives her a hug. “What did you think of the tops I sent you?” She asked Narsha.

“They were gorgeous, Angelica!” She complimented, “Really fantastic work.”

She blushed, “Thank you.”

“Yeah. It was really something.” Miryo piped in, “I even asked Narsha if she could give the red one to me.”

“Oh! Unnie, if you liked the top, I can send you some stuff.” Angelica suggests.

“Oh no, it’s no bother, don’t worry about it.” Miryo tells her.

Ga-In was slowly looking around and observing the whole place. She was eyeing most of the details of the party, even paused to check out the breath-taking scenery of the rooftop eye view.

“Wow…this place looks pretty good.” She compliments.

“It’s Angel.” Taecyeon begins, “She’s like a manager-hyung when she was preparing the party.” He tells them.

“I barely got a say in it!” Wooyoung shares with his guests. “Even my guest list is pink!” He goes on to say.

The 2PM boys laughed cuz they knew that at some level, it was true.

“Hey, I always asked your opinion on everything…” Angelica defended herself.

“But thank you so much for all the hardwork you put into this.” Wooyoung smiled at her.

“Oh my God, it’s a party. I live for these things.” She announced.

Seulong pats Nichkhun on the back, “Good luck, buddy.”

Nichkhun just shakes his head and chuckles.

After the small episode about the party decorations, SHINee arrives and Angelica is first to greet them. Prior to 2PM being the boys she devoted her time to, she had become really close friends with SHINee. She ran to Key and gave him a big hug. “Oh my gosh! Missed you guys SOOO much!” She says not letting go. Key hugs back, “Missed you too!” he tells her. Angel lets go. She turns her head towards SHINee’s maknae.

“How’s my Taemin doing?” she puts her hands on the side of his face, “Are you eating well?” She asks him.

“Yes, noona.” Taemin answers with a smile.

“That’s a good boy!” she said ruffling his hair. Prior to her adoption of Chansung, was her adoption of Taemin first. She gave Jonghyun, Onew and Minho hugs as well.

“Now go greet the birthday boy!”

The SHINee boys approached their 2PM hyungs and bowed. They greeted Wooyoung and he thanked them for being able to come and they thanked him for inviting them.

“Oh, it’s no problem.” Wooyoung chuckles at Onew saying thank you.

Minho and Junho high-fived each other, casually greeting one another.

“How’s your ankle, Minho?” Junho asked him referring to his injury from one of their Dream Team recordings.

“It’s much, much better. I can do steps better already.” Minho explains.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Junho smiles.

“Especially now since we’re preparing for a comeback.” Minho tells his weekly teammate.

“Can’t wait to be backstage with SHINee.” Junho grins and they small talk some more.

SHINee also greeted Brown Eyed Girls formally, as a group. And all of them engaged in a conversation. Wooyoung was still surrounded by One Day with Chansung and Junho missing. Ga-In and Narsha were now also part of that circle.

Chansung was at another table happily eating chips. Angelica and Key also sat at the table doing some catching up. Taemin was also forced to sit with them. She had told Taemin to eat chips with Chansung. Taemin would have a bite or 2.

Jonghyun and Onew were engaged in a conversation with their noona’s Miryo and Jea. Minho and Junho, although seated at the same table as where Wooyoung’s group was conversing, was seated all the way across from him since they were having their own conversation.

Wooyoung, Khun and Taec were seated, and in the table right beside where Wooyoung’s table was sat Seulong, Junsu and Jinwoon. Changmin, Jo Kwon, Ga-In, and Narsha stood in the space between the tables so they looked like a compressed group.

The bartenders (if you will…let’s call them that) had started bringing out things for them to drink. Soda (M-i-n-i Coke) was the original idea. It’s what Wooyoung and Khun wanted, but Taec and Junho argued that their stomachs might be empty. So the round of beverages before dinner shouldn’t be acidic. So, iced tea was decided on and that’s what was brought out.

“You know, just a suggestion…” Narsha leans in towards Wooyoung, “you should turn the music up so this party would really get started…” She says.

“You think?” Wooyoung wonders.

“Oh please, of course. It’ll be so much more fun that way!” Narsha tells him.

“Yeah.” Khun seems to agree, “Start the party, Wooyoung.” He encourages his friend.

Wooyoung agrees. He stands up and excuses himself to approach the DJ, Taecyeon tags along with him. The 2 request a song and tell the DJ to turn it up louder. They requested Ne-Yo’s Because of You (since it was the song they performed in Japan). Right then U-Kiss members Dongho, Soohyun, Kevin and Eli—along with girlfriend, Mari—enter. Super Junior’s Kim Heechul, Hankyung, Eunhyuk and Donghae follow suit.

“Hey! I love this song.” Eli says as he makes his way into the rooftop.

You could also see Eunhyuk and Donghae nodding to the beat, wanting to dance.

Wooyoung saw from over at the DJ’s corner that he had new guests that arrived and so he quickly made his way back to the table to meet the new guests. Mari had greeted Wooyoung with a hug before U-Kiss did their greetings. “I owe you a gift!” She whispers to him. Wooyoung simply laughs. Then he accommodated his other guests. They bowed formally at each other, then U-Kiss greeted him one by one, Dongho and Kevin both gave Wooyoung their gifts.

“These gifts are from the whole band. Sorry the other couldn’t make it.” Kevin explained.

“It’s no problem. Thank you.” Wooyoung smiled and accepted the presents.

Then Wooyoung thanked his Super Junior hyungs for arriving and they all greeted him at the same time. Eunhyuk was the one who handed Wooyoung a gift from them. He bowed and put the gifts aside over at the gift table.

Angelica who looked over at the door and spotted Mari just stood up in the middle of her conversation with Key and ran and hugged her friend.

“Yay! You’re here!” She says excitedly. Mari hugs back. “Oh my gosh, this night is going to EPIC!” she tells her friend. They release the hug.

“I’m so ready to party!” Mari tells Angelica. They girls start to laugh. “Am I the only one who knows what to expect tonight…?” She asks the party planner.

“Of course.” Angelica answers smugly.

“And even at that extent, I don’t know what to expect tonight.” Mari says. The two laugh again.

The girls continue to talk for awhile and Key is left at the table. Chansung, after eating more than half of the bowl of chips stands up and moves back to Wooyoung’s table leaving just Key and Taemin.

Eunhyuk sits with Minho and Junho who are engaged in a deep conversation.

“Don’t fear, the Ace is here.” Eunhyuk announces as he takes a seat. Junho and Minho roll their eyes at him. But they greet him properly after that.

“What are you guys talking about?” Eunhyuk wonders.

“Comeback.” Junho shares.

“Hyung, aren’t you preparing for your fourth album?” Minho asks Eunhyuk.

“Yep, we’re getting ready for it already. Can’t wait to start promotions!” Eunhyuk shares with them.

“I know what you mean. It’s the best kind of stress, ever!” Junho laughs.

Minho and Eunhyuk nod. Seems the boys are gonna get pretty busy. Hopefully, they still have time to squeeze in the Dream Team in their busy schedules.

Dongho was now distracted with a conversation with Jinwoon. And Jo Kwon, Ga-In and Soohyun had moved to another table to have their own conversation.

After greeting the other party guests, Eli went looking for his girlfriend and Kevin went looking for his best friend. They were both looking for Mari.

Eli lightly smacks Kevin by the stomach, “See, she’s with Angelica.” He tells her. The 2 boys approach the 2 girls.

“Hey!” Kevin and Eli greet Angel.

“Hey guys!” She greets happily. She bumps fists with Eli and slaps hands with Kevin. “How are your boys doing?” Angel turns and faces Mari.

“Same-same.” Mari sighs. Angelica laughs.

Then Mari’s phone goes off, she checks the new message she got. “It’s Teddy.” She says looking at Angelica. Eli and Kevin were also listening in. “I don’t think 2NE1’s going to make it tonight.” She tells them. Angelica nods, “I’ll go tell Wooyoung.” She smiles and excuses herself. She runs off to Wooyong’s table.

“Soohyun was so excited to see Minzy…” Kevin says quietly when Angelica ran away.

Eli and Mari both turned their heads at the same time and stared a Kevin. Then they both laughed at his comment.

Heechul, Hankyung and Donghae, all from Heechul’s idea went straight up to the bar. They were informed that the bar isn’t open for any alcoholic beverages until 8 o’clock. Instead, the three decided to hang out by the DJ station. They were just there checking out the tracks that were up for tonight. The songs were good. Seems like it’s gonna be a whole lot of fun. The 3 boys from Super Junior all agreed to that.

Angelica approaches Wooyoung’s table.

“Hey,” Khun greets her with a smile, “You disappeared.” He says to her.

She laughs a bit, “I was talking to Mari and…oh my gosh! Key.” Her face drops. “I have to get back to them.” She remembers. “Anyway, I’ve got to tell Wooyoung something.” She informs Khun.

“Uh…go right ahead.” He says to her.

“Hey! Wooyoung!” She taps him. He turns around and faces her. Wooyoung’s face was all big grin; he seemed to already be having fun. That made Angel’s heart smile.

“Yeah?” he asks as he whips his head around and faces her.

“Uhm, 2NE1’s a no show…” She says to him.

“Aww…that’s too bad.” Wooyoung pouts.

“I know, right?” She says. “Oh well…”

Just then Jinwoon comes toward the group as well. He goes straight up to Wooyoung and Angelica.

“Nicole just told me KARA isn’t coming.” Jinwoon informed the birthday boy and the birthday planner.

“Who else is arriving then?” Wooyoung wondered.

“I know Hyuna’s going to be here.” Angelica said to him, “the After School girls will be here too.”

“Doojoon-hyung said he’ll be able to make it, right?” Jinwoon wondered.

“Oh right. Beast and 4Minute.” Wooyoung remembered.

Angelica discusses with Wooyoung for awhile the possible guests he would have that would be arriving. Then suddenly they just heard Khun blurt out, “Speak of the devil!” then he chuckles. Of course Khun was also listening to their conversation and as if on cue, through the door walk in the Cube Entertainment idols.

Doojoon and Yeoseob of Beast and Hyuna and Jiyoon of 4Minute.

“They arrived at the same time?” Angelica raised an eyebrow. Then started to laugh lightly.

“Apparently!” Khun laughed.

The 4 of them approached Wooyoung and greeted him. Wooyoung bowed to his hyungs and politely shook hands with Hyuna and Jiyoon. They also said their hello’s to the other guests surrounding Wooyoung’s table.

“HYUNAAAA” Angelica excitedly cheered as she hugged her friend.

“Ah! Long time no see!” Hyuna exclaims hugging her back.

“Mari is here too!” Angel tells Hyuna as she lets go of the hug.

“REUNION!” they both yelled happily.

Then Angelica laughs, “I’m sorry Jiyoon. How rude of me.” She excuses herself.

Jiyoon just laughs, “Oh my gosh, no worries…” She says calmly.

“So, okay…I have to leave you for awhile, just have fun, okay?” Angelica requests making sure that when she leaves them they’ll be alright.

“Sure, sure.” Hyuna says, “No problem.”

“Okay. Later!” Angelica waves.

Before she could leave though, Nichkhun grabbed her by the wrist, “Where are you going off to again?” He asks her.

“I’m sitting over there with Key.” She simply says pointing directly across from where she was standing. Nichkhun looks over.

“Why so far?” He asks.

“We’re catching up.” She smiles at him. “Khun, I have to go. I totally left him hangin…” she says to him.

“Fine.” He breathes out.

She smiles at him and pinches his cheeks. “You’re so cute, Nichkhun.” She tells him. He faintly smiles at her. “Just go ahead, I’ll keep Wooyoung company.” He tells her. “Thank you.” She mouths quietly then Angelica skips off toward the table she previously sat on.

On her way there she saw Eli, Mari and Kevin just standing around but were happily engaged in a conversation, she butts in telling Mari that Hyuna had arrived. Mari dragged Eli and Kevin with her and went and greeted Hyuna. Now, Eli, Mari, Kevin, Hyuna and Jiyoon had gotten together and sat on their own table.

Angelica on the other hand goes back and sits with Key. Taemin has now moved beside Key since, you know, Chansung was all abandon ship after he had his share of the appetizers. “Sorry about that…..” Angelica apologized scratching the back of her head.

Key chuckled, “No problem. Now, where were we?” he says to her, “Oh! Right…” and the 2 picked up where they left off in their conversation with Taemin just listening and laughing along.

By the time the guests were broken up into a lot of different groups it was already 7:30…no, make that quarter to 8 already. That was when Wooyoung whispered to Nichkhun, “I’m getting hungry…”

“You’re not the only one…” Khun whispers back.

“Let’s eat?” Wooyoung suggests. Nichkhun nods.

“Everyone!” Wooyoung calls the attention of his guests, “Let’s eat!” He announces.

It seemed that all the guests were happy about Wooyoung’s decision. He swore he heard a “YES!” from Chansung and Taecyeon. The buffet was now open for people to start getting food. Of course Wooyoung wasn’t the first in line. Chansung and Taecyeon had run up to the buffet table after their “YES!”

The 2 giants got a plate full of food quickly and sat on a different table from where they were engaged in a conversation with Wooyoung and his other guests. It was a table to the right of where Angelica and Key sat that was unoccupied.

Wooyoung then lined up to get his food with Nichkhun accompanying him and Junsu following shortly after. The 3 of them returned to their original seats. But Khun excused himself from Wooyoung saying that he’s going to go check on Angelica. The rest of the guests lined up as well.

Jinwoon and Dongho were the ones lining up right behind Khun, Wooyoung and Junsu. Then Seulong, Changmin, Soohyun, Jo Kwon, Ga-In and Narsha. Miryo and Jea lined up as well followed by Hyuna, Jiyoon, Mari, Eli and Kevin. Junho, Minho and Eunhyuk waited awhile before lining up—just so it wouldn’t be too long standing in line.

“I wonder what the food is…” Eli says to Mari.

“I hope it’s good.” Kevin says.

“It’s good.” Mari promises to her best friend, “Especially the dessert. That, I guarantee you.” She tells him.

“Why?” Kevin wonders.

“It’s just good, I know.” Mari says smugly.

“What if it isn’t?” Kevin persisted.

“Okay, Angelica’s mom provided all the dessert, trust me…it’s really good.” She told him.

Kevin nods, “Okay, I’ll just take your word for it.” He smiles at her as he holds on to his empty plate.

Nichkhun walks up to Angel and sort of interrupts her conversation with Key.

“Excuse me?” Nichkhun says politely as he approached Angelica.

“Oh hey.” She turns toward him and smiles. “Did you get you food yet?” she asked him.

Khun laughs, “I did.” He tells her, “I was wondering if you were going to line up. I’d accompany you.” He offered.

Angelica’s face lit up and she smiled at Nichkhun.

You make me tingle, tingle…” Eli sang as he passed by Key and Angel’s table and Mari giggled. “Finish the rap!” She told her boyfriend. “Then you have to do your part, Kevin!” Mari was telling her best friend. Apparently she was just having the boys sing for her.

Nichkhun and Angelica’s faces turned toward the passing group that was Mari, Eli and Kevin. Angelica laughs out loud and Nichkhun starts laughing as well.

“Thanks Khun, that’s really sweet. But I’m not all that hungry.” She tells him looking up at his face. Angelica was still seated and Nichkhun was standing.

Nichkhun sighs, “Okay, fine…” He says. “But, sit with us sometime tonight, okay?” he asks her. “I would’ve thought you’d monitor Wooyoung like a hawk…”

Angelica laughs and finally stands up. She and Khun move a few steps away from the table. “Wooyoung is a big boy, besides…you’re the one keeping him company.” She smiles at Nichkhun, “Now…I have to tell you. I miss Key so much, and I haven’t seen him in such a long time. Please allow me tonight to hang out with my best friend?” She asked from Nichkhun.

He stares at her for awhile then smiles, “Of course.”

Angelica hugs Nichkhun. “But you owe me.” He whispers to her. She rolls her eyes.

“Please.” She snorts and then pulls back. “Enjoy yourself with your boys, my God! That’s why I did this. Not just for Wooyoungie, you cutie.” She says to Nichkhun. He stares at her deadpanned.

“Ms. Party planner, you have to eat, okay? Try the food you actually ordered.” He told her.

“Yes!  I will! Goodness!” she promises. Then turns her head toward Key and Taemin doing a spoon-feeding movement; asking the two if they wanted to grab food. Key mouths a “Later”.

When almost everyone had gotten their first plate of food that’s when the last guest of the night arrived. After School members Kahi, Nana, Bekah and Jungah came in with bright smiles on their faces. The 4 girls went and approached Wooyoung immediately.

“Hey Wooyoung, sorry we’re late.” Kahi apologized. The 3 others bowed and greeted him as well.

Wooyoung was caught off guard with the sudden appearance of new guests. “Oh!” He exclaims, “Ah, that’s no problem at all. Thanks for making it tonight.” Wooyoung attempted a smile with a mouthful of food. The After School girls giggled. “Help yourself to food…” Wooyoung offered pointing the buffet out to them.

“Sure! Thank you!” Bekah happily says.

Nichkhun, who was still standing with Angelica looked toward the door and saw the After School members who just arrived. He nudged Angel.

“What?” Angelica looks at him—her voice sounding tired.

“Nana’s here.” He tells here.

“They’re here?!” Her attitude suddenly changes. Khun nods and points over to Wooyoung’s table. Angelica runs off to greet her After School sunbaes.

She gives Nana a big hug and starts chatting up a storm.

Nichkhun shrugs and excuses himself from Taemin and Key walking back to his table and taking his place beside Wooyoung.

Taemin looks toward Key, “Hyung, you know how girls say boys will be boys?” Taemin asks Key.

“Ne.” Key nods.

“Well…girls will be girls.” Taemin told his hyung. Key laughed at that.

“Maybe we should line up with Jongyun and Onew hyung.” Key said to Taemin.

Taemin nods, “Yeah. The food smells good…” He admitted.

Key and Taemin walk toward to where Jonghyun and Onew were just conversing and invited them to go get food. They saw that Minho was already getting his share of food with his Dream Team teammates. So the 4 other SHINee boys went and lined up right behind the After School girls.

Everyone seemed to have gotten their plates of food and sat at their own tables and ate and conversed in their own time. There was a lot laughing and utensils hitting plates. After dinner was probably when all the fun would begin.

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Visiting old fics!
nice fic~!
uhm, huhllo? why havent you continued this?!<br />
this sound amazing! like. crazy amazing fun we`ll only have with 2PM!<br />
:( aww, boo, Nix.<br />
your friend here isnt us.<br />
WAE?!<br />
<br />
sorry. i`m imposing. if you`ve got time, please, please, please.......!!!!!<br />
add to this.<br />