
Who is my HUSBAND!!?? HE or HIM!!?????

I woke up from my precious sleep just because of my phone beeping telling me that I’ve got new messages. I lazily take my phone with one of my eyes open. I hit the ‘read’ button.


F R O M: N A M S T A R

 “Annyeong  Ee-Jae!! Morning~~ let’s meet up today. I want to tell you something. I’m going to picked you up at 10:30. So, you better get ready now……. PPALLLLLIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! =’p  


                                                                     --YOUR BESTFREIND, WOOHYUN <3”

My eyes immediately wide open. “What!!!!!!!????????”  I looked at my alarm clock.  “omoooo!!!!! Is he crazy???? In this morning????? Ahhhhh!!!!!” I run to your bathroom to take a short shower, I only have 30 minutes before he picked me.

===========================SKIP//AT THE PARADISE’S CAFÉ===========================

“So, what do you want to tell me?? Is it really important?” I asked him while I’m eating my chocolates cake. After I’m eating my last bites, I placed my hand on the table. Why I feel nervous now??????????  

He looked at me, “I’m getting married.” My jaws drop and my eyes rounded as if I’m shocked but deep inside my heart, I’m broken. The guy that I love in front of me is getting married.

“omo!! Really? With who??” I try to hold my tears. I smile at him as if I’m happy hearing that ‘news’. I don’t want to ask him further when or how he got his ‘girlfriend’ cause I know it just make my heart hurt!

He still looked at me, “with my girlfriend of course!” he said back with a big smile. I can see that he’s happy. “ohhh….chukahae!!” I smile at him before I sipped my teas. While I was holding my cup and without I notice, he stared my ‘engaged’ ring and smirk. I already confess my love to him but…….. He said he just love me as a best friend. So, we’re just act nothing’s happen when after I confess to him because we don’t want to ruin our friendship. We just chat about the wedding, when, what time, etc…..

************************************ FLASHBACK//LAST WEEK on Tuesday night ***********************************

“Woohyun-ah……” I start the conversation when the waiter’s leave us after taking our ordered. I looked at him and he looked at the outside café since we’re sitting near the window.  

“nae eejae-ah????” he looked at me when I call him.

“hyunnie…..”hehe it’s my first time calling him like that. I’m blushing so I take a deep breath and start telling him,

 “I-im in love w-with y-you…..” I looked on the floor as if I’m talking to it. I’m shy.

“w-what!!?? Y-you love m-me??” he asked me again for sure and his voice are really shocked, I nodded.

“s-sorry eejae-ah….. But I only love you just as a friend. And I’m still loves my girlfriend. I’m sorry..” I looked at him with a bitterly smile. IT’S REALLY EMBARASSING!!!! I covered my face with my palm. I know I’m late…… but what can I do………. it’s not our destiny.

“anni…’s ok. At least you know my feelings now. Just act I never confess to you nae??” he nodded while giving me ‘I’m-sorry smile.’ Starting from that day I’m NOT calling him ‘hyunnie’ anymore.

****************************** END OF FLASHBACK *******************************

=============================ON OUR WAY HOME//IN THE CAR============================================

I closed my eyes and resting my head. “I’m getting married.” That words….that words is still ringing in my ears. I hope I’m deaf that time so I can’t hear that hurt words………….  I opened my eyes again. I looked outside then I closed it again. I remember something and I really regret for not accepting him when he confess to me. It was about 8 months ago. I think I never love him, just little bit maybe. That time I didn’t realizing that I slowly fall in love at him. I thought I only love my boyfriend but I’m wrong!! I’m fools right????

“ee-jae! Ee-jae! We’re here…” he bring me again to the earth with he’s shake my shoulder.

“ehh???” I open my eyes again and looked at outside and I see my house. “ohh… ok…” I opened the door and start to walk with my head down at my house without saying goodbye to him. Then I heard he closed his door hardly and called my name but I keep ignored him. I bet he doesn’t love me anymore. If he still loves me, why not he just accepted me when I confessed to him last week??

“ee-jae!! Wait me!!” he grabbed my arm. I stop walking. Without looking at him, I asked,


 He glared at me. “You ask me WHY???? Why are you being like this huh??” he asked me back.

“I think we must have to stop meet. Starting from today, I don’t want to see your face again!!” I said back still not looking at him.

“W-why??? W-what’s wrong?? Why you don’t want to meet me anymore??” he stuttered.

“We’re both getting married!!” he slowly let go of my hand. He’s shocking. I looked at him, my eyes are filling with the tears now, “and you want me to love you more!!?? I’m already suffering hearing you’re getting married. Is that what you want?????” I want to tell him like that but I just keep it in my heart,

“We’re both getting married!!” I repeat it again. He glared at me, “so?? Is it wrong for us who want to get married just for few weeks!!??” yeah you’re right; ours wedding is in the same date and the same time but with different partners.

“It’s not wrong! But I don’t want to see your face again! If we met again, I’m sure I’ll be loves you more until I can’t forget you even if I’m already married!! I want to give up without seeing your face!!!I’M HURT HEARING YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED! I’M REGRET FOR NOT ACCEPTING YOU!!” am I really said that??? After I let all the words that I keep it in my heart, I looked down. There was silent for a second. Then I feel his hand at my chin and lift it up.

“ee-jae honey….. Look here.” I looked at him. H-honey!!?? Huh!! You want me to falling at you more huh!!??“Don’t try to give up OK?? This marriage is really precious for both of us.” He wipes my tears away with his thumb. “Go inside now. Don’t try to hurt you or do anything bad OK?? Make sure you will came at ours wedding.”  P-precious??Ours…….wedding????He kissed my forehead. I want to talk back but I don’t know why I can’t talk right now, it seems like something stopping me from talking. Maybe because of shock what he does and what he said earlier. Then he leaves me with dumbfounded. But he knows that I love him, maybe this is his revenge for me when I’m rejecting him.

  ====================================AT MY ROOM===================================

  I lay my body at my bed after taking my shorts shower. I remember something and I feels regret it. Last month, my ex-boyfriend is ‘engaged’ with someone without I know. I thought he’s cheating but it’s the arranged marriage. His parent’s is arranging for him. When he’s telling me the truth, I didn’t trust him and break-up with him. If he really loves me, I want his proves and we will go back again. He’s proving it to me last week on Thursday afternoon after I confess to woohyun (on Tuesday night) with giving me ‘engaged’ ring by my mother. I mean eli’s give that ring to my mother. That was on Thursday, I didn’t stay at my home because I meet with woohyun’s. I already tell woohyun’s everything my problems; about I want his prove but not about the ‘engaged’ ring because I don’t know when he’s going to prove it to me.

My parent’s only staying at home. When we’re in the middle of our meeting my phone is ringing. It was my mother so I pick it up. She tells me that there’s someone want to engaged with me, so I asked her if it was eli, yeah my ex-boyfriend and she said it’s him. I’m shocked. He’s really proving at me and! This is his prove? Wow!! Daebak!! So, I told my mother just accept him cause I already promise to him if he can gives me a prove that he’s really loving me then we’ll be together again. I know I didn’t love him anymore but it’s my promises so I wouldn’t break it.  And now I’m wearing our ‘engaged’ ring but I’m still curious why he didn’t even called me or message me since we last meet until now.       

 ============================1 DAYS MORE BEFORE THE WEDDING==========================

 The times is going really fast, I only have 1 more days before my single’s life end. I don’t care about the wedding, the dresses that I should wear, the wedding’s invitation cards, etc…………. all I just want is alone. I’m crying and crying. First, it’s because I’m getting married with the person that I’m not love anymore, I’m feels regret for accepting him and not thinking it twice when I made decision. And second is…….. My best friend A.K.A my love is not sending me a message or called anymore….oh yeah, maybe he’s really busy with his wedding. I’m tired for keep waiting for his called. I think I want to go somewhere. I looked at my watch.5.45 pm?? I want to refresh my mind since it still early.

=============================AT THE SHINee’S BEACH===================================

I walked straight to a bench near the beach after I arrived at the beach. I sit there. I look around and I saw many couple’s here. Actually this bench’s and this beach have memories for me and woohyun when we’re in the first meeting.

************************************FLASHBACK//BEFORE THE BROKE-UP with eli***************************************

I walk and walk and keep on walk. I saw a bench and sit but I didn’t notice that the bench next to me has a boy’s group. My mind is not right this time. Today is a valentine day. I and my boyfriend want to celebrate. So I waited him at u-kiss’s café but suddenly he calling me, tell me that he can’t came because he has some important works to do. As for his girlfriend, I must understand him. I feel like I want to go to the beach and only this beach is the nearest one, I looked at my watch, it’s already 7:35 pm so it just  take a few minutes to go there by just walking. Waaa…. Daebakk!!!! There too many people here. Oh yeah, I’m forgot. Today is the valentine day. They want to celebrate with their lover too. But unfortunately, I’m only alone here without a boyfriend.

I saw a bench was empty but I make sure that’s no one there. I walked at the bench and I sit. Waaa…I’m lucky today. Then I remember something. I’m hurt. Why?? Because he broke his promise! We’re already promising that we will goes to celebrate it. I ask him if he’s busy on the valentine day and he said he’s not busy and earlier he told me he’s busy! Pfttt!! But I still love him that’s why I just let it go.

I didn’t notice that someone’s sitting beside me when I was thinking hardly. “Hey, sitting alone huh??” He nudged me. I’m jumping. “omo!! You scared me to death!” I put my hand at my chest and I saw the groupof boys is walking away from us. Why are they here?? I mean the boys and him. I looked at him with a puzzled look. Who is he?????? Why he’s sitting beside me???? We’re both complete stranger and we’re sit together!!?? Is he……….. GOING TO ME!!!???????? I’m having a battle with my mind with my eyes getting wider. In by inch I’m going far away from him.

He answers me as if he’s read my mind. “Firstly, I’m sorry for sitting here beside you. You seems like you didn’t care about the boys earlier. I think your mind is flying away that’s why you didn’t realize them getting nearer at you. They try to flirting you but you make them like they aren’t there, I wait 5 minutes for them to leave you but my instincts tell me that they might do something bad at you and I’m helping you with sitting beside you and acting like I know you. I just want to chases them away and I’m not with them. I’m sorry….” he apologizes. I’m stop ‘going’ far away from him. Waa!! It’s too long. I think it’s enough for one paragraph. I smile then I remember with a shocked expression, What if he’s going me instead!!??

He looked at my eyes, “don’t worry; I wouldn’t you because I’m a good boy you know!” I feel relieve when he’s telling me because I can see he’s really kind……sincere and…….handsome, gentle, cute, etc. You can describe a guy whatever you want because he’s already in that categorize.

Ok! I shouldn’t have a misunderstanding with my ‘heroes’. Then I saw at his hand, a bouquet of flowers. I’m curious so I asked him, “What are you doing here?? Shouldn’t you with someone to celebrate the valentine??”

“Actually, I’m already with her earlier to celebrate it but….when I confess to her and give her this flower but she’s rejecting me.”He said while looking at me. I can see his sadness and broken at his eyes. There’s has a space between me and him so He put the bouquetin the middle of us. Then heasked me back, “what about you?? Shouldn’t you with your boyfriend now??” I remember back, I looked down, “yeah you’re right but we cancel it today because he had something important to do now and now I’m celebrating with the beach. I’m sad. Really sad! “That’s mean we’re in the same condition now? Sad and without partners? ” I nodded, “haha what a coincidence! So, what’s your name?”

I looked at him and tell him my name,  “lee ee-jae, you??” I asked him back, “my name is nam woo-hyun, my father’s name is nam jae-hyo and my mother’s name is nam jae-young.” Haha he’s so funny! He knows how to make me smile. All my sadness is faded away when every single second, minutes, and hours with him. And he even gave me his flower! He said it’ll be wasting his money if he didn’t give it someone, so I , “Why don’t you just give this at boys next to our bench?” he glared at me with ‘I’m-not-gay-okay’ look. That’s how we’re getting along. I feel like we’re already friend for since we’re born.

****************************** END OF FLASHBACK *******************************

We’re really closed each other, the first meet until now we’re best friend. We’re already friends for 4 years; I was smiling like a crazy girl when thinking about him. “Hey, sitting alone again huh??” someone out of nowhere asked me at my ears with his hand at my shoulder, “omo!! You scared me to death!” my heart beats is beating rapidly. I know that voice, I looked back. It’s him! He sits beside me, waaaa~~~ it’s same like our first met.

“What are you doing here??” I asked him while looking at the sea. “Why? Is it wrong for going here? It’s not yours anyway.” he asked me back, I’m still silent. I’m not in my mood to talk with him right now. Then he realizes me that I’m not talking. “look, I’m sorry OK for being rude at you, it just I went to the shop nearby here to buy something then I remember this beach and our first meeting, I really miss that time, so I stopped here to recall back our memories. I wish I had a power and turn back our memories here. ” He’s explaining at me and I just answer with ‘ohh’s’ since I’m not in my mood.

 We’re talking for half an hour but most of all is, he’s the only one talking about the wedding; how’s will our life goes when we’re getting married, how many child will we have and bla bla bla but I don’t have intention to think about that. Then he’s saying goodbye to me with the hug for our last single’s life together. And his last words before he’s going to his car is, “are you sure you don’t want to go home now?  Don’t do anything bad and make sure you come to our wedding tomorrow. Bye.. See you tomorrow..” I’m still curious why he should said like that, so what if I come or not to my wedding tomorrow. It’s not his problem.

===================== THE WEDDING//AT THE TEEN TOP HOTEL===========================

I’m really nervous.. woohyun-ah… please come here and stop me from walking to the aisle. I wish I can ditch this wedding. Woohyun-ah…… please…. Don’t married with that girl. Please god. Please….. Stop this tim-- Then my mother comes to my room interrupting my prayers. She tells me while hugging me that my soon-to-be husband is already arrives and told me to get ready for 15 minutes more. Then she’s let me go. “Eejae-ah.. You’re big now. I’m going to missing you. You’re having your husband beside you starting from today. And you’ll become a mother soon. Eejae-ah, don’t be rude at your husband and just listen to him nae???And don’t ever talk back when he’s mad.” I looked at her, her tears are falling down. I’m sad. I’m not going to escaping this wedding. My heart is heavy just seeing my mother’s crying. I nodded, “nae eomma, I’m promise!” I was about to cry, then I heard a footsteps come in, “eejae-ah.. Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your make-up.” Someone’s remind me, “nae amy-unnie.” Then I heard footsteps come in again, it’s my appa, and I run and hug him.

“I’m going to missing you appa..” my voice is shaking, I know I’m going to cry, my unnie’s reminding me again maybe because of she heard my voices,  “ee-jae.. Hold it k? Don’t ruin everything.” My appa is patting my head then he broke our hugs, “are you ready my daughter??” he asked but I know he’s want to cry too. So I nodded. My father’s give me his hand; I accept it and he link our arms together.

We go outside for going to the aisle. “And now for the bride” I looked in around and start too walked with my father. Too many people come in here. Then I looked in front again and I saw my soon-to-be husband is waiting for me but I’m just looking his back since he’s not facing at me. My father gives my hand at him. I’m just looking down on the floor. “The wedding ceremony between NAM WOO-HYUN and LEE EE-JAE will now commence.” Wh-what!!?? N-NAM WOO-WOO-HYUN!!?? I’m shocked. That name! Is not w-woohyun, my best friend right!!?? So I looked up immediately. I’m shocking more. W-woohyun!!?? What he’s doing here?? Shouldn’t he attending his wedding ceremony?? I looked at him, confused. And he just smiles at me. Who is my soon-to-be-HUSBAND!!????? HE or HIM!!?????

 The priest continued again, “Marriage vows are about two people exchanging words of promise about their lives before the people that love them. If anyone objects to this wedding, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” I looked at back and I saw his parents. His parents gave me a smile. Omo!! This is…..really confusing! Why are they here????

I smile at them and looked in front again. We wait a minutes before we continue.“Do you, NAM WOO-HYUN take LEE EE-JAE to be YOUR wife in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish forever?” my heart beat is getting fast, omo!! What will he said? I do or not? He looked at me and said, “I do!” after we already heard what he said, the priest asked me, “Do you, LEE EE-JAE take NAM WOO-HYUN to be YOUR husband in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish forever?” they wait for my answers, I close my eyes and bite my lips, I should have said……..

================================ AFTER THE WEDDING//AT MY HOUSE===============================

I sit on the couch with my unnie and oppa while my parents are already at their room. We’re resting for a while, then my eyes lay at someone A.K.A my husband, he gives me a signal eyes telling me to go upstairs. My mother told me to obey all my husband order, so I stand up. My oppa, Lee sandeul sitting beside me, asked me suddenly, “Where are you going ee-jae???”

“u-uhhh… i-I just want to r-rest at m-my room” Istutter.I looked at them and all their eyes are at me, it’s awkward!! “ee-jae.. You can’t wait for your first night huh??” amy-unnie asked me with a devil smirk and having a high-5 with l.joe’s and sandeul’s-oppa, they keep teasing me. It makes me blushing. I look at my husband; I give him ‘help-me’ look. He understands and stands up too. He walks to me and hold my hand. “Sorry guys, but ee-jae’s is really tired and she wants to rest..” We bowed and we walked to the stairs. Suddenly we heard sandeul’s oppa shouted, “ee-jae!! Give us a pretty and handsome nephew and cute like us!!” We both look each other and blush. After we arrive at our room A.K.A my old room when I was single, he sat me at our king size bed while he facing me with the sit beside me but me, I’m having a eyes competition with the floor . We’re silent. Waaa~~ this is…..awkward!! “ee-jae..”he start the conservation. “emmm??”I looked at him.

“You’re still confused right??”I nodded. “Let me clear out everything”I let him talked, “firstly is….. The one who give you the ring is me”    

“B-but why?? Shouldn’t it eli who gives me??”I looked at him. “Did you still remember what you told me last time on Thursday when we met? You tell me that you don’t love him anymore?” I nodded. “Well, I think I still have a chance. That’s why I bring you out and let my parents come to your house, I told my parents to cooperate with your mother to tell you that ring’s owner is eli but actually it’s me . I know I still have a chance before eli.” “So that’s mean, I’m not married with eli but married with you and all of my family already knows it!!??” “a-ah!! That’s right!” I’m shocked. Omo!!!! He’s fooled me all this time!!??  And I think I’m understood now, because all this happen for me. No wonder eli’s didn’t texted or calling me.

“I know it’s confusing and I’m sorry but you’re already mine.” He took my hand and kissed it gently. I smile but my smile is faded away when I remember something, “why you tell me that you’re getting married with your ‘girlfriend’? “I just want to make you jealous and my girlfriend is you.” I smile embarrassingly. Yeah. I’m really jealous! I thought he’s really really had a girlfriend. “I thought I’m getting married with eli but now my husband in front of me is you, NAM WOO-HYUN” “That’s why I’m married with you because I don’t want eli’s to own you.” he kissed my cheeks. Hehe he’s so sweet!!!!  He hugs me and said “I love you, LEE---eh! Wrong! NAM EE-JAE!!” With that words, I hug him back and I reply, “I love you too NAM WOO-HYUN!”

He hugs me tightly, “ee-jae honey, from now on, I’ll call you ‘honey’ and you will calling me ‘hubby’ but you know what, I missed that time when you call me ‘hyunnie’ when you confessed to me.”I nodded.“But I don’t want to call you ‘hyunnie’ anymore” he’s taken aback; He broke the hug and looked at me. “b-but why?” I looked at him with serious face, “because you’ve been rejecting me when I called you ‘hyunnie’ that time and I promise to myself for not calling you that nickname again because it can make me remember again that embarrassing moment!” “Aigoooo aigoooo~~~ myhoney is mad huh?? I’m sorry.. but why don’t you just forget it and called me ‘hyunnie’ again like it’s first time you called me??”he caress my cheeks and kissed it.

“nae????nae????jaeballll?????”he lookat me with doing his aegyo. I want to pretending I’m mad, but I know I can’t so I avoid his stare and said,“I don’t know.. I’ll think about it again.” he’s keeping doing his aegyo and funny faces. He also kisses all over my face. I can’t hold my laughter so I burst out my laugh loudly. He knows I can’t stand his aegyo. “hahahahahahahhahahhahhahahahah!!”“yay yay yay!!! My honey isn’t mad anymore. She’s laughing hard, see see?? I know my ‘aegyo’ is too hot!! He jumps up and down at our bed like a kid who’s playing a bouncer, I’m stopping my laugh and he too. He sits beside me again and suddenly he said; with the hugs my waist and lay his head at my shoulder, “Honey….. Let’s prove our love with making a love now” He lay me down and he whispers a love’s words. I feel tingle in my ears but I like hear that. So I closed my eyes and hoping that our happiness will be last longer. The night is goes sweet and gentle……. “h-hyunnie h-hubby…..” I practice with my low voice while he’s ‘busy’ but I’m sure he heard what I said because he smile widely and give me sweetness kisses ever! 

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THE ENDDDDDDDDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


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 #############LOT OF LOVE#############



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Chapter 1: Awesome~ Ke~ ^o^
S-sone21 #2
Aigoo kiyeowooo :) Cute story, sistah. Keep it up!
Fighting :)