Hello !

Our Undefined Relationship

I've abandoned this fanfic ;___;
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated since err...  6/14 and its like 11/4
Its been more than 5months since I've updated and I'm currently thinking about rewriting the chapters 
since now that I look back, It seems so newbie.
I'd probably start rewriting the story soon and there might be changes around the fanfic.

On another note, holy o__o 33 subscribers.. and this fanfic only has like what ? 9 chapters only
omg let me love you guys please ? please ? please ? ;~;
Anyways I love you guys for still subscribing [ although I know that none of you really check LOL ] and the new subbies.

-Sweets . 

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lindanguyenn #1
This is really good, please update soon ! :)
Update soon!!
Ugh. It's so good so far. Amazing!~ ^-^
update soon XD
kekeke ~~ funny Himchan XD