Minho: This is Awesome!

A Day in The Life of...


“Hyung?” I try to tap Onew on the shoulder, but I miss so I try again, “Hyung? How many mics do we have on stage normally?”

He looks at me funny, and then a weird expression somewhat between sarcasm and amusement flashes across his face, “Five, we have five members, five mics.”

For some reason this never occurred to me to me before, and I started laughing hysterically, “Oh yeah... wait, so what about shoes? How many shoes between us?”

Onew covers his mouth with his hand, and made a muffled snort, “Minho, did you have more then me?”

I try to count on my fingers how many drinks I had, but lose count after three,” ...I... don’t really know,” I stare at my fingers mystified.

“Okay, okay, don’t get a headache, why don’t you drink some water now?” he passed me a clear glass.

“Kay,” I take a sip and almost choke as the alcohol burns my throat.

Everyone bursts out laughing as i glare at Onew, who smiles innocently.

“Oops,” he shrugs his shoulders.

Someone then came up behind me and suddenly pulls me off the barstool, “Sorry Hyung, I can’t watch this anymore, “Taemin’s voice says behind me.

“Oh hi Taeminnie, when did you get here?” I smile up at his sullen face.

When he doesn’t respond, I look back at the counter to see they are now picking on Key, who had fallen off his barstool.

Taemin plops me down next to Max and he passes me a clear glass, which i eyed warily.

“It’s not anything with alcohol Hyung, it’s water, just drink it.

I sip it at first, then start to drink it when i know it really is water, “Kamsahamnida,” Taemin nods but otherwise just stares at the others.

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