Chapter 10: The Escape

He's Perfect: Book 1

[Lay's POV]


I'm not coming home 'till next week. Take care of Luhan or else.

He texted me, early in the morning, giving me instant stress. But I couldn't reject, since it is Luhan. I must repay his pain by taking care of him.

I looked to my side, and saw a big sleeping man. I slapped his bum and made him jump off the bed. "Wear some clothes." I said.

It was the first time I saw Kris faint blushed, regardless of the nights that he drinks alot. He then grabbed a towel, but before putting it on, he slapped his behind infront of me, making a loud "slap!" sound. I laughed at his unusual humor.

I thinked fast and thought that I can get out now and look after Luhan without Kris noticing, so I tiptoed my way out of our room and grabbed my coat that was blanketed on our leather sofa. I then rushed and walked my way to the old apartment.


[Kris' POV]

He was really hot last night and I thought he is really mine, but I followed him. I pretended to take a shower but I hid my black clothes behind the towel, changed and followed his tiptoed steps. He brought me into a unfamiliar place. It was pre-abandoned, with not that much people reside. I saw him walk towards an old apartment, covered with brown bricks and growing green-brown veins.

I was starting to get suspicious.

[Sehun's POV]

After concluding my ideas yesterday, the first thing came into my mind is the street where Lay was standing at the other day. After I got there, I blocked the strong sunlight by covering my eyes, I was hovering my sight on where I could find more clues. Then I saw a tall, dark clothed man walk into a thin road. He was suspicious so I tried to follow him.

[Kris' POV]

I walked slowly, avoiding the garbage from the unspacious pathway, following Yixing's trails. He turned left and I jogged a little to catch up on him. He took that path because there were people on the other lane. He was avoiding their sight. I slowly walked towards the apartment's boundary then I felt something was following me. I hid in a tree and waited.

[Sehun's POV]

I almost caught the man, but he was too fast and managed to hide. I catched my breath from all those running and he brought me to an old apartment. There were people just feet from me, so I tried to asked them. "Is there any chance that... that apartment over there is occupied?" I asked formally to the elders, still catching a few more breaths. The shook their head as a sign of 'no'. I bowed to them and smiled, giving them a sign that I was asking a permission to enter the house.

[Kris' POV]

It was Sehun, who might have followed Yixing's trail too. I was about to call him, but I was worried that Yixing might recognize us. And he can hide everything in a matter of time. I followed Sehun's footsteps carefully, entering the abandoned building.

[Sehun's POV]

The steps I was making was echoing, but it weirldy got stronger and louder. I faced my back quickly and leaned on the wall. I rolled my eyes, pretending I wasn't scared. It was Kris who I had been following all this time. "I--" He cut thru my sentence and pushed his upwarded finger in my lips. He was telling me to stay silent, as if he was investigating some movements.

[Kris' POV]

We sneaked upstairs, I was the first one, and saw Yixing talking to a man. His face was covered by his hair so I can't recognize him. Then suddenly, Yixing looked at my direction, luckily, there was grills and a large column to hide on. He stood up. Me and Sehun hid behind the thick layers of bookcases, and we hardly fitted ourselves in. "Is someone there?" Yixing asked the wind.

[Sehun's POV]

While Kris was paying attention on Lay, I glared at the man who was lying on the floor. The man, who was unsupported, fell in his position and slammed his  head in the wooden flooring. It caught Lay's attention and he came to aid him.

"Luhan, are you okay?"

My eyes once again gaped wide.

[Kris' POV]


I shouted as I got out off our hiding place, giving Yixing an angry look. "What are you doing with him, you bastard?"

My words pierced his skin, making him freeze in fear. I walked slowly closer to him, and he crawls backward, leaning againts the wall. I reached for the hem of his shirt and pointed my fist at him.

"Kris, stop. It's not Lay." Sehun told me in a calm voice. He was talking to Luhan, who was weak and hungry. And that made me even more furious, I once again faced Yixing and loaded my fist until.

"Kris... S.. stop." Luhan's weak hands grabbed my aiming fist and slowly brought it down into my side. I lost grip of Yixing's shirt and he fell in to the ground.

"It...s Chan.. yeol... who... did this... to me..." He said in a very weak voice, gasping and catching deep breaths in each gaps. He then fainted, luckily, I was there to catch him.

[Sehun's POV]

Kris carried Luhan by his arm and I helped Lay to stand up and I hooked his arms around me. I was jealous, but Kris was stronger than me, so I can't argue over that. We brought Luhan to the hospital, thanks to the elders who drived us to there. While the two of them went home, and will have a serious discussion.

Luhan and I was left there, alone. I rested in his arms while holding his hands. I can feel him move, but it was only his fingers. He is really starving and exhausted. I can still hear him whispher my name, but it was only his lips who is moving. He was out of oxygen, and he needed rest.

I met the doctor outside and said that Luhan can get out of the hospital by evening, he just needs to bring an IV drip on our home. We went home using Xiu Min's van.

"Luhan, are you alright now?" Lay asked him. Kris requested for them to stay at our house for the mean time until Luhan recovers well. Luhan smiled at him, but he was still speechless.


The next day, I took Luhan to our favorite restaurant. Since he was able only to intake liquid, I ordered him his favorite soup and a tea. He smiled all day, but I was still worried that he still didn't say a word. I took him at a sea-view. There, he held my hand and we felt together the strong breeze running in our skin and hair, passing throught the open passages of out necks and shoulders, legs and arms. I kissed him in the forehead. I cried in him because I am very worried of him. He was in his wheelchair, and I can't stand him when he's like that. My tears continued falling. He then cupped his hands in my face, catching some of my hair. "Don't cry Sehun. I'm okay." and then he kissed me.

It was another passionate one, but he was sending me love thru it. Sending me care, sending me support, sending me strength. I hugged him and we went back home and slept. He's bed was seperated from mine, and I slept in my bed while Kris had his turn on Luhan's side. I know there is nothing going on between them, I am just pity of Lay. He is... he doesn't know who to run on. So I called him and invited him to a little open chat. He revealed his feelings and he was calmed. He went back to the living room and hugged Kris.

"I'm sorry." Kris whisphered, holding Lay's arms.

"I love you, Wu Fan."

"I love you too, forever, Yixing."

I can see Luhan smile at them, he was happy for the both of them. That's the time that Kris realized he was only for Lay. They chatted all the night with Luhan, and I slept...


with a smile...





"Everything is just getting started."



OMG. Personally, I love this chapter! And here is the last update for the night. Enjoy HunHan shippers. Don't forget our hyung's birthday tomorrow!

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The 39th's link is below this story feed. So I hope you'll check it out. Thanks ♥


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Chapter 13: OH MY OH MY I CNT.... I wonder how this goes T0T
Chapter 7: i'll stop here. OMG. You're typing style here is quite cute and young <3<3 i love how you placed in IU's song~~~~ I can imagine every every single thing. SO FLUFF <3
OMG ILL READ THIS <3<3 Young authornim days of writing :)))))
Syimah7100 #4
Chapter 17: it too sad :( i cried when i read the letter D:
Locket12 #5
Chapter 17: Why would do that to me? Now I'm gonna be depressed for the rest of the night
Chapter 17: OMGGGG! i cried so much. D: this was good
Chapter 17: I cried my eyes off! ;~~~~; I'm not usual emotionial (is that even word?), but now I cried so much and it never ends, 'cuz I remember this story again and again.. ): But this story was really great, but I don't like sad endings 'cuz then I cry and it never ends... blah. But you get the point! : I cried at the end and I loved your story! okayh bye~ ^ ^"
ticctacc03 #8
Chapter 17: Waaaaaa.....Y..Y..Y... T.T
-infinitelyours #9
Wasn't expecting this orzzz ;n;. Great story though~ kkk.